Chapter 6 : Let the game begin (2/3)

Jisoo slowly reached out his hands because of the small amount of sunlight passing from the curtain of the room to his eyes. He felt something was missing in his arm. When he decided to open his eyes, he sees Jeonghan on the corner of the bed while his back is facing him. he slowly moves close to the pretty boy and sees his angel is still in his dreamland. He smiles suddenly and wraps his hands around his bestfriend's well curved waist while his head rest to his shoulder. He felt Jeonghan moved but the pretty boy just rest his head into his arms. Just when he was about to give Jeonghan a good morning kiss on his forehead, a loud siren greets them that made both of them jumped out of surprised on the floor

"GOOOOD MOOOORNING~" Taehyung enters the room holding the horn while moving around the room energetically

Jisoo and Jeonghan was in shock for a minute while Jeonghan hides his head on Jisoo's arms as he was still sleepy

"RISE AND SHIIINE~" Taehyung moves into the window and widely opens the curtains that made Jisoo quickly blocks his vision by his hands

"taehyung! there's no fire here!" He shouts to his not so normal cousin because of the loud horn covering the room

"WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU" He gestures confusingly

Both Jisoo and Jeonghan looks at him and shouts back "TURN OFF THE HORN"

"OHH~ OKAY" taehyung does it quickly and looks at them brightly "did you guys sleep well?"

They just look at him with a half irritating face but eventually gave in when Taehyung smiles more freshly at them

Jeonghan smiles back and greets him "Good Morning too Taehyung. Whats with the alarm clock?"

"oh I always use this horn to wake me up. its very useful so I try it out to you guys" He innocently answered

"very effective method indeed" Jisoo continued

"correct" Taehyung added

"So, are we going to start today?" he asked while still sitting on the floor together with his bestfriend who still looks sleepy on his shoulder

Taehyung nodded and looks at his watch "oh my!"

"what is it?" Jisoo asks as he looks at the latter who is pretty shocked

"we're late!" He looks at his cousin with a confuse face "late for what?"

"for today hyung!" Jisoo can't seem to understand why are they late

"what are we doing today?"

"I guess Grandma didn't tell you" Taehyung whispers to himself

"Everyday different juries will observe us in everything we do in the company! including our time! Now faster hyung! we need to go to the company at 9 am!" He explained while pulling Jisoo up and pushed him in the bathroom

"wait wait! what time is it anyway?" Jisoo said as he gets his towel un rush

"hyung its already 8:30 am!" And with that, Jisoo wides up his eyes and quickly enters the bathroom

Taehyung doesn't know what to do as he panics putting all they needed in the suitcase

Jeonghan just smiles seeing his silliness as he stands up and walks towards him "let me help you with that"

"thank you hyung~ I'll just get my suit and get ready as well" Just when he was about to exit the room, he looks once again to the pretty boy

"ah if you don't mind, can you also fix Jisoo's suit?" Jeonghan nodded in response and gives him an ok sign

After putting all the documents in, He walks into Jisoo's closet and picks his suit. After picking it out, he puts it in the bed along with his socks, shoes and necktie.

after a few minutes, Jisoo goes out in the bathroom and panically went into his closet but Jeonghan blocks his way "Jeonghan I'm in a hurry"

"I know. Thats why I prepared the things you will be needing" He points out to the bed

Jisoo just smiles and looks at him "thanks"

"now move your feet silly head" Jeonghan said as he left the room to let Jisoo prepares himself

He walks into the living room and sees Taehyung struggling to put his necktie

"Argh! Why do I keep on forgetting how to put this thing?" he said to himself.

Jeonghan just laugh a little and walks towards him "let me help you"

he holds Taehyung's necktie and quickly finishes it in a blink of an eye "there"

"wow thanks. How do you know how to use this stuff?" Taehyung said as he was now prepared and only waiting for Jisoo to finish up

"silly, I also work in the office" He said

He receives a small "o" on the latter that made him smile again because of it. He sits down on the couch after helping him and seems to find his phone

"ah taehyung have you seen my phone? I think I left it here last night" he said while looking around the living room

"oh yeah its on the DVD player. it keeps on ringing awhile ago though" Taehyung innocently answered

Jeonghan calmly gets it to where Taehyung had said and was confused seeing 43 missed call from his friend Jungkook.

Just when he realized, he widens up his eyes in shocked

"I'm dead!" he gasped

"what? you're still alive hyung" As he was about to say something, Jisoo comes out from the room

"I'm ready let's go" He immediately said

Taehyung views his watch and begins panicking again "Hyung let's go! its already 8:50 am! lets make a miracle to get to the office by 9:00 am!"

he quickly holds Jisoo's wrist and was about to exit the room when Jisoo suddenly went back to the living room and gave a tight hug to Jeonghan "see you later angel"

Jeonghan flashes into red while his heart starts to pump abnormally as usual. Jisoo breaks the hug as he waves goodbye to Jeonghan.

still in shock, Jeonghan slowly holds his reddish cheeks as he calms his heart. he laughs immediately realizing Jisoo can still make him like that even if they are not what they are in the past anymore.

His moment was interrupted when his phone vibrates again. He comes back to his senses and nervously answered the call

*picks up*

Jeonghan : H-hel-


He moves his phone away from his ears as a loud voice welcomes him

Jeonghan : yah! I'm still older than yo-


Jeonghan : don't make it sound like you've been there for like 24 hours

Jungkook : 5 hours hyung, 5 hours!

Jeonghan : okay okay. I'm sorry is just that...

Jungkook : Let me guess, you overslept and forgot that you need to pick me up today?

Jeonghan : correct

Jungkook : argh! just pick me up!

Jeonghan : alright alright. Let me change my clothes first

Jungkook : seriously?!

Jeonghan : yeah I'm serious

Jungkook : just hurry up. My head is aching. I wanted to sleep badly

Jeonghan : I'll be there in 30 minutes promise!

Jungkook : Don't make promises if you will break it in the end!

Jeonghan : yah! I didn't promise to pick you up as long as I remembered!

Jungkook : Argh! Just move your feet already!

Jeonghan : fine bye!



Jungkook sits again to where he was seated for several hours. When he tilt his head a bit, he sees Jeonghan's cat awake. He quickly grabs him for he knows this cat is really a troublesome and this place is not apropriate to do such silly things by this creature. After grabbing him, Another stewardess came into his way. He is really annoyed by this time since this is probably the 12th time ladies are coming into his way.

"Ah sir?" The lady greeted him with a sweet smile but he only received a not so pleased eyes by Jungkook since his face is covered in a mask

"yes?" he plainly answered

"Can I at least call you a taxi to where you will be heading today?" He politely offered

"No thank you. Someone's getting me now" He responded

"Ah okay" Jungkook raised his eyebrow when the lady is not yet leaving in front of him

"But can I accompany you for now before your friend will get you here?" She smiles and then sits beside him

Jungkook tilt his head and face the girl "Don't you have work to do?"

"I have but-" The lady stops what she was about to say when Jungkook looks at her eyes charmingly

Jungkook saw the blush on the stewardess' cheeks that made him smirk inside his mask

"confirm" He said to himself. Whenever he felt that ladies are starting to impress him, more like hit on him, He confirms it by charming them with his captivated eyes. When he finally confirms it, he quickly doesn't entertain them anymore. It's not that he do not preferred ladies, he just don't like them and besides he doesn't know why a weird businessman captured his ice cold heart anyway.

He quickly eyed his phone again and fixed his earphone. He knows the lady are saying something but he increased the volume so that he doesn't bothered to listen to her and besides, It's G Dragon's music. His favorite artist is on the track. He better listen to his song with his whole heart.

After several minutes passed, The lady tapped his shoulder again. He secretly rolled his eyes and plugged out one of his earphone "what?"

"Are you listening to me?" Jungkook just look at him. He thought this lady is not that blind to see he was listening to his music and not to her

"I'm sorry what is it?" He said sarcastically

"Ahm It's really a crazy thing" The girl said prettily

Jungkook looks at her annoyingly and begins to plug in his earphone "if its so then don't say it anymore"

Just when he was about to turn away, The girl holds his arm "ah even so, I'll still ask"

he turns again annoyingly "what?"

"Ehem... Will you do something today? Like if you don't have plans, I can tour you around" She explains while looking shyly to Jungkook

Jungkook laughs a little sarcastic while turning around his whole body to look at her with a better view. He removes his face mask and was quite sure the girl was now burning his heart out as she could now see his beautiful face.

"Are you trying to ask me on a date by chance?" He said smilingly. He bet the girl is now dead on the inside witnessing his killer smile

Just then he sees Jeonghan in his peripheral vision getting out of the taxi and was entering the airport. He smirks thinking of a not so deadly plan.

"You could say it as a friendly date I guess" She said while moving his bangs into his ears.

Jungkook really hates girls doing those things intentionally. With just one look, he could tell the girl is not pretty innocent at all. well he guess he got the look.

He smiles at her once again and felt that his phone is vibrating. He knows it's Jeonghan and quickly answered it

"Ah excuse me for a second" He said to the girl. The girl just nodded while still looking at him

*Picks up*

Jeonghan : Yah! where are you?

Jungkook : I'm here in the waiting area babe

Jeonghan : babe?!

Jungkook makes sure he said it out loud for the girl to hear. He thought Jeonghan will play it smoothly since he looks beautiful more than this girl in front of him

Jungkook : yes babe?

He felt the stewardess blush once again but he knows this time, it is because of embarassment.

Jeonghan : you're disgusting. Anyway I can see you now

Jungkook : okay. I could see you too babe. Hurry up I miss you so badly

Jeonghan : knock it off you little brat


The girl was about to say her goodbye but Jeonghan reached the waiting area.

"yah-" Jungkook gives him a kiss on his cheeks that made him confuse for a minute


he puts down the cat and hugs him before he could say something.

Jeonghan was about to break it annoyingly when Jungkook whispered something to him

"This girl is trying to impress me for like forever! Now can you please play along hyung? just to pay your debt to me"

Jeonghan looks at the girl from head to toe and finally understands why his friend doing some weird things to him. He quickly nods and takes it as a signal to break the hug.

"sorry for being late babe" He said while trying to wash out his face being disgusted with the call name

"It's okay. At least you're here" Jungkook winks and Jeonghan pretends he likes it where in fact he is really disgust

"oh sorry about the interruption" He looks at the girl and was trying to look apologetic to her. He wished he succeed

"n-no it's okay" The girl assured

"Ah Babe, She entertains me while you are still not here. She was asking me awhile ago if we can have a friendly date. Is it okay to you?" Jungkook asked innocently on the pretty boy

"really?" Jeonghan looks at the girl with not so pleased face

"a-ah yeah but I thought he was alone. Well, I guess not. If you could excuse me, I still have a work to do." She walks away awkwardly

When the girl was gone, Jeonghan irritatedly removes Jungkook's arm around his shoulder

"You're so disgusting" He said while rolling his eyes. He quickly notices his lovely cat when Hansoo moves around his legs

"Hansoo~ my baby~" He puts it in his arm immediately and gives him a numerous kisses

Jungkook watches him and raises his eyebrow "who is disgusting now?"

"he is not disgusting" He fights back

"Yeah right. Let's go. I need a deep sleep. I'm so tired" Jungkook said while taking his baggage one by one off the cart

"okay~ let's go"


"Welcome" Jeonghan greeted while opening the door for Jungkook

"They are not home as you can see. Business matter" He said

"Is Taehyung with him?" Jungkook quickly asked

"yeah. Don't freak out handsome stalker. they would just work. You need a day off stalking him anyway"

Jungkook pouts while moving his things inside the condo

"so this is the condo of your boyfriend" He said while walking around the living room

"well actually best friend" He corrects

"Are you shy calling him your boyfriend hyung?" He teases

Jeonghan just smiles while making Hansoo slept on his little bed on the floor "No. It's just that... I don't know. Taking things slowly but surely I guess"

"Yeah right." Jungkook yawns while laying on the couch

"It's hard if you don't have a label hyung" He said while slowly closing his eyes

"Who needs a label if you know he loves you?" He fights back

"hyung all people needs a label. Not all people knows you own him or he owns you."

Jeonghan thinks for awhile and doesn't know why his heart feels a little stab on it "We don't need that"

"I guess"

"Just go to sleep" He said while throwing him a pillow

Jungkook caught it perfectly and lays comfortably on the couch "Just saying. Suit yourself"

"yeah yeah" He gestured him a whatever hand while taking out his phone to distract him

"Wake me up when Taehyung finally comes home" He said before finally entered his dream land.

Jeonghan thinks for awhile to what his friend had said to him. He eyed his friend while leaning to his hand placed on top of his chair and his legs on the arm of it.

"Well, He said I'm his wifey and he is my hubby. I guess that's enough" He said to himself but not a minute after, he growls into frustration and change his position

"He said I'm his real fiancé that day" His face brightens but he added "but he doesn't propose to me so we are not engaged" He pouts

"Argh! What am I thinking?!" He sits straight and combs his hair

he looks at his friend who is sleeping peacefully "Why can't you shut your mouth sometimes"

He stands up and went to the room to get a blanket. He spreads the blanket to his friend and removes his shoes. After doing it, He moves closer to him

"Honestly, I'm not supposed to do this kind of things to you since you're not my little brother" He half-jokingly said

before standing up, he thinks again what's bothering him awhile ago. He smiles one last time and looks at him before standing up

"Do you know what?" He combs Jungkook's bangs away from his angelic face "He never forgets to say I love you to me since the day we confessed to each other. I don't know if he said I love you to me this morning since they are both in a hurry" He laughs lightly but continued "but... I can still feel it and I will always do"

He finally stands up after giving him a kiss on his forehead.


Jisoo and Taehyung works non-stop on the building. He doesn't goff around and teaches Jisoo seriously. Since Jisoo already have a little background knowledge about their business, Their work for today is not that hard for them.

When they are in their break, Jisoo quickly gets his phone into his table. Ever since they start working, He doesn't have the chance to hold his phone. He messages his best friend right away since their break is not that long and needed to work as soon as possible again.

To : Jeonghan

Hey~ Sorry for being rush awhile ago. Have a nice day!

Oh and please, Don't do stupid things in my condo, stupid :P

I love you :)

3:40 pm He sent it right away and finishes his snacks. He hides once again his phone and follows Taehyung on the other room.

After an hour, They finished working. Jisoo said to Taehyung to take a rest first in the office before going home.

"It's been a long day today hyung" Taehyung said while laying on Jisoo's couch in the office

"Yeah so tired" He responded

"but seriously hyung, They can give you this company for like 3 months only. I mean for what I see, You can handle it properly already. No need to train anymore" His cousin tiredly but seriously looks at him

"contracts are sick" He smiles jokingly

"yeah. Our great great grandfather must have been very picky and sensitive" Both of them laughs while resting their backs on the couch

Just then Jisoo remembers he had message his bestfriend awhile ago. He stands up and gets his phone right away. He smiles widely seeing on his screen a 3 message received.

"This guy, Why parted the 3 words eyy?" He laughs lovingly

He opens it quickly and changes his mood a little bit knowing it's not from his best friend


From : Hansol

Hyuuuung~ wanna hang out tonight? Same place, 7:30 pm. Me and Seungkwan will be waiting for you~ <3

P.S I don't take no as a answer ;)

3:55 pm


From : Hansol

Hyung! why are you not replying? You are coming right? Please come~ pretty please?

4:10 pm


From : Hansol

Reply or not, we will still be there waiting for you :3 we will not go until you come >.<

4:23 pm

Jisoo sighs tiredly and replies quickly. He knows this friend sulkies right away with not replying to him or not even coming together with him. But he is really thankful to this guy. Besides Jihoon and Seungcheol, Hansol was there by his side whenever he was feeling sad or lonely thinking the absence of Jeonghan in the past 3 years. He was glad he is always there. When Jeonghan was gone, Hansol was there to still have a friend by his side. He filled his bestfriend's absence and He was glad he is always there. In return, He will always be at his side and feel how special he is just like Hansol did to him.

To : Hansol

Sorry for the late reply. I'm at work. Let me think for it for a moment :) I'll let you know when I have decided :)

4:27 pm

Just when he sends it, he receives a message right away. He thought it is Jeonghan by now but still not.

From : Hansol

Don't think just say yes :)

4:27 pm

To : Hansol Haha okay :) I'll bring someone with me. Is it okay? 4:28 pm

From : Hansol


4:28 pm

To : Hansol

surprise :) I run out of power so see you later

4:30 pm

Jisoo turns off his phone as he is now running out of battery power. He taps Taehyung who is fallen asleep on his couch

"hey, let's go home?" Taehyung rubs his eyes slowly and nods. Jisoo holds him to help him balance.

Before they went home, He stopped at the market to buy their dinner for he knows, If Jeonghan already cooked something, it will be added to his disaster list.

After buying it, He places it on his car and looks at Taehyung who is still in deep sleep on the back. He starts the engine quietly to not disturb his cousin.


Jeonghan woke up when his head is hurt for napping on the chair when Jungkook says no for lunch. Maybe his friend is pretty much tired ignoring lunch or pretty much hated his cooking. He agreed quickly for not eating lunch for today. He is not hungry as well. He just gave a food to his loving cat and completely dashed out to close his eyes as he is pretty tired as well waking up in such an early morning.

He looks at the watch and sees it's already 3:00 pm. He wanted to get his phone on the dining table but he is still sleepy even if he already took a nap. Just when he was about to walk in the room, his friend caught his attention

"Hyung?" He said while his eyes are still close

"what is it? I'm sleepy. Don't tell me you're hungry because I will not cook for you" He lazily answered

"Can you scratch my back?" He mumbly speaks

He was about to complain but does it anyway. He sits on the space on the right side of the couch given by Jungkook's twisted legs. He half-laid to reach the latter's back and rubs his gently. While rubbing it, He felt his eyes are slowly closing and was really prepared to go to sleep. He gently laid his head on Jungkook's sided waist and settle his body to sleep. Before he closes his eyes, He heard his phone rings and doesn't have the guts to get it as he finally sets himself for sleep.


Jisoo can't seem to take out of his head why Jeonghan didn't reply on his message. It's not that he is expecting something in return, or is he?

Taehyung looks at his hyung on their way to his condo. He feels something weird since he woke up when they reached the building until now on the hall way.

"Hyung are you okay?" He asks

"Oh yeah I'm okay" Jisoo assures him but his cousin is not yet satisfied with his answer

"Is something happened?" He continued

"Nah. Just being paranoid into something that's not really important" He smiles at him as he opens the door

Just when he turns his head to face his condo, He unconsciously let go of the groceries on his hands and widens up his eyes as he eyed into two people sleeping on his couch. Taehyung doesn't know why his hyung turns his face like that but when he turns his head too, He left his jaw open too.

Jisoo is literally confused at the moment. He doesn't know what to feel. His emotion is all mixed up. Confusion? Anger? Betrayal? Jealousy? He doesn't know which of that is. What would he feel seeing his best friend sleeping next to a man whom he doesn't even know who he is.

He takes a step one by one towards the couch as his whole body is trembling because of the reason he doesn't know. He slowly lands his trembling hands to the pretty boy who needs to answer all of this confusion in his head.

Who is he?

Why is he here in my condo?

Why is he sleeping in my couch?

Why are you sleeping next to him?

And many more questions on his head. Just a few questions he wanted to ask.

Jeonghan felt someone holds his cheeks tremblingly. He decided to open his eyes and not that shocked seeing Jisoo in front of him.

"oh you're already here. How's your day?" He sleepily said as he stands his half body from the couch

Jisoo was literally confused. Why the pretty boy is so calm?

Jeonghan was the another confused boy in the room except from Taehyung who is still on the door and trying to understand the situation and Jungkook who is still in his deep sleep. He doesn't know why his bestfriend's expression is like that

"Jisoo are you alright?" He stands up and holds his cheeks as he is a little worried

Jisoo cannot find his words that is why he just points out the guy with is finger. Jeonghan quickly turns around to see what his bestfriend is pointing out. When he saw it's his crazy friend sleeping on the couch, He can't help but laugh

Jisoo raises his eyebrow being a lot more confuse seeing the pretty boy laughing at him "Is there something funny?"

Jeonghan lets out all of his laugh before facing Jisoo once again "Sorry I forgot"

"forgot what?"

"This is Jungkook. He's my friend in Japan. I fetch him in the airport this morning after you went for work" He smilingly explains.

Jisoo gave him a big "o" and relaxes his self "Why didn't you inform me? I'm about to freak out stupid"

"Now I inform you. I'm asleep this whole day so I didn't have the guts to message you about it" He said while fixing his newly wake up face and turns around to greet Taehyung on the door

"Hello Taehyung. You guys look pretty tired"

"Yeah so tired" He finally walks inside and settled his body on the chair in the living room

"Want me to cook for you?" Jeonghan insists but Jisoo quickly waves his head as a sign of no

"you're mean" He said as he walks closer to his friend to wake him up

"Yah Jungkook. You're sleeping for like 10 hours already. Mind to wake up now?" He taps him consecutive times but still now response

"Jeon Jungkook" He tries it once again but all he receives was a quick whine and turns his back from him

Jisoo just laughs a little and said "You sure he's not your brother or something? You're quite similar to each other"

Jeonghan just rolls his eyes and gives up waking him "He surely is tired until now I guess"

"I'll just cook for a minute" Jisoo said as he walks to the kitchen. Jeonghan was confused hearing cold words from his bestfriend.

"Something happened back at work Taehyung?" He asks the latter who is about to draft into his dream land

"I don't know hyung. He is like that the moment we reached the building" He answered

Jeonghan thinks for awhile. It could not be his friend since he already explained. He better know what is it. He silently follows him in the kitchen. Seeing his back, He knows something is wrong to the latter. He smoothly gives him a back hug and rests his head to the latter's arm

"Are you okay?" He softly asks

Jisoo was a little bit shock because of the affection but it made him smile "yeah I'm alright. Just tired from work"

"then why are you like that?" He added

"Like what?" Jisoo faces him and wraps his arms around his bestfriend's waist

"Like that. You are frowning in the inside Jisoo. I know you too well" Jeonghan straightly said

He gives up and tells him the truth "I... I got jealous for a minute seeing you next to your friend that I thought- nevermind. That's it. I thought we are having a dilemma in our lives once again"

Jeonghan smiles and holds Jisoo's cheeks "We are not kids anymore. No more problems will come. Trusts me and besides Jungkook is here for someone else and It's not me"

"who?" Jisoo frowns

Jeonghan moves closer to his ear and whispers "Your cousin I guess"

Jisoo widens up his eyes as he finally knows the situation "really?!"

He quickly blocks the latter's mouth as they might hear them "shhh. He might find out quickly"

"Oops sorry." Jisoo smiles as he turns Jeonghan and gives him a back hug "I'm glad no one will take my angel from me even if you didn't message me back this afternoon"

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow "I didn't check my phone yet silly"

"yeah whatever. Its not that important" He said as he released Jeonghan from his arms

"You're sulking again, aren't you?" He teases

"I'm not. Now I can't cook while you're here" He continued what he was doing before the pretty boy interrupted him

"fine. I'll just take care of my cat for awhile" Just when he was about to exit the kitchen, Jisoo gets his attention once again

"What cat?" He confusingly asked

"My cat silly. Jungkook brought him for me" Jeonghan answered back as he lifts Hansoo in his arm and shows it to his bestfriend

"Meet my baby Hansoo" He sweetly said

"Hansoo?" Jisoo chuckles hearing the name

"I think I know the history of that cat's name" He smilingly said as he continued cooking

Jeonghan blushes "Don't say it"

"okay I'll pretend I didn't get it" Jisoo teases

Jeonghan just glares at him and finally leaves him alone to cook.

After a few minutes, Jisoo was done cooking. He signals Jeonghan to wake up the two to finally have dinner. Jeonghan nods and tries to wake up his friend once again

"Jungkook let's eat. You haven't eaten since you got here" He softly said

Jungkook slowly moves but still closes his eyes "Hyung please give me time to sleep"

"yah, You already asleep for like 13 hours to be exact. Now get up before something might happen to you" He slowly gets up but back to bed again

"Jeon Jungkook!"

"I'll eat later promise" He said while putting a pillow on his face

Jeonghan gives up and walks to Taehyung instead.

"Taehyung-ah, Let's eat dinner now" He taps him smoothly but no response to the latter

He sighs impatiently and tries once again "Taehyung get up. You can sleep once you eaten your dinner"

Taehyung slowly opening his eyes and answered "I'll eat later hyung. I'm so tired"

Jeonghan gave up and accompanies Jisoo on the kitchen

"so where are they?" He said while giving Jeonghan a plate on his table

"seems like both of them are tired. They'll eat later I guess. You, aren't you tired from work?" He answered back while eating his first meal of the day

"A little but l'm okay" He smiles

"We'll go to sleep after we eat so that you can take a rest. I know you're already tired and you still have a work tomorrow so let's sleep early" Jisoo can feel the sincerity in Jeonghan's voice that made him smile across his heart

Just then he remembers something when he looked at his watch. Jeonghan quickly noticed it and asked what's wrong

"Is there something you will do for tonight?" He asked

"ah Hansol asked me awhile ago to go to our hangout tonight. I couldn't say no so will you come with me? I'm pretty sure they will be shocked when they see you" He calmly encourages him

Jeonghan thinks for awhile and looks at him "Where are you hanging out?"

"well It's kind of a club but I promise, It's really good" Jisoo ensures him

he looks at him worriedly "Will you be fine? I know you are tired already and you need to go to work tomorrow early"

Jisoo looks back at him tease fully "You sounded like my wife already"

Jeonghan can feel some hot spot on his cheeks in an instance "It's a bestfriend thing. isn't it?"

Jisoo pouts but asks him again to come to him this night "please?"

Jeonghan doesn't know why but something made him unease in a moment. He looks at Jisoo's eyes which is eager to go to the club "will you drink?"

"Not that much" He said as he finishes eating and takes care of his plate and the latter's

"Fine. We will leave early okay?" He pours water on his glass as he was about to leave the kitchen

Jisoo quickly gives him a hug as a gift for coming together with him.

"yeah yeah I'll get ready" Jeonghan said as he walks inside the room

Jisoo finishes first the dishes and gets ready as well. Jeonghan waits for him in the living room while writing a note for Jungkook when he wakes up. After writing it, He places it on the table and gives a blanket to Taehyung who is sleeping peacefully in the chair

"ready?" Jisoo asks while giving a coat to Jeonghan

"wear this. It's a little rainy outside" Jeonghan takes it and puts around him

"You sure they don't mind waking up without us on their visions?" He worriedly asks

"They will be fine and besides your little friend there might like it anyway" Both of them laughs as they leave the condo.


"why is he not right here yet?!" Hansol annoyingly said as he looks at his annoyed friend as well

"Please Hansol, It's only 7:20 pm. Don't whined like a baby whose mama is not coming" Hansol gives a dead glare to Seungkwan while drinking his wine

"he's already late for 20 minutes!" He added

"so?" Seungkwan raises his eyebrow hearing his not so normal friend being paranoid again

"He never done this before" He sulkies

"Maybe Jisoo hyung is tired. Give him a break" He said

"He doesn't even replies to my messages" He continued

"Hansol, He said in his last message that he is running out of battery so it means he can't reply to you. Get it?" He annoyingly answered

"You're not helping" Seungkwan raises his eyebrow and looks at his friend

"Someday you will realize I'm helping you all this time and not giving you pretty white lies" Hansol shuts his mouth and just drinks the beer in front of him hearing his friend being serious at the moment


"Are you sure about this Jisoo?" Jeonghan pouts as he doesn't want this kind of atmosphere in his life. Loud musics, Crazy people dancing and most of all, drunk people who do silly things happily

"Don't worry. It's not that bad and besides we are only here to meet Hansol. okay?" He just agrees to his bestfriend and holds his arm while they both walks inside the club

Just when they are inside, Seungkwan quickly notices Jisoo enters the club and taps Hansol on his side

"Oh look! there's your prey" He teases that made Hansol turns around and finally sees the man who will complete his night

Seungkwan looks closer and sees someone is with him "Ah Hansol, I think he is not alone"

Hansol widens up his eyes and sees a red hair person holding on his arms. He cannot see the face that made him boils into anger

"Who is that person?!" He shouts like he don't care

"I can't tell. He was not looking at our side" Seungkwan said. He looks at his friend who is now boiling into madness

"Yah Hansol don't make a scene here" He warned

"And why is that?!" He out of control said

"because we don't know whose that person is! Let's just wait for him to introduce him or her!" He calmly answered as he holds his friend's arms to prevent him from doing stupid action

"So it's a girl?!" Seungkwan frustratingly growls "I said him or her! Don't freaking freak out!"

"why wouldn't I?!"

Just when Seungkwan was about to answer, Jisoo finally finds them and walks into their direction

"now shut up. they're coming here" Seungkwan said as he fixes his posture and glares to Hansol to fix his too

"Hey!" Jisoo greets to them "Sorry we're late. Trying to catch up dinner awhile ago"

Just when Hansol was about to say something, The person already looks at them after monitoring the loudness inside the club

"wow Jisoo it's pretty loud at here- Oh Hello!" Jeonghan greets them with a wide smile

"It has been a long time! How are you guys?" He excitedly asks seeing his friends from college

Seungkwan and Hansol widens up their eyes and left their jaws hanging looking at the red hair guy clinging on Jisoo's arms

"H-hyung y-you're h-here" Seungkwan tries to say something but sounded very much nervous that made Jeonghan wonders about it

"yeah Seungkwan. Don't worry I'm not a ghost" He chuckles as he gives his friend a tap on his shoulder

Seungkwan quickly smiles to get away the awkwardness and hugs Jeonghan quickly "I miss you hyung"

"I miss you too" Seungkwan can't believe he is hugging Jeonghan right now. No matter what his psycho friend wanted, He still sees Jeonghan as his old friend and not his enemy that Hansol probably seeing him like one.

When he remembers Hansol, He quickly breaks the hug and taps him to get over himself "Its good to see you hyung"

For Hansol, it's not. He felt all of his plans, dreams are now broken and rip apart by this person standing in front of him. He can feel himself boiling into madness that he cannot even control it. He was glad when Jisoo holds his shoulder so calm him a little bit "Hey are you okay?"

"Y-yeah" He said with a force smile

"are you sure?" Jeonghan asks worriedly but he just looks at him and nods like nothing

Seungkwan quickly glares at him and asks him to be nice. As much as he hates it, He gives a short hug to Jeonghan and quickly moved away "Nice seeing you Hyung"

Silence are covering them all that made Jeonghan uneasy without a reason.

"Ha-Ha woah I can feel a great night tonight! Let's go have a seat first. Hansol reserves one table for us. Let's go~" Seungkwan quickly breaks the silence as they are all walking towards the empty table waiting for them

After all of them are seated, Seungkwan orders them a drink but Jeonghan quickly refuses "Juice for me will be fine"

"oh okay hyung~" He orders right away but Hansol cannot get rid of his eyes from Jeonghan

"Are you alright Jeonghan?" Jisoo asks worriedly as he knows, Jeonghan doesn't like this kind of atmosphere

"Don't worry I'm alright" He assures him but Jisoo knows his bestfriend too well

"if you want we can go home now" He suggests but he quickly refused

"We just got here silly. Don't be rude" He teases that made Jisoo chuckles

"okay. Just tell me if you wanted to go home. alright?" He said as he puts his arms around the pretty boy's shoulder

"How's your night so far Hansol?" Jisoo looks at his friend but Hansol is still looking at Jeonghan without an emotion.

Jeonghan quickly notices it and looks back at him "everything alright Hansol?"

Just then, Hansol brings back himself and smiles to the both of them "I'm fine. Sorry about that. I think I drunk the wrong alcohol awhile ago. It makes me dizzy a bit"

Jeonghan just nods and smiles at him "so how are you guys? I had never been in touch for the past years. Sorry about that"

"haha it's okay hyung. We're fine. Running business and stuffs. When did you arrived?" Seungkwan answered

"3 days ago I think-"

"why are you here?" Jeonghan was a little bit shock when Hansol interrupts him with that kind of question but he doesn't mind it anyway

"well, they kind of prank me to flew all away back here" He said sarcastically while looking at Jisoo who is laughing hearing that

"It's a relief the prank works" Jisoo added

Hansol excuses himself to the bathroom as the 3 of them nodded. When he reached the bathroom, He quickly screams like a mad man on the mirror. He was glad no one was there to witness himself. He looks at his reflection on the flowing water on the faucet. Suddenly, He slowly smirks thinking of a great plan. Just then, Seungkwan was in the door

"Are you okay?" He worriedly asked to his friend

"of course. This is perfect!" He chuckles while still looking at the mirror

Seungkwan raises his eyebrow as he can't understand what his psycho friend is saying "Don't be a psycho. We can go home now if you want"

"Why will we leave if the game has finally started?" He sweetly said that made Seungkwan feels strange

"w-what are you planning to do?"

Hansol walks to his direction and taps his shoulder while whispering into his ears "playing the game"

Seungkwan looks at him surprisingly "Don't do anything stupid"

Hansol just turns around and gets back to the table leaving his friend still surprise with his plan. He naturally sat parallel to them and smile charmingly "Sorry about what happened awhile ago. I'm just not feeling better but I'm okay now"

"Are you sure?" Jisoo holds Hansol's hands as he was worried. He can sense awhile ago that something is wrong with him that made him unease as well

Hansol smiles and starts his plan. He holds back Jisoo's hands tightly and said "I'm okay. Don't worry"

He makes sure Jeonghan sees it and he succeeded. Jeonghan was now staring at their hands but quickly takes away his vision from it.

"I'm glad to know" Jisoo smiles back. Just then the drinks came as well as Seungkwan.

"Let's drink" Hansol excitedly said as he distributes the drinks to them.

"Oh hyung, Don't you drink alcohol or something?" He asks as he innocently looks at Jeonghan

Jeonghan just smiles and look at him "No. I lose control whenever I'm drunk"

"really? Jisoo hyung too. Whenever he's drunk, He is sooo hard to handle. I need to get him into his condo and even changes his clothes.He can't even move a muscle" He shares to them. Seungkwan sighs into his drink as he is now finally understand the game his friend is playing

Jeonghan looks surprise "really?"

"yeah haha" Jisoo confirms while finishing his drink

Jeonghan plays it cool as it was nothing at all "seems like you guys have been really close. That's good"

"yeah. Jisoo is my bestfriend. he never leaves my side whenever I need him and Me too to him. So I'm pretty sure Jisoo feels the same way too right Hyung?" Jisoo nods that made Jeonghan feels a little ache on his heart

"It's nothing Jeonghan"

Hansol orders a beer this time. After a few minutes, They already have 4 bottles finished except for Jeonghan. He just looks at them while they are having fun drinking. He doesn't know why but he feels out of place at the moment. It feels really strange to him

Jeonghan cannot stop Jisoo for drinking even if he already said to his bestfriend what time is it and he still have some work tomorrow, He just smiles at him and keep on saying to have fun a little more. He can't blame Hansol who is the one giving him the glass of beer for pushing him to keep on drinking. If he keeps on asking Jisoo to leave, It will just make him like his mother and he doesn't want that.

"I'm glad we are not in a relationship at the moment" Hansol rubbishly said that made the 3 of them look at him especially Jeonghan.

"I mean if we are, we can't do things like this. Our boyfriends or girlfriends will just get angry at us if we don't give our time to them or do something else with them. Right?" Jeonghan sees Jisoo agrees while smiling like a drunk person which he is not comfortable at all. He just smiles when Hansol looks at him and drinks the remaining juice on his glass.

Just then he was shocked when Jisoo lays his head into his shoulder "Jeonghan-ah, wanna go home?"

"You?" He plainly asked.

"If you want too" He looks at him smilingly

"come on guys stay a little bit longer~ Yah Jisoo hyung don't make it sound like Jeonghan hyung is your boyfriend or something that you needed to ask him like that" He sarcastically chuckles out. Seungkwan signals him to stop but He won't

Jeonghan felt a stab on his heart when Jisoo answers "He's my bestfriend Hansol-ah~ of course I need to ask him"

"it's okay Jeonghan-ah. there's nothing wrong about it. Don't overreact"

"Is that so? I'm your bestfriend too so If I say stay a little bit longer, I know you will do it. You love me too right?" This time Hansol smirks when Jisoo nods and agrees. He quickly looks at Jeonghan's expression that made him more happy about it.

"is it okay to you Jeonghan-ah?" Jisoo looks at him

Jeonghan gulps and tries to calm himself as he answers "You could stay if you want don't worry about me. I can go home alone"

Just when Jisoo was about to react, Hansol interrupts him "oh are you leaving hyung? It's okay. I could drive Jisoo hyung in his condo"

Jeonghan thinks for awhile to what Hansol had said

"It's okay Jeonghan. Hansol is your friend and Jisoo as well. It's nothing wrong"

"No it's not okay"

Jeonghan cannot get his mind straight as he doesn't know what to response with that

"but Jeonghan I can't go home alone now. I feel dizzy at the moment" Jisoo pouts that made Jeonghan sighs and looks at Hansol

"no it's okay. I'll just wait for you guys to finish" He smilingly said

Hansol controls his emotions because if he don't, he will lose his own game. Seungkwan cannot handle anymore what is happening there so He finally waves his goodbye before something might happen that he doesn't want to happen

After a few more hours at the bar, Jeonghan feels a lot more uncomfortable. He feels like a ghost whenever Jisoo and Hansol are talking to each other. It seems like they are really comfortable and close to one another that Jisoo forgets his bestfriend is just sitting right next to him and feeling left out.

Just then Hansol pulls Jisoo's hands to make him stand up for them to dance on the dance floor. Jisoo looks at Jeonghan first and asks if it is okay. Just when Jeonghan was about to answer it, Hansol interrupts once again

"Oh come on, Jeonghan is not your boyfriend so it's okay to him. Right Jeonghan hyung?" He smiles sweetly

Jeonghan feels his breathe heavily but still manages to say to Jisoo that he will be fine alone.

After nodding, Hansol pulls him on the dance floor as they dance crazily. Jeonghan silently looks at them while talking to himself.

"Why are you feeling this way Jeonghan? come on, you're not a kid anymore. Don't be so foolish, don't be jealous. There's nothing to be jealous of or there is?"

"Jeonghan it's okay. Jisoo is just drunk- it doesn't make sense"

He growls into frustration as he doesn't know what he is thinking anymore with all the loud music and a-crazy-Jisoo and he-can't-understand-Hansol is in front of him enjoying themselves. He leaves the table and tries to have his way with all the people who is dancing excitedly on his way. Just then, someone bumped him that made him lose his balance. When he was about to fall, The guy quickly catch him with his arms

"Watch where you going" The man frowns at him as he settles him to stand up

"Sorry. I just wanted to get some fresh air around here" Jeonghan moves closer to the man's ears for him to hear him

The man points out to the stairs "Take the stairs. It would lead you to the balcony"

Jeonghan nods as he thanks him and finally dashed out from the dance floor.

Just then the man follows the pretty boy with his sharped gaze but got interrupted with a phone call.

He growls into frustration as someone is calling him again. He will quickly hangs up if this call will be related to his business. He is so tired that he wanted to have fun this night. Just when he was about to end the call, He felt his whole body trembles while he can hear his heart pumps so loudly and doesn't even hear the loud chanting of people around him.

Shownu's Calling...

He stares at his phone thinking if it's real but clears his throat before deciding to answer it

*picks up*


Hello there~ sorry for updating this story very long. I still have a problem in my connection and I'm sorry in advance if I will take longer time to post the incoming chapters since Our classes will start this week. But I promise I will finish this story ^_^ Thank you for your endless supports~ Your comments are really much appreciated as it gives me strength to keep going on :) Thank you very much <3
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Interesting. Will read asap.
Chapter 22: Omg that was amazing lol I know I'm late but please continue writing!
Boku21 #3
Chapter 22: Great Story n.n thank you for this ♥
chetski #4
Yay happy ending at last! Thank you for finishing this fanfic authornim - will await your new story
Chapter 22: Thank you author-nim! I know it was a struggle to finish this story but I am glad you did. The author is so cute and I hope you will continue writing when you have the time. Take care author-nim!
Jihan4ever #6
Chapter 22: I'm literally crying at 12 in the afternoon. I'm glad that Jihan was able to have a very happy ending! I'm sad that this fanfic is complete but it ended very nicely. This fanfic has come so far and it has finally ended. And I'll be ready for the next game if there will be another one. Good Work Author-nim! Yay to Jihan!
Chapter 22: Finally!!! Phew~~
Chapter 22: Thank you for wonderful game :)
kimyerimislife #9
Chapter 22: Waaah a happy ending for Jihan and Jicheol T.T really worth the wait :)) thank you for writing such a wonderful story authornim!!
iamautumn #10
Chapter 22: waaahhh thank you author-nim for giving us a happy ending !! I'm very happy that they ended up together :))))) but there will be another game??