Chapter 17 : Red Card


His heart beats faster but he can't hear it anymore. His tears pour continuously but his eyes don’t dare to shut down. A lot of words wanted to get out but his hands doesn't dare to leave his mouth. There are thousand reasons to walk away, but his mind made him to stay. Not to witness an affair or distrust. But to make him see the truth. The truth is right in front of him. Clear and concise.


He wanted to move. He wanted to get out. But why is he still standing there like a fool? Maybe this is what he gets. Maybe this is what he deserves.


He slowly closes his eyes and released his hands from his mouth. He breathes as silent as possible numerous times hoping it will regain his consciousness. Just then, someone shifts his position on the bed that made him gasp.


When that man turns his head, he can't help but stare at his peaceful face. He wanted to walk near him. He wanted to touch his face and feel his warmth but this time he knows, he doesn’t belong to him anymore. The man besides him does.


He turns around prepared to run away. His tears never stop pouring as he thought this time, even if he runs away, no one will ever run to him back. No one will anymore.


He slowly walks towards the door to leave but just then, someone entered the condo


"Jisoo hyung? Are you there?" Shouts the man across the living room


Jeonghan panics as Jisoo slowly moving his body. He was about to open the door when he heard someone call his name


"Jeonghan?" The man sleepily said


His tears slowly painted the door knob. He doesn't dare to look who is it but instead, he takes all his courage to run away faster like never before.


Taehyung was confused to see someone runs away at Jisoo's room but when he gets to notice the figure, he quickly knows who is it "Jeonghan hyung?"


Jisoo blinks numerous times before he thought about who is it. Is it really Jeonghan? It can't be. He is hallucinating once again. Just when he tries to stand up, Taehyung appeared to his room


"Jisoo hyu- oh my" His cousin was about to say something but was stop to witness what happened inside the room


"Oh taehyung, you're here" He casually greeted


Taehyung begins to tighten up his grip in his hands. He can't believe what he was seeing right now "So this is why he runs away?!"


Jisoo looks at him with a confuse face "What are you saying?"


"Then what are you doing hyung?!" He can't stand it anymore


"What did I do? You know, stop making nonsense. I'm having an headache once again. Can we take later?" Jisoo only said


Taehyung closes his eyes "So you will not go to him now?!"


Jisoo was totally confuse "What's happening to you Taehyung?"


"Jeonghan hyung was here! I saw him run away from this room!" He said frustratingly


Jisoo becomes blank "Dont... Joke me. He will never come back"


Just when he was about to stand up, he felt he was not alone in bed. When he turns around, he gasps seeing his friend besides him . His entire world stops to realize what just happened between them last night


"What did I do?" he whispers to himself


"You did enough hyung. You already prove to him you don't love him anymore." Taehyung was about to exit the room but Jisoo holds his wrist tightly


"Is he... really here?" He said while tears are provokingly to fall


"I can't believe he comes back to see you and see this" That is enough to make Jisoo hurriedly wore his pants to run as fast as he could to follow him


"Jeonghan... are you really here?"







Jeonghan runs and runs as he exits the building but his legs loosen up and collapse on the road while still crying pitifully. He is stupid to run away even if he knows no one will stop him even he does so. He tries to cry as silently as possible but he fails. He cries loudly to let it out. He doesn't care as people are watching him. He just wanted to let it out. Burst it all out.




He wipes all the tears from his face but he was just wasting his time as his tears doesn't stop falling. He stands up quickly and prepared to leave completely when someone calls his name


"Jeonghan!" He recognized that voice. He doesn't turn around nor respond.


Jisoo can't believe his eyes. He can't believe he is here. His legs automatically run towards him as his eyes are still glued at him. And just when he was about to touch him, Jeonghan moves away


"Don't... touch me" Jeonghan said with an heavy voice as he tries to control his tears


Jisoo's tears automatically falls as he remembers what Jeonghan sees in the room "J-Jeonghan I... I-It was... I... I don't know how to explain b-but"


"Then don't" He said firmly "You don't have to. I get it Jisoo. You don't have to explain yourself to me. We are done right?"


Jisoo looks at him as tension build his heart "Yeah you're right. We're done so why do I bother explaining myself to you?! Why do I bother to chase you and explain everything?! Why do you even here if we're already done?! Tell me Jeonghan!"


Jeonghan's heart was about to burst. He tries to control his tears but he failed. He knows he looks pathetic in front of him but what breaks his heart, is Jisoo turning the tables over him


"What?! Can you not open your mouth?! Just tell me you're here to keep on playing with me! You and I... we both agreed to stop playing years ago but why are you messing out with me?!" Jisoo bursts down into tears as he can't take it anymore. Jeonghan just stares at him and just let his tears to talk


"You can just go and leave me then go back whatever you like?! Is that how you will play my feelings Jeonghan?!" He tries to open his mouth but his whole body vibrates in anger and unfairness


"So you will just turn the tables on-" He tries to talk to him but Jisoo quickly cuts him off


"So what if we did it?! It's not like you care! or do you? Ah!" Jisoo claps his hands and smiles like a crazy man "Does he not satisfy your needs and that's why you came back to me and see if I can at least do it? So his money was still not enough-"


Jeonghan had enough. He steps closer to him and slaps him as hard as Jisoo stabs his feeling "You look at me that way?! huh Jisoo?! You just look at me like a gold digger who just wanted both man around my arms?! Is that it?! Fine! I'm sorry I can't satisfy your needs that made me left! I'm sorry you have to beat me for you to get it! I'm sorry I came back! I'm sorry to think for coming back here after I learned that I had been trap into someone else's trick! I'm sorry to wanted to make things right with you! I'm sorry to brag in your room and disturb your making love session with your new lover! I'm sorry I was hurt seeing you with someone else! I'M SORRY BECAUSE I STILL LOVE YOU! I'M SORRY JISOO I'M SORRY"


Jisoo's tears fall silently "J-Jeonghan-"


Jeonghan lets it out. He doesn't care if he was a sobbing mess in front of him. He doesn't matter to him anymore. He felt sorry to Jihoon. He can't bring back the old Jisoo. He knows this is the end.


"You can go back to someone who can satisfy what you want because I cannot give you that" Jeonghan waited for the last tear to drop before he moves far away from him


Jisoo can't help but breaks down. those words hit him hardly. He regrets everything he had said. Just when he was about follow him, his eyes widens in shock to see Jeonghan keep on running while the traffic light is on green for the cars to move. He sees


"No- Jeonghan stop right there!" He said as he was trying to catch up to Jeonghan but the latter was already on the other side of the road.


He tries to run as fast as he could but as he turns his head, he sees a car beeping violently towards the way of Jeonghan


"Yah! Get out of the way! I lost my brake!" The man urgently said that made Jisoo panics


"JEONGHAN!" He screams as loud as he can as the car get closer to him


"Move away!" The man shouts


"JEONGHAN STOP!" That time, Jeonghan stops to turn around but as he came back to his sense, he turns to his side to see a car moving towards him. His last tear falls and look one last time to Jisoo


Jisoo caught that look and just when he thought he will still make it, he heard a loud bang


"N-no... NOOO!"






































































































All people are busy on the hospital. Doctors, nurses, personnels are running in every corner. But it came busier when a new patient entered the hospital in a stretcher that is full of blood. They quickly rush the patient in the emergency room while doctors are moving together with the patient


"Jeonghan we're almost there" Jisoo says as he holds Jeonghan's hands tightly while moving together with him. Just when they reach the ER, a nurse suddenly stands in his way that made him lose Jeonghan's hands


"Sir you will have to wait here. We will do our best" She said. Jisoo weakly nods. He walks from left to right in front of the room. Several minutes had passed and he was still like that. He physically breaks down on the floor as he remembers his face before he got hit. Those words he gave him made him regret it. He was stupid. He was crazy. If something worse happened because of it, he swears, he will never live.


Few hours later, the operation was still not done. He was still sitting on the floor without moving. Tears are the only thing that is active from him. He doesn't know how to stop it as his heart is still unsure.


Just then, two people are rushing towards his direction


"Jisoo what happened?!" Jihoon gaspes as he sees him full of blood on his shirt


Jisoo doesn't dare to look at them and just looks at the wall he had been looking at from the past hours


"It... it was my fault"


"WHY IS IT YOUR FAULT?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!" Seungcheol bursts out and was about to get him but Jihoon stands in his way


"Calm down Seungcheol!" Jihoon shouts at him. Seungcheol just grip on his hair and hardly punch the wall.


Jihoon quickly holds his hands "What do you think you're doing?!"


Seungcheol was trying to get away with the grip violently but Jihoon doesn't let his guard off "I trusted you to him! But why are you doing this to him?!"


"You should have keep him. If you should have, this will never happen" Jisoo turns his head and looks at them while there's a tear drop


"Why you-" Seungcheol gets away from Jihoon and was about to punch him and Jisoo was ready to fight back but Jihoon stands in their way again and push them away from each other


"Nothing will get better if you guys keep on doing this to each other! He is still there and what are you trying to do? Kill each other? are you still on your right minds?! Now if you guys will not keep your guards off better leave here!" Jihoon bursts his anger to them. He was glad both listen to him and quickly distance from each other.


After an hour had passed, no one is talking between them. They all sit on the floor with distance in one person on another. Everyone cries in silence as no news was still coming out from the room that made them more unease and nervous. Jihoon cannot take it anymore and sits besides Jisoo


"Hey" He plainly said while both are facing the wall


"H-how... how did you know?" Jisoo asked soullessly


"Taehyung contact us right away you inform him" He answered. Jisoo just gave him a nod as a reply that made Jihoon looked at him


"What happened?" Jihoon sincerely asked while holding up his tears. Jisoo turns to look at him


"Did taehyung not tell you? He got hit by a c-"


"I know that, fool. I meant- What happened before it?" Jisoo doesn't know what to say. Jihoon understands him and wipes the tears that escape from his eyes


"I know he went for you to fix things between you guys. I know that because I'm with him in Japan until we flew back here" Jihoon said as he knows this is the words Jisoo was finding in his curious eyes


"Why... do you know why... does he wants to fix things... with me?" Jisoo curiously asked as tears are silently making their way out from his eyes


Jihoon looks at him "So he doesn't say to you yet"


"W-what is it?"


He breathes first before answering "In japan, all of their company shut down. He was trying to save his company ever since but he learned the reason of his unsuccessful plans. Minhyuk was behind his failures to revive it. I supposed you know him. Aren't you?"


Jisoo just gave him a nod while listening carefully.


He continued "Minhyuk proposed to save all the companies if and only if, Jeonghan becomes his fiancé. But Jeonghan turned down the offer"


Seungcheol who was far between them, looks at their direction as he heard what Jihoon had said


"He learned all of Minhyuk's lies including his planned here in Korea. Ever since he got here, he was putting you guys away from each other. And I know you know, it succeeded" Jisoo can feel an ache from his heart hearing those words


"He wanted to fix things with you because he learned nothing is wrong between you guys. He blames himself to what happen and that is the reason why he gets back here because-"


"because?" he whispers


"Because he loves you Jisoo. Still, all this time" Jihoon earnestly said to him while wiping his own tears


That words made Jisoo completely dead in the inside. He breaks down into tears once again as Jihoon pulls him to comfort him. Jihoon pats Jisoo's head as a man cries all of his heart in his arms at the moment.






7 hours, and still no news. Their trying to keep patient but their hearts are not. Every second had passed made their hearts less and less alive. If they only have one wish to be granted now, they wanted him safe and works things out the way they were.


Just then, someone left the emergency room. All three of the rush to get up and walks towards the doctor


"You are the relatives of the patient?" The doctor asked


"Ah his parents are in abroad. We are his friends" Jihoon politely answered


"You need to contact his parents as soon as possible" the doctor said intensely


"W-why? is he okay?" Jihoon tries to maintain his calmness


"We still got him but the impact of his accident was severe. His brain got damaged" The doctor explained to them in an easy word


Seungcheol and Jisoo both move away from the door upon hearing the news but Jihoon gathered up his courage to face him "but he is alive, right?"


"He is but... in coma"






"This is his private room. We will check from time to time. You can call us if something happens and if you need something" The nurse obediently said as they transfer Jeonghan in a room


"Thank you" Jihoon said as he smiles weakly


When he turned around, he sees Jisoo sitting next to Jeonghan while tightly holding his hand as tears never leave Jisoo's eyes. He pitied him.


He walks towards him and tap his shoulder "You should take some rest"


Jisoo doesn't respond and just sobs quietly


Jihoon just sighs heavily "You need to take care of yourself too Jisoo"


"I can't... I won't leave him" He firmly answered


"You won't but you need to change. Your shirt is full of blood and if you want, you can bring some clothes here and Jeonghan's" He recommends


As he observed Jisoo, he knows the latter hesitates "We will all take care of him Jisoo ah. But before we can do that, we need to take care of ourselves first. Jeonghan badly needs us and we know that, aren't we?"


Jisoo thinks for awhile and later on, he first kiss Jeonghan's hands before standing up "I'll be back quickly"


But just before he reached the door, Jihoon stops him. He walks towards him and hugs him earnestly. Jisoo was confused for a minute but eventually hugs back


"I know this is the first time I have done such sweet action but I know what you are going through as we all are feeling it. We need to be strong, okay?" Jihoon said while preventing himself to burst out in tears


Jisoo lets out a tear and smiles before breaking the embrace "I'll be back"


As he watched Jisoo walked on the hallway, he noticed Seungcheol sitting alone on the wall in front of Jeonghan's room. He hesitates to approach, but his legs automatically walks in front of him and sits down beside him


It took him several minutes to break the silence "Hey... It would be stupid of me if I asked if you're okay where in fact me myself is not"


Seungcheol looks at him and smiles a little "What are you doing here?"


"You... what are you doing here?" He questioned back


Seungcheol breathes heavily as tears are starting to escape from his eyes "Until now... I can't sink in that his name is attach to that room"


Jihoon can feel his burden with those little words "We all do"


Seungcheol looks at him and automatically hugs him as tightly as possible. Jihoon hugs him back with love and concern as tears are starting to flow in him as he heard his lover cry as loud as possible


"I can't even believe this" Seungcheol said with sob in every word. Jihoon just comforts him while patting his back


"Me too" He whispers to himself as he tries his best to cry in silent


"Tell me everything will be alright"


Jihoon closes his eyes. He wanted to tell that but his heart aches knowing he was not sure.


He too was afraid just like them.


He too was scared to lose him.


He too was not ready something like this will come.



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Interesting. Will read asap.
Chapter 22: Omg that was amazing lol I know I'm late but please continue writing!
Boku21 #3
Chapter 22: Great Story n.n thank you for this ♥
chetski #4
Yay happy ending at last! Thank you for finishing this fanfic authornim - will await your new story
Chapter 22: Thank you author-nim! I know it was a struggle to finish this story but I am glad you did. The author is so cute and I hope you will continue writing when you have the time. Take care author-nim!
Jihan4ever #6
Chapter 22: I'm literally crying at 12 in the afternoon. I'm glad that Jihan was able to have a very happy ending! I'm sad that this fanfic is complete but it ended very nicely. This fanfic has come so far and it has finally ended. And I'll be ready for the next game if there will be another one. Good Work Author-nim! Yay to Jihan!
Chapter 22: Finally!!! Phew~~
Chapter 22: Thank you for wonderful game :)
kimyerimislife #9
Chapter 22: Waaah a happy ending for Jihan and Jicheol T.T really worth the wait :)) thank you for writing such a wonderful story authornim!!
iamautumn #10
Chapter 22: waaahhh thank you author-nim for giving us a happy ending !! I'm very happy that they ended up together :))))) but there will be another game??