Chapter 8 : Plan A (1/2)


Jeonghan enters their house with a smile planted on his face. He can't believe he is given more time to stay. This was probably the best gift his parents have given to him.

"Are you gonna stand there forever?" Jungkook said as he raises his eyebrow seeing his hyung totally not over with their 3 more month stay news.

"I'm just happy you know" Jeonghan fights back while he gets back to his previous position 

"No work, No business talk, Just here. Like my old times" He added 

"But doesn't it feel weird that you are old now coming back here?" Jungkook asked as he eats some popcorn he cooked

"It so feels weird" The latter answered while getting some popcorn on Jungkook's bowl

"Are we gonna stay here all day? You will not tour me around?" Jungkook pouts that made Jeonghan throw some popcorn on his face

"Yah can you just let me rest? I'm still exhausted to what happened last night" He whines

Jungkook rolled his eyes. Not a minute after, He thinks of an idea to see Taehyung for today "Did you tell Jisoo hyung that we are staying here longer than he thought?" 

Jeonghan thinks for a minute before smirking to his friend "You just wanna see Taehyung today" 

"n-no I'm not- Okay fine" He gave up and gives him a defeat face 

"Visiting them will not cause us harm. And besides, I don't wanna be stuck here feeling bored" He said while placing a popcorn on his nose

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow and throws a pillow on his face "Stop being weird. You are already on your legal age"

"I'm not weird" He throws back the pillow "I'm still young though. I can do whatever I want"

"That makes you more dangerous you silly boy. Pretending you are innocent where in fact you are not" Jeonghan glares

"Well it's all on the play" Jungkook proudly said 

"So, Let's go?" He added

"Where?" Jeonghan innocently asked

"Please hyung~" Jungkook pouts that made Jeonghan chuckles a bit

"Let me ask you something, Do you like him that much? I mean, you have to stalk him? It feels weird really" He honestly said. Ever since he finds out about his silly friend's darkest secret, He puts against to it. At first he thought he was just playing because he is bored but he is not. When the latter flied all the way here just to see Taehyung is enough to prove his habit

"Hyung I'm not that legit stalker. Well kind of but as I get older, It's just one of my habits. I just have a crush on him that's all." He answered while putting the bowl on his face just to make sure it is empty

Jeonghan sighs seeing his weirdness again "I know now why you like him"

"Why?" He moves the bowl a little so that his one eye is visible for him to see his older friend

"You two kind of alike" He stands up and gets the bowl on Jungkook's head. 

While he walks into the kitchen "Go clean yourself. Let's visit them in a minute" 

Jungkook jumps into excitement as he hurriedly went for a bath. 

Just when he was about to take a bath too, He receives a call coming from his pinky haired friend. He excitedly answered as he misses this friend

*picks up*

Jeonghan : JIHOOOOON!

Jihoon : Ouch!- Why are you shouting?!

Jeonghan : I just miss you pinky head

Jihoon : I know

Jeonghan : pffft

Jihoon : haha okay okay I miss you too

Jeonghan : Yeah I know haha anyway, You and Seungcheol have been so busy lately. Where have you been?

Jihoon : In my Father's house. We stayed there since the other day. 

Jeonghan : I see. So why did you call?

Jihoon : I just miss you calling stupid 

Jeonghan : I'll hung up-

Jihoon : haha until now you are stupid. Of course I wanted to keep in touch with you guys. So how are things working on?

Jeonghan : Great! I guess...

He faded the last words when something forced him to say that. He quickly clears his negative thoughts as it was not important at all

Jihoon : I heard the "I guess" word there. What is it?

Jeonghan : What? Did I say that?

Jihoon : you said it you dump head

Jeonghan : yah! you are calling me way too inappropriate 

Jihoon : so? 

Jeonghan : just be thankful I love you 

Jihoon : yeah I'm thankful. So is there a problem?

Jeonghan : nothing

Jihoon : then why is there a I guess word there?!

Jeonghan : I didn't say anything! 

Jihoon : I'm not deaf!

Jeonghan : yes you are!

Jihoon : argh! 3 years have passed, and you are still immature

Jeonghan : *sigh* okay fine. I'm just being anew with a sudden change between me and Jisoo but that's not a really big deal. I'm not regretting what we have right now

Jihoon : yeah whatever.

Jeonghan : you are really mean 

Jihoon : That's how I love you haha anyway, We are on our way home. And I think we might see Jisoo on his company to congratulate him a little

Jeonghan : so?

Jihoon : Come over stupid head

Jeonghan : Alright alright. And besides, We are planning to get over there too

Jihoon : we? who?

Jeonghan : My friend I met in Japan. He's here with me

Jihoon : yah leave innocent human beings in your stupidity 

Jeonghan : ... I swear if we meet later I'm gonna squish your entire body 

Jihoon : That's so sweet~ See you later stupid

Jeonghan : Bye pinky

Jihoon : argh!


Jeonghan slowly makes a smile form on his face as he is excited to meet his friends once again. He quickly takes the stairs and dress up.

After an hour, He meets Jungkook outside of his house while the latter is so excited to go.

"hurry hyung~" Jungkook pouts as he pulls his long coat to fasten his walk.

Jeonghan just go with the flow even if his friend is dragging him literally

When they reached the building, he walks into the counter to list an appointment to Jisoo

"Good morning Maam, How may I help you?" The lady greets

"It's Sir. Anyway, Is Mr. Hong free in this hour?" He calmly asks

"Oh I'm sorry. You look like a girl-"

Jeonghan interrupts her with a chuckle "Everyone is saying that" 

The lady relaxes after hearing the latter laugh as she was nervous if the pretty boy is insulted with her words. She gives him a smile and looks at monitor "Yes sir. Mr. Hong is having his break at the moment"

"Perfect. May we visit him?" He added

"You can but he already has a visitor" He wonders who is it but then realized it must be Jihoon and Seungcheol

"It's okay. I think I know his visitors. What floor?" 

"Ah 10th floor sir but-" The lady confusingly said yet the two people doesn't hear her out

"But he only has one visitor"

"Okay thanks" Jeonghan and Jungkook already dashed off to the elevator

Jeonghan cannot help but smile abnormally as a thought of seeing Jisoo today. He feels weird because of the sudden change between them but he hopes this change is good for the both of them. 

He felt proud when he sees Jisoo's name on a door. He thought finally he earned his hard works from the past years that he deserves whatever will be given to him. 

As he was about to open the door, He thinks for a moment to peek first on the transparent walls before coming in. It will be rude if he will just come by and Jisoo has someone on his office. He grabs Jungkook on his wrist and proceeds to the corner of the door.

He painted a smile on his lips when his eyes finally meets Jisoo who is happily talking to someone. But his smile is slowly fading when he sees the person making Jisoo happy in their conversation. It was not obviously Taehyung since they met that guy on the elevator awhile ago. His heart suddenly burns and his grip on Jungkook's wrist becomes tighter. 

"Hyung it hurts!" Jungkook protests but Jeonghan is out of himself. When the latter pinch his reddish cheeks, the pretty boy let go of his wrist while looking apologetic "S-sorry"

Jeonghan sighs before looking to Jungkook again "Let's go home"

"What?! we just got here! And I really wanted to play on the playground downstairs it's really awesome" Jungkook excitedly said but his excitement is slowly fading seeing his hyung not in the mood from his childishness

"Hyung are you alright?" He worriedly asked

"Let's just... Let's go home. I run out of mood and I think Jisoo is in the meeting. I'll talk to him later" Jeonghan assures him and he was glad Jungkook agrees even if the latter is confused.

Just when they was about to step one foot, They see someone coming. Jeonghan slowly gulps when he sees a small pink head approaching their way. He closes his eyes as he forgot that this annoying friend of him is coming here today. He breathes heavily when his long time pink friend open his mouth

"Oh! so you are already here!" Jihoon excitedly said but Jeonghan just gave him a lazy look 

"No. I'm already there" He teases without energy 

Jihoon just rolled his eyes and faces his fiancé who talks about seeing Jeonghan like a million times for the day (not mentioning how many times for the past few days) "Seungcheol! Jeonghan is here" 

"where-" Seungcheol's eyes sparkles when he sees the pretty boy standing 2 meters away from him. He smiles widely as he runs to give his angel a tight hug and spins him around "I miss you Jeonghan~"

Jeonghan cannot protest anymore when a masculine man keeps on spinning him around.

"Thanks for coming Hansol. And for giving us lunch" Jisoo said as he smiles to his friend

"Nah, Don't mention it. I just feel guilty last night. I hope Jeonghan hyung isn't mad at me" He tries to sound apologetic, and he succeeds. He smiles widely when Jisoo pats his shoulder

"It's okay and besides I enjoyed. Jeonghan doesn't matter really" He flashes the smile that melted Hansol a thousand times.

 Just then, He tilts his head when he hears a loud shout from his walls. He wanted to smile even more seeing Jeonghan but his heart felt something he should've not feel because it was not right. He holds his chest and breathes heavily

"You're not feeling something Jisoo. Cheer up"

Hansol raises his eyebrow when he sees Jisoo's face being frustrated in a minute but evetually smiles right away. When he looks at the window, He finally knows why. He curses on his mind as he thought he wanted to spend his whole day with Jisoo, but He guess, his plan will be ruin again plus Jihoon who is much like have a problem with him.

When Seungcheol finally drops Jeonghan on the floor, Seungcheol quickly holds his cheeks and said similingly "Nice to see you pretty boy"

Jeonghan doesn't know why but until now, Seungcheol can make him calm. He hugs him tightly before a tear can escape from his eyes yet he misses this man's arms wrapping around him "Nice to see you too" 

Seungcheol just rests his chin on the latter's head and his beautiful long hair like he still owns this guy on his arms. Jeonghan smiles because of the affection yet breaks the hug and looks at him jokingly "Your fiancé might bury me alive"

Both of them laugh as he approaches Jihoon who is smilingly looking at them "Sorry about the view"

Jihoon rolled his eyes but eventually hugs Jeonghan shortly "I miss you stupid head"

"Me too pinky head. Your height increased" Jeonghan teases

"Your hair still " Jihoon teases back that made Seungcheol laughs on their background fight

Jeonghan quickly holds Jungkook's waist and introduces him to his two close friends "Guys this is Jungkook. I met him in Japan and he just takes a short vacation here just like me" 

Jungkook greets back awkwardly while Jihoon and Seungcheol smiles at him "Kookie this is Seungcheol and Jihoon, They are like kind of engage at the moment. Awesome right?" 

"Congratulations~ I'm Jeon Jungkook" He feels comfortable when Jihoon and Seungcheol calmly takes his handshakes

"I hope Jeonghan doesn't cause you too much trouble back there. He is a really troublesome. Quite hard to handle" Jeonghan quickly glares at Jihoon.

"Yah, Let's go greet Jisoo on his office first before you two start fighting" Seungcheol interrupts while he leads the way.

When Seungcheol finally opens the door and enters first, Jeonghan stops his foot when he thought who was inside with Jisoo. Jihoon quickly notices it and faces him before following Seungcheol "Everything's alright?" 

"O-of course. Let's go" He smiles as if it was nothing and finally enters his bestfriend's office together with Jihoon and Jungkook on his side.

Seungcheol quickly hugs Jisoo while happily greets him "Congratulations Jisoo! You finally get a company!"

"Haha why are you here? thanks but after 6 months" Jisoo said while Seungcheol looks confuse to him "Business contract"

The latter makes a big "Oh" while Jihoon smiles at him and compliments "We're here to come by and Congratulate you. Your name fits there perfectly" 

"I thought so too" He walks forward and gives Jihoon a hug and quickly laid his eyes to his pretty boy 

"And why are you here?" Jisoo teasefully said 

Jeonghan returns a sarcastic smile "They asked me to come over silly" 

Jisoo pinches his nose that made Jeonghan rolled his eyes "Hey Jungkook~ Taehyung is at downstairs. Want to see him?"

Jungkook blushes immediately and swing his face awkwardly "I-I Hyung asked me to accompany him to see you" 

Jeonghan glares to his not so innocent friend "You are the one who wants to come over" 

"Oh~ Just tell me you missed me already" He teases that made Jeonghan pouts and hides his blush 

"Oh please don't be so lovely dovey in front of me. It makes me sick"

"We are not. Are you blind?" Jihoon was about to fight back but then his eyes saw the vision of Hansol in front of him 

"Oh he's here" His voice sounds like the version of "Why is he here?"

Hansol gave a sarcastic bow to greet them all "Hello. I just came by to give Jisoo a snack for his break"

"really? Are you his boyfriend?" Jihoon whispers uninterestedly that made Seungcheol looks at him to make him behave just this once

"I'm his bestfriend" Hansol joyfully said as he knows, this will make Jihoon's blood raised without making him the reason of it

Jeonghan involuntarily raised his eyebrow and aches even more when Jisoo walks to Hansol's direction yet comforted him by wrapping his arms to the latter's shoulder "Don't mind them. They are just... tired from their trip"

"Of course I don't mind. They are your friends as well" Hansol innocently smiles while patting Jisoo's back to let him know he is comforted 

"Let's sit on the couch first everyone" Jisoo insists

Jihoon finds his way to sit on the couch and drags Jeonghan with him. He was more interested on teasing his red haired friend then listening to Jisoo's pathetic reasons in saving Hansol's feelings 

Seungcheol sits besides Jeonghan and ponytails his hair since it keeps on blocking his face "Until now you don't know how to ponytail your hair" 

"Haha I know silly. I just forgot to bring one today but thanks" He said while giving him an angelic smile 

"You still look likes an angel to me" Seungcheol compliments while giving a light squish on his cheeks

"Haha Jihoon looks like a little but of-" Jihoon doesn't let him to finish his sentence and quickly throws a small pillow on his face

"What?! I didn't even finish my sentence yet" He throws it back 

Seungcheol notices Jungkook that keeps on smiling while looking at them "They are like 3 to 4 years old. Aren't they?"

Jungkook nods agreeing in that 5-7 sentences that made all of them laugh on the couch. Well, except for Jisoo and Hansol

Jisoo can feel Hansol is being left out of place and feels guilty about. He puts his hand on his tight to comfort him a bit "You okay?" 

Hansol nods. He feels like smirking inside of him even if he is boiling big time seeing Jeonghan with addition of Jihoon today but he thought he was okay. Jisoo's hands on him is perfect to complete his day after all.

Jeonghan quickly caught it even if Jihoon and Seungcheol are talking and laughing with him. He just pretends he didn't see it and continue to talk to his old friends.

About half an hour passed, Taehyung appears in nowhere and greets all of the people in the room happily even if he doesn't know all of them

"Hello~ Oh! Do you have a meeting here hyung?" Taehyung innocently asks

Jisoo chuckles and answers back "They just visit me Taehyung-ah"

He nods as he understands but he locks his gaze to Jeonghan "Hyung~ you're here too~ Aren't Jisoo hyung visited you before coming to work this morning? He even kiss-"

Jisoo quickly glares at him to make him stop as it was really embarassing to talk about it in front of their friends

"I visited Jihoon and Seungcheol Taehyung-ah, not him" He smiles to the innocent boy. He doesn't know why but his tone came out half-serious but he doesn't give much attention to it

Jihoon smirks and turns around to face Jeonghan "So you two kissed this morning?! Tell me about it!"

Jeonghan rolled his eyes and punch him with the pillow on his face "Yah don't make it sound like you are interested with it" 

"I am! now that both of you are together-"

"We- ah- ehem" Jisoo clears his voice that made all of the people focused on him, especially Jeonghan. 

All of them are waiting for Jisoo to continue but it feels like an hour for Jeonghan that the latter is not responding. He bows down lightly as his hair blocks his sad smile before facing them all 

"Jisoo is right Jihoon-ah. We are not in that level. We are still friends just like before" He tries his best to sound natural but that made the atmosphere even more awkward 

He can see in his peripheral vision that Jisoo is still staring at him with his eyebrow is still raising

"so, when do you guys plan to get married?" He quickly changes the topic and he was glad Jihoon just rolled his eyes and answers lazily "Nah, We are not planning yet"

Jeonghan notices that Jungkook had been quiet in a minute. He knows what this kid wants from the time he saw the kiddy playground on the 2nd floor

"Jeon Jungkook" 

Jungkook moves his head to face his hyung "Hmm?"

"You can go" His face brightens "Really?!"

"Where?" Taehyung asked

"He really wants to go to the playground awhile ago but I can't let him go since he can be lost easily" 

"Oh~ Since when you become responsible?" Jihoon teases but Jeonghan just ignores him 

"Playground?! I just got there awhile ago! Can I come can I come?" Taehyung enthusiastically asked while pulling Jungkook up in the chair

"Yah Taehyung ah you've been there for like 2 hours already" Jisoo said but Taehyung just gave him a puppy eyes to let him go again "okay fine" 

"Yehey!" He jumps into happiness as he pulls Jungkook to exit on the room since the latter is still froze feeling Taehyung's hands on him 

"We'll be back We promise!" Taehyung cutely say goodbye dragging Jungkook in his arms

"Since when did you met him?" Seungcheol curiously asked

"I met him right after his family welcomed us when we had arrived in Japan" He answers

"He still looks young though" Jihoon gives comment

"He is still so young way back I met him" He added

"you look good together" Hansol whispers but capable to all the people in the room to hear

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow but respectfully answers "Nah He came here with that person" 

"Ohh~" Hansol gives him a smile but eventually fades in a minute

Jisoo doesn't give them much attention as his attention is onto Hansol all along. He is worried for his friend being uneasy with them. He doesn't know why he can't get along with Jihoon and Seungcheol from the past years and now, He thinks to Jeonghan too. He just tighten his grip on the latter to make him more comfortable

Jihoon notices him that made him rolled his eyes "Jisoo, Aren't you claiming Hansol too much that it makes us think you guys are together?" 

Seungcheol and Jeonghan stops talking and look at their way

"Haha it's not like that. I just comforted him" Jisoo said calmly but it's not calm to Jeonghan who cannot literally hold his feelings once again

"What's wrong Jeonghan? There's nothing wrong... There's nothing... wrong" 

Seungcheol knows him until now. He knows something was wrong in the pretty boy. He looks at Jisoo uninterestedly and tries his best to confirm what is wrong "Hansol it's already getting dark, Seungkwan might looking for you now"

Hansol think for a minute and understands the situation. He even smiles brightly to make them feel more irritated "I guess so. I better get going. Jisoo thanks for today"

"Sure. Thank you for the meds. It really helps. I can take you from the elevator. You want?" Hansol doesn't agree but Jisoo insists so he ended up nodding. He will always take yes for an answer but he wants to show them how Jisoo can plead to him

"Hey guys I'll just send him off. Be right back" Jisoo and Hansol was about to exit the room when Seungcheol clears his voice

"I'll come with you. Let's buy some snacks down hall. I can hear Jihoon's tummy grumping" Jeonghan laughs a little with that joke. Both Jihoon and Seungcheol looks at him smilingly 

"What?" Jeonghan stares at them while still laughing

"This is the first time today we heard your laugh stupid head" Jihoon comments but with a relief on his words

"Aigoo my angel is still a pretty angel. Come here" Seungcheol said as he lifts Jeonghan on the couch and waves him on the air

"Yah! Seungcheol! bring me down!" But Seungcheol doesn't listen while the pretty boy is whining against his shoulder but still smiling like he found his comfort zone once again

Jisoo can only smile seeing them on his vision. But a knife stab on his heart seeing Jeonghan happy in Seungcheol's arms. Sure, Jeonghan smiles and laughs at him since the day they met again but His smile witnessing his heart today is different. He cannot see that smile with the pretty boy on his arms, when they lips had connect with each other yet when they exchanging the sweetest words with no "bestfriend" on the sentence. It just feel so different. 

"What is wrong with you Jisoo?"

Maybe he was just tired thinking something was wrong. He just needs rest for today. Yeah, Just rest.

Finally, Seungcheol puts him down even helping the latter to balance as the pretty boy is pretty dizzy on what he had did.

"You okay?" Seungcheol half-jokingly said that makes him receive a light punch in the latter "You need to pay for this" He points out on his head

Seungcheol can only chuckles seeing some cuteness in front of him 

"Okay okay. Strawberry ice cream and fried Chicken it is" He said as he pats the pretty boy's hair

He receives a big "Yey!" to the latter

"yah come back early. I'm pretty starving to death" Jihoon comments as 3 of them exits the room

Jeonghan settles himself in the couch once again when a pink haired guy opens his mouth "So"

"so?" He lazily continued

"Aren't you gonna do something with Jisoo and Hansol?" Jeonghan suddenly freezes on his side 

"What are you saying? That they have something that I need to be jealous with?" He jokingly said but he can feel his heart sympathies

"Yes" Jihoon seriously response that made Jeonghan breaks down and lay his head on the couch completely

"He's Jisoo's friend Jihoon-ah. He's our classmate way back in the university" He plainly said as Jihoon looks at him with a serious face

"I really hate him since then" 

"why?" Jeonghan becomes interest and sits properly

"Jeonghan-ah, I don't know if Jisoo should tell you that... that-" 

"That he is like his bestfriend since the day I'm gone from his life?" Jeonghan interrupts him for he can see in his friend's eyes the hesitation to say it

"how did you know?" 

"They kind of get drunk last night leaving me witnessing it. I'm not dumb to not make that as a conclusion" Jeonghan honestly says to himself

Jihoon sighs before resting his head on the pretty boy's shoulder

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow "What are you doing?"

"I just feel resting. I still have the rights to rest so shut up" Jihoon glares while Jeonghan just closes his eyes and calms his nerves to stop thinking what he saw today, what his heart felt in another way

Just when Jeonghan was about to go to his dreamland, Jihoon said the words he knew but hard to admit to himself "You know, You could have just confirm to yourself that everything had change. Even if you are just 3 days here, It doesn't mean nothing happens in the past 3 years you are not here" 

Jeonghan just takes a deep sigh before burying those words into his dreams.


Jisoo waves his hands as he says Goodbye to Hansol while his car is slowly fading into his vision. 

"Let's go buy some foods" Seungcheol said after Jisoo had settled

After several minutes, no one was talking. Even if after they had brought foods on their hands and on their way to the building once again, Silence had covered them.

Just when Jisoo thought Seungcheol has nothing to say, The latter already clears his voice inside the elevator

"Ah Jisoo?" 


"Is there a problem between you and Jeonghan?" Jisoo can feel the serious tone coming from the man beside him. He doesn't know why but his heart suddenly change his mood. 

"Do we have a problem?" 

He even asks himself as he doesn't know if he doesn't have a clue, or he is just overreacting all along.

"Why do you think like that? We're both okay" He smiles to assure his friend

Seungcheol bows his head and lifts it up right away to smile back at him "I hope so"  

Jisoo curls his eyebrows as he was confused with those words. Of course they are good. Why wouldn't they? For him, there's nothing to be worried about. He doesn't want to give any meaning to every emotions his heart is feeling. He is afraid it might be one of the reasons something might go wrong.

They are back in the office. They are welcomed by the two guys sleeping peacefully on the couch while putting each others arms together

Seungcheol and Jisoo can't help but chuckle "Who would have thought these two will get along so well"

"All I can recall was their quarrel in the university" 

"exactly haha let's go wake them up" Seungcheol said. Jisoo advances his walk and slowly raising Jeonghan's shoulder and holds his cheeks to wake him up

"yah pretty boy wake up" Jeonghan slowly opens his eyes and blinks numerous times as he sees a blurry vision of Jisoo 

Jisoo chuckles into his cuteness and stands him up to wake up. Seungcheol did the same to Jihoon and they started up eating with a little silence on their atmosphere

After a few minutes, Taehyung and Jungkook comes in and joins them to eat.


"Thanks for visiting me guys" Jisoo sincerely said as all of them are walking on the parking lot

"Nah it was nothing. We are glad to see you two anyway plus your additional friends" Jihoon smiles back 

Seungcheol and Jihoon stops in front of their car and look at them "So, Let's call it a night"

Jeonghan walks forward and hug them both "I'm really glad to see you both" 

"Us too. Message us if you are flying back to Japan okay?" Jihoon said as both of them hugs the latter back 

"Stay safe angel" Seungcheol breaks the hug and kisses him on the forehead

Jeonghan just nods and gets back to Jungkook's side 

Before Jihoon enters the car "Goodluck to your business Jisoo~ I hope it will be yours sooner or later" 

"Thanks" Jisoo waves as Seungcheol starts the engine. Before they drove out of the parking lot, Seungcheol opens the window and angle his head to face Jisoo "Take care of my angel" 

Jeonghan just chuckles and jokingly said "I'm not your angel anymore"

"You're once had been" Seungcheol winks and drives out of the area

Jisoo smiles to three of them and said "Let's go?"

"Let's go hyung~ I'm really tired and exhausted. I got a lot of fun being with Jungkook today!" Taehyung exclaimed that made Jungkook smiles and blood rushes to his cheeks

While walking to go to Jisoo's car, Jeonghan can feel Jisoo's gaze at him. Since the time they walked out of the office, He didn't stick into his side. Maybe that could be the reason of it. He doesn't know why he is acting like that but he guess, He just needed a time to think and vanish his reasons why is he like this 

As they reached Jisoo's car, Taehyung quickly hops in while dragging Jungkook at the backseat leaving Jeonghan with no choice and just nods when Jisoo offers him the frontseat 

All throughout the road, no one is talking in the car except Jungkook and Taehyung who had been so close after the playground incident. Jeonghan just stares at the window feeling completely numb without noticing Jisoo is glancing at him from time to time. 

When they reached Jeonghan's house, Jungkook says Goodbye to Taehyung while giving a bow to Jisoo. Jisoo bows back while looking at the pretty boy. Jeonghan just smiles and waves while they are waiting for them to take off.

"Goodnight?" Jisoo said smilingly trying to cheer up their mood

Jeonghan tries to show that nothing is wrong and just smiles back at him "Goodnight" 

When Jisoo already starts the engine, Jungkook lets Jeonghan know that he will go inside first as he was completely exhausted from the playground. 

Jeonghan watched as Jisoo's car slowly fading to his sight before entering the house. 

He was welcome by Jungkook who is still standing in front of the door

"Ah Jungkook, I can't go through" Jeonghan said as he crossed his arms.
The pretty boy was shocked seeing a little sadness into his friend's face "Is there something wrong?" 

Jungkook just give him a little smile and looks back at him while putting the screen of his phone near to the latter's face for him to see "Jin hyung wants me to get back at Japan right away. He misses me that much already"

Jeonghan nods slowly and just hug his friend for a little comfort "You can't disobey your mother haha atleast you've got to see Taehyung~"

"Yeah! This is the best day of my life!" Jungkook exclaimed trying to cheer up himself again 

"Can you leave the day after tomorrow? So that I can tour you around" Jeonghan suggests and Jungkook gladly agrees "Sure~ Jin hyung wouldn't mind" 

After a few minutes, They both get to their rooms. Jeonghan sits recklessly on his bed as he was double exhausted to what happened to him yesterday. He can't help himself to glance over the picture across the room. He stares at it for awhile and before drifting away from sleep, Someone was opening his window that made him jump out of the bed. When he was trying to hide, He heard the man chuckling at him. He peeks under the floor and when he sees who is it, He stands up quickly and punch the man with full force

"You scared me to death!" Jeonghan exclaimed

"That hurts!" Jisoo said while rubbing the part Jeonghan abused

"Who the heck said you have to trespass on my window if you could just walk in inside the house?!" Jeonghan annoyingly spokes 

Jisoo can't help but smile and looks at him earnestly "I miss this" 

Jeonghan slowly calms himself changing his mood and just sits on the bed again "Why are you here?" 

"Why are you changing yourself?" He points out while sitting beside the pretty boy

"I'm not" Jeonghan fights back

"Awhile ago, you're trying to express how annoyed you are seeing me appearing in nowhere and then now, you start talking formally to me" He sincerely said "It's not that we are in the business matter you know"

"I'm just tired" He reasoned out while slowly lying on the bed 

5 minutes...

10 minutes...

15 minutes had passed and no one is talking after it. Jeonghan thought maybe Jisoo run out of something to say since his reason is kind of valid anyway but then 

"So you are not tired talking to Seungcheol like that?" Jeonghan felt a stab on his heart hearing a sad tone coming from the other man inside the room 

"what?" Jisoo just ignores it and just lays beside him while cuddling him on his arms. He buries his face on Jeonghan's neck and finally got a relaxation for today 

Jeonghan waits for the latter's answer and got nothing. He stares at the ceiling and closes his eyes "You are still jealous of Seungcheol" 

"I... It's not like before" Jisoo defends. Jeonghan breaks the hug and faces him looking serious "then what is it now?" 

He just smiles and said "It's just that, You're more comfortable to him rather than to me were in fact I'm your bestfriend but it's nothing serious really I swear" 

Jeonghan just nods and doesn't know what will he answer. Just then Jisoo pulls up to make him level himself to the latter "Jeonghan... are we good?"

"... of course. Why wouldn't we?" Jisoo sighs in relief and kisses him on the forehead. Jeonghan smiles because of the kiss as he finds his comfort once again for the day 

"Why are you here again?" He points out after he breaks the contact

"Oh right" Jisoo thinks for minute and carefully said the next words "Hansol messages me on the road and asks if you and Jihoon are angry at him. It makes me think since awhile ago you two are not along with each other"

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow and just sighs "Why would we? why would I?"

"You guys can get along with each other if you want to. Hansol is really good accompany I promise" Jisoo assures that made Jeonghan lays again the bed pretending he was sleeping

"Maybe next time. Jungkook is leaving the next day so I have to be with him for awhile" Jeonghan sleepily excused

"Why so fast?" 

"His hyung needed him in Japan so he needs to get back as soon as possible" 

"Oh okay. Just message us if you're on your way to the airport. We will be there" He said

"really?" Jeonghan's face brightens up 

"Sure. And Taehyung will like that too since both of them had fun today" He combs the pretty boy's hair while half-laying beside him 

"I'll expect you guys to be there" Jisoo nods 

"Aren't you leaving yet? It's almost midnight. You need to sleep since you still have a work to do" 

"I... I wanted to ask some favor with you" 

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow and asked "What is it?" 

"Be good to Hansol" He was confused with that words that made him stand up once again "I'm not doing anything"

"I know I know" Jisoo calms him first before the pretty boy assumed anything 

"It's just that he felt bad that you don't like him that makes him blame himself. I don't like that" he added

Jeonghan just smirks and begins to spread the blanket all over his body 

"You sound like his boyfriend there" He said while closing his eyes to not see a burning pain into his eyes. How we wish his ears could be close as well


"I'm not feeling something. I'm just pointing out" He quickly interrupts him before he makes a conclusion that is right in front for him 

"It's not like that. He is also precious to me that's why I want you two to get along with each other" Jisoo explains once again but Jeonghan chooses to ignore it this time

"... Are you mad at him?"

"... no"

"Then why are you like that?" Jisoo raises his eyebrow and remove the blanket just to see the latter's face

"Jisoo I'm tired. What do you want me to do for you to stop talking about him in front of me? You know I'm like this because I'm tired" Jeonghan annoyingly said while laying up again

Jisoo sighs and combs his hair once again to apologize "Okay I'm sorry. I just don't want him to feel bad" 

"Then what about me Jisoo?!"

"okay to make you feel better, I'll try to get along to Hansol if I have time. Better?" Jeonghan suggests as he knows Jisoo will not stop as long as he says yes

"thank you Jeonghan" Jisoo hugs him eagerly but Jeonghan is not in the mood to hug back 

"I'll go now. Hansol is gonna drive us tomorrow morning to work" Jisoo said while standing up and preparing to exit on the window

Jeonghan raises his eyebrow "Where's your car?" 

"It's still good. He just insists since I can't say no to him" Jeonghan swears he is burning to death. He just lays again and face his back to Jisoo who is waiting for him to say goodbye

"Jeonghan I'll go now?" Jisoo goodbyes once again but Jeonghan just waves his hands as a sign that he knows

"Goodnight?" He added once again but he heard a very light voice across the room "night" 

Jisoo just thought maybe Jeonghan was really tired that's why he is acting like that. He closes the window before whispering to himself the words "I love you" 

When Jeonghan assumed that Jisoo was not there anymore, He flips his whole body on the bed. He grips his head because of frustration as he doesn't know what will he answers to himself why he is like that

angry? Why would you be angry? He doesn't done anything to you

guilty enough since you're angry by just nothing? 

"Argh! heck this life" He groans as he completely rest his body on the bed. He waits for a tear to drop before drifting to sleep to not feel any pain.



Jeonghan opens his eyes as the sun's rays urging him to wake up. He quickly gets up since he knows he needs to tour Jungkook on his last day stay today. He exits his room and meets Jungkook on the kitchen preparing their breakfast 

"Morning hyung~" Jungkook enthusiastically greets

"Morning. What will we have this morning?" He sleepily said

"Nothing good since you don't have anything on the fridge" 

"silly" Jeonghan chuckles while he still rubs his eyes

After minutes, Jungkook gave in their breakfast and both of them eat their first meal of the day 

While eating, Jungkook just stares to his hyung while Jeonghan is talking what will they do today

"After that let's go visit Namsan Tower. They still have a great view I guess. Oh! Let's also drive the cable car! We can see a lot of view there-" Jeonghan stops talking when he noticed Jungkook just stares at him

"Are you listening?"

"Of course!" Jungkook defended 

"Then why are you staring at me like that?" He points out his fork to the latter

"... okay I give up" The latter said as he sits properly while looking at his hyung

"What is it?" Jeonghan confusingly asked

"I kind of eavesdropping last night" Jungkook confessed that made Jeonghan raises his eyebrow "What about it?"

"Well I know your kind of angry or confused or you don't know at all right now. It makes you feel worse since Jisoo hyung doesn't know that. Maybe you can just understand him for now so that you don't feel like that. I know you will ask why I'm talking about this suddenly. Hyung I'm leaving. I don't want you to live here like that" Jungkook sincerely said. He was worried since he thought his friend will be happy living with Jisoo now on his side but he sees the opposite that makes him worried to death. He don't want his hyung to be sad now that he was leaving, He doesn't want him to live alone

"... So you are saying that I just let it through and pretend it doesn't happen in front of me?" Jeonghan calmly repeats

Jungkook nods sincerely that made Jeonghan sighs heavily "Okay. I'll try. I'll take that as a consideration" 

The latter jumps joyfully and hugs his friend across the table. Jeonghan smiles seeing his dorkiness one last time before he leaves. He doesn't know whether he is right or not. But he is right that nothing will happens if he keep on mourning that everything changed. He was only left for one choice, understands and think that nothing's happened every time.

"Sure. I could live with that" 

After they eat, they quickly ready themselves and take off.


Jeonghan makes sure that Jungkook is having the time of his life and see to it that he is enjoying every bit of their tour (even if his credit card is already crying because Jungkook wants to buy all kinds of toys they will see) 

It's getting dark when they stop at an ice cream parlor to eat since Jungkook is begging to have one 

"Jeon Jungkook, This is the last time I'm buying you something before you leave" Jeonghan glares while they are at the counter

"Oh come on, It's not that you already lost half a million on your card" Jungkook pouts

Jeonghan just rolled his eyes "I'm half way there! Just pick your flavor!" 

"haha okay okay. I'll go with- anything" 

He glares once again to the latter "Are you joking me?" 

"I'm not. I'll wait for you at the table right there. My feet is aching" Jungkook said while walking away into the counter leaving Jeonghan completely annoyed to him 

"Miss I'll have 2 strawberry salad ice cream and 2 strawberry shortcake. Oh and strawberry milk tea as well" 

"Lots of strawberry you had there" Jeonghan raised his eyebrow and finds who is the one who said that. When he turns around, He was greeted by a familiar face 

"Hello, How are you? It's been two days I guess or three" The latter greets 

Jeonghan has a lot of time guessing who is it that made the man chuckles a bit "I'm the guy who have a conversation to you at the bar. Know me now?" 

He just places a big "oh" on his mouth and bows back "Hello. Sorry for not recognizing you"

"It's okay. Just happens to see you buying strawberry land down here" Jeonghan just chuckles and nods as he agrees

"so, are you alone?" He asks while they both wait their ice cream to be prepared

"No I'm with my friend" Jeonghan said

"Your friend at the bar?" 

"No. My other friend" Wonho just nods while looking at Jungkook's direction with a sharp eyes

Just then Jeonghan's order came. He quickly takes it and says goodbye to the man

Wonho smirks and immediately sends a new information to Minhyuk. He exits the cafe and smiles at Jeonghan's direction.

After eating at the cafe, Jeonghan and Jungkook feels exhausted while they got home from their all around tour. 

Jeonghan stands up and gets his phone from his room since he left it for them to enjoy the rest of the day. When he opens it, he is quite disappointed since he only got two messages from Jisoo 


8:45 am 

From : Jisoo

Hey~ We're off from work. Have fun with Jungkook okay? Taehyung is pouting when he heard the news


4:30 pm

From : Jisoo

Jeonghannie~ What time is Jungkook's flight? I'll quickly message Taehyung what time is it since I'm at Hansol's house. He is kind of need my help in his business matter. See you tomorrow

Jeonghan just sighs and remembers what Jungkook said to him 

7:34 pm

To : Jisoo 

We're leaving tomorrow at 7:00 am. His flight will be at 8:30 am

Not a minute after, He receives a reply

7:36 pm

From : Jisoo

Oh I'm afraid I'll be late but I will still try to come! promise! 

Jeonghan toss his cellphone on the bed and pouting hardly on the wall. He needs to think alone again since his heart is being immature again feeling jealous into something that is not it. 

"Jeonghan... you are not a kid anymore" 

He just takes a shower to cool of his mind. After taking a bath, He receives a phone call from Jisoo

*picks up*

Jeonghan : What's up?

Jisoo : Are you mad?

Jeonghan : huh? for what?

Jisoo : You didn't answer my message

Jeonghan : ... I'm sorry. I just take a bath and didn't notice your message

Jisoo : You sound tired again

Jeonghan : I'm smiling right now

Jisoo : I cannot hear it

Jeonghan : Hong Jisoo, can you hear a smile?

Jisoo : you're mean

Jeonghan : I'm right

Jisoo : haha okay okay. I just want to hear your voice

Jeonghan can't help but feel comforted again into Jisoo's words. That made him feel guilty once again feeling kind of out of the mood to him

Jeonghan : You still on Hansol's house?

Jisoo : yeah. We are still not done into his business project

Jeonghan : Goodluck 

Jisoo : Thanks. Taehyung already says yes tomorrow morning. He will meet you guys at the airport before coming to work

Jeonghan : you will come?

Jisoo : of course! 

Jeonghan : promise?

Jisoo : I promise

Jeonghan : you pinky promise?

Jisoo : You still using that thing?

Jeonghan : for you to not broke it :3

Jisoo : okay fine pinky promise

Jeonghan : yey! I'll expect you to come okay? 

Jisoo : finally! I heard that kind of voice from you 

Jeonghan : sorry I've been off lately I'm just... just paranoid 

He hears silence from the latter. He needs to be honest to him for him to release any doubt from the latter. He needs to gain whatever trust is now dying within him 

Jisoo : ... I'm sorry I've been busy lately too. I wanted to spend time with you. Even if you tell me it's okay, I know it's not. Promise, I'll give more time to you once this business is done

Jeonghan : Jisoo- I... I don't need your time. I just... I just need your words. You can't stop me from thinking that way. you know me

Jisoo : Jeonghan I love you. It's not a doubt to me. Trust me. I will always do

Jeonghan feels assure for a minute as those words finally let him get out from his paranoid mind and let his heart feels comfort

Jeonghan : you do?

Jisoo : Haha I do. If you want I can go there at your house 

Jeonghan : nah. I trust you anyway. Just help Hansol for his project. He might need your help big time. Just come tomorrow okay?

Jisoo : I will. 

Jeonghan : I'll go now to sleep. Goodnight

Jisoo : Goodnight. I love you

Jeonghan : Bye

Jisoo : Jeonghan I love you 

Jeonghan : haha okay I know. End the phone call now

Jisoo : Jeonghan? I said I love you

He blushes when they finally get back the way they should be

Jeonghan : alright. I love you too 

Jisoo : :) bye~


Jeonghan smiles at the screen. He feels like an idiot feeling all those things were in he could just trust Jisoo's words. 

"Trusting him, is the only option" 

Not a minute after, He receives a phone call once again

*picks up*

Jeonghan : What is it now-

Jisoo : I love you the most. Go now to sleep pretty boy~


He smiles like an idiot but before laying on his bed, he thought of something that made his feelings strange once again but he chooses to believe in Jisoo's words. Only his and not to himself. He trusted him more than himself

"I trust you Jisoo"


Jeonghan and Jungkook arrives in time on the airport. When they reached the waiting area, Taehyung is already there to welcome them with an open arms

"You're mean. You're leaving so so so soon" Taehyung pouts that made Jungkook blush

"I-I'll come back promise" He assures that made the latter smile forming a square lips for them

"I'll wait~"

"Where's your hyung Taehyung?" Jeonghan asked

"I don't know. He didn't went home last night" Taehyung answered

Jeonghan thought maybe Jisoo stayed at Hansol's house. He takes a deep breath and calmly gives him a smile "Maybe he is on his way here" 

10 minutes...

20 minutes...

30 minutes...

1 hour had passed and Jisoo was still not there. Taehyung is good accompanying Jungkook on his last minutes stay here while he is absorb to his phone messaging Jisoo where he is. 

When Jungkook's private jet was ready, Jeonghan gave up and puts his phone inside his bag as he comes nearer to the two to say goodbye to his friend

"Fly safe Kookie~ I'll call you often promise~" Taehyung cutely said while giving him a tight hug

"I will sure answer all of it~" Jungkook hugs back and look at his hyung

"Message me when you got there okay?" He takes his turn to hug him 

Jungkook whispers the words he knows his hyung will be needed all the time "Trust him okay?" 

"I will" Jeonghan whispers back 

Taehyung and Jeonghan waves their hand as Jungkook is walking away from them.

Jeonghan can't help but feel disappointed witnessing the first time Jisoo broke a promise to him

"One down, many more to go" 


I'm sorry for my very long hiatus *bows 90 degrees all the way to the floor* I'm having a hard time how to get my ideas arranged to this story. Sorry for that T.T but I will sum up my thoughts to finish this~ I promise~ 
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Interesting. Will read asap.
Chapter 22: Omg that was amazing lol I know I'm late but please continue writing!
Boku21 #3
Chapter 22: Great Story n.n thank you for this ♥
chetski #4
Yay happy ending at last! Thank you for finishing this fanfic authornim - will await your new story
Chapter 22: Thank you author-nim! I know it was a struggle to finish this story but I am glad you did. The author is so cute and I hope you will continue writing when you have the time. Take care author-nim!
Jihan4ever #6
Chapter 22: I'm literally crying at 12 in the afternoon. I'm glad that Jihan was able to have a very happy ending! I'm sad that this fanfic is complete but it ended very nicely. This fanfic has come so far and it has finally ended. And I'll be ready for the next game if there will be another one. Good Work Author-nim! Yay to Jihan!
Chapter 22: Finally!!! Phew~~
Chapter 22: Thank you for wonderful game :)
kimyerimislife #9
Chapter 22: Waaah a happy ending for Jihan and Jicheol T.T really worth the wait :)) thank you for writing such a wonderful story authornim!!
iamautumn #10
Chapter 22: waaahhh thank you author-nim for giving us a happy ending !! I'm very happy that they ended up together :))))) but there will be another game??