Going Home

Old Memories ( on hold )
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A new day, a new beginning, new goals, new feelings, but old friends and old memories. That's what was in Seung Hyun's mind while he was on the plane on the way home after 11 years. 

When he was 17 his parents got a divorce and he had to go and live with his mother in the United states. He refused at first and did as many troubles as he could so he won't leave but in the end, he was forced to get on the plane and leave his country and his beloved friends. Yes, his friends meant everything to him, they were like a second family and with them, he was able to find the warmth that he missed in his family. 


He first met Jiyong when they were 7 years old and they've been friends ever since. The story of how they met is actually quite funny. They were both playing in the garden and somehow the two boys liked the same girl and both wanted to get her attention. From trying to buy her ice cream to making her laugh to doing goofy stuff to giving her their toys. The 7 years old boys did everything but in the end, the girl left and they both stayed there looking dumb as ever. They bickered for a while but eventually, each one of them went in his own way. And fate played his card and they both were studying in the same class, although at first, they didn't stand each other, they became friends after being assigned to do the homework together, and after a few months they turned friends but they never admit it until they were 9. 


When they were 9, they meet Hyemi and trough her they met Hana. Hyemi was a lively and energetic kid that always made people smile wherever she was. She was smart and always the top of her class. And she was also beautiful and polite. She was the joy of the group and both boys liked her in a flash. She always dreamt of being a designer and always had an artistic view to things. She was a dreamer and she loved traveling. Long story short, the little Hyemi was the definition of perfection at such a young age. Opposite to her, Hana was shy and timid and Hyemi was her only friends followed after by Seung Hyun and Jiyong. Hana wasn't coming from a rich family like Hyemi and Seung Hyun but that didn't outcast her from them and they loved her the same. She wasn't as smart as well but still, she wasn't bad. She used to wear glasses and at the memory of that Seung Hyun smiled. She used to hate wearing glasses but her three friends found her cute. She was the clumsiest between the four of them. She and Hyemi were inseparable and even though people were wondering how the two became friends that didn't bother them. Or so they thought. 



All the way to Seoul, Seung Hyun's mind were flowing back to his memories with his friends. How they met, their fights, their happiest moments, everything and anything. He also remembered how they grow up together and how happy their teenage days were. Even though each one of them was struggling in his own life, whenever they were together, they would forget about the world. 


He was so excited to see them again after all these years and bring back the old memories. He didn't hear anything from them since he was 18. His mother was strict and she didn't want anything to relate him to Seoul and South Korea in general, but after he turned 28 he had to go back to take over his father's designing house. He was ambitious and had many plans in mind to do them especially after he learned that the company grew a lot since he left. 


He knew that things had changed for sure but he never imagined it to be a 360° change. He always believed that his three and only friends will always remain friends no matter what after what they went through as young adults. 


He didn't have siblings so his friends were his siblings and leaving them was the hardest thing he had to deal with. Even his parent's divorce didn't affect him as much. 


While growing up, he imagined how his friends were and what they were doing. He was sure that Hyemi was doing great and maybe she was able to create her own fashion clothing house. He was aware of Jiyong's love to fashion as well and he thought that maybe he has achieved a lot of success because he knew how much of a perfectionist Jiyong was and how hard he worked. Hana never revealed her dreams to them but he was sure that she and Hyemi would never leave each other and maybe the two of them were working together. 



He tried to contact them before but he failed so the first thing on his to-do list was to find them and bring back the old days. The flight was shorter because all the way he was thinking of happy moments and his heart was beating fast and he couldn't wait to start his new life and he was more than thrilled with it. Oblivious to the fact that nothing was the same and probably will never be. 






Back in Seoul, Park Hyemi was working her off. She was working as a waitress in one of the restaurants in Gangnam and like every other day, it was full of people and she was struggling to manage the orders. 

If that was 7 years ago, she would be sitting on one of the tables and ordering her lunch. But that wasn't the case. In just one night, she turned from the rich princess to almost a homeless 20 years old girl. Her father work wasn't doing well and they had tp add partners and eventually they had to sell everything they have so they can survive from the debts. And ever si

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14 streak #1
Is there any chance you continue the story
adelaide_m #2
Chapter 9: ar....i like it...pls keep it update !! it's getting tense.
Heymama #3
Chapter 9: I likeee...Seunghyun is jealoussss...good..lets see wats goona happen next...
Chapter 9: Hehehe is it wrong for me to ship Hyemi with Jiyong? Probably haha. They're so cute xD But I'm weak for friendship, so maybe that's why. And Seunghyun is jealous, how adorable ^_^ I love them all so much <3 Except Hana. ing hell, I hate Hana. God damn, what's she gonna do to poor Hyemi? Hopefully nothing serious.. gah! I want Jiyong to end up happy and romancey and cute too! Just not with Hana >:/ Somebody else haha. Man and Ji cheering on Seung and Hyemi's little romance is adorable! Even though they're both too dense to realize they like eachother :/ but I like how jealous Seung is, it's funny to see him worked up over their friendship! What did he expect? They've been close for so long. Ahhh I'm so excited for the next chapter, this was so cute, I wanna see what happens next! <3 Update soon please!! :)
Rusty22 #5
Chapter 9: Wow!!!!
Chapter 9: Wow that's a really trendy office and the box was also nice!!!
Someone's jealous....(hehehe ;D) <3333
Now I am waiting to know what Hyemi found the next morning in the office....
nurinailham #7
Chapter 8: I'm really in love with this story so far. please don't let me down TT I hope hyemi and seunghyun will recognize each other's feelings huhuhu. Please update soon!
Chapter 8: Yay yay yay another update! Hell yeah Seunghyun you give Hana the what for. Ah Seunghyun, do you like Hyemi?? Cute if you do.. better make a move and stop treating her like a sister! :P how adorable. I hope Ji gets his own little romance as well <3
Heymama #9
Chapter 8: Yeah..This is sooo cool. Keep it up Authornim ..!