Start Again

Old Memories ( on hold )
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Hyemi pov:


'' What do you mean? '' Hye Rin said 

'' How much will they pay you?  '' Hye Sung asked

'' Yah! This is not about money you greedy '' I yelled

'' It is noona '' he argued

'' Are you sure you can do this? '' my mother added 

'' Of course Eomma, this all I ever wanted '' I answered '' I even can believe this is happening, I've never seen this coming '' 

'' You mean you never thought of working with Seung Hyun '' Hye Rin teased and I glared at her

'' Park Hye Rin stop saying none sense '' my mother warned '' I wish you all the luck my beautiful child, you deserve something like this '' my mother added and held my hand

'' Where's dad? did he wake up yet?  '' I asked them

'' He's up but he's still in his room '' Hye Sung answered

'' Okay, hurry up and go or you'll be late '' 

'' Can you just spare us for one day '' Hye Rin complained

I hit her head '' Only when you'll graduate and start working, now you can't argue ''


I left my siblings bickering with my mother and took my father's breakfast and medicine and went to him. 

'' Appa '' I spoke once I entered the room and found my father sitting on his bed

'' Hyemi, come '' 

I put the plate on the table next to his bed and sat next to him ''  Why didn't you join us for breakfast today? '' I asked and kissed his hand

'' You're too kind '' he suddenly said 

'' What? '' 

'' I feel so embarrassed while looking at you '' he revealed and I frowned

'' Why would you? '' 

'' Can't you see? if it wasn't because of me you and your siblings wouldn't have to suffer. Can't you see how your mother looks? she looks as if she's over eighty. You lost the best years of your life working to support us while I was supposed to be doing that '' he explained and I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes were getting teary. 

I've known that my father was blaming himself all these years but when I heard it from him it felt more painful.

'' Appa... '' 

'' No Hyemi, I failed you all. If I worked harder maybe I would have survived. We would still at least having a decent life. Your siblings would have had a better life and you my child wouldn't have to suffer from all the unfairness the world gave you. I couldn't even protect you when people misjudged you and treated you so bad. I am really sorry Hyemi-ah '' my father apology made me in tears. 

I hugged him '' Please don't say this dad, this is not your fault, it can happen to anyone. Besides, we are still together and that's more than enough for me. You have to stay healthy and love us like you always did. I can accept and endure everything for you, we're family, right? '' I assured him

'' What did I do to have a daughter like you? '' 

I smiled widely at him and batted my eyelashes '' I know '' 

We both laughed and I put the plate on his lap so he can eat ''  When will you start working? '' he asked

'' You knew?  '' I questioned surprised because none told him yet, they all knew this morning 

'' There's no one who couldn't hear your happy voice this morning while telling the others  '' he confessed and I blushed '' I wanted to see you graduating from the best universities and opening your own line for you and not to see you working for other people '' he added

'' Appa, what did I say just now? besides, you know Seung Hyun and I am sure working with him would be better than working on my own '' I argued

'' I knew you'd say that, of course, you always had a special place for that boy '' he said and if I didn't blush earlier, I sure did after that '' It's okay, but take care of yourself and don't trust anyone, remember what happen years ago? '' he warned and I tensed

'' I can never forget and don't worry, I'll take care of myself '' 

'' So when will you start? '' 

'' Tomorrow ''

'' Excited, huh? '' 

'' Of course, I'll finally work with Seung Hyun and Jiyong '' I answered excitedly 

My father smiled '' I am so happy that at least, you have good friends '' he added and I knew exactly what he meant. But before I could answer my mother entered

'' Hyemi, you have a guest  '' she revealed and I frowned 

'' Who is it? '' as if hearing me, Seung Hyun immediately entered the room and my eyes widened 

'' Seung Hyun?! What are you doing here? '' I asked shocked but he ignored me and bowed to my father

'' Uncle Young Ho, how have you been? '' 

'' Good son, how are you? it's been long since I've seen you '' my father answered with a smile 

'' I am fine thank you. I think this time I'll be staying here for good '' he revealed and then turned to me '' Well if you don't mind, I want to steal Hyemi for a few hours '' I looked at him puzzled 

'' What? what for? '' I asked 

'' Of course '' my mother announced and before I could understand what was happening, I found myself with Seung Hyun in his car.


''  Where are you taking me? '' I asked 

'' To bring the old Hyemi back '' he answered and I felt even more lost 

'' What? '' 

'' You're funny when you're being an idiot '' he said pinching my nose '' I am going to take to have a makeover, of course, you didn't think you'd work with me looking like that '' he revealed

'' Yah! How dare you? do you mean I look ugly? '' I yelled not actually angry

'' Aish! You don't understand, I just want you to look good so you won't feel different and focus more on your job. Besides, my friends need to look just like me so my rivals will know that I didn't get the most talented people but also the most beautiful '' he answered with a wink

'' But this is too much ''

'' No! You'll do this even if you didn't want to. Consider it as my gift for you for all your birthdays that I missed  '' he added and I couldn't help but smile and have pink cheeks

''  You're not an imagination, are you? '' he laughed and revealed his dimples that I missed so much 

'' Nope, and now let's bring my lady bug back '' he joked and I hit his arm

'' Yah! You didn't forget this! '' 

'' Never! '' he teased and I rolled my eyes.

My lady bug nickname came when we were eleven. When I start laughing, crying or get angry, I'll turn so red and that's how Seung Hyun started calling me lady bug because he thought that I was red like a lady bug. 


We went to a shopping center and there wasn't a shop that we didn't enter it and of course, we always left holding a lot of bags. I complained but he was acting as if he didn't hear me and continued buying none stop. Although it was too much, I couldn't help but feel lighthearted and so happy. My heart was beating fast and I couldn't believe that Seung Hyun was doing of that for me. Do I really mean something to hi

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14 streak #1
Is there any chance you continue the story
adelaide_m #2
Chapter 9: ar....i like it...pls keep it update !! it's getting tense.
Heymama #3
Chapter 9: I likeee...Seunghyun is jealoussss...good..lets see wats goona happen next...
Chapter 9: Hehehe is it wrong for me to ship Hyemi with Jiyong? Probably haha. They're so cute xD But I'm weak for friendship, so maybe that's why. And Seunghyun is jealous, how adorable ^_^ I love them all so much <3 Except Hana. ing hell, I hate Hana. God damn, what's she gonna do to poor Hyemi? Hopefully nothing serious.. gah! I want Jiyong to end up happy and romancey and cute too! Just not with Hana >:/ Somebody else haha. Man and Ji cheering on Seung and Hyemi's little romance is adorable! Even though they're both too dense to realize they like eachother :/ but I like how jealous Seung is, it's funny to see him worked up over their friendship! What did he expect? They've been close for so long. Ahhh I'm so excited for the next chapter, this was so cute, I wanna see what happens next! <3 Update soon please!! :)
Rusty22 #5
Chapter 9: Wow!!!!
Chapter 9: Wow that's a really trendy office and the box was also nice!!!
Someone's jealous....(hehehe ;D) <3333
Now I am waiting to know what Hyemi found the next morning in the office....
nurinailham #7
Chapter 8: I'm really in love with this story so far. please don't let me down TT I hope hyemi and seunghyun will recognize each other's feelings huhuhu. Please update soon!
Chapter 8: Yay yay yay another update! Hell yeah Seunghyun you give Hana the what for. Ah Seunghyun, do you like Hyemi?? Cute if you do.. better make a move and stop treating her like a sister! :P how adorable. I hope Ji gets his own little romance as well <3
Heymama #9
Chapter 8: Yeah..This is sooo cool. Keep it up Authornim ..!