
Old Memories ( on hold )
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Jiyong pov:


I was really glad and happy that my best friend is back. I really hoped that he'd see me in a better situation but what can I do? He must have been really shocked with everything I told him. I've been shocked myself while living them.


He left in hurry earlier when we were in the cafe and he was saying that he'd make this better. How? well, that's what I don't know. I returned home since I had nowhere to be and I wish I didn't. As soon as entered I heard my parents speaking. 


'' What will happen to Jiyong now? '' My mother asked

'' I don't know. It seems like there's no way we can help him '' my father answered hopelessly

'' But how can I let that happen to my only son? huh? how will he survive there with all those criminals '' my mother whined and I could sense her crying

'' I can't bare to see him like that, but we can't do anything. It's his faults for trusting the wrong people '' 



Actually, that wasn't the first time I'd heard them talking about me. But every time, I'd feel more guilty and hurt. My father was right, I brought this to myself and I have to accept the consequences. 


I slowly made my way to my room trying to avoid them. I laid on my bed and started thinking about how great my life used to be. Especially while I was a teenager. Suddenly, I remembered Hana. That girl was a really great person and for once I liked her and hoped to be closer to her. Who knows, maybe if she didn't turn out to be like that, I would have fallen in love with her.


Just when I was immersed in my own thoughts, my phone buzzed. It was a message from Seung Hyun and asked me to meet him in our old place. I smiled reading that message. I haven't been there since I was 19, I wonder how it looked like.


I took my jacket and left the house. Our place secluded place of Seoul that no one went too. It was beautiful and full of trees. We used to spend hours there, talking, playing, sketching, and it was the place where we discovered our love for designing. It was one of our best hiding places. 


After an hour, I arrived and I found Seung Hyun already there. He had such a nice car. I wonder why would he insist on us still being friends.

'' I am so glad you came '' he said

'' Of course, what's the matter? '' I asked right away and he smiled

'' I found a solution for you '' he announced and my eyes widened. What? solution? I couldn't find one for months, so how could he and so fast? 

'' What? what are you talking about? '' 

'' I'll give you the money '' he stated cheerfully and the smile I had faded 

'' No, no. I can't take it and I won't. I didn't tell you everything so you can do that '' I refused and he frowned

'' Why? Jiyong we're friends even if we didn't meet for years. You're still like a brother to me and I really want to help you '' he argued

'' I know, but I still can't take it. It's a lot of money and it's not your problem so-'' I said but he cut me off

'' Then work for me '' he stated 

'' What? '' 

'' Take the money and work for me. I won't pay you until you give me back all my money. That's fair don't you think? '' 

'' Why are you doing this? '' I asked not believing what was happening 

'' Because I want to help my brother. Because I can't see you suffer and most importantly is because I want my best friend by my side '' he explained with a smile 

'' But... but what if I failed, huh? I've failed before and- '' I tried to protest but he cut me off once again.

'' I trust you Ji, so what do you say?  '' he declared

'' I can't say no, can I? '' he shook his head and I smiled at him.

This is a miracle... I can never pay him for this, I'll own him till the day I die... 

'' I seriously don't know how to pay you back for this, Seung Hyun ''

'' Actually, you can pay by helping with this '' He said and I frowned but I wouldn't hesitate in helping him...


I can't believe this was happening to me... I never thought of that and I was already preparing myself to go to jail so soon... 









Hyemi pov:


'' Hye Rin come on wake up '' I yelled trying to wake my little sister

I was running late on my job and my sister was still sleeping. I am not working hard so she can skip going to school. She's lucky that I had to leave right away. 

'' Mom I am leaving now, don't forget to give dad his medicine, okay? '' I reminded her but she stopped me

'' Hyemi, the bills are still not paid and if we didn't pay them this week they'll cut off our electricity '' my mother said and I sighed. I just paid three other bills yesterday... 

'' I'll ask my boss to give an advance and I'll pay it. But now I have to go, make sure your daughter wakes up and go to her school. Love you '' I said and left right away.



I reached the cafe and immediately wore my apron and started my regular job. I was trying to smile and ask cheerfully hiding the pain and the fatigue I felt. My life has never been easy since years. At first, it was easy to do all th

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14 streak #1
Is there any chance you continue the story
adelaide_m #2
Chapter 9: ar....i like it...pls keep it update !! it's getting tense.
Heymama #3
Chapter 9: I likeee...Seunghyun is jealoussss...good..lets see wats goona happen next...
Chapter 9: Hehehe is it wrong for me to ship Hyemi with Jiyong? Probably haha. They're so cute xD But I'm weak for friendship, so maybe that's why. And Seunghyun is jealous, how adorable ^_^ I love them all so much <3 Except Hana. ing hell, I hate Hana. God damn, what's she gonna do to poor Hyemi? Hopefully nothing serious.. gah! I want Jiyong to end up happy and romancey and cute too! Just not with Hana >:/ Somebody else haha. Man and Ji cheering on Seung and Hyemi's little romance is adorable! Even though they're both too dense to realize they like eachother :/ but I like how jealous Seung is, it's funny to see him worked up over their friendship! What did he expect? They've been close for so long. Ahhh I'm so excited for the next chapter, this was so cute, I wanna see what happens next! <3 Update soon please!! :)
Rusty22 #5
Chapter 9: Wow!!!!
Chapter 9: Wow that's a really trendy office and the box was also nice!!!
Someone's jealous....(hehehe ;D) <3333
Now I am waiting to know what Hyemi found the next morning in the office....
nurinailham #7
Chapter 8: I'm really in love with this story so far. please don't let me down TT I hope hyemi and seunghyun will recognize each other's feelings huhuhu. Please update soon!
Chapter 8: Yay yay yay another update! Hell yeah Seunghyun you give Hana the what for. Ah Seunghyun, do you like Hyemi?? Cute if you do.. better make a move and stop treating her like a sister! :P how adorable. I hope Ji gets his own little romance as well <3
Heymama #9
Chapter 8: Yeah..This is sooo cool. Keep it up Authornim ..!