Searching for the truth

Old Memories ( on hold )
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Hyemi pov:


The meeting went well and everyone loved the new addition and how the company is growing. I was excited because I'll work with Jiyong and Seung Hyun but I can't say the same about Hana. I can't even feel comfortable nor safe around her. Not after what she did to me. 


Once the meeting was done, the four of us went to Seung Hyun's office. He sat on his chair like always, however, while I was going to sit on the opposite chair someone beat me to it. And of course, it was none other than Hana. My anger was rising with every passing minute but I was trying to stay composed. 


She was being arrogant and ignorant of both me and Jiyong. All that was in her mind was Seung Hyun. Of course, he was the one with the money and she loved it more than anything. I know that better than anyone. 


Even though I was jealous of how she was acting comfortably with Seung Hyun, I couldn't help but see the hurting look on Jiyong's face. Since we were teens, I knew he had something for Hana but he was too coward to tell her. And after the things in college and how she treated him after he lost everything, he couldn't do anything. He was having a battle with himself on whether he should love her or not. 



I feel sorry for him, actually, if Hana was the same Hana I knew since I was little then, I would happily cheer for them and even help him get closer to her. But she's not. And I am sure she'll hurt him so that's why I tried to make him forget about her. But when I saw how he was looking at her that day, I knew he still has a place for her in his heart. 



I was too busy staring at him, that I only got my senses back when he stood. I looked over to Seung Hyun right away and he was too standing. 

'' Come on Ji, you girls wait here we won't be late and after that, we'll go and have lunch together '' Seung Hyun announced and before I could refuse they were out. 


Crap! Me and Hana in the same room and alone is not a good thing... 

'' Are going to tell me what the hell are you doing here? '' she asked coldly and her eyes were boring holes in my face.

'' Excuse me? '' I asked back

'' You heard me. What on earth are you doing in this company? and where did this job thing came from? you didn't even finish college so how will ever be able to work? '' she questioned and my fists were clenched. 

'' Both of us know why I didn't finish and I am sure you do know that it's not the point, it's about who has the talent '' I said back as coldly as she and I can see her started to get angry. Nice... 

'' It doesn't matter because you'll be gone from here soon  '' she answered with a smirk

'' Don't be too sure, Hana. You may have ruined me once but I won't let it happen this time '' I warned

She laughed '' Look who's talking, you do realize you nothing now, do you?  ''  That's it, I can't hold it anymore

'' I know exactly where I stand ''

'' You better leave this company and leave Seung Hyun alone or '' she threatened

'' Or what? you'll do what you did before? you're an expert in betraying others but you know what? I don't care and you'll never force me to do anything '' I answered confidently 

'' Since you didn't understand then I'll gladly make you and you better be careful '' 

'' I don't care, Hana '' 

'' We'll see '' 

'' You know what, I am not the one who should be careful, you should '' I stated 

'' Huh? and why is that? '' 

'' Well, since you care about Seung Hyun a lot then you must care about how he'll think of you when he'll know how y you are and what you did to get to where you are today. We both know it wasn't because of talent, you barely can sketch anything ''  I informed her and she shot me a deadly glare. 

'' But he'll never know '' she said through gritted teeth 

'' There's always a possibility '' I answered '' I won't play easy this time Song Hana '' I added coldly and then took my bag to leave. I can't stay longer with her. 

Just as I opened the door, I found Seung Hyun. ! I hope he didn't hear anything... 

'' Seung Hyun '' 

'' We finished, go with Jiyong and we'll join you, I still have something to show to Hana '' he informed and entered his room closing the door. I stood there confused, I hope he didn't hear anything... 


I stood there for another few seconds, then I went to look for Jiyong just when I got a message from him telling me that he outside and waiting for me. 


'' Where's the others? '' he asked right away

'' Yah! now my company is not good for you?! '' I exc

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13 streak #1
Is there any chance you continue the story
adelaide_m #2
Chapter 9: ar....i like it...pls keep it update !! it's getting tense.
Heymama #3
Chapter 9: I likeee...Seunghyun is jealoussss...good..lets see wats goona happen next...
Chapter 9: Hehehe is it wrong for me to ship Hyemi with Jiyong? Probably haha. They're so cute xD But I'm weak for friendship, so maybe that's why. And Seunghyun is jealous, how adorable ^_^ I love them all so much <3 Except Hana. ing hell, I hate Hana. God damn, what's she gonna do to poor Hyemi? Hopefully nothing serious.. gah! I want Jiyong to end up happy and romancey and cute too! Just not with Hana >:/ Somebody else haha. Man and Ji cheering on Seung and Hyemi's little romance is adorable! Even though they're both too dense to realize they like eachother :/ but I like how jealous Seung is, it's funny to see him worked up over their friendship! What did he expect? They've been close for so long. Ahhh I'm so excited for the next chapter, this was so cute, I wanna see what happens next! <3 Update soon please!! :)
Rusty22 #5
Chapter 9: Wow!!!!
Chapter 9: Wow that's a really trendy office and the box was also nice!!!
Someone's jealous....(hehehe ;D) <3333
Now I am waiting to know what Hyemi found the next morning in the office....
nurinailham #7
Chapter 8: I'm really in love with this story so far. please don't let me down TT I hope hyemi and seunghyun will recognize each other's feelings huhuhu. Please update soon!
Chapter 8: Yay yay yay another update! Hell yeah Seunghyun you give Hana the what for. Ah Seunghyun, do you like Hyemi?? Cute if you do.. better make a move and stop treating her like a sister! :P how adorable. I hope Ji gets his own little romance as well <3
Heymama #9
Chapter 8: Yeah..This is sooo cool. Keep it up Authornim ..!