A look into the past

Old Memories ( on hold )
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Hyemi pov: 



'' You tell me. Hyemi, tell me what's going on between you and Hana. I've been trying to fix things but you too looks like you want to kill each other, so why is that? ''  Seung Hyun asked and I was lost.


What should I tell him? if I said the truth I am sure he won't leave Hana alone but if I lied he may cut off his relationship with me...  I promised myself to only care about myself and how to make mine and my family's life better so I went with the first option, I'll deal with Hana later on... 


I took a deep breath and looked directly at Seung Hyun's eyes '' Fine, I'll tell you everything but promise me you won't cut me off and hear me until the end  '' I said my only condition and he nodded. 




7 years ago:


It was only a month since my family announced their bankrupt and things were getting harder each passing day but I didn't know that on that day, my life will be more doomed.


'' Morning girls '' Jiyong cheered while he came and sat next to me and Hana when we were having breakfast in university cafeteria

'' Morning Ji ''

'' Morning ''

'' Have you heard the news? '' he asked and we both shrugged

'' What is it? '' I asked back

'' They announced a new test and guess what's the price of the winner '' he said so happily 

'' Come Jiyong, say it '' Hana said rolling her eyes

'' Tsk, you're such a joy killer  '' he confessed '' They will choose the top two who will succeed in the test and then the two will create a few designs and the one with the best one will go to Paris and Italy '' he added '' And not just that they also win a lot of money and a chance to get their designs taken by one of the best brands in country '' he revealed with a clap 

That's amazing, if I can pull it off then one of my problems will end and I won't have to think about my future, it was a golden chance for me... 


'' That's great! Can we join it? '' I asked right away

'' Yup, all students can '' 

'' Will you do it? '' Hana questioned 

''  Of course, I can't let it slip away, this can be a life changing experience for me '' I revealed and I wish I didn't because I didn't know it then but it was why my life was ruined '' And you? '' 

'' I will think about it '' she answered

'' Don't mind her Munchie, you know she's not as great as you, everyone knows you'll win this '' Jiyong spoke and Hana immediately glared at him 

'' You don't know what will happen '' she said coldly and then she took her books and stood '' I'll see you in class '' 


We both watched her as she left, '' What's wrong with her? '' Jiyong asked

'' I don't know, maybe she got offended '' I shrugged 

'' But I was joking and I've always like this so this nothing new '' he defended 

'' I don't know, she's been weird lately, maybe she has something '' I added 

'' Maybe, how's your father by the way? '' he asked and I smiled at him. He was the only one who kept asking me about my family every single day and he insisted on taking me home every day so I won't have to pay for the transport 

'' He's still not talking with anyone, he's putting all the blame on himself '' I stated heavily 

'' Don't worry, I am sure everything will be fine, you'll be the best designer in South Korea and the world in a few years '' he confessed and I smiled wider. His words are what kept me going and made me keep my dreams 

'' I hope so '' 



We talked there for another few minutes and then we went to classes. Later that day, I put my name on the list of the people who are taking the test and then went to work. All that was on my mind was how to create something new and breathtaking that will help me win. 



After two weeks, we finally took the test and I was very happy and I was sure I'll be one of the chosen two. Oblivious to the whole scandal someone was making for me. After two days, the results were revealed and as expected I was on of two who got chosen next to Kim Jaejoong, the university's best male designer and the son of KH group owner, one of the best fashion house in South Korea. 



I was so excited to start sketching so I can hand my designs the next day so I didn't go to work that day and spent all my time drawing. Hana came to check on me and she slept in my house. The next morning she disappeared and I took the flash where my drawing where and went to the university but I was welcomed by everyone staring at me and whispering and their looks made me feel as if I was the world's biggest . 


Just before I enter my class, the dean came and asked me to come with him. I thought it was only so I can give him my designs but I was wrong. The teachers, the disciplinary board and surprisingly Hana, were all there. 

'' What's going on? '' I asked feeling uneasy 

'' I was hoping you'd answer that '' the dean said and I looked at him confused

'' I am sorry? '' 

Then he pointed his hand the computer and my eyes were already fixed there. My brows crossed and I felt even more confused. There was a video playing, a girl entered what looked like the teacher's room and she started touching the teacher there and then they started doing inappropriate things. My eyes were wider than ever, but that wasn't all. After that, the teacher gave her some papers and after that, she left. 

'' I am sorry sir, but why are you showing me this? '' I stuttered

'' Still lying! How could you do this? '' he suddenly yelled and I flinched.

Did he think I was that girl?! '' But sir, this isn't me! I didn't do this! '' 

'' I didn't think you were this law, how could you do this? was it worth it to ruin your life? you know what's the punishment for sleeping with a teacher, stealing a test and stealing your friend's work? '' he asked and I was confused again

'' I don't understand '' 

'' Give me the designs '' he demanded and I handed him the flash in my hand after he saw its content he smirked

'' They are the same '' 

'' Same? but I didn't copy anything, I just made then yesterday, tell them Hana '' I turned to my friend and begged her but she didn't make a move and kept quiet

''  You'll be expelled, you're such a disappointment. I thought you were better than this  '' the dean revealed and my heart st

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14 streak #1
Is there any chance you continue the story
adelaide_m #2
Chapter 9: ar....i like it...pls keep it update !! it's getting tense.
Heymama #3
Chapter 9: I likeee...Seunghyun is jealoussss...good..lets see wats goona happen next...
Chapter 9: Hehehe is it wrong for me to ship Hyemi with Jiyong? Probably haha. They're so cute xD But I'm weak for friendship, so maybe that's why. And Seunghyun is jealous, how adorable ^_^ I love them all so much <3 Except Hana. ing hell, I hate Hana. God damn, what's she gonna do to poor Hyemi? Hopefully nothing serious.. gah! I want Jiyong to end up happy and romancey and cute too! Just not with Hana >:/ Somebody else haha. Man and Ji cheering on Seung and Hyemi's little romance is adorable! Even though they're both too dense to realize they like eachother :/ but I like how jealous Seung is, it's funny to see him worked up over their friendship! What did he expect? They've been close for so long. Ahhh I'm so excited for the next chapter, this was so cute, I wanna see what happens next! <3 Update soon please!! :)
Rusty22 #5
Chapter 9: Wow!!!!
Chapter 9: Wow that's a really trendy office and the box was also nice!!!
Someone's jealous....(hehehe ;D) <3333
Now I am waiting to know what Hyemi found the next morning in the office....
nurinailham #7
Chapter 8: I'm really in love with this story so far. please don't let me down TT I hope hyemi and seunghyun will recognize each other's feelings huhuhu. Please update soon!
Chapter 8: Yay yay yay another update! Hell yeah Seunghyun you give Hana the what for. Ah Seunghyun, do you like Hyemi?? Cute if you do.. better make a move and stop treating her like a sister! :P how adorable. I hope Ji gets his own little romance as well <3
Heymama #9
Chapter 8: Yeah..This is sooo cool. Keep it up Authornim ..!