
Take Your Time

The boys all agreed to stay away from the internet and their phones for three whole days, Zephyr and Somang turning in their devices as well.  BigHit had agreed to let netizens and critics run wild for 72 hours before anything was said to hopefully give people time to cool down and evaluated the situation with an understanding and educated heart.  In the first 24 hours several fan cafes shut down and hundreds of thousands of 'fans' turned in to antis, unable to accept the fact that their warped realities had been shattered.  Unable to cope with the fact that suddenly their biases were unavailable immature little girls took to social media crying, and defaming, and cursing the group they had sworn to love and protect the week before.  Several 'fan groups' tried to dig up dirt to figure out who these trashy girls were in an effort to run them off, but nothing was to be found because no one knew exactly who they were.  Some fans speculated about the blonde haired trash Namjoon had been seen with until an entertainment company out of London stepped forward claiming her as one of their senior employees and threatening harsh legal action against anyone who used her in baseless speculations and internet bullying.  

After the initial 72 hours sides were clearly drawn in the sand between the loyal ARMY who continued to stan OT7 and who vocalized their continued support and well wishes for not only the boys, but for the partners their hearts sang for.  Thousands of letters trended across twitter of light, and love and support while several hundred more condemned the childish actions of the so called fans who had condemned and berated the boys for having the audacity to think they could fall in love with whomever they chose.  Former ARMYs were joining antis in trying to drag dirt and controversy to the boys names while working diligently to knock them out of awards shows and off of music charts, going so far as to make accusations of plagarism and bribery.  BigHit stepped in and started tracking accounts for legal action while Namjoon and Yoongi suited up for battle, preparing statements that debunked the accusations of plagarism, while condemning certain actions by their more extreme fans who had since turned against them.  

Five days out critics and artists alike started to come to the defense of the group, coming out in interviews and on social media, voicing their opinions on dating and the limitations and expectations placed on people in the entertainment industry, highlighting how the expectations for idol singers, especially ones in groups, were vastly different than those for solo artists, or actors, or even models.  Several idol singers made confessions that they had left their partners due to the strain of the life they had chosen, and expressed the regrets that many of them had.  Se7en came forward once again to speak on his long running relationship that had only ended two years previous after over a decade together.  He spoke of how terrified he was to come out, and how they had gone to such extreme measures to hide it, and while his own shortcomings had eventually lead to the parting of ways, commentary and actions of netizens had not helped either.  It was a mess.

Two weeks later BigHit filed suit against ten of the most extreme accounts and netizens took note.  The next day Suga did a VLive and people were floored.  He was pissed.  He did not apologize for his disrespectful attitude or his harsh words.  He spoke from his heart telling everyone who didn't live in his shoes to shut up and leave them alone.  He wouldn't be like Namjoonah and be careful with his words because at this point he did not care what others thought anymore.  He loved his fiance and she loved him and no amount of childish words or immature actions was going to change that.  He told the world that he would marry her tomorrow if he so pleased and that netizens and antis and fans alike could either accept that, or find some place else to put their effort because the cases that BigHit did not catch he would.  He told the world to find a happy medium, and before the screen went blank he announced that for the time being he was no longer an active member of Bangtan Sonyeondan.  The screams were heard around the world as social media kicked in to overdrive.


"I think Yoongi hyung broke Twitter," Taehyung said with a boxy smile.

The boys all knew that Yoongi was about shock tactics and at this point none of them much cared if the ultimatum backfired or not.  They had lived and saved diligently, most of them investing in one thing or another so that they would have stability in the future should BTS dissolve.

"How long until we make a statement?" Kookie asked as he looked over TaeTaeahs shoulder at the endless twitter comments of fans begging Suga not to leave as that would mean the end of BTS.

"I think we need to wait a few days," Namjoon said as he pulled out his own phone and scrolled through the comments.  "Let them see that we are serious.  Let's not make any kind of posts until management addresses it.  Bang PD-nim is as savage as they come when he has to be and right now he is not very happy."

The others looked to their leader and nodded in agreement.

"When do you think he will make a statement?" Jin asked.

Namjoon shrugged.

"At least three days," he said finally.  "Bang PD-nim likes 3."

All the members nodded again and settled back down as ARMY everywhere melted into chaos.

Exactly three days later as fan accounts and cafes were petitioning BigHit for an answer on the truth behind Sugas statement they released a statement of their own that Bangtan Sonyeondan had decided to go on a year long hiatus in order to determine what they wanted to do moving forwards seeing as they had failed to maintain the expectations and standards set forth by their fans thus breaking the trust that BTS and ARMY had had for one another.  BigHit apologized on behalf of the boys but assured the fans that they would continue to monitor the situation and keep everyone updated on progress. ARMY once again each other, some factions calling out others for being so childish and pushing the boys to this decision which was obviously causing them great mental strain since they had not made a comment themselves.

Two days after that Taehyung posted a picture of a wilting flower which he said reflected the condition of his heart at the current situation between ARMY and BTS.  He explained that the place he was in now was very dark and that it was not a place he had ever wanted to be.  A few hours later Hobi made a post thanking fans for staying with them during this difficult time as terms and expectations were renegotiated and their place was reconfigured in the world.  The boys knew what they were doing, and they knew that they were taking a risk in pushing it as far as they were, but they also knew it was a risk they had to take.  After all of the members had posted over the course of a few days they took their twitter account black, their header simply titled "LOADING".


Slowly, fans began to see what they had done.  They had destroyed something they had only wanted to protect and now no one had anything to turn to.  No tweets.  No vlive.  No soundcloud.  No albums.  Nothing.  It was total silence. BTS used the time to really think about the future, and to heal themselves, and to figure out who they were.  This time they would have to wait for the fans to make the next move.  Three months later when it was getting to be too much, ARMY made a petition for netizens to apologize and for anti's to back off.  For everyone to come to their senses and see that BTS would not come back to fans who remained unyeilding.  Projects were started, letters were written, fan arts created, billboards commissioned, community service completed, and presents bought.  The world fell to its knees and begged Bangtan Sonyeondan to give it one final chance.  The boys on the other hand were torn.  While they had loved the life they had had before...these last several months had been amazing.  They had been stress free and care free but...maybe a little less than responsible.  Meeting with their management they set forth a plan to announce a temporary comeback in which they would release some things they had been working on, and do a vlive in which they would allow their fans to ask some questions and offer explanations, and if all went well, they would commence with an album release.  All they could do was hold their breath and jump on the ride.

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Somangshi #1