Am I dreaming?

Dream come true

Normal weekend, nothing much to do since I've done all of my college assignment and examination week is far away to be seen. So I decided to hang out with my friend. We promised to meet at the city's park and decide what to do next.

At the City's park

Dinz: hey guys, what should we do today?                  Leah: what about we go to the amusement park? I   really want to ride the rollercoaster again.      Sophie: no, lets try something new! We've gone there before.                                                                Dinz: so how about we dance. Here! Hey Sophie you're good in performing right? We could attract attention from people here. Who knows, you might be famous? Haha.                                                            Leah: great idea! I could play song. I've brought along my speaker. You choose the song Sophie!      Sophie: okay, but I bet no one would come.                Leah & Dinz: we'll see 

So then, by following to the agreement that we've made. I just followed along my bestfriend's idea. Thats what we are. At the college, I were known as a 'scanner'. I could remember a book by few times reading and even movement in a glance. And the good thing is, I really like kpop and their dance.

So, I started to dance along with Dinz as she is also like to dance. Leah just sit beside and watch us. 

Unexpectedly, we've gain attention from people. They came and stand around us. We get more excited as this is actually a good idea. People clap for us and enjoy our performance. Some of them actually took a video of us. 

After about three hours dancing, we've end our so called 'performance'. People clap for us and said that we've done a great job. They started to dispers and left us there. I was catching breath as I am so tired. Dinz has stopped dancing in the middle because she is tired. So she has gained her energy back.

I've gone to the nearby toilet and left Leah and Dinz there. When I came back, there is a man were talking to them. I've join them and take a look to the man's face. 

How shock I am to see that man is Yang Hyun Suk !I screamed a little as I am so shock! I am YGstan and having the president standing in front of you, in your country, I thought that I am dreaming!

He laughed when he saw my expression and starting to talk.

YG: so your friends told me your name is Sophie?    Sophie: yes, I am Sophie.                                                YG: they also told me that you really like kpop?Sophie: yes sir, i really like em' since im in highschool.                                                                  YG: i saw your dance before and I am amazed by your skill!                                                                  Sophie: what?! Really? Thank you so much           YG: so Sophie, can you sing?                              Sophie: no I'm not good in singing.                        Leah & Dinz: Liar! She's really good in singing to sir.

YG giggled when he saw me tremble. 


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On the next chapter, I would skipped from rookies to much more better. It'll be much more fun and more interaction with the other artist O:)


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