The Start

Element Keepers

"Let the Annual Sports Festival of Seoul Academy for Element Keepers begin! May the odds be in your favor."


My eyes widen at the headmistress' words. Do they also watch the movies we watched? I swear it was from that movie that was inspired by the reaping.


"Yuna! Yuna!" 


Oh my! Is there a fire? Did I went missing? What happened? Seriously, people need to chill. When the voice finally found me, the owner didn't hesitate and grabs me by the hand.


"What the heck are you still doing here? You're supposed to be at the starting line." 


Starting line? What am I going to do there?


"Hold on! What?!"


"Well, since you weren't attending any of the meetings that the class held, I am sorry to say that we just put you on events that we really don't feel like joining,"


Some apology. Psh. You make me look like I'm just some cover you can use when you don't like something.


"You could've just told me everything. We're basically twins these past few days. This is so wrong in so many way, Lee Seokmin."


I would've added more but he suddenly turned his back on me and walked away. Rude!


"We start this 100 meter dash with running. Well, it's all about racing towards the finish line and that's why you'll run but we're keepers..." Hold up! What the heck? We're already starting? Already? Looking up to where the class is, I saw Seokmin smiling at me, gums showing, as he flashes me a thumbs up. If it were possible, there would be a tick mark appearing by my head. Just wait until I get my hands on you. I'll make sure you die a painful death. "... the first 50 meters will be raced without using your keeper abilities, and the remaining distance will be your chance to show off."


Fine! I'm going to do this. Alright! Let's start already. I'm going to take the living daylights out of that kid.




Deep breath. Assess the situation




Put plan into action




Let's run!


It wasn't that long when I reached the first checkpoint.


Oh, look! They already have the water prepared. Now, what should I do? Being a water jet looks so amaxing - it's kind of like a horizontal fountain - and I've always wanted to try that but skating on ice feels like I can get that 1st place in no time.


The sound of heavy breaths entered my ears. Think fast Yuna. Ugh, I have no time for this. Let's just do both.


Feeling the water by my side I quickly enveloped my body with the liquid as I freeze some of it under my feet. One more deep breath and I felt the water as a whole. I fire myself and becme a human aqua jet.


'Show off' you say? Feeling the water pass through the air, I flex my hands and let some of the liquid around me freeze, leaving a trail of snow-like particles behind me. Within a snap of a finger I'm already at the finish line. Woah! Take that!


Oh no!






I can't brake and slammed unto the wall of foam. Thank goodness it was there. Still, it hurts. I don't think I can feel my face anymore.


"Yuna! You placed first! That's so amazing!" 


Arms wrap themselves around my shoulder. Typical Eunha. A shadow then looms over me and I saw Minghao with an outstretched hand. Gladly, I took it and let him help me stand up.


"That's right, everyone. Her name's Choi Yuna. Don't forget her name. Yeah, I know she's amazing. Yes! She was graceful wasn't she? She's great I know."


And there goes a proud fire keeper spouting nonsense. Yah, Lee Seokmin. Did you won the race? Why are you bragging like you were the one who just ran? You are absolutely emberrassing.


I shake my head and suddenly my eyes take the surrounding. Everyone's cheering, laughing. Everyone's smiling. My heart feels so light.


"Guys, Yuna's in first place!"


Everyone's happy.


"I think this is the first time I've seen you smile like that. I'm sure everyone would like you to keep it that way. You know, showing your happiness."


Happiness? Heh. That sure sounds good. Maybe... just maybe.


"I think so too, Mingyu. I think so, too."


I am happy


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Seokju is still one of my ships and I have a lot in store for them. I know I owe you a lot. So, before I delete the story, I promise to post a new one under their ship. Again, I'm sorry and thank you. See you around~


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LuckyCricket006 #1
Chapter 12: A really great chapter. It’s exactly how I would’ve imagined a scene like this to go down between the strict headmistress, obedient guard, and desperate Yuna and Chaeyeon. Super excited to read what you have next!
LuckyCricket006 #2
Chapter 11: Bless Chaeyeon coming back into the story. I would hate to see this become something like “oh I have secret powers and now I’m cool with leaving my friends and family behind to find a boyfriend.”