- First Class

Element Keepers

A creaking noise pull me out from my slumber. I slowly open my eyes and I noticed the absence of the sea breeze that usually flutters the curtain, the salty smell of the sea and the sound of waves kissing the shore. Is this really it? Do I just wake up like that and forget about the life that I grew up to live? Do I just accept it like that? But is there something I can do? I already tried escaping and I tried asking and it looks like I have no other way of going to the commoners. It looks like I'll be stuck here forever.


A tear rolls down, followed by a couple more. All I can hear are my sobs. I never actually cry, I usually don't let my tears out because I don't like looking vulnerable in front of others.


I suddenly feel a weight on my shoulders. Out of instict I jolt myself up and held my fist up, ready to punch whoever this person is. But, apparently, this person has a loud voice so his sudden yell suprised me that made me let out one, as well. 


"Yah, that scared me. Ah! That surprised me." A guy, who is awfully too familiar, said decreasing his tone in every word to calm himself down, holding his heaving chest.


Isn't he the one who followed me on the border? What was his name again? Wait, more importantly, what is he doing here? Why did he touch me? Is he going to do something bad to me? No! I'm too young. I still have my dreams to fulfill. 

I saw a flower pot by the nurse's desk and surely enough it has water in it. So, as quickly as I can, I bended it and made out a whip. Without any warnings, I start to smack him with it.


"Yah! Stop hitting me. Hey! Stop it!" Like heck I'm stopping. This made me hit him harder.


There was someone who opened the door and saw what was happening. She immediately went over to me. She looks at me in the eye and try to intimidate me and to be honest, it actually works. I then can no longer feel the water that I was bending and saw the guy drenched. Whoops.


"What is happening here? Why are you whipping him?" She asks me.


"He touched me! Out of nowhere." I half-shouted.


"What?! I didn't do anything wrong with her." He half-shoutedly replied defending himself. He's now steaming, like physically steaming. The water that drenched him earlier is now evaporating. Heat! He's a fire keeper.


"Yes, you did."


"I did not. I was trying to comfort you because I heard you crying."


"See, you did. Wait, what?" Huh? So, he wasn't gonna do anything bad to me? Overreacting Yuna, aish. But did he said that he seen me cry? "Did you just said that you seen me cry?"


"I said; I heard you cry not seen you. There's a difference." Why this kid-


"So you're smart now. We-"  The woman then stand up putting both of her hands in front of our faces.


"Enough, you two. Seeing that you can now whip someone else despite your injury, you are free to go to your class." She said looking at me. "But since the headmistress  send me to you to tend your injuries I will do just that before you two go."


She bended a small blob of water, let it cover her hands and put them over my cuts and bruise. In just a short amount of time all of them disappeared as she takes off some of the bad-aids and gauze attached on my body.


"Now, that's done, you two should go now." She said heading towards the door.


"Thanks Byul-noona." The guy bows down and before the door closed, she waves us goodbye.


Well this sure is awkward. I should say sorry, shouldn't I? I mentally sighed and hit myself for reacting so stupidly. What a great impression, Yuna. Really great.


"Sorry." We both said at the same time but he was the one who continued. "Sorry for scaring you like that."


"No, sorry for hitting you out of nowhere."


"Shall we start over?" He asks that made me nod in agreement. "My name's Lee Seokmin. I was that guy who was with you by the border. As 'punishment' I will be your personal information resource and tour guide and maybe a tutor and maybe a guard. They told me to not leave you."


Woah. What the heck. I already get it, okay? I'm not allowed to leave this place. I know that already. Can they turn the security down a notch? I just look at him, urging him to continue.


"The headmistress send this to you as a gift for staying. The money is for you to buy extra clothes" He continues as he handed me a box. I open it to see clothes. Well, I should wear this or continue wearing my torned uniform. I sigh and headed to the bathroom to change.



"My name is Choi Yuna and if news got here, you might know me as the keeper who lived her life as a commoner." I blankly said as I bow before returning to my seat beside Seokmin. Apparently, the curriculum here is similar as of the commoners so I don't  think I have a lot of catching to do.


"Okay, now that's settled. I want everyone to change to their P.E. uniforms and meet me at the gym in 10 minutes."The teacher said and then blew his whistle.


After 10 minutes, everyone was gathered in the gym and balls were then lined up in front. There were more students here than in the classroom and the reason is, according to Seokmin, Physical Education is a subject where seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen gather together. I asked why but he just shrugged which brings me back to the lined up balls.


"You know how to play dodgeball?" Seokmin asked. He's taking the headmmistress' words seriously. Doesn't he have friends?


"Yeah. Two teams will play and you just dodge the ball being thrown by the opposing team. You can pick up a loose ball to throw. You can't catch a ball because you will be counted out of the play however if you have a ball in hand you can block incoming balls with it and if someone got hit with the loose ball, they're also counted out. The team who has the most members after the given time is the winner." I said. I look up to him to receive an approval indicating that I am somehow right with how  the game goes.


"That's right. But you're missing out one thing: we're keepers and we do it our own style." He playfully smiles at me before jogging into the field.


First round's boys against boys. Well, since I don't know what this 'keeper style' is, guess I should just observe and figure it out myself.


"Seungkwan-ssi, is there something you want to say to the other team?" Yoongi - if I remember correctly because he was coughing loudly, too loud that I'm almost sure he's doing it on purpose- asked one of the boys in Seokmin's opponent's team.


With an ugly face, he dissed the other team gaining shouts of approval but they won't take any of it so someone stepped forward and copied what Seungkwan did but with an uglier face and uglier tone and guess what; it was none other than Lee Seokmin. By now eveybody is clapping their hands seal-like and laughing uncontrollably as the two boys try to outdo and exaggerate each other's move. The fun stopped when the officiator halted their comical banter and made them go back to their places. Yoongi then blows the whistle once and almost all those in the front line ran to get a ball. He then blows it the second time, the balls then morphed into different elements. So that's the difference. He blows it the third time and all hell broke loose. 


Different colored balls started flying. Some even hit the wall of the gym. Everything is just too chaotic. Wait, I just noticed something; those who are hit by, I guess, their own element are not counted off and if somehow you can change the ball's element before it hits you, you can use it to throw at the opponent. This looks really fun. Not long after, the whistle was blown indicating that the boys round is done.


Seokmin jogs back to me with a wide smile and mud covered forearm. He heats himself much like earlier that made the mud turn brittle then he dusts it off before settling himself beside me. "It's fun, right?"


"Sure, it was. How does the ball change element?" I asked not looking up to him.


"You just have to envision it. Not the element that surrounds the ball, but the ball itslef. If you think you can change the ball , then it'll change."


Before I can answer, the whistle was blown meaning it was the girls' turn. The same thing happened but in the midst of the war in the field, I happen to pick up a loose ball. Seokmin did told me to envision the ball to change in my element so I did. Seconds later, I felt my hands become wet and when I opened my eyes, the ball was now a sphere of water. Cool. It's easier than I thought it would be. But before I can throw the ball towards the opponent, I was hit by a mud ball counting myself out. 


"Well, that's just sad. Atleast you now know how to change it, right?" Sokmin said as soon as I settled down at the same spot that I sat down earlier. I just nod in his statement and as of now all I think of is how to change it in midair because that would be beneficial. I focused on one ball that was flying towards the opponent. It was an air ball, so I envision it being a water one and before it can hit the other girl, it transformed to water, counting the girl out. Apparently she was expecting that, maybe she was an air keeper. Sorry 'bout that. But I did it!


The whistle was blown and the second round ended with our team getting the point. It was now time for the mixed team. Seokmin and I decided to be opponents. The whistle was blown and the third hell broke loose. I stayed at the back until my group thins out and from there I just dodged all the ball until I was the only one left standing in my team. Fortunately for me, there's only one who's left at the opponent's team and what do you know, it's Lee Seokmin who's going all out ever since the start by the way.


"The group who wins will receive a perfect score for this match and you know how important it is to pass this type of activity." The officiator suddenly announced then I heard my teammates shout for me to win. Well, I guess I have to. Might as well build a good impression.


Seokmin throws his fire ball at me and does he think that I'll just let that thing easily hit me? I turn it into a water ball before throwing it back to him. He easily dodges it but before it can land, he turns it into a fire ball and 'fire' it towards me. Well, I gave it back to him as water ball and started running. This will make it more fun. I started to twirl around, my body remembering the times that I did gymnastic with a ball. Finally, I got bored of running and throwing water balls, so when I saw and incoming fire ball, I quickly transform it into my element and slightly flex my hands turning it into a snowball. Seokmin must've been surprised to just stand there still with wide eyes. Well, I'm taking my victory then. I throw it at him and it landed on his face.


The whole gym was quiet for a second but my team suddenly erupted into cheers as they went down to hug and thank me. Woah! Too much contact. I noticed Seokmin still standing with wide eyes. I shot him a worried look and a thumbs up asking him if he's ok. Fortunately, he is as he return the gesture with a wide smile.


I then heard Yoongi's voice through the speakers. "Well, Choi Yuna everyone. She will be a strong candidate during the sports fest."


Wait! What does he mean by 'sports fest'? 

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Seokju is still one of my ships and I have a lot in store for them. I know I owe you a lot. So, before I delete the story, I promise to post a new one under their ship. Again, I'm sorry and thank you. See you around~


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LuckyCricket006 #1
Chapter 12: A really great chapter. It’s exactly how I would’ve imagined a scene like this to go down between the strict headmistress, obedient guard, and desperate Yuna and Chaeyeon. Super excited to read what you have next!
LuckyCricket006 #2
Chapter 11: Bless Chaeyeon coming back into the story. I would hate to see this become something like “oh I have secret powers and now I’m cool with leaving my friends and family behind to find a boyfriend.”