Element Keepers

I sigh as I heard the final bell ring and I clumsily put all my things in my bag. I look ahead and my eyes landed on Chaeyeon. Another sigh escaped my lips. Ever since earlier she haven't spoken a word. She'll only talk when she is told to.


I understad her, though. I mean you and your best friend have been together since who knows when, you tell her everything about you and you're practically stitched in the hip. She's the sister you never had. Then one day, something happened that made everything you believe about this best friend a lie. That all this time that you're with her were all spent with someone who is really not who she is. Wouldn't you feel betrayed? Wouldn't you feel like you don't know the person anymore?


Sighing once more, I sling my bag over my shoulder and started heading outside. 


My steps came to a halt when I felt a tug in my wrist. I turn to see who it is, only to see Chaeyeon looking at me with serious and determined eyes. 


"Let's wait until everyone's out." She told me before letting me go. I can't find the words to say so I just nodded and hum in agreement.


It wasn't  that long before the classroom was emptied. Well, this is awkward. I'm standing here and she's just too far away. I'm not really used to it. Maybe I can say something so I can break this uncomfortable air.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Chaeyeon suddenly asked that caught me by surprise.


Well, now I get it why people say that the truth will always find its way to be known. What to say? I mean...


"Look, Chaeng. Please understand that I will never hurt you. I will never use this... this... this ability whatsoever to harm you. The only reason that I kept it a secret was..." Was, what? Choi Yuna, just tell her already.


"What? To protect me? Yuna, no keeper older than 4 has been able to live here, a commoner's lifestyle. I'm so confused right, now. Shouldn't SAEK got you when during our reaping?" 


I don't know. I really don't know. I might have took awhile to answer because I heard her cough and saw her cross her arms, a habit she has when she's getting impatient. 


"I hid it because you're the only family I got. Okay, we might not be related in blood but you treated me like a sister. I don't know why but I knew my abilities even before the reaping. So, when I found out that you can't control any elements I pretended that I'm not a keeper. 'Cause, dang it, Chaeng. I don't have anyone with me but you." I barely choke out trying to keep the tears in bay.  


Silence engulf the two of us, each of us waiting for any reality check. It's true. Everything that I said to her. So, I wish we could be friends again.


"Well," Chaeng begins "it's the first time that I actually heard this case; a keeper pretending to be a commoner." She laughs.


That's when I knew that I'm already forgiven. This made me smile. Even when I kept my whole identity hidden, she's still ready to be the mature and understanding person she is. I'm really thankful to have a friend like her. 


"But, hey, no more secrets okay?" She told me and I don't know what happened but I just heard myself squeal and ran towards her tackling her in a giant thankful hug.


"I love you, Chaeng." I can't help but whisper to her.


"Me, too." She replies. I let her go and then we started to walk towards home.


"So, can you turn your body into water because that would be so cool right now."


"Yah, I haven't thought of that. That would totally look cool, but I havet tried it yet."



I can't  help but smile all the way towards home. I can't believe that I'm so lucky to actually have an understanding best friend like her. I ran the remaining steps and opened the door of the house. 


Wait. The door is open? I remembered locking it. 


Cautiously, I went in. Someone's inside, I can feel it. I grab the nearest thing beside me, which happens to be an umbrella, as a weapon. Slowly, I creep towards the living room and peek behind the walls.


There is someone. What are they doing in my house? What the?! Who are they?


Judiging by their appearance, which are all black and white, suit and coat and skirt, they must be from the business field. 


Okay, what would be a good idea? The police! I can stay right outside the house and wait for the cops. That's right. I'll get it right this time. I slowly walked backwards to make an escape, but my clumsiness decided to show itself when the vase starts to roll away from me. Aish, seriously?


"That's her!" I heard somoene shout in a very familiar voice. I look up to see the guy that almost choked my best friend to death.


Three people wearing the business attire then came. Aish. What is this now?


"My name is Kim Taeyeon. I am the current headmistress of Seoul Academy for Element Keeper." A woman, smaller than me, said as she shows her ID. "And this man said that you have been able to manipulate a small part of the ocean. Is that true?"


Aish. Why would he report me? He really is trouble. And what would they do if I say that it's true? My eyes wander around. As of now they don't seem to lean towards hurting me, they don't look like they have weapons. Wait! Did she say that she's from Seoul Academy for Element Keepers?  From SAEK? That mean she's also a keeper right? I have to be extra careful.


"I don't know what you're talking about." I then said that triggered the guy.


"What do you mean: you don't know? Yah, don't listen to her. I clearly saw it with my own two eyes. She was bending a blob of water from the ocean just to put over my head." He said pointing his finger at me.


Okay, it was my best friend he was hurting and now he's playing the victim. The woman the apprached me, out of instinct, I held and pointed the umbrella towards her.


"Let me ask again; were you able to manipulate water at your own will?"


Let's calm down and answer her carefully. "No ma'am. I am not a keeper if that's what you are asking?"


All of a sudden her brows are now knitted. "All I ask of you is your cooperation, miss. We have a CCTV footage to prove the man is not lying. I want you to admit that you are indeed a keeper and willingly come with us."


Shoot! I forgot all about the cameras. Like heck I should just go with them. My eyes wander around the room and I saw the jug of water that I put out this morning. Well, sorry miss headmistress but I am not going with any of you. As quick as I can, I bended the water from the jug to form a whip and trip them all from under. Well, except the headmistress, her reflexes are pretty good. I was about to run and as soon as I face my back, a strong wind pushed me out of the house, wrecking the door and hitting me at the fence separating the road and the shore.


Ouch, that hurts. I tried standing up again but I just can't. The pain is too much. My vision is slowly fading. No, I can't. 


Darkness then consumed my vision and then I feel someone or something pull me back up and that's when my consciousness was completely shut off.

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Seokju is still one of my ships and I have a lot in store for them. I know I owe you a lot. So, before I delete the story, I promise to post a new one under their ship. Again, I'm sorry and thank you. See you around~


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LuckyCricket006 #1
Chapter 12: A really great chapter. It’s exactly how I would’ve imagined a scene like this to go down between the strict headmistress, obedient guard, and desperate Yuna and Chaeyeon. Super excited to read what you have next!
LuckyCricket006 #2
Chapter 11: Bless Chaeyeon coming back into the story. I would hate to see this become something like “oh I have secret powers and now I’m cool with leaving my friends and family behind to find a boyfriend.”