- New Friend?

Element Keepers

"What the heck is a sports fest?"


"Don't commoners have their own sports fest?"


Of course we have but hey, you're keepers and we're commoners and that much is a big difference.


"We have but please remember that you are a keeper and I suppose that you have your own way of doing things around here."


Seokmin stops walking and turns around to face me giving me a serious look. Well not really that serious, more like an are-you-kidding-me look.


"Please remember that you are also a keeper, Yuna-ssi. And speaking of remembering; how about the dodgeball?" He asks as we continued walking towards the room. "I'm guessing that commoners and keepers don't have much difference with each other. I mean you got the basic down pretty well."


Really? If we have a lot of things in common then we wouldn't have been separated like this. Understanding the things in a keeper's perspective is pretty confusing.


"So, what kind of sports do you do in these events? Do you do basketball, or volleyball, or soccer, maybe?" 


"Baksetball? Volleyball? Soccer? What are those?" He innocently asks that made me stop entering the classroom. Well, we may have a lot of things done differently.


I saw him walk backwards and shot me a questioning look again. Well, I'm sorry if I know more things that are done in a life of a commoner.


"Nevermind. So, what do you do during sports fest?" I ask finally entering the room and sitting at our proper seats.


"Well, we do the usual." He answers with a matter-of-factly tone. Now, it's time for me to shot him an are-you-serious look.


Do I look like I know the 'usuals' of sport here? Do I look like I lived here for the rest of my life? 


"Oh, sorry. It kinda changes every year but there's always a survival game." 


A survival game? As much as I hate to admit this but it sounds kinda fun and before I can ask further questions, the class president told us to go in our stations to prepare for the sport fest. And since I happen to have no station I am stuck with Lee Seokmin who is in-charge with class presentation. 


Okay, first day of school and I have to perform in front of an audience? That's grand, especially for someone WHO'S NOT FAMILIAR WITH EVERYTHING. Are they seriously going to do this to me? But I don't know anyone in here but him so do I have any choice? I don't want to be involved with anyone, though.


"Yah, you're that girl aren't you? The one during the dodgeball?" I look towards the voice only to see guy who's too tall even for me.


I just blankly stare at him not knowing if I should answer or not but I really don't need to think about it 'cause he just didn't gave me a pause to answer.


"The one Seokmin faced with? The one who made a snowball? I got to say, you're good. I mean, you can do that considering that you lived outside from here."


"I think thats enough, Mingyu. Yuna, this is a very close friend of mine. Mingyu, this is Yuna." Seokmin then steps in stopping the guy's question.


"The girl that made the headmistress call for you to receive your punishment because you can't afford to have a bad record in your-"


"Okay that's enough. We better start practicing."


Three booming claps were heard and all heads turn towards Chaeyeon who we appointed as class president. I don't what's in our heads back then, why did we want  her to lead the class?


"Sports fest is right around the corner and I know you want that back to back championships. Use this time to focus on your stations, guys. Go! Go to work. Chop chop."

Seriously, this girl can't make me help but smile. One moment she's sweet and the most caring big sister then she's the most horrifying one the next. Why am I even friends with her?

"Yuna-yah. Are you just going to stand there and smile like a dolt you are or are you going to participate in this practice?"


"Yuna? Are you alright?" I was startled by a familiar voice, I look to see a worried Seokmin.


"I'm fine. I just need water. I'll just go and buy some." 


"Do you want me to accompany you?" 


"No, I don't think so. I'm fine by my own."


"Are you sure?" I glance at his face and worry is still evident in his eyes.


"Look, I learned my lesson, okay? I'm not escaping." I told him with slight sarcasm. "I'll be fine." I waved at him before I step out the room.


To be honest I really don't need a drink. I just needed a break. I know, it's not that long since my plan of escaping but all of this flashbacks of Chaeng is making me tired and emotionally unbalanced.


"Yuna, please. You know, I can't do this without you. Please, please, do the performance with me." She asked as she gives the face that no one can resist and that includes me.


"C'mon, Chaeng. It's a group presentation for crying out loud. It's not like you're going out there alone." I try to reason out.


"But it's not the same without you. Come on, Yuna. If you do, I'd take you out for something to eat." 


Even if she don't bribe me, I would still come with her. I mean, it's always fun to do things with Chaeng, no matter what it is.


"Food like what?" I ask not even bothering to hide my mischievous tone.


"I don't know? Tteokbokki, maybe?"


"Looks like, you'll be dancing with no one."


"Okay, how about samgyeopsal? You always liked those."


"Okay, deal."


A sigh escaped my lips as I sat down by the edge of the school fountain. I really miss her right now. I feel the breeze hit me and I can't help but to hug myself for warmth. I look up to see stars at the sky. Was I out that long? I should go back, Seokmin might be worried about me.


Look at that, my feet won't move. Really? At a time like this? Maybe I can stay for a while.


"Yuna-ssi, don't give me that look." I can hear Chaeng scolding me.


"I know, but you know I can't help but get curious about my parents and I don't know, I just feel so empty afterwards."


Silence then engulf us then she suddenly held me in her arms. "It's okay, now. We're your family, now. Me and mom. We love you just like our own family.


I feel a sudden warmth beside and I look towards it. A small smile appeared in my lips as soon as I realized it was Seokmin with fire spread out in his hands providing both light and warmth for the both of us.


"What were you thinking?" He asks as soon as he sat down beside me.




"Nothing? So you were just spacing out all this time?" 


"I wasn't. Wait, did you followed me here?"


"Yeah, I did." He said after he let out a small chuckle. "It's not like I don't trust you or anything. You know, you might get lost and somehow end up at the border and-"


"So you don't trust me." I sarcastically concluded.


"No, I trust you. Trust me, I trust you." He said defending himself right after.


"Sure." I hum in reply. Then silence surrounds us. It wasn't really an awkward one. It was just a comfortable silence.


"You must miss your family beyond the border." I didn't speak and let him continue. In someway I found his voice relaxing to listen to. "Why did you do that? Why did you kept your identity a secret?"


I contemplated for a while if I was going to answer it or not. I might've gotten too long becuase he spoke again. 


"You don't have to tell me. It's okay." 


I heard a sigh beside me and felt his presence slouch. "Yuna-ssi. I know this may be too fast to ask or maybe too creepy for you, but I know how hard it is to be away from someone you love and I know how hard it is to cope up with the life that you're not used to. But I got through it.."


He paused for a while and I couldn't resist the urge to look at him. He's looking up at the stars above and I also looked up. The sky's too pretty today. It looks like it's playing a joke on me. I look back at him and was slightly surprised when I saw him looking back at me.


"I got through it because of my friends. I'm not saying that you should forget the life you lived but in order to survive this new life that you ought to take part, you should have friends to be with you through thick and thin."


I know. I know that. I just really miss my best friend right now.


It was my first day walking outside and I felt so scared just looking at the kids playing at the playground. After so long, a girl approached me. She was really pretty and cute.


"Hi, my name is Chaeyeon. Let's play together."


I was so shy so I couldn't even reply but I just nod and let her drag me around. It was so much fun. I don't really remember much but I know that I was all smiles that day and when it's time to part I just thanked her.


"Thank you for today. I am Yuna."


"Yuna-yah. Let's be friends, okay?"




His voice then knock me off of my trance. "Yuna-ssi. Let's be friends, okay?"


My head quickly turned to him and saw him with his hand outstreched. Is he really? My question was answered when I saw him smiling at me, his eyes disappearing. It was the same smile that he gave me when we first met but this time, warmer and brighter.


I was never good with being friends. Actually more like being friendly. It was one of the reason Chaeng is the only friend I got. I was never good at smiling and approaching someone. I mean, I grew up alone. I always thought that I don't need anyone until Chaeng arrived, that is. Just like what Seokmin said, I need to have someone that will always be with me through thick and thin. Maybe having a friend in this life as a keeper isn't bad at all.


I took his hand and shook it. I flashed him a smile and replied.



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Seokju is still one of my ships and I have a lot in store for them. I know I owe you a lot. So, before I delete the story, I promise to post a new one under their ship. Again, I'm sorry and thank you. See you around~


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LuckyCricket006 #1
Chapter 12: A really great chapter. It’s exactly how I would’ve imagined a scene like this to go down between the strict headmistress, obedient guard, and desperate Yuna and Chaeyeon. Super excited to read what you have next!
LuckyCricket006 #2
Chapter 11: Bless Chaeyeon coming back into the story. I would hate to see this become something like “oh I have secret powers and now I’m cool with leaving my friends and family behind to find a boyfriend.”