- Escape

Element Keepers

The scent of rubbing alcohol slowly opens my consciousness. Wait! What happened? Where am I? 


I tried opening my eyes, but they're just too heavy. My body feels tired and sore.


Let's see. Let me remember what happened. It was just a normal day today. I was busy preparing for school when I got a call from Chaeyeon telling me that she's too lazy to enter the house so she'll just wait outside. We walked like we normally would and there was a conversation about a Calculus homework being a Trigonometry one then a guy suddenly grabbed her and choked her. 


Oh! I remember. There was this businesswoman looking lady that entered the house and the guy was there, too. That guy. He's going to pay for all  of these once I see him. Then, I was sent flying the moment  I turn my back towards them.


My eyes suddenly open -  too sudden that I have to close it again because of the harsh light. So, this time I open them slowly. Letting my eyes adjust I start to sit up. Ouch! That hurts.


Trying to ignore the pain, I let my eyes wander once they were adjusted to the bright surroundings. Well, everything in this room is purely white. White walls, white tiles, white curtains, white sheets, and is that medical tools I see? If I'm correct, it's safe to assume that I'm in a hospital or an infirmary.


My thoughts were interrupted when the door suddenly open, revealing a guy in  a white uniform. Uniform, huh? He was holding a tray of foods and his eyes widen when he saw me looking at him.


"You're awake," He stated, pretty obviously, setting the tray on the nearest table "already."


I want to roll my eyes on him for being a reliable captain obvious but decided against it and simply nod.


"Well, here is your food and I've already checked on you earl. You have to rest at least a day for the full recovery of your bruises and scars." Once again, I gave him a slight nod.


"I'm Doctor Jin, by the way. If you need anything just ring me, I'll be on my desk." He said, leaving through the door.


I nearly physically scoffed on what he just said. Did he said that he was a doctor? But he's in a uniform. I might not know anything about the life of a keeper but I do know the difference between a nurse's uniform and a doctor's coat. If things work differrently around here, then I'll accept that I'm wrong. Besides, bruises and scars are just a couple of most minor injury. I have no medical experience, whatsoever but it doesn't really need a full one day rest to heal.


"Thank you for the food and checking up on me." I told him as he steps out and before he can close the door, his eyes widen due to what I said next.


"Tell that to the doctor."



Minutes passed since 'doctor' Jin came to check up on me. I haven't touched the food that he gave me. I mean, I have been knocked down by a strong force and I woke up in a place I'm not really sure where in the world. I don't think I should be thinking about food as of now.


Well, everything is quiet. Too quiet. No one seems to have passed this room either. Well it's not like I'm planning to stay here, so I jump off the bed and start to walk towards the door. I peek around one more time before I finally step out, releasing a sigh of relief when I closed the door without making a sound. Time to get out of here.


A hundred steps later, I started hearing sounds. My feet suddenly turns towards the noise. Yah! Choi Yuna. What are you doing right now? Shouldn't you be getting out of this place? Where are you going?


I then found myself standing infront of a slightly opened door. Curiousity got the best of me as I slowly creep in and once I was inside, my vision was filled with stacks of papers. The sound became louder and clearer proving that it was from here. Wow, talk about a mess. Okay there's nothing to see here. Let's go.


Right before I can exit the room, my leg bumped  into a pile almost knocking the papers down. Aish, me and my clumsiness.


"Hi there! Can I help you?" Oh shoot! Way to go Choi Yuna. ''Uhm, sorry about the mess." He said, his voice somehow sweet and kinda gives off a gentleman vibe.


I turn around with an apologetic smile. He seems to study my face before he points and beams knowingly. "You're that girl who lived her life as a commoner, right?"


Well, news do travel fast. Or is he just updated on the latest gossip? Either way, now that he knows of me, he'll  surely report this to the headmistress. I can't get caught. Again, I might add. I swear this body of mine never listens to my head. What should I do now? He'll definitely report this to anyone once they found out that I've gone missing.


Unless, I can beat him to it.


"Yeah, I was that person. Well, can you help me with something?"


"Sure! How can I be an assistance to you?"


Pretend that you never saw me. Help me with my escape and get me back my old life.


"You see, the headmistress told me  - well, the nurse, I mean the doctor told me that she wants to see me as soon as I am awake and I'm a bit lost. If you could just give me a map so I kinda know where to go."


"Is that all? I have tons in here. I can you there, if you want me to." He said as he handed me a rolled paper.


"No, I'm fine by my own. Besides, you look like your busy with something." I said geturing to the computer  that was on.


"If you say so. Oh, by the way, we're in the west hospital. You ought to  know."


I mumbled a 'Thanks' before bowing down and getting off the building.


I want to laugh and shout as loud as I can so badly but that really doesn't help right now. So I sat behind a bush and let out a squeal. I can finally walk out of this place. Mansae!  


Okay, let's see. I spread the map before me as  I plan my escape route. The guy told me that we were on the west hospital, so I quickly look for it. Here! Right now, the best path for me to take is still in the west side of this place, right around the bor-


"Where are you going and why are you hiding?"


My heart suddenly leaps out when I heard a voice beside me. I look towards the voice, only to see a guy wearing a gummy smile, his eyes disappearing. What the?! Who's this guy? Does he know me? 


I have to shake him off. I stood up then walk into another bush and laid my map back down. Time to get serious. Following the border's outline, there's a forest right around the back pa-


"Yah! Where are you going?"


This guy again. I clicked my tongue as I fold the map neatly and started storming off towards the back part of the west border. There's a forest there where I can hide in case they somehow found out. Specially, when this guy is following me.


"Yah! I'm asking you; where are you going?" Okay! That's it.


"It's none of your business, leave me alone."


Well, I guess what I said satisfied him because I haven't heard him say anything so he must've stopped following me. 


Here, we are! My ticket towards the life I love living. Before I can even land a step someone caught me by the waist and covers my mouth. What is this? What is this person doing to me? I squirmed and tried shouting.


"Don't move. There are authorities approaching us." It was familiar voice. It was the guy who pestered me earlier. What is he doing now? Is he trying to turn me in?


"I need you to show yourselves, now." I heard a stern voice call out. 


I feel the guy's breath in my ears as he whispers. "I'll go out. You stay here until we're out of sight, then you can go back to the grounds."


He then lets go of me. He rubs his neck acting embarrassed. "Sorry, I was lost in thought that I didn't realized that I was nearing the boundary."


"Well, then Lee Seokmin, this will be recorded and you should be going back to the grounds. The seniors are about to wrap up their meeting."


"Yes, sir. I'm sorry."


Okay, Yuna remember. He told you to get out once they're out of vision. So, peek a little and check on them and when they're away, just climb the wall so your escape is not that noticeable.


But I just can't wait to get out of here. I can't just wait here until they're out of sight. My eyes wander around and landed on an old looking well. Hopefully it has water in it. I slowly lift my arm to feel if there is any form of liquid and there is! It seems to be full of it. 


I bended another big blob of water and  let it hover above my head. I flex my hands before exhaling a good amount of air and within seconds, the water hardens forming into a big piece of ice that is the size of a boulder. Exhaling once more, spikes starts to appear around it. I just can't wait to go back. My desire to go back is going higher and higher. All I have to do now is swing this hard enough to actually collapse the wall.


I can't do it when I'm this far. So, slowly, I walk to shorten the distance between the border and myself. Well, this is it.


"You there! Stop what you're dong!" A shout broke me from my celebration. I look at my back only to see the guy and some others looking at me. Shoot! I forgot all about them. They weren't that far from where I was hiding.


My heart starts to beat faster and my hands starts to sweat. Okay! I can do this! I turn to face the wall. I sighed out the panic off of me. I swing my arms forward as if I'm throwing something big. The ice spikes collided with the wall causing dust to form around me. Thanks for the concealment.


Well, here it goes. The moment I saw an opening, I started running.



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Seokju is still one of my ships and I have a lot in store for them. I know I owe you a lot. So, before I delete the story, I promise to post a new one under their ship. Again, I'm sorry and thank you. See you around~


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LuckyCricket006 #1
Chapter 12: A really great chapter. It’s exactly how I would’ve imagined a scene like this to go down between the strict headmistress, obedient guard, and desperate Yuna and Chaeyeon. Super excited to read what you have next!
LuckyCricket006 #2
Chapter 11: Bless Chaeyeon coming back into the story. I would hate to see this become something like “oh I have secret powers and now I’m cool with leaving my friends and family behind to find a boyfriend.”