
Mischievous fate

Yesung doesn’t want to admit it but he loves living with Siwon. He is starting to feel happy but unfortunately often when he is feeling happy, then a voice in his head tells him to remember his dead family. They can’t enjoy this world anymore and he is betraying them by being happy.


Siwon is having a walk with him every evening and Yesung is getting better with his white cane. Ryeowook thought that people are good and if they see someone like Yesung then they will be understanding if a person like him accidentally bumped into them. Unfortunately today he was proved that he is wrong. They were in a mall which was pretty crowded when a man roughly bumped into Yesung. The blind young man fell and Ryeowook was quickly helping him back on his feet. The man who bumped in Yesung spilled his coffee and then got angry. He was thinking that this young brat will move out of his way and now his coffee is everywhere on the floor.


“Watch your steps, cripple!”


Ryeowook jumped up and shoved in the mean bastard.


“Who raised you that you are so rude to handicapped people!?”


Ryeowook is maybe small but he is brave and sassy enough to say what he thinks. The man is ready to fight with this small elf but Yesung caught his wrist.


“Ryeowook lets go home. Please …”


Yesung can hear that people are crowding around them and he doesn’t want to make a scene for them. Ryeowook turned back to him and grabs their bags.


“If I see you one more time, then I will beat your without hesitation.”


He wants to spit on the man so bad but he is better than him so they are leaving. Yesung is biting his tongue to keep his tears inside and when they arrived home he hurries in his room. His heart is beating so fast because of the awkwardness. He doesn’t even want to find Ryeowook to tell him that his wrist hurts since the fall. He stays in his room and thinks about the way word the man called him. Cripple. Do people see him like that? Most importantly, does Siwon see him as a cripple? Yesung is crying hidden under the blankets and doesn’t know that today Siwon came home earlier. 


The man is happily holding a gift for Yesung but his smile died after seeing Ryeowook who is angrily cutting a meat chopper. 


“What happened?”


Ryeowook told him about the man and goes back to his angry mumbling about killing the man with his meat chopper. Siwon goes upstairs and knocked on the door.


“Darling, can you open the door for me?”


Siwon chokes right after finishing the sentence because from where did the nickname come? It was so natural. Yesung heard the cute nickname and cries harder because his mom used to call him that. Siwon goes back downstairs and put the gift down. He opened a bottle of wine and pours himself a glass and then handed one glass to Ryeowook.


Ryeowook is curious and when their dinner cooks on the stove, he peeked inside the box which Siwon brought. Inside is a talking color identifier and Ryeowook is touched that Siwon is buying so many things for Yesung to help him feel like before the accident. The dinner is ready but Yesung is still locked in his room so Ryeowook and Siwon eat alone. After food, Ryeowook washed the dishes and then got ready to leave. He is already standing in the opened front door and then turned to Siwon.


“I don’t want to be nosy but Yesung really likes you.”


Siwon nodded and wished him safe way home. Then he put the dinner on a plate and put it on a tray together with cup of tea. He goes upstairs and knocked on Yesung’s bedroom again.


“I will leave a tray with dinner on floor in front of your bedroom, okay?”


Siwon left after few minutes of silence and goes to take a shower. Yesung is laying in his bed and waits for a long time before he is sure that Siwon is sleeping. He sneaked downstairs in the kitchen and opened a first drawer. Yesung is trying to find some knife but the drawers are empty. There are only forks and spoons but no knifes.


“I know that you are trying to kill yourself but there is always some reason to stay alive.”


Yesung has no idea that Siwon isn’t sleeping and heard him walking around the penthouse. And now he is standing in the kitchen behind him. Yesung jumped in fear and slowly slide down on the floor. 


“I have a reason to stay alive but they are mad.”


Siwon sat down next to Yesung and his hair.


“Who is mad?”


Yesung sobs and clutches Siwon’s hand.

“My family ….. I can’t be happy when they are dead. There is no one left who could love me.”


Siwon bites on his lower lip to keep the secret and hugs him.


“Of course that you can be happy. Believe me that I love you.”


Siwon pulled small Yesung closer to his chest and his hair. He hates to see Yesung like this but he can’t imagine telling the truth to him. Then he would leave and Siwon can’t let it happen. 


They are hugging for some time before Siwon pulled away and leaded him upstairs in his bedroom. He doesn’t want to let Yesung sleep alone, moreover he said that he loves him few minutes ago, he has right to share his bed with Yesung. He laid Yesung down in the bed and then tucked him under the soft covers. He laid down next to him and then throws one arm over his stomach to make sure that Yesung will stay in the bed. Siwon is silently watching Yesung’s button nose and feline eyes which are blinking but still stay blind. Out of nowhere Yesung shifted a bit and suddenly he is pressed to Siwon’s chest. The man is silent but smiles and then hugs him around his small waist again. Siwon pulled him even closer and then pressed a gently kiss on Yesung’s forehead. Yesung feels so calm like never before in the last months. He is focusing on Siwon’s warm and firm chest and on his warm hand which is pressed on his back. His ear is pressed to Siwon’s chest so he can hear his heartbeat and Yesung doesn’t even realize how fast he is falling asleep without hearing Siwon’s another love confession which is the man whispering.

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 24: Aww..... I need a sequel for this....
And thank for the story authornim......
Chapter 24: Beautiful!! T-T
Chapter 24: I love your story!!!
392 streak #4
Chapter 24: as always love your story~ I can't believe it's over~ that fast >___<

PS : Still waiting for your -- story~
cherrycloud #5
Chapter 24: I need a extra chapter to know what happend when siwon out of jail and live again with Yesung!!! pleaaaseeeeee!! jejeje

I love your history
cloudykuro #6
Chapter 24: The end? O.O how....

But I'm kinda confused actually. Doesn't yesung mom still alive? The one who slapped him at the hospital. And jongjin too... But yesung's family was killed during the accident.. I don't get this. Or that was his step mother?

Anyway don't leave us hanging!
Chapter 23: Dammit jisung!!!
LongBanana #8
Chapter 22: what will jisung do? siwon please save yesung T^T i'm so scared
LongBanana #9
Chapter 21: Oh my! yesung is not a ! *0*
392 streak #10
Chapter 22: oh my goooosh! He's going to kill MY Sungie?!?