See you pt 1

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: Hello, a multi-shot medical AU inspired by Grey's Anatomy. Disclaimer, medically inaccurate, purely work of fiction. Nonetheless, do enjoy the first part!


Jisoo is an intern at Seoul Medical Hospital. It is her first day as an intern after completing her medical school studies. Her first rotation is internal medicine and she is definitely not glad about it since it isn't one of her favourite specialties. She was hoping that her first rotation would be general surgery. Blood, internal organs, the fast paced environment are what she thrives in and hoping to specialise in. 

She first meets her friends who are also assigned to Seoul Medical Hospital at the cafeteria for a quick breakfast and definitely a cup of coffee to start the day. 

"Lisa, you are early," remarks Jisoo, as she finds one of her bestfriend sitting on a bench outside the cafeteria. 

"I am not always late. Chae is the one who is always late," says Lisa, then gesturing towards what is in front of her. Jisoo sees her other bestfriend, Chaeyoung, walking towards them. 

"Stop looking at me like that, I am on time," says Chaeyoung, showing the time on her phone. 

"Correction, 50 seconds late," Lisa presses on the time, showing it in hours, minutes and seconds. 

"Come on, let's just have our breakfast first. I need my coffee, stat," Jisoo voices out, wanting her cup of coffee to beat the early morning fatigue, stat. 

"We all do, it is too early," corrects Chaeyoung. 

"Don't remind me that it is just 6 am. This is ungodly. I want my 8 am lectures," Lisa joins then they laugh at the memories of medical school where they definitely do not start the day at an ungodly time.

Once they reach the cafeteria, they all head towards different areas to find food or drinks that can fuel themselves. The first and only thing that Jisoo needs is a cup of coffee, no need for any solid food at the moment. She also buys the three of them coffee before setting on a table to wait for the rest who are probably buying food. 

"No food?" asks Chaeyoung, as both Lisa and her head to the table that Jisoo is at. The oldest among them all shakes her head before taking a sip of the coffee that she has been craving for. 

The other two starts to munch on their food while Jisoo watches them, chuckling at how her slightly younger friends are enjoying their meals.

"Which specialty are you assigned to again?" asks Jisoo, pointing at the both of them. 

"I got general surgery," replies Chaeyoung then pointing to Lisa, gesturing her to speak.

"I got paeds," Lisa replies next.

"You've got internal right?" Lisa confirms again before telling Jisoo and Chaeyoung, "you two can trade places."

At this moment, Jisoo isn't paying attention to her friends now that her eyes catch a sight of a cute looking lady. Upon closer look, she sees that the lady is holding onto a walking cane, using it to navigate her way through. Not that she is disappointed, she is just curious as to what has happened to that cutie.


Jisoo snaps back to reality, tearing her gaze away from the lady. Damn... the eye candy. 

"You interested in her?" asks Lisa with a slight teasing tone, leaning in staring into her friend's eyes. 

Jisoo's face turns slightly pink, especially on the cheeks but quickly denies, "no, of course not. This is not some love at first sight thing." To make sure that she doesn't get questioned, she quickly chugs the rest of the coffee down before taking her bag, telling her friends, "come on, it's about time, let's go for rounds. We can't mess up on our first day." Jisoo then quickly runs off to her ward though her heart and mind probably trying to accompany the cutie to wherever she is heading to, hoping that she reaches her destination safely.

"Competitive as usual," remarks Lisa, watching Jisoo run away while Chaeyoung chuckles at the sight. 


Before rounds, she receives a folder from the head nurse. As she opens it, she sees a stack of patient's particulars and begin to read through the material.

"Jennie Kim... suspected tumor pressing on the optic nerve chiasm." she reads the relevant information to herself. Upon further reading, it turns out that she is recently admitted by the emergency medicine physician and a memo is attached indicating that the internal medicine team should proceed with more tests.

"Alright, interns, get ready, rounds are starting soon!" 

Jisoo immediately closes the file and the head nurse introduces the 5th year internal medicine resident, Dr Gong, to the interns. Dr Gong smoothly takes over to start rounds, bringing them around the different beds to introduce the different patient cases. She invites each intern to present on their assigned cases to to their fellow interns. 

"Next, Dr Kim Jisoo," Dr Gong calls out for the next intern.

Jisoo excuses herself as she steps to the front, catching a sight of her patient that she is supposed to present on. It is the same lady she met earlier. Her heart aches knowing the preliminary diagnosis. 

"Miss Jennie Kim here was admitted earlier this morning by Dr Dong, the emergency medicine physician. Miss Kim mentioned that she has been suffering from vision loss 6 months ago. Her vision has recently detoriated since three months ago and decided to have herself admitted today. Initial visual testing has shown that she has lost around 50% of her vision in both eyes. His preliminary diagnosis is a suscepted tumor pressing on the optic nerve chiasm and has requested for us to follow up with more tests," Jisoo presented her case but was trying her best to keep her professional image. She has so many questions she wanted to ask the patient herself.

"So Dr Kim, what test do you suggest?" asks Dr Gong.

"We can order a head CT to look for tumors," replies Jisoo.

"Great. Dr Kim, have the head CT ordered for Miss Kim before lunch," Dr Gong tells Jisoo before turning to Jennie, holding onto the patient's hand, "Miss Kim, you don't have to worry too much. Have some rest first while a nurse will bring you up to the CT room for a scan later."

After giving a reassuring pat, Dr Gong excuses herself and her interns to head off to the next patient on the list. While everyone else is exiting the room, Jisoo stays behind slightly longer, looking at the patient. She wonders why the patient took so long just to get herself admitted. If it was her, she would have admitted herself once she finds something amiss with her vision.

"Maybe... there is an explanation to everything," she thinks to herself but soon, she finds herself pitying the patient.

"Yes?" the patient, Jennie Kim, asks and the question brings Jisoo back to reality. She shakes her head, reminding herself to stay focused, then utters, "erm, I... Don't lose hope, I am sure that everything will be fine."

This is all Jisoo could utter at that moment. All she knows that everything that she says is from the bottom of her heart. She wishes the patient well. 

Jennie smiles at Jisoo before replying, "thank you, Dr Kim."

Jisoo catches the slight of the smile and the beautiful smile warms her heart. 

"Call me Jisoo, just a year older than you. I will address you as Jennie, you know to be less formal," the young intern tells her patient before realising that she has stayed for far too long.

"Thank you, Jisoo."

"I got to go back else Dr Gong is gonna kill me. See you."

"See you."


After the morning rounds and some administrative details that have to be reviewed, the team is finally done with the morning tasks. 

"Dr Kim Jisoo." 

Jisoo turns around as Dr Gong calls out for her admist dismissal for lunch. She asks, "Yes, Dr Gong?"

"Follow me to the CT room," replies Dr Gong, alsmost heading out to the ward until Jisoo speaks up, "I'm sorry?"

"Miss Jennie Kim, she is your patient right? Let's go."

"Yes, Dr Gong."


At the CT room, Dr Gong and Jisoo are looking at the scan that is being developed on the screen very intently, especially Jisoo who has eyes like hawk, and spots the white mass on the optic chiasm as soon as it is developed. 

"This looks bad," she thinks to herself.

"Do you see that, Dr Kim?" asks Dr Gong

"Yes, Dr Gong, the white mass at the optical chiasm. It is almost filling up the entire chiasm," says Jisoo. 

Still, Dr Gong asks, "so, what do you suggest Dr Kim?"

"Radiation therapy and chemotherapy to shrink the tumor. The tumor definitely doesn't look operable."

"A tumor of this size and at such a location, you are right, It is too risky for operation. We will have to refer her to our oncologist, Dr Lee. Dr Kim do see to it." 

Jisoo nods in response, making a few swipes before she catches up with Dr Gong after making the necessary administrative transfer of the patient to the oncologist Dr Lee. She follows Dr Gong behind, walking towards Jennie. She watches Dr Gong breaking the news to Jennie while she assists the radiation therapist to move Jennie out of the CT machine.

Dr Gong breaks the news slowly and tactfully, "Miss Kim, your scan, it shows that there is indeed a mass pressing on the nerve that connects to both eyes. It is rather large. That is the reason why you are losing vision in both eyes.

Soon, silence fills the entire room before the patient finally speaks up, "At least it was alluded to earlier. I feel at peace with a definite diagnosis."

Jisoo then gives a reassuring pat on the right shoulder as Dr Gong tells Jennie, "Dr Kim will accompany you back. Rest well while we will transfer your case to our oncologist."


Jisoo wheels Jennie back to her room. On the way there, she wants to talk to the other but decides to give Jennie some space. It must be difficult for Jennie to feel alright after hearing such a diagnosis no matter how alright she seemed earlier. 

"Do you think that I can see again?" asks Jennie. 

Jisoo doesn't know how to and what to reply the other. She comments while looking at Jennie's back, "don't worry, all hope is not lost."

"Do you know why it took me this long to get myself admitted?" asks Jennie.

This is one of the question that Jisoo has been curious about. She replies, "why?"

"The initial vision loss, I thought of it as eye strain. I continued to work on my paintings, I am an artist, drawing my day away, finishing each painting before my art exhibition. The day I woke up to a smaller vision field was the day of my exhibition. Thank Goodness that I could at least still see something and carried on my day. I figured that I might be losing my sight sooner or later and decided to prepare for it, you know, getting a white cane and be accustomed to it but still no amount of preparation could prepare my heart to bring myself to the doctor."

Oddly and strangely enough, Jennie's voice was calm. Maybe, Jennie has accepted this fate of hers.

"At least you are brave enough to come by today," says Jisoo, once again, giving a reassuring pat on the shoulder. 

"It took a lot of nudging for me to get out of bed. I told myself that if I make it here, I will one day make it out of the hospital, hopefully still being able to see again."

Jisoo keeps herself mum. Given the size of the tumor, it would be hard to say if the patient could actually be discharged with functional vision. She could only give light pat on the patient's right shoulder as a form of acknowledgement to what she has mentioned earlier, no longer the reassuring pat.

"Oh the nurse aide is here to deliver your lunch," says Jisoo once she has wheeled Jennie to her room. She helps the patient to her bed then continues to help the nurse aide with Jennie's lunch. 

"You should eat up," says Jisoo, opening the lid and places the fork and spoon at either side of the plate. 

"I don't have much appetite right now, I will have it later."



"Promise me that you will have a bite later?"

Jennie actually planns to skip her meal, her heart actually still feels heavy from Dr Gong's words. Still, she makes her promise, "I promise."

"Alright, see you, Jennie."

"See you, Jisoo."


Ok, 1st chapter of the multi-shot medical AU. See you in the next part!

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wywhere #1
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 17: awww this was so sweet
1130 streak #3
Chapter 1: After 6mns here I am again rereading it hehehe🤣
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 1: This is litttttttt
1130 streak #5
Chapter 30: I wonder from who's pov is this authy? Ah welcome back 😁😁😁
1130 streak #6
Chapter 22: happy birthday Queen Jisoo and advance happy birthday Queen Jennie and a happy new year to all of us
Erika1987 #7
Chapter 22: Sooo cute
bp_blunt #8
Chapter 18: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1451693/18'>Fallen Kitty Angel and Th...</a></span>
that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
1130 streak #9
Chapter 21: merry xmas and a happy new year for us
Chapter 21: geh very geh ☺️ merry christmas yall