Affinity and Chicken #2: Fate and Date

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: Hello! Pt 2 of Affinity and Chicken is ready~ Enjoy!


"So the movies?" asks Jisoo, as they are standing in front of the movie theatre.

"I thought you said that you like to watch movies in the morning because of the lack of crowd?" Jennie replies with a grin. The first date and she doesn't want to screw it up. Besides, watching a movie is a safe activity, as long as it isn't a scary one.

"We can always do something that you like," Jisoo replies with a shrug and that makes Jennie frown. Who doesn't like movies? "Yah! Are you teasing me again?" She stomps her feet childishly and turns away from Jisoo. However, deep down, she is just trying to get back at the other for the countless teases.

"Calm down, kid. It is a joke," Jisoo laughs sheepishly and begs the dancer to look at her and with that, this makes the dancer burst into a huge laughter. That is how the two already have lots of fun in the morning.

"Alright, you choose the movie. I am paying this time," says Jisoo and she drags the other to the counter. They settle for something fun and with a bit of action, Harley Quinn: birds of prey. Jisoo also purchases popcorn and drinks and they are ready to enter the cinema.

"What kind of movies do you like?" asks Jennie after they are comfortably seated on their seats.

"I usually like action movies," replies Jisoo, taking a drink.

"That's cool. For me, anything but scary movies," replies Jennie and that makes Jisoo chuckle before trying to scare the dancer. In response to that, the dancer playfully stuffs a handful of popcorn into Jisoo's mouth and they almost got into a food fight. With the armrest lifted, resting between their seats, Jennie reaches out to grab Jisoo by the shoulders and they are now in an awkward position.

With their faces close together, this makes Jisoo's heart thump really quickly. Though the movie theatre is dark and is illuminated by the only light source, the huge screen, she can still make out the dancer's face clearly. Jennie is really pretty, with her small face, tan skin and pinkish-red lips, she leans in and their noses brush against each other, soon lips locking one trying to dominate the other. Their lips are like opposite poles of the magnets, attracting each other strongly, unable to let go, unless an opposing force separates them.

After a few minutes, their lips parted slightly, and they pant.

Jisoo then reaches out to touch Jennie's face lightly, staring into her eyes tenderly with love, and places a kiss on the latter's forehead, before whispering, "I think fate brought us together. I like you."

That makes the latter blush. Jennie leans in and kisses Jisoo while the movie starts to play in the background.

After another kiss, they pull back, with a huge smile on their faces as they focus on the movie. However, Jisoo is so distracted that she keeps throwing glances at the other. It is so obvious that the latter leans on her shoulder, linking their arms together and whispers, "focus on the movie."

Jisoo stifles a laughter and does what she is told. While watching, both of them reach out for the popcorn at the same time and instead of letting Jennie take it, Jisoo holds onto the dancer's hand. She uses her free hand to feed the other. If the theatre isn't so dark, the older would have teased the other for the apparent blush on the cheeks, followed by light pinches on those full mandu like cheeks.

After the movie, both of them are walking around, hand-in-hand, almost too happy because of how their relationship has taken a very unexpected turn. The person that Jennie is annoyed for the past weeks has become her girlfriend, almost overnight.


Currently, Jisoo is at home, looking at Jennie's dance videos on YouTube. Their dance crew, BlackPink uploads videos rather regularly. She enjoys watching the videos, always focusing on a certain someone.

Jisoo then sends a quick text to the other.

To: Jenduekie

You dance really well, just watched a bunch of your dance videos on YouTube.

After she hits send, she laughs at the nickname and recalls how it came about.


"Hey, we are here already. Go in, see you next time," said Jisoo, as they were standing in front of Jennie's apartment after their first date.

Jennie was really unwilling to let Jisoo go and was still holding onto the other, with her head still on Jisoo's shoulder.

"I don't want to part with you so soon," Jennie whined and after a while, she suggested, "do you want to go in?"

"You are already inviting me to your place?" teased Jisoo, as she put her arms around Jennie and leant in slightly, looking at the other with a playful glint. Afterwards, a soft knock on the forehead.

It took Jennie a while to realise what Jisoo meant and almost exclaimed, "yah! Not that way, you ert."

That made Jisoo laugh and said, "I was just teasing you. Calm down, princess."

Jennie blushed at the nickname and told the other, "so do you want to go in for a drink?"

"Sure thing."

As Jisoo entered the apartment, she was impressed by the deco and complimented the other for the pretty looking bohemian style interior. Jisoo sat on the couch while the other went to get some juice. When Jennie returned, she sat next to Jisoo and looped her arm around the older's and snuggled into the crooks of her neck.

"I should give you a new nickname. How about Jendeukie?" said Jisoo as she played with the younger's fingers.

"What does it mean?" Jennie tilted her head and looked at the other.

The older laughed and explained, "you cling onto me so often for the past few hours, so Clingy Jennie for you."

Not that Jennie is offended, it is really cute but she decided to get back at Jisoo who had been teasing her again.

"Do you not want me to cling onto you so often?" She let go and turned her back around.

Jisoo knew that the other was just teasing but decided to ramp up the romance factor. She wrapped her arms around Jennie's waist and pulled the other close to her in a back hug. She whispered into the other's ear, "if you don't cling onto me then I will."

- End of flashback -

Soon, she receives a message from Jennie and reads it.

From: Jendeukie

I will be done with practice soon. Do you want to meet up?

Jisoo is really free since she is done with work and gives a quick reply.


It has been almost a month since they have gotten together and Jisoo wants to gift Jennie the best celebratory event on their first monthsary.

She decides to create a trail for Jennie to follow and hides the clues at the places they have met previously. The week before the event, Jisoo managed to convince all the shop managers to help her. She entrusted the clues to them so that they would give it to Jennie on that special day.

-Day of monthsary-

She gives Jennie a text.

To: Jendeukie

Good morning Jendeukie. See you at the first place we bumped into each other.

Satisfied with the short text, she heads off to the chicken place instead of the said location that she gave to Jennie.


Jennie wakes up and reads the text. Typical Jisoo and she replies.

To: Jichu unnie

Good morning unnie. Happy monthsary! Where are my wishes? Anyways, see you! XOXO

Even though they have been together for only a month, it feels as though they have known each other for a long time. Just being with the other feels right, comfortable and familiar. She then remembers the time when they had one of their heart-to-heart talks.

- Flashback -

"Unnie, why do you say that you live for chicken?" mumbled Jennie, as they were sitting on the little hill near their usual chicken place.

Jisoo managed to catch what the other said. She looked up at the sky and smiled slightly before responding, "looking forward to something tangible. Too tired to chase after something that is too far to reach. How about you? When did you first love to dance?"

Jennie smiled brightly as the thought of her childhood memories and dream resurfaced in her mind. The dancer replied, "when I was really young, at 8. Whenever someone played the music, my mind just immersed in the rhythm and my body moved along to the beats automatically. It just felt as though I was one with the music. It was at that moment I knew that dance is everything. Do you know the feeling when time stops when you are doing something that you love?"

"Yea, I get you. Eating chicken stops time for me," replied Jisoo with a cheeky grin and the other could only throw light punches on her girlfriend's arm. Jennie had gotten used to the lame jokes but still, they were funny.

"Unnie, to be honest, what is your dream?" asked the dancer and she started to cling on the older, snuggling into her favourite spot. She inhaled the light peach scent that she came to love.

"I haven't really thought about it for a long time," replied Jisoo and her voice quivered.

"It's alright, no pressure. I guess you are the 'here and now' kind of person. You treasure the present rather than worrying about the future and creating all sorts of plans," remarked Jennie. After spending time with the other, she began to realise that Jisoo was the kind of person who would treasure the present moment. That was a remarkable trait, something that Jennie lacked. Sometimes she would forget about what's already in her life. She started to be more grateful after knowing Jisoo. Especially at that moment, when Jisoo was hers. She would not trade anything else for that.

Soon, silence engulfed them but Jennie could feel that the other was starting to open up to her. 

"I used to have a dream but it was too difficult for me to reach. I walked around aimlessly for a while but I discovered that nothing is more precious than enjoying the moment. You must think I am a douche back then, especially at the bookstore," said Jisoo and she gave the other a slight ruffle on the head, as a sign of apology.

"You were mean back then. But it is fine. At least I know that you are the nicest and loveliest person on earth, but only to me," teased the younger and snuggled deeper, planting a light kiss Jisoo's neck.

"Every day, we learn something new about each other," said the older and lifted Jennie's face. She dived in to kiss the younger, and both ended up lying on the grass, while kissing, under the moonlight.

- End of flashback -

Jennie heads off to the first place, the convenience store. As she enters, she walks around to find that Jisoo isn't there and frowns. Jisoo is usually the early one and decides to give the other a call but there is no response.

Soon a staff passes her an envelope, telling her to open it.

Jennie reads the letter.

Hey, maybe not see you physically but can you head off to the next location and reach for the kimchi pack at the back of the aisle?

Jennie understands what is going on and heads off to get her next clue. She gives the other a text for the silly game but goes along with it, hoping to just see Jisoo really soon.

At the supermarket, she walks to the kimchi section and quickly reaches for the last pack at the specific aisle. She turns it over to find the next letter. As she opens to read it, she giggles at what she just read.

Where did you meet mean Jisoo?

Jennie heads off the next location. After reaching there, she enters the bookstore, hoping to see someone that she misses dearly since parting the night before. Instead, a staff hands her a magazine. She opens it and sees a little note.

Here, the magazine is finally in the hands of the right owner. I am so sorry for being mean to you back then but I should be 10/10 nicer now, right? So when did you meet the very nice Jisoo for the first time?

Jennie giggles and this is the girlfriend that she knows. The person who is so confident and full of herself. There is no need much thought to determine the next location and heads off, knowing that she will see the other really soon.


With an excited heart, Jennie is finally in front of the chicken place. She is too eager to see her beloved on their special day. She pushes the door and takes a step forward, looking for a certain brunette. It is at this moment that she hears music playing. She sees Jisoo, sitting on a chair with a guitar on hand, a few feets away. Jisoo looks really cool and beautiful while strumming the chords. She doesn't know that the older can play the guitar and smiles at the sight. Maybe this is the dream that the older has given up for a long time. She is touched that Jisoo has decided to pick up the guitar again and plays it for her. As their eyes meet, Jisoo starts to sing.

My reflection in your eyes

I hope it’s always like the day we met

Like the flames that burn without a sound

I hope you kiss me like it’s our last


Under the moonlight my heart is fluttering

Let’s go dance under the milky way let’s go

Right now let go

Let’s have no regrets when today has gone by

So that time can’t tear us apart

So that this moment can be eternal

After the short acoustic song, Jisoo puts the guitar on the floor and goes up to her, holding onto her hands.

"Finally, I see you," says Jisoo. Although her voice sounds as if she is a little shy, instead the look on her face shows the opposite. It is b with confidence.

"What is all this? So, you know how to play the guitar?" asks Jennie, looking around and then back at Jisoo, looking fondly at the brown hazel orbs that she loves.

"Isn't this a flashy event for our monthsary? Don't you like it? I have been holding back from your calls and texts just now, for this moment. As for the guitar I am sure you know what it meant. I don't have to spell it out explicitly," Jisoo replies, stating the obvious. Anyone can tell that the older is head over heels for the other, and vice versa.

"Of course, I love it so much and I do know about it," Jennie leans in and whispers. With every word, her lips brush against the older's lips. Next, Jennie pulls the other and crashes their lips together, for a romantic and passionate kiss. Their lips move in sync and mould perfectly together. It is as though time stops for them. They immerse themselves in the kiss, with bliss washing over them as they pour all their love at that moment.

Who knew that they were initially tangled in an affinity web with those countless encounters and unexpected interaction. Maybe it isn't a prank by God. When two people are fated, there is already a plan set in stone to occur at the right time, dictated by the will of the sky.


Next update will be about jealous Jennie (thank you reader for suggesting! Look forward to it~). Oh, yea, I think this is the end of Affinity and Chicken multi-shot series, hope that the ending is good (not a cliffhanger XD)!

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that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
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