Home Is a Person not a Place pt 2

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: A little late cuz I had a little trouble adjusting to a new routine as college started earlier last week, sorry >.< Shoutout to those who asked for part 2! Here ya go, some light fluff! Enjoy~

Next one is about a rich and bratty Jennie and an average Jisoo. Maybe a high school AU, not too sure, but stay tuned! (P.s. might only be able to update two weeks later, sorry, still trying to ease into a new routine and college is a little messy... Thanks for your understanding!)

No outro for today so enjoy the story! Have a great week ahead~


"You owe me more than a night of cuddles," says Jennie while pulling Jisoo into the latter's room. As they reach the bed, she puts her two hands on the older's shoulders, getting the other to sit on the bed. She places herself on the older's lap and wraps her arms around Jisoo's shoulders, leaning in for a real kiss. She presses hard and kisses really deeply, missing those lips because of her jealous feats. She nibbles on Jisoo's lower lips, asking for access and lightly taste the older's lips. Next, she on the older's tongue, earning a beautiful moan from the older. Satisfied with it, she pulls back and gave a sly teasing smile before heading off to wash up.

Jisoo, who just came back from her high is stunned that the younger heads off to the showers instead. She chuckles and thinks that maybe making the other jealous is worth it. She lays on the bed while reminiscing the kiss earlier as she waits for Jennie to come out of the shower.

After a while, she feels an extra weight on the bed and opens her eyes, turning around to face the younger.

"Jen, I should make you jealous more often," Jisoo says honestly and her eyes twinkle with a playful smirk and that makes the other smile.

"Why?" Jennie asks innocently with a teasing look.

"I want more of that kind of kiss," says Jisoo, as she puckers her lips.

"Maybe you will get more than that if you behave," the younger leans in and whispers in her low husky voice before placing a brief kiss and pulling away almost immediately. She goes on to cuddle with the older.

"There is something I want to do tomorrow," says Jennie, breaking the peaceful silence that they are enjoying.

"What is it?" asks Jisoo, looking at the younger girl in her arms. Even though she is starting to feel tired, just looking at Jennie makes her heart warm and all the sleepiness vanishes into thin air.

The younger avoids the older's eyes, and whispers almost inaudibly, "you know, eating in the train."

It may be a random thought but looking at pictures of her friends travelling by train from her social media makes her want to do that with her significant other too.

Jisoo thinks for a moment before responding, "we can travel around the country by KTX. How does that sound?"

"Lovely, I can't wait for tomorrow!"

"Technically, it is today since it is already almost 3am."

Both of them laugh, realising that it is already so late and that they snuggle closer and start to drift into dreamland with a huge smile on their faces, excited to welcome the day later.


Jisoo wakes up, feeling something poking on her right cheek. She opens her eyes and smiles, knowing who is it and turns her head, almost biting the other's finger playfully.

"Good morning," the younger greets with a giggle, as she playing hit the older's arm.

"Good morning to you too, my love."

"Unnie, get ready. Let's leave soon."

Before Jennie stands to wash up, Jisoo hugs her from behind pulling the other in and whispers, "let's wash up together. It will be faster this way."


They arrive at the KTX station, ready to buy tickets. Both Jennie and Jisoo are looking at the map and the younger frowns, with all the lines crisscrossing one another and reading almost all the station names, with at least half that seems foreign to her. She tightens her grip around Jisoo's arms and asks, "where shall we go?"

Jisoo smiles and pats on the other's head and says, "how about Busan? It is a straight journey from Seoul to Busan. We don't have to transfer line. We can enjoy the entire ride. Later, we can head back in the same direction to Osong and stop by to do something or maybe just shop around. After all this, we can head back to Seoul to have dinner with the girls."

"Sounds good. Lead the way," says Jennie with a grin. She loves it whenever the older leads her.

"My pleasure, milady."

The two walk hand-in-hand, first to the ticketing machine to get their tickets before heading off to the shops to buy some food.

As they are walking around, thinking about what to get, Jisoo asks Jennie, "do you know what is a must to have when we are on a train?"

Instead of a response, the younger gave her a confused look, not knowing the answer. Jisoo loves how cute the younger is and breaks into a huge grin before pinching the younger's soft and fluffy cheeks, before replying to her own question, "eggs."

"Why?" The younger asks, not knowing the significance but still agrees and pulls the other into the convenience store.

The older can only laugh at the younger's eagerness and responds, "I will show you later."

After a quick shopping at the store, they settle for eggs and triangle kimbap before heading off to the drinks store to get some iced americano and some doughnuts. While waiting to collect their drinks and doughnuts, Jisoo notices that the train is scheduled to leave in about 10 minutes and they hurry off to the platform after receiving their order. Though it is a slight rush, they manage to board the train on time and settle well into their seats, before taking some selca on the train.

After the short photo session, Jisoo takes out the hard-boiled eggs and passes one to Jennie. As Jennie is about to crack the egg open by hitting it on the armrest, Jisoo stops her and says, "don't use the armrest. Use my head."

Shock is evident on Jennie's face as she almost exclaims, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Just hit it," Jisoo points to her head.

Not sure if it is 4D Jisoo that is speaking to her, Jennie is very unwilling to hit her lover's head and instead, Jisoo just says, "look, just hit it on my head like this."

The older counts down from 3 and hits the egg on the top of her head. Although it is slightly painful, she laughs out loud to show her happiness and that it is fine. She then urges the other to do the same.

"Come on, I will count from 1 to 3. Hit it on my head after 3."

After counting, Jennie hits it on Jisoo's head but to the older, it isn't painful at all. She laughs it off to show how much fun she is having. That makes Jennie laugh too. After eating an egg each, Jennie says, "I want to try it on my head."

She takes the last egg of the pack and counts down like Jisoo before hitting the egg on her head. She winces in pain but Jisoo quickly soothes it by pulling the other towards her and places a kiss on the crown of the younger's head. That makes Jennie smile like a fool and breaks the egg into half, passing the other half with the yolk to the older.

After finishing the egg and munching on some Kimbap and doughnuts, the door opens and the cart lady has arrived.

"The cart, oh my gosh!" Jennie says excitedly to Jisoo while flapping her hands.

"It's like the scene from Harry Potter," the older replies.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" says Jennie, as she tries to imitate the cart lady from the Harry Potter series, but with the failed imitation, they just giggle it off and waits for the lady to approach them before stopping the other to get some snacks.

"The cheese snack looks good. Pringles too," says Jisoo as Jennie is looking intently at the snacks on the cart. The younger takes what the older suggests and also some that she wants to try. After making their purchase, they share the snacks and eat happily, till they reach Busan.


"Do you want to do anything here?" asks Jisoo, as she holds onto Jennie's hands as they walk out of the train.

We have been here for a few times, maybe let's do something at Osong."

With just half a day left, they take a good look at the itinerary to see what they can do at their next location.

"Unnie, what about the Hallyeo Waterway Observation cable car at Osong?" asks Jennie, as she points to the top right-hand corner of the itinerary.

Jisoo reads the fine prints and says, "sounds good."

After agreeing to a common location, they go to the ticketing machine to buy 2 tickets to Osong before making their way back to the platform to board the next train bound to Osong.

- In the Train -

Jisoo looks at the scenery outside and stares at how beautiful the view is. Finally, a long break after a month-long of hectic schedule with the comeback promotion, her individual hosting and CF gigs. As she starts to loosen up and stretch her neck, extending outward, she hears the camera clicks.

She definitely knows what is going on and says with her eyes closed, "you and your sneak shots."

Jennie grins as she looks at the picture, satisfied with the candid shot and replies, "I like candid shots. You do know that I don't like it when you purposely pose for me. The candid shots are the most beautiful."

Jisoo blushes. Even though many people have complimented her and she is confident with her looks, but as long as these words come from her lover, she will still feel rather shy that her cheeks heat up.

She clears and says, "let me see what you have taken."

Her confident self recovers back almost immediately and she compliments herself, "I do look very beautiful in the pictures."

The younger loops her arm around the older's and leans on Jisoo's left shoulder and says, "You are beautiful."

They stare at each other earnestly and Jennie leans, quickly kissing Jisoo on the lips.


- Osong -

After reaching Osong, they first have their lunch at a sushi place.

"Unnie, you kind of over-ordered," says the younger with a sceptical look.

Despite knowing that the younger doesn't eat much, Jisoo orders slightly more than enough so that the younger can at least have more to pick from.

"It doesn't matter. I will polish the rest. Just feel free to eat comfortably."

While eating, they look at the photos that Jennie took earlier and the day before, with her Irene unnie. Jisoo laughs as she imitates the younger's expression on the photos from her date with Irene.

"You are a big bully," Jennie whines and that makes Jisoo chuckle.

"It's much more fun like this."

- Hallyeo Waterway Observation Tower -

After lunch, they head off to the Hallyeo Waterway Observation cable car. After purchasing the tickets, they take the lift to the top floor and stand in line for their turn to board the cable car. While waiting, they enjoy the beautiful sights of the luscious green, the clear blue sky and the dazzling sun rays on a hot but beautiful afternoon.

"The view is amazing," Jennie exclaims and it definitely not go unnoticed by Jisoo. This makes the latter respond with a smirk and whispers, "not as amazing as you, my love."

Jennie blushes and with that obvious red mandu cheeks of hers, the other pinches them hard and teases the other, until an empty cabin stops in front of them, doors wide open for them to board the cabin. The younger grabs onto Jisoo's wrist, pulling the other into the cable car. During the ride, they are still holding hands, both looking out through the same window. One commenting on the view outside while the other replies, just like a cute couple being excited about everything that comes to sight.

Jisoo grins as they almost reach to the top of the ride. With that, the older turns the other around, hands on both of Jennie's cheeks, her right thumb caressing the younger's fluffy left cheek softly, admiring the features of her lover. She really loves the younger and wants to express every ounce of love in her heart.

"I love you, Kim Jennie," Jisoo professes her love for the younger before diving in, to give the most romantic and passionate kiss of the day. She presses softly, first to enjoy how the younger's lips feel against hers. Next, she nibbles onto Jennie's top lip, to lightly taste the other and next, she moves slightly, to gain more access to feeling and tasting the other's lips. Jennie begins to move in sync too and the two are soon in a lip-locking competition, one trying to dominate the other, by pressing their lips harder on the other. It is until Jennie moves to sit on Jisoo's lap, arms wrapping around the older's small but toned frame that the older on the younger's tongue and lightly pulling back.

"Jennie, we are in public," says Jisoo, realising that things are getting too steamy and snaps out of her mind that has a free will. She can't possibly make out with the other hanging in the middle of the sky. Not that anyone can see them but still, they are in public. Who knows, maybe someone can get a photo and send it off to dispatch for money. They would be in deep trouble if that happens.

"It is getting too hot in here," says the younger, as she begins to fan herself and releases her hold around Jisoo before returning to her original seat, next to the older.

Jisoo holds onto her hand and lightly grasp them together, before planting a kiss on the back of her hand. She brings the younger into a side hug and they watch the view as they travel to the opposite side of the observatory tower.

After the cable car ride and the short tour around the vicinity, they head off to the nearest shopping district to do some shopping.

- Shopping at Osong -

"Unnie, look at this!"

"It's pretty. Do you want it?"

"Will you buy it for me?"

"Of course, let's go." Jisoo pulls the younger into the shop and they are now looking at the jewellery in the display cabinet.

"Hi, can I try this on?" asks Jennie, to the staff at the counter and the staff puts it on for her. Jennie looks at the mirror looking satisfied, before turning to the other and shows the pretty necklace on her.

Though Jisoo doesn't like shopping, she doesn't mind this activity as long she is Jennie. She smiles back with a bright megawatt smile and exclaims, "it is so pretty on you. Are there any other pieces that you would like to get?"

"I don't think so. This is fine. But, since we are here, do get something too."

"There is no need to."

"Come on, let's look around a little while," says Jennie as she signals to the staff to take the necklace off her and afterwards, she drags the older around the huge shop, looking at other the accessories.

Soon, they settle on a ring and Jisoo says, "let's get 2 of this."

The younger understands and nods. Soon, they make their purchase, satisfied and ready to head out. While walking hand in hand, they enjoy the beautiful street and the lovely atmosphere of the city of Osong, in their own little lovers' world. Soon, they stop by some pretty shop and take some pictures there.

"Wow, wow, wow," exclaims the older as Jennie begins to pose for the photos. Next, it is Jisoo's turn. The older also effortlessly poses for the pictures and afterwards, return back to Jennie. Both move to the side alley to look at the pictures.

"Oh unnie, that pose. Wow."

"Not too bad yourself, Ms Chanel."

"Thank you, Ms Dior."

They laugh at their nickname for the moment and continue to walk along the street until the sky turns slightly dark orange, indicating that it is starting to get late.

"Let's go back soon," says the older and the younger agrees, heading back to the train station.

- Osong Train Station -

As usual, they first purchase a pair of tickets before heading to the platform. It has been a long day but none of them is tired. It is one of the most enjoyable moments of their lives, especially after the whole jealousy thing and busy schedule that made both of them miss the company of each other. As they settle down on their seat after entering the train, Jennie snuggles into Jisoo and hugs onto her waist tightly, lips grazing on the older's neck and says, "thank you unnie."

"I am glad that you had fun. Rest well once we get back home."

"I always have fun when I am with you. I am alright, not tired at all," says Jennie and she snuggles closer before continuing, "besides I am at home since I am with you."

"Ah yes, I am your home," Jisoo remembers what Jennie tells her and she then places a kiss on the younger's forehead and replies, "you are my home too."

Both have a huge smile on their faces as the train starts heading back to Seoul.

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wywhere #1
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 17: awww this was so sweet
1129 streak #3
Chapter 1: After 6mns here I am again rereading it hehehe🤣
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 1: This is litttttttt
1129 streak #5
Chapter 30: I wonder from who's pov is this authy? Ah welcome back 😁😁😁
1129 streak #6
Chapter 22: happy birthday Queen Jisoo and advance happy birthday Queen Jennie and a happy new year to all of us
Erika1987 #7
Chapter 22: Sooo cute
bp_blunt #8
Chapter 18: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1451693/18'>Fallen Kitty Angel and Th...</a></span>
that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
1129 streak #9
Chapter 21: merry xmas and a happy new year for us
Chapter 21: geh very geh ☺️ merry christmas yall