Affinity and Chicken # 1: Coincidence and Incidence

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: Hello everyone! I am back with another update, a short (and maybe cute) JenSoo story (this time not inspired by any songs XD). Enjoy~ Btw, I think I will update once per week, or earlier, once an idea pops out hehe (but if you have any suggestions just drop it in the comment box). Hope this is ok for you all~


After a long day of dance practice, Jennie is finally able to have a good rest before the big day tomorrow. Her dance crew is engaged to dance at Lady Gaga's world tour in Korea the next day. They are all very excited and to Jennie, this is the best news she has heard so far. Nothing seems right ever since she has moved back to Seoul from New Zealand to pursue her dreams of being a dancer, especially outside her dance studio.

She recalls the time when she first came home to Seoul alone and wanted to get some food from the nearby convenience store. She met an obnoxious person, who took the last pack of her favourite sandwich and the can of milk tea that she had been craving for the entire day.

She doesn't want to remember the person but it seems as though she has an affinity with the other. She has bumped into the said person many times, on multiple occasions.

There was a time when she was at the bookstore, hoping to get the latest copy of her favourite magazine, but guess what? The person took it away despite her having to reach for it first. The reason was that the other thought she would not be able to appreciate such work. That left Jennie mad and she hoped that she wouldn't have to see the same person again.

Guess what, maybe God has been playing a prank on her.

She was shopping in the supermarket near her dance studio. All she wanted to get was kimchi, but of a specific brand. Guess what again? The person took it away as soon as she set her eyes on the last pack and walked away. It didn't take her long enough to recognise the person, wearing the black hoodie.

She gave up.

Maybe, some people just appear in your life to mess things up.

Today, she hopes that she can have some peace after a long day of dance. She has heard about a great chicken place from social media, that sells the best chicken, be it fried, steamed, stewed, or whatever you name it, they probably have it. She has her eyes set on the grilled chicken skewers. She needs her protein after an intense practice. She has to eat it after working so hard and also not getting what she wanted for the past few weeks.

"Ahjumma, can I have the grilled chicken skewers, please," say Jennie and another person in unison. She definitely recognises the voice. It turns out to be her nemesis who has been swooping in and taking stuff from her. This time, she has to have it her way.

The other person turns around and is surprised to see the same lady who has been appearing at the convenience store, supermarket, bookstore and this time at her favourite chicken place. Being a loyal person of the chicken place and the grilled chicken skewers, she has tasted it every day. Maybe it is her conscience kicking in, she decides to give in to the lady who she has crossed path with more often than before. To be honest, that is the first for her. She has never given up chicken for someone else.

"You can have it," with that the person leaves the shop empty-handed.

Jennie is bewildered. It is the first time that the stranger has offered her something rather than taking things away. With that, she makes her purchase.

"You are lucky, our loyal customer gave up her chicken for you. We usually save the last few pieces for her, on our boss' order. She comes by every day to get them," says the cashier, as she packs the chicken skewers for Jennie who has ordered them to go.

This time, Jennie feels bad. With the chicken on her hand, maybe she doesn't want it anymore but it did make her change her impression of someone.


It is a beautiful morning, the sun is shining brightly. Its rays radiating out from the clear blue sky. It is a good day for Jennie, she is ready to head out to the chicken place. She is planning to catch hold of someone. Rather than the usual coincidental meeting, she decides to make it intentional. Not that she wants to but it was a great deal for her to accept the chicken that day. She would rather have other things than the chicken. Let's just say that the chicken skewers made her feel guilty. Terribly guilty.

Jennie remembers the conversation she had with the cashier. She can't believe that she would want to stalk someone.

"She comes by at different times on weekdays so it is hard to say but she is always here at 9am every weekend. You can probably catch her then," said the cashier as Jennie went back to the shop again, soon after leaving with her purchase.

Now, she is standing in front of the shop. From the glass door, she can see the person ordering. Funny, Jennie is sure that she would be slightly early. She takes a deep breath before entering.

"1 more set of chicken skewers for us. Did you get any drink?" asks the dancer as she sneaks up on her target, speaking from behind the other, to the cashier. Thankfully, it's a different cashier from the previous night.

"I am sorry?" says the person as she turns around. She is shocked to find Jennie standing behind her but decides to respond, "I got a drink. Do you want any?"

"Can I have iced americano, please? Thank you," says Jennie, to the cashier.

"Alright, 2 sets of grilled chicken skewers, one earl grey and one americano. That will be $15," says the cashier and is prepared to receive the payment.

Jennie quickly whips out her Visa Paywave card from her pocket and says, "by Visa Paywave, please." She taps her card on the card reader, leaving the person beside her completely bewildered with her antics.

After making the purchase, Jennie drags her breakfast buddy for the day to a table.

"What are you trying to do?" asks the stranger.

"A thank you, for that day," replies the dancer cooly, flipping her hair and she props her head with her right hand.

"It was nothing. I just gave up the last few skewers." Still, the stranger did not understand her.

"You come here every day for the chicken, without fail and you gave it up for me. It means a lot to me. I really need to return the favour or it eats me up," explains the dancer.

That revelation makes the other chuckle and says, "I remember that you had to give up many things for me."

"Forget it. At least I still get it on other days. So it is cool." The dancer returns with a beaming smile and smiles even brighter when breakfast is served.

"I get why you come here every day, it's really good!" exclaims Jennie, as she ate the first bite of the freshly grilled chicken skewers.

"It is the only thing that cheers me up every day. Maybe a reason to live," replies the stranger and the answer intrigues her. Live for chicken every day. That's really weird. For her, dance is everything.

"You must be very miserable that day right," jokes the dancer and takes another bite.

"Very," the person replies jokingly and both of them share a laughter for the first time. Who knows that the obnoxious person she has bumped into for several times ever since she returns to Seoul has become her breakfast buddy today. Maybe another breakfast date tomorrow wouldn't be too bad after all.

It has been quite some time since they have been at the shop and they finally manage to properly introduce themselves.

"You know we have been going on and on but we haven't introduced ourselves. Hi, I am Jennie. How do I address you, chicken slayer?" asks Jennie, slightly grinning at the nickname.

The stranger laughs at the terrible nickname. Still, she likes it and replies, "this chicken slayer is Kim Jisoo."

They begin to talk about many things, questions and answers going back and forth about their hobbies, their likes and dislikes and other personal information, almost like a blind date.

After they are done eating and now sipping on their drinks, Jennie asks, "what are you up to for the weekend?"

"Heading back home. I want to sleep the day away," replies Jisoo, as she takes a sip of her tea. It has been a long time she has company outside of work. It isn't a bad change to her routine. She likes it a lot. To be honest, never had Jisoo imagine herself sitting in front of someone and getting to know the person she has been bumping into for the past few weeks. Maybe a meeting between two people is like a rare cosmic event.

"I have nothing on. Do you want to spend the day together?" asks Jennie. That makes Jisoo raise an eyebrow and asks, "asking me out already?"

"Don't flatter yourself. Just want to drag a homebody out," Jennie almost wanted to throw the used napkin at the smug person. Maybe conceited would be a better word to describe that previously obnoxious person.

"Sure thing, a date it is," Jisoo throws a wink at Jennie and the peaceful morning is soon replaced with more teasing and laughter.


A/N pt 2: If you would like Affinity and Chicken and wish to that it becomes a multi-shot, do poll down your opinion below! Thanks for reading and have a great week ahead!

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Anyone interested in a part 2 for Affinity and Chicken (A&C)?



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wywhere #1
Jensoo4everlove #2
Chapter 17: awww this was so sweet
1130 streak #3
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Ash-LaoSiow #4
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that was so adorable 😖🥺 thank you 🥰 how about like a 2nd shot for this? 😬
1130 streak #9
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