Happy Mandnew Year & Happy Jisoo Day

Collection of JenSoo Short Stories

A/N: Hi everyone! Happy New Year and Happy Jisoo Day! Here is story to celebrate both the new year (although terribly late) and most importantly, Jisoo's birthday! Wishing Jisoo a happy birthday and everyone a happy new year. Let's have a great year ahead, 2022 will be better than 2021.

Also, I would like to take the time to thank everyone that has read, subscribed, upvoted and commented on any of the stories that I have written so far. I haven't thanked you all for the support, really appreciate that you all spend the time to read my work :)

Finally, cheers to a better year of more JenSoo content and stories and everything we want to achieve in life! Don't forget to watch Snowdrop (of course we won't!) and support every Blackpink members' work and content! ^.^

Oh yes, before I forget, for readers who have enjoyed chapter 18 (Fallen Kitty Angel and The Human Butler) and did not know that I have expanded it to a full length fic (still on-going!), here is the link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1487880/fallen-kitty-angel-and-the-human-butler, enjoy!

See you all in the next update! Thank you everyone <3


A/N: same AU as chapter 19, Merry Christmas: kiss under the mistletoe. First part inspired by Jennie's youtube video on JenSoo making mandu!

Things have been going well for the JenSoo couple after they have gotten back together during the Christmas party. They were practically inseparable afterwards. Jisoo brought Jennie back home after the party and was greeted by Mrs Kim who had opened the gates of their mansion for Jennie once she heard a car pullover right in front of their gates. 

"Oh my, is that you, Jisoo? So, you and Jennie are back together?" asked Mrs Kim, visibly delighted to see a familiar face that she had always loved.

Jisoo nodded and held Jennie's hand, with fingers clasped tightly, lifting it up to show Mrs Kim and as usual, being the polite girl she is, she greeted Mrs Kim with a bow. The older woman was beyond ecstatic and immediately hugged the older ravenhead who she had always seen as another daughter and wished for Jisoo to quickly marry into their family. That was how much Mrs Kim loves Jisoo even though the older girl had caused her daughter a good job at the famous law firm. She couldn't blame Jisoo as the girl had always been morally upright and this was a quality of Jisoo that made her approve her daughter's relationship.

Given that it was already very late into the night, Jisoo bidded goodbye to the two women after walking them to their door and went home. Mrs Kim smiled, putting her hand over Jennie's shoulders, giving a side hug to her daughter and said, "I am glad that you two are together again, Jennie ah. Oh, the new year is in 5 days, let's invite Jisoo and her family over for dinner."

Liking the plan, Jennie immediately agreed and replied, "how about Jisoo and I prepare dinner?"

Mrs Kim liked the idea but two girls for at least 10 people, she clarified, "no help from the chefs? Appa and I always give them days off on New Year's Eve. They will only be back after the new year." 

"I think we can manage," replied Jennie and Mrs Kim smiled, agreeing to her daughter's plan as they entered the mansion together.


- New year day -

It was 9 am in the morning and Jisoo was already in front of Kim's family mansion, waiting for her girl to be done dolling up for grocery shopping. Although Jisoo was late by half an hour, she knew that Jennie would still be fussing over her make-up and outfit of the day. Not wanting to continue waiting outside of the mansion, she decided to go in and greet Jennie's parents for the new year. She pressed on the doorbell and was received by the head butler, Mr Oh. She greeted Mr Oh and wished the older man well for the new year and passed a bag of traditional pastry for the workers working at the mansion. They also chatted a while to catch up since they haven't met for quite a while due to the breakup. After they were done with their short chat, Mr Oh led Jisoo to the dining room to where Mr and Mrs Kim were. Jisoo greeted the couple and also wished them well for the new year and not forgetting to also gift them the traditional pastry and wine that she had bought for them. The couple warmly received Jisoo and also wished the girl well for the new year. Mr Kim got up to pull out a chair for Jisoo to join them for breakfast. The girl made herself at home and sat with them, having a second round of breakfast and chatted with the couple.

"She is taking a long time, let me get her," said Mr Kim as he got up from his seat and went upstairs to find his daughter. After a few minutes or so, Mr Kim and Jennie came down from the stairs. Jisoo tried so hard not a gawk at her gorgeous girlfriend and immediately stood up to help Jennie down the remaining stairs and pulled the chair out for the younger girl. She kissed Jennie on her cheek and greeted the younger. 

"Good morning, Jennie and happy new year!"

Jennie smiled with her 1000 MW gummy smile, wishing the older a good morning and a happy new year before smiling sheepishly to apologise, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Jisoo held onto Jennie's hands and reassured the other, "it's fine, I got to catch up with Mr and Mrs Kim. Come, have breakfast before we leave for the market."

The family of 4 continued to have breakfast and their conversation before the couple made their separate way. 


"So, mandu and noddles right?" asked Jisoo, as she pushed the trolley that they had brought from Jennie's home. 

Jennie nodded and smiled as she remembered how they thought of the menu.

- Flashback - 

"Unnie, what should we cook for our families for new year's dinner?" Jennie asked her girlfriend while they were out on their date to shop for new year gifts. 

"How about mandu and noodles?" suggested Jisoo and all she got was a raised eyebrow from her girlfriend.

"Mandu on a new year?"

"Of course, because you are a mandu!" 

Giggling at her girlfriend's silliness, Jennie agreed and they decided to also make some noodles with the mandu. 

- End of flasback -

"So, we need to make the noodles, skin and fillings from scratch. There is a lot to buy, let's go," said Jennie as she led the way.

While shopping for their ingredients, the girls were actually disagreeing with some of the ingredients that are going to be used to make their mandu and noodles meal. 

"Chicken for the mandu!"

"It's usually pork filling though!"

"We are making it, so let's just make it based on our preference. Let's mix both chicken and pork? How does that sound?"

Finally agreeing, they decided to shop for their mandu meat filling. After getting the meat from the butcher, they headed to the vegetable stall to get some veggie.

"We need some veggies in it. Let's get cabbage," said Jennie as she made a beeline to the stall to grab the veggies for mandu.

After spending almost an hour to shop for their mandu filling and also remembering about their noodles dish, they headed to the mart to get for their mandu wrapper and noodles, flour, seasoning and some other ingredients for their jajangmyeon and spicy jjamppong dish. While shopping for the remaining items, they were able to agree with each other and managed to finish in lesser time than as compared to shopping for mandu filling earlier.

Noticing the time, Jennie told Jisoo, "it's almost noon, let's grab a quick lunch and head back to cook!" So, they got a quick bite at the traditional market before heading back home with their grocery haul. 

- home -

After being received by the head butler, he helped the girls to bring in their trolley to the kitchen. Looking at the amount of stuff, Mr Oh asked, "Miss Jennie and Jisoo, do you need help? It looks like you two are making a feast with these items."

Jennie shook her head, smiling as she replied to her head butler, "I think we can manage, it's just mandu, jamppong and jajangmyeon!"

The head housekeeper blinked at them not believing them given the amount of ingrdients and questionable ingredients that they got for their said dishes, he just nodded unassuringly at the two novice cooks (although Jennie has a fair share of cooking experience with western food) and prayed that everything will turn out well. 

Jisoo remembered to hand the lunch they had gotten for the head butler and other workers who had decided to stay for the new year instead. "Oh yes, here is your lunch, Mr Oh. We also got a lot more for the other workers too. We thought that you all would want lunch prepared since it is your day off. Let us know if it is not enough, we can always order more."

"Thank you, girls. It is really a lot. We will leave some here for you two as snacks. You will be needing it." Mr Oh put some food on the table for the girls but was actually finding a reason to stay a little longer just in case he could offer some help. The girls quickly caught on, reassuring the head butler and managed to shoo him out of the kitchen to relax for the day. They then put on their apron, washed their hands and got ready to cook. 

Initially, the cooking went smoothly since they were just preparing all the ingredients for their dishes. Jisoo was chopping the veggies while Jennie was processing and marinating the raw meat. After they were done with all the easy tasks, they were greeted with the hard task with a bag of flour on the counter. With their combined limited cooking experience on making mandu skin and noodles from scratch, they were disagreeing with each other on the methods for almost a good hour before surrendering to the internet to follow the instructions from the tutorial video. 

"Jendeuk ah, since mandu-pi and noodles are all made of flour, let's make the noodles using the mandu-pi recipe." said Jisoo and Jennie agreed. The younger made the dough while the older kneaded. After all the kneading, they split the dough into two, with Jennie making the skin while Jisoo made the noddles. With experience in baking, Jennie effortlessly made the skin and it took its shape and Jisoo, with her love for noodles, had helped her to make noodles that actually looked like noodles. 

After a long afternoon, they decided to take a break, munching on the snacks that Mr Oh left for them before completing the final part, that is to wrap the mandu and steam them and also making the jjajangmyeon and jjamppong. They sat down on the table to wrap the mandu. It felt nice that they were finally sitting down to do something after being up on their feet for almost the entire day. They wrapped the mandu and talked about what they are going to do for the upcoming year. While talking, Jennie realised that Jisoo was wrapping very well and asked, "unnie, have you learnt how to wrap mandu before?"

"I did, I learnt from a mandu master while I was preparing for SBC's traditional food series. Remember to coat a generous amount of flour after wrapping."

"Oh, you are working for SBC now? What happened to working with the tabloid news company?"

"I quit, you know after that day..."

Jennie nodded and decided to change topic, not wanting to talk about their breakup, she said, "I want to make something crazy, something that suits our preference, like squished mandu."

"The twisted one," Jisoo chimed in and Jennie agreed, replying, "yes, the twisted one, and maybe a UFO too."

They began their crazy mandu folding and they came up with rather ridiculous looking mandu of different sizes and shapes that one could possibly think of. 

"Jendeuk ah, look at this. What does it remind you of?" said Jisoo as she put her newest masterpiece in front of Jennie.

"What's this? It looks ugly!" exclaimed the younger.

The older gave a goofy grin and revealed the answer, "doesn't it remind you of the cartoon character, Kiyoung?"

Jennie immediately laughed after realising that the top of the mandu did resemble the character's hairstyle and nodded in agreement. They had a good laugh and continued folding more mandu and started to steam the first batch. After steaming for a good 10 to 15 minutes, they took one out from the steamer to try. Jennie cut it into half and fed Jisoo half a mandu after blowing it slightly before trying the other half herself. They looked at each and said in unison, "they really taste like mandu skin." The younger decided that they should cut down on their generosity and coat less flour to the wrapped mandu for the remaining batches. After wrapping, they started working on their noodles and by the time they were done, it was already almost dinner time. They decided to wash up and change quickly before plating the food and receiving their family members. 

- Dinner - 

It was dinner time and they had set up the dining area, 2 pots of jjamppong and jajangmyeon gravy with a huge bowl of homemade noodles and 4 plates filled with mandus around the noodle dishes. Jisoo's family also brought over some dishes that they had made and together with Jennie's parents takeaway meat and dessert, the table looked like potluck style dinner. The younger generation passes the plates and cutlery around and everyone began to dug in, taking whatever they wanted  and how much they wanted before gathering at the table to eat. The vibe at the dining table was very joyous with everyone enjoying their meal. Everyone complimented the young couple of how well the dishes turned out and the men got up to take second servings almost immediately. The two families also shared about their plans and resolution for the new year while enjoying their new year dinner. 

After dinner, the families took their dessert and sat in the living room to watch some TV while enjoying their sweet treat. Jennie and Jisoo decided to spend some alone time at the balcony. 

"I am glad everything turned out well," said Jennie, as she fed Jisoo some brownies. 

"It will always be alright, always a good day. You worry too much," replied Jisoo and gave Jennie a kiss on the side of her head, patting Jennie lightly and gently on the head.

"Making the dishes from scratch really did hurt our feelings a little, let's just buy ready-made fillings, skin and noodles next time," said Jennie as she mini-reflected her day. The older laughed and agreed saying, "yea it did but it made us stronger. It did not make me want to be with you any less. I am glad that we have gone through this and everything else that had happened before."

Touched by how thoughtful and mature her girlfriend is, Jennie pulled Jisoo in for a kiss and they shared a passionate kiss under the moonlight, with stars twinkling brightly. With the bright natural light casted on them, it is as if the heavens blessed the couple eternal happiness. After the kiss, foreheads pressed together and lips slightly parted but still close enough to touch as they whispered, "I love you."


- 3rd January - 

Jisoo woke up naturally and was glad that she did not have to wake up to an alarm clock. After getting up, she headed to the bathroom to freshen herself up before heading out of the room to get some water. On the way out, she was pleasantly surprised to find a plate of korean style birthday breakfast meal on the table and walked into her kitchen to also pleasantly find Jennie there. 

"Hey, good morning, thought I was dreaming when I smelt delicious food from the room. I guess today is my birthday, isn't it?" asked Jisoo, realising that it was the third day of the new year and also her birthday as she looked at the small calendar that was hanging on the refrigerator door. 

"Good morning, my love. Yes, happy birthday to you, unnie," said Jennie, as she put her arms around Jisoo and gave the older a sweet birthday kiss.  She then told the older, "I am almost done, let me just heat up the seaweed soup." After a few minutes, the meal was set on the table and they are ready to eat. 

Jisoo thanked Jennie for the meal and wanted to tuck into the soup immediately to show her gratitude to Jennie but was stopped by the younger, who urged her to make a wish first. The older made her wish and started feasting on her meal, complimenting the younger with every bite of different dishes that was prepared. After they were done with breakfast, Jennie got up from her seat and got a packet of choco pie, the perfect treat for birthdays. The older laughed at how Jennie was always sticking to traditions but gladly took it, and shared half of it with her girlfriend. Now that they were done eating, Jisoo helped to clear the table, keeping leftovers in the containers and putting them away.

"Unnie, I will do this, go play some mobile games," said the younger, as she tried to push Jisoo out of the kitchen so that the older would not do anywork on her birthday. 

"You know that I won't leave the housework to you. Let me help before I play my games," replied Jisoo. She gave Jennie a tickle on the right side of her waist before making her way to the sink to finish up the chores. Jennie sighed internally, unsatisfied that things are not going according to her plan and decided to help out. Now that they were done with the chores, Jisoo asked the younger, "so, what will we be doing now?"

"Get changed, we will be heading out soon," said Jennie, giving the older a kiss, and Jisoo smiled, anticipating the events of the day. 


They arrived at their destination, SKTech mall. Jennie held Jisoo left hand and led them to the VR game shop. They got into the game enclosure after showing their unlimited day pass. Jisoo helped Jennie first with putting on the VR head set and passed the younger her controls before putting her own set. As Jisoo has been religiously following game trends, she picked Astrobot: Rescue Mission, a cute game which she knew that both of them would enjoy. She explained the storyline to the younger before they started the game. 

"We are controlling Astro, who will be rescuing his lost crew by travelling around the different worlds to fight big bosses. We will play the tutorial to learn the different moves and all we have to do is to memorise them and move our bodies accordingly while we play the actual game."

After going through the tutorial a few times to familiarise the possible moves, they are ready to play the game. Everything went smoothly as they were basically dodging different obstacles along the obstacle course by moving their bodies. Once they reached level three, they were faced with a wall. They had to find a way to get through the wall to continue their journey of saving their remaining crews. 

"Jennie, Gamma told us that we have to use headbutt to break the walls, let's do it."

Jisoo held onto Jennie's hand and they both did a headbutt in real life in order to destroy the brick wall in the VR game. However, a headbutt wasn't enough from the both of them. They had to continuously headbutt onto the air to destroy the strong brickwall. After a few continous headbutts that left them laughing out loud while performing the silly action and feeling slightly dizzy, they finally destroyed the wall and got through it. They gave each other a high five and continued their journey to saving Astro's friends and fighting bosses. 

After a last kick, the final boss was sent flying off the imaginary Slushy world. That meant that they cleared the game and they took off the VR goggles. They smiled at how fun the game was and took a short break, drinking some water and catching their breath from the unintentional workout that they just had. Feeling rested from the quick break, they decided to have a quick lunch before continuing the next game.

The next game they played was Vader immortal from the Star Wars franchise. They had to control the space ship but they crashed annd were unfortunately captured by the empire, which made Jennie scream.

"Don't worry, we just walked into their trap. Vader just want to use our force sensitivity to access the bright space to bring Padme back to life. Let's just fight them with our light sabers." 

Jisoo activated her light saber and began killing any incoming dark troopers. Jennie joined in, defending Jisoo's behind. Along the way, they learnt different force powers and how to use the light saber better. They then met Vader face-to-face after infiltrating his castle. It was an intense fight and they dualed the dark lord with their light sabers and force powers that they had acquired. With last slashes from each of the girls, Vader was destroyed and they saved the day. 

This time, the girls collapsed on the floor after the game. They leaned against each other's back to really catch their breath after the exhilarating game that got their adrenaline pumping throughout their bodies. After a while, Jisoo got up to get their bottles of water, passing Jennie her bottle and they enjoyed their short break in comfortable silence. 

"Jendeukie, thank you, it has been a really fun day," said Jisoo, turning around to face the younger. The younger smiled and said, "I am glad that you had fun, but the day isn't over. Let's go somewhere for dinner and cake."

The younger guided the older to an restaurant and they were immediately escorted by the waiter when Jennie told the front desk of her reservation. Along the way, Jisoo was wondering where they were going as they were guided to a private room. Now that they were in front of the door, Jennie turned the door knob, slowing opening the door. Soon, party poppers start to pop and everyone in the room started to sing the Korean birthday song. Jennie chimed in, singing along with their families and close friends for Jisoo's birthday. Chaeyoung helped Jennie with her conical hat while Lisa, Chaeyoung's girlfriend, helped Jisoo with her conical hat. 

Pleasantly surprised yet again, Jisoo was b with tears with their families and close friends present for her 27th birthday. She made a quick wish and blew off the litted candles that were on the cake, which were held in front of her by Nayeon and Jungyeon. 

She then turned to Jennie, whispering a quick thank you and a kiss on the lips. That made everyone in the room go wild and cheering, which also made the couple blushed and smiled sheepishly. Jisoo then thanked her guests that were invited for coming and told everyone to grab the food that was the buffet table. After the guests had gotten their food, Jisoo and Jennie got their food and ate with their family and friends. They managed to catch up with old mutual friends and new mutual friends that they made recently. After a night of fun and happiness, they ended the day with a toast for Jisoo's birthday and the new year. 

After the end of the party with just JenSoo couple left, Jisoo hugged put her hands around Jennie's waist, pulling the younger closer to her for a warm, loving and long hug. Jisoo then whispered into Jennie's left ear while still in the embrace, "thank you for everything, I really loved it, spending my birthday with everyone I love. I am glad that we are all happy, safe and healthy. She then  Jennie's soft, long black jet hair, before placing a tender kiss on Jennie's forehead. 

In response, Jennie shook her head, and was glad that her ever so thoughtful and caring girlfriend had enjoyed her surprise event, she replied, "it wasn't tough at all, everyone helped and we are glad that you have enjoyed the day." 

After spending some quiet moment together, they held held hands and with foreheads touching, they both leaned in to give each other a tender kiss. Both promising to themselves internally that they were grateful for each other's presence and they would forever cherish one another no matter what.

 - End -


A/N: Hoped that you all liked this story! Happy Jisoo Day and Happy New Year once again, my lovely readers :) 

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