
Concealed Truths
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[3rd Person POV]
Kihyun returned to the underground flat as he let the door close behind him and wandered with his head down towards his room. "Oh you're back!" Minhyuk called out as he saw Kihyun walk past his door but frowned when he received no response. Minhyuk walked out of his room just as Kihyun closed his room door behind him and he looked at the front door to find it open slightly. "You left the door-" Minhyuk began to shout to Kihyun but realised it was no use and simply closed the door himself. 
"What's wrong?" Hyunwoo asked as he appeared in the doorway of his room, in a sleepy state after waking up from a nap, as he rubbed his eyes and ruffled his hair. Minhyuk shrugged to him as they both frowned and looked across to Kihyun's room.
Kihyun paced the floor of his room as he still held the envelope tightly in his hand. He didn't even know where to begin or how he would tell Kyungah about it all. He had a lot to do but no idea how he should do it. He sighed deeply before pushing the envelope into his guitar case, everyone knew not to touch his guitar so he knew it would be safe in there for now, until he figured out what to do.
"Kihyun?" Minhyuk said through the door with two light knocks. Kihyun sighed again before approaching his door and opening it to find Minhyuk and Hyunwoo stood there. Minhyuk had an arm full of snacks and Hyunwoo had a bottle of soju in each hand. Kihyun smiled to them as he let them inside his room and the three of them sat on his floor. 
"Will everything be ok?" Hyunwoo asked Kihyun, neither him or Minhyuk wanted to ask him what had happened, but they were also concerned for their friend at the same time.
"I'm not sure." Kihyun sighed as his friends frowned and Hyunwoo poured them all a drink.



Kihyun approached the underground flat after running a few errands and noticed the restaurant owner, known as Mr Kim, waving to him from inside the restaurant. Kihyun smiled and waved back to him but frowned when Mr Kim was trying to get his attention again. Kihyun ran across to the restaurant entrance and was greeted by Mr Kim opening the door and ushering him inside. "Is everything ok Mr Kim?" Kihyun asked him as he frowned at Mr Kim's strange reactions. 
"Have you noticed it?" Mr Kim asked him as Kihyun frowned again with confusion. "The black car with the tinted windows parked outside. It's been there all day now, and there's someone inside... I've also seen it drive past for the last few days..." Mr Kim began, at first Kihyun tried not to smirk, Mr Kim was known to be very curious and he always liked to watch people and know their business, but Kihyun decided to discretly turned his head to the side and looked to find the car parked outside the restaurant on the other side of the narrow road. "I think they are watching someone, and I'm not sure if it's you and your friends." 
"Thank you for letting me know Mr Kim, I'll check them out." Kihyun said as they smiled to each other and Kihyun left the restaurant again.
Kihyun turned the corner to go inside the underground flat and that was when he heard it. The click of a camera.


"Don't tell Kyungah about this ok? If she comes to visit for some reason... just tell her I'm out somewhere." Kihyun sighed as Hyunwoo shook his head in disbelief and Minhyuk gasped. 
"How long will you stay there?" Hyunwoo asked Kihyun as he shrugged.
"I'm not sure. It depends how long I can stay there for. But it will definitely be for at least a few weeks until I know who's behind this." Kihyun explained to them as they both sighed deeply.
"Do Hyunwoo and I need to worry? What if someone is following us too?!" Minhyuk panicked as Kihyun chuckled slightly before shaking his head.
"You're both fine. It's me they're watching, after Mr Kim told me about the car, I've been watching it all day, I made it look like I've been visiting by going in and out so hopefully they think that too. But when I go out, they've been taking photos of me." Kihyun told them and reassured Minhyuk at the same time. 
"This is crazy!" Minhyuk whined loudly.
"Stay safe ok Kihyun?" Hyunwoo told him as he patted his shoulder and Kihyun nodded with a smile to him.


Kihyun stood with his head down, leaning against a wall and occasionally glancing up to look around. All he could do was sigh as he waited, maybe he should have been more careful than he had been, but he also knew he wouldn't have been able to get the information he had done if he had stayed in hiding. "I'm here!" Kihyun heard Minhyuk say as he looked up and Minhyuk gave him a reassuring smile. 
"Thanks Minhyuk" Kihyun said as Minhyuk passed him a large black gym bag which was filled with some clothes and other items.
"I'll come and get some more things and my guitar when I can." Kihyun told Minhyuk as he nodded as they both sighed at the same time. "I don't think I'll have to hide for too long, just until I know no one is following me. Can you keep an eye on Kyungah too if she visits?" He asked Minhyuk as he agreed with a smile.
"This is the address of my friend, if you go there, he'll be able to help you." Minhyuk said as he passed Kihyun an address scribbled on a small piece of paper. Kihyun glanced down at it before looking back up at Minhyuk and smiling. "Stay safe ok?" Minhyuk told him as he patted Kihyun on the shoulder and Kihyun nodded. The friends took one last look at each other with a smile before they headed their separate ways and Kihyun dropped his head down to look at the floor underneath the hood of his jacket again.


Kihyun reached the taekwondo studio and looked up at the flat above. He pulled open the front door and peered inside, there was no one to be seen so Kihyun knocked gently on the wall inside beside the door when he heard footsteps. "Oh hello! You must be Kihyun right? I'm Hoseok, Minhyuk's friend. Come in come in." Hoseok said with a smile as Kihyun greeted him and closed the door behind him. "Minhyuk told me about your situation. I'm sure it'll be safe enough for you to stay here, the stairs are over in the far corner to take you upstairs. Luckily there's no one in the flat so you can stay there as long as you need to." Hoseok explained as Kihyun nodded and thanked him. 
After talking with Hoseok for a few minutes, Kihyun made his way upstairs and found a simple one roo

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Hi my lovelies!! So we finally reached the end of the story, thank you to everyone who subscribed, commented and upvoted! It’s the end of the journey for Kyungah and Changkyun, and boy was it a journey! Thank you for reading, I will be back soon with a new story! ♥


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 20: OMG! I can't believe we have already reached the end. Thus chapter was nice and although I'm yearning for more, the story in whole was a pleasant ride. And for some odd reason, I can totally imagine Hyunwoo with his son. LoL... Anyway, thanks for the nice story ^^

PS I'm curious who your next story is gonna be based on.
2026 streak #2
Chapter 19: Can't believe there's only one more chapter to go. Anyway, I was kinda starting to feel a little bad for Mrs Im when she yelled at her husband but then she had to go and do all emotional blackmail. Wonder how things would go for the final chapter. Will be eagerly waiting for it ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 18: Um, can't wait for them to fess up. And wonder how Kihyun would react to all these. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^

PS are the four pawed babies, cats, dogs or?
2026 streak #4
Chapter 17: Yay! Half of my theory was right. But the other half did come as a big surprise. Somehow wasn't expecting that. LoL XD anyway, now that the secret has been revealed, I wonder how things would develop herein. Poor Kyungah though! Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 16: Whoa a cliffhanger! And I'm not gonna guess whether the two are siblings or not :P anyway, give it to Hyunwoo to be the oblivious even in an extremely tense/awkward situation XD this chapter was nice and I can't believe this story is reaching its end soon. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 15: I'm getting yet another theory behind their past and parents. But it will have to wait until the story reveals itself. LoL... Nonetheless, this was a nice chapter. I enjoyed how Hoseok acted when Kihyun and Changkyun interacted. Although I do wonder why Mrs Im is keeping silence regarding these two dating. And glad that these two could talk things out. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 14: I'm surprised that Mr and Mrs Im only called her to talk about that. Does that mean Mrs Im hasn't told Mr Im about it yet? If so, wonder why. And I agree with Changkyun's take on the DNA results. They grew up as siblings for almost all their lives. So I'm sure that feelings wouldn't change that easily. Anyway, nice chapter. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 13: Oho! She saw it! Poor her! And poor Kihyun too. Like I said in the previous chapter, I hope they resolved things and it doesn't change anything between them. I mean even if they're unrelated, they both grew up to be brother and sister. Oh, speaking of unrelated, there was a small mistake in the chapter regarding the result. You said 'there's 0.0001% chance that they are unrelated' and doesn't that mean they are actually related? Lesser chance of something is equivalent to higher chance of being the opposite. Just thought would let you know *sweats* anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 12: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Now I have a possible theory on what's the secret behind the Yoo family. Anyway, hope this still doesn't change things between her and her brother. And also, hope the one who took his number from the doc doesn't end up getting a hold on him. Also, Mrs. Im hasn't reacted in anyway after finding out who her son is dating? I'm a bit curious of that. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 11: They finally expressed their feelings for each other! This chapter was nice. Chaehwa dating Hyunwoo did come as a surprise. Definitely wasn't expecting that but definitely not complaining either. Although I'm yet to figure out what's the mystery behind her parents disappearance. No clue either. LoL... Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^