
Concealed Truths
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[Changkyun's POV]
I stood in my room leaning on my arms at the window. I looked down as I watched Head Maid Lee walk through the courtyard followed by a young girl I had never seen before. I raised my eyebrows and watched her closely. She looked nervous, awkward, and out of her depth. I had heard my parents discussing something with Mrs Lee about her niece, and this must be her.
Suddenly a loud bang on my door made me jump as I took my focus away from the window. "Yah! Changkyun! Are you coming to see the new maid?" Chaehwa, one of my older sisters shouted to me through the door.
"Why would I? Like I care." I shouted back to her which she replied with a grumble before I heard her footsteps again. A part of me was intrigued, but also another part of me didn't care. All she would be was a maid at the end of the day, nothing else would happen. 
I fell backwards into my desk chair as I spun around slowly a few times, life was boring here, I wasn't old enough yet to join my parents in their business meetings and having two older twin sisters wasn't fun either. Maybe this new girl coming in was my chance to have a bit of fun and get out of the boredom. I wonder what type of person she is. I paused as I looked up and smirked. "Let's have some fun, Changkyun." I scoffed to myself as I began to hear everyone talking downstairs.



[Kyungah's POV]
After getting ready I brushed the front of my uniform down and looked up at myself in the mirror. I wasn't expecting the whole maid's uniform thing but at least it wasn't one of those stereotypical black and white maid's outfits, my uniform consisted of a pale lilac top, black trousers and a cream coloured apron over the topic, it wasn't the best outfit I'd ever worn, but it wasn't so bad I guess.
"Kyungah!" I heard my aunt calling as she appeared in the doorway, "Oh good, you're ready. Take these up to the son's room please? It is the first room on the right." She asked me as she placed a pile of bedding in my arms. I nodded and she thanked me before disappearing again. I wandered towards the main stairs and clambered up them slowly. I hadn't seen the son yet, and I hadn't interacted much with the daughters either, I had just seen them when they were watching me from the balcony above yesterday. But I definitely had bad vibes from the daughters, maybe they weren't as nice as their mother was, I guess they were like their father since he also didn't say much yesterday when I met them for the first time, hopefully the son was nice like the mother. 
I reached the door of the son's bedroom and braced myself before knocking twice, I didn't say anything as I wasn't sure what to say, it was my first ever task being a maid, and my nerves had got the better of me.


"Come in!" I heard shout the other side. I pulled down the door handle and awkwardly walked in to find a tidy and organised spacious bedroom. It was even tidier than my room was at home. There was a desk that overlooked a large bay window and bookshelves which covered the whole of the back wall, the bed was slightly raised on a small platform and I noticed a large sofa was placed in the middle of the room. I paused as the son turned around on his desk chair and frowned. "Who..?" He began to ask, but I knew he knew exactly who I was. There was no way he couldn't have known, especially since his sisters had seen me. I quickly bowed to greet him as he stood up. He made his way towards me as I watched him and gulped slightly. He was taller than me, and his hair had been dyed a lighter brown, I also noticed some piercings in each of his ears, he was extremely good looking but lets not think about that right now!
As he got closer to me, I stepped back slightly, "My name is Yoo Kyungah. I'm the new maid. Mrs Lee is my aunt." I uttered to him as he stopped in front of me and leant in closely. I gulped again but this time he had seen me which made him smirk. He stayed silent as he looked at me before stepping back and making his way back to his desk. No reply?


I froze for a couple of seconds to process the situation, he didn't reply to me, he didn't even tell me his name. I sighed quietly to myself as I looked across at him. He had gone back to doing what ever he was doing before I came in and wasn't even acknowledging me. Maybe this is what it is supposed to be like. I made my way to his bed as I began taking off the old bedsheets to change them for the new ones.
"Wow." I heard him scoff behind me as I looked around to find him watching me from his desk chair. "The last new maid didn't do that. She just put the sheets on my bed, she didn't realise she had to do it, she just left them for me to do. She didn't last long." He scoffed again with a smirk as I simply continued what I was doing. 
"Make sure the pillows are laid out the same way they were before you started." He called out to me.
"Yes." I replied back to him as I rolled my eyes since I had my back to him.
"Oh and make sure the tag of the blanket is at the bottom. It crumples and annoys me if it's at the top." He said again.
"Yes." I replied again but with a hint of annoyance in my voice.
"Are you annoyed?" He asked me loudly. I jumped and swung around to find him stood right behind me. I didn't hear him make his way over to me until he was right behind me. I shook my head and smiled to him as I finished putting all the bedding back on. I

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Hi my lovelies!! So we finally reached the end of the story, thank you to everyone who subscribed, commented and upvoted! It’s the end of the journey for Kyungah and Changkyun, and boy was it a journey! Thank you for reading, I will be back soon with a new story! ♥


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 20: OMG! I can't believe we have already reached the end. Thus chapter was nice and although I'm yearning for more, the story in whole was a pleasant ride. And for some odd reason, I can totally imagine Hyunwoo with his son. LoL... Anyway, thanks for the nice story ^^

PS I'm curious who your next story is gonna be based on.
2034 streak #2
Chapter 19: Can't believe there's only one more chapter to go. Anyway, I was kinda starting to feel a little bad for Mrs Im when she yelled at her husband but then she had to go and do all emotional blackmail. Wonder how things would go for the final chapter. Will be eagerly waiting for it ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 18: Um, can't wait for them to fess up. And wonder how Kihyun would react to all these. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^

PS are the four pawed babies, cats, dogs or?
2034 streak #4
Chapter 17: Yay! Half of my theory was right. But the other half did come as a big surprise. Somehow wasn't expecting that. LoL XD anyway, now that the secret has been revealed, I wonder how things would develop herein. Poor Kyungah though! Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 16: Whoa a cliffhanger! And I'm not gonna guess whether the two are siblings or not :P anyway, give it to Hyunwoo to be the oblivious even in an extremely tense/awkward situation XD this chapter was nice and I can't believe this story is reaching its end soon. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 15: I'm getting yet another theory behind their past and parents. But it will have to wait until the story reveals itself. LoL... Nonetheless, this was a nice chapter. I enjoyed how Hoseok acted when Kihyun and Changkyun interacted. Although I do wonder why Mrs Im is keeping silence regarding these two dating. And glad that these two could talk things out. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 14: I'm surprised that Mr and Mrs Im only called her to talk about that. Does that mean Mrs Im hasn't told Mr Im about it yet? If so, wonder why. And I agree with Changkyun's take on the DNA results. They grew up as siblings for almost all their lives. So I'm sure that feelings wouldn't change that easily. Anyway, nice chapter. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 13: Oho! She saw it! Poor her! And poor Kihyun too. Like I said in the previous chapter, I hope they resolved things and it doesn't change anything between them. I mean even if they're unrelated, they both grew up to be brother and sister. Oh, speaking of unrelated, there was a small mistake in the chapter regarding the result. You said 'there's 0.0001% chance that they are unrelated' and doesn't that mean they are actually related? Lesser chance of something is equivalent to higher chance of being the opposite. Just thought would let you know *sweats* anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 12: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Now I have a possible theory on what's the secret behind the Yoo family. Anyway, hope this still doesn't change things between her and her brother. And also, hope the one who took his number from the doc doesn't end up getting a hold on him. Also, Mrs. Im hasn't reacted in anyway after finding out who her son is dating? I'm a bit curious of that. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 11: They finally expressed their feelings for each other! This chapter was nice. Chaehwa dating Hyunwoo did come as a surprise. Definitely wasn't expecting that but definitely not complaining either. Although I'm yet to figure out what's the mystery behind her parents disappearance. No clue either. LoL... Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^