
Concealed Truths
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[Changkyun's POV]
"Yes I saw her, and she told me to let you know that she is leaving.” I interrupted my father and snapped at my parents as they raised their eyebrows at the tone in my voice.
"Why? What happened?" My mother asked me as her and my father both frowned.
“Why isn’t Kyungah telling us this herself?” My father grumbled.
"She doesn’t want to see you! We both know! We know everything!" I exploded as my parents looked at each other with shocked expressions. I grumbled afterwards as my parents stayed silent and just stared at each other, and my sisters both looked between them awkwardly. “Were you ever going to tell me? Or Kyungah?!” I asked my parents, interrupting the silence. I had so many questions, so many things to say to them, but I wanted to see what they would say first.
"Changkyun, shall we not do this over the dinner table? Let's go to our office." My mother suggested as I rolled my eyes before glancing at my father who was sat completely in silence. "Ok. We will talk here." She sighed afterwards as no one moved an inch. 
"Tell us what you know then." My father grumbled as I looked across at him and frowned. "What did you find out? What do you think you 'know'?" He asked me as he looked at me and gestured towards my chair for me to sit back down at.
"So I can tell you and you can tell me a completely different version to what I know?" I mumbled.
"Watch your tone." He grumbled loudly back to me as I rolled my eyes.


I sighed deeply as I dropped myself back down in my chair before leaning backwards and folding my arms. “I am not sitting here all night going around in circles. Whatever it is, forget about it, it is probably not important anyway.” My father shouted as he bolted upright and began to walk out the dining room.
“Forget about it? Forget how you swapped Kyungah and I?! How Kyungah was your baby and I belonged to her parents! You gave her to them and you took me instead! Just because you wanted a son!” I snapped loudly which made my father stop as he stood silent with his back to us. I glanced to my other side at my mother who had her face covered with her hands and her head down facing the floor.
“H... How did you find out...” My mother finally uttered in a weak voice as I glanced up and was met with Chaehwa staring at me. I wasn’t going to tell my parents how I found out and that Chaehwa told me, I didn’t want to do that to her, maybe they would find out eventually but that was up to Chaehwa to tell them herself. 
“It doesn’t matter how he found out. He knows about it now.” My father began as he turned around and I scoffed in disbelief, he wasn’t even going to deny it, he was accepting the fact I had found out and there wasn’t an ounce of sorry or regret in his voice, “we did it for our family.” 


“Family?! All you care about is your business. None of us are important to you.” I scoffed loudly as I stood up and heard my mother quickly jump up after me. 
“Changkyun. Wait. It was a hard decision. I wanted Kyungah, but I also wanted a son. You don’t know how many times I have regretted it. Just wait. Please talk to us. Let us talk.” My mother told me and I paused. I could hear her voice shaking and the weakness in her tone, but it wasn’t good enough.
“You had 25 years to tell me. It’s too late.” I sighed deeply as I glanced across at my father who was stood there silently and emotionless, “I’m sure it wasn’t a hard decision for you.” 
I left the dining room as my mother called out after me multiple times. There was so many more things I wanted to say to them, yet I was finished and just wanted to leave. Now I understood how Kyungah was feeling, I knew she had already left by the look on Mrs Lee’s face earlier, and now I was ready to leave. 
After packing a bag of some important things and hearing shouting and arguing coming from downstairs, I left my room and was surprised to find my mother stood outside my door.
“Wait. Where are you going?!” My mother called after me as she followed me down the stairs. I had my backpack on, full of clothes, and pulled on my jacket and shoes as she simply watched me silently.
“As far away from here as possible.” I told her as I pulled open the front door and left, not even glancing back at her.




[3rd Person POV]
Kyungah waited at the door for her brother with her suitcases either side of her. She was yet to calm down and her heart was racing. Suddenly the door opened and Kihyun frowned when he found his sister. “Kyungah? What’s wrong?” He asked her confused as he glanced down at her suitcases and looked back up at her to find her with teary eyes. “Come in” he said as he took her suitcases and she followed him inside silently with an occasional sniffle to break the silence.
As soon as the front door closed behind them, Kihyun swung around, leaving Kyungah’s suitcases to the side, and opened his arms wide. Kyungah sniffled again as she stepped into her brother’s arms and he hugged her tightly, “What’s wrong? Did something happen? Is it Changkyun? What did he do?” Kihyun fired multiple questions at Kyungah as he awkwardly chuckled slightly and wiped her tears.
“Changkyun didn’t do anything. It’s his parents.” She stuttered as Kihyun frowned and stepped backwards slightly to look at Kyungah. “We should sit down” She sighed as Kihyun nodded and the two took off their shoes before sitting down on the sofa together.
“What happened with his parents? Kyungah you’re worrying me, why do you have all your things?” Kihyun asked her again as he frowned and Kyungah sighed quietly.
“I know why my blood type is different to yours and our parents, why our parents are still on my birth certificate, everything makes sense now.” Kyungah began as Kihyun frowned deeper, “Changkyun and I were born on the same day, actually at the same time. But his parents, they needed a son for their family business... so they swapped us...” Kyungah began explaining to Kihyun as he closed his eyes and sighed with disbelief. After Kyungah had finished explaining everything to Kihyun, she waited for his response but he sat silently with his hands clenched to fists.


Kyungah glanced down at his hands as she placed her hands on top of his and he finally relaxed his hands and looked across at her. 
“Did you talk to Changkyun about it?” Kihyun asked Kyungah as she nodded and told him everything was fine between them and Changkyun would come later when he was ready.
“Wait here ok?” Kihyun told Kyungah as she frowned and watched him put his jacket back on. She jumped up and he glanced at her, “Just stay here. I won’t be long.” 
“Where are you going? To the Im’s? You can’t!” Kyungah quickly whined as Kihyun sighed and paused. He knew his sister was right, but all he wanted to do was go there and speak to Mr and Mrs Im himself. 
Kihyun turned around as he reluctantly pulled his jacket and shoes back off. “But I did think of something...” Kyungah stuttered as Kihyun turned around and his attention went back on her, “do you think this has something to do with our parents..?”
Kihyun sighed deeply and nodded, “Honestly I had thought the same. What if our parents found out and that’s why they got sent away.” 
Kyungah gasped slightly and looked at Kihyun with a horrified expression on his face, “But don’t worry ok? I’ll sort this out.” He reassured her as she dropped her head and nodded.


After Kyungah and Kihyun spoke some more with Kihyun promising he wouldn’t go to the Im’s house, he left Kyungah alone to get some rest, it was the first time she had got some rest in the last 24 hours and she definitely needed it.
Kihyun opened the door slightly to the bedroom to check on Kyungah, he smiled as she had managed to fall asleep and look peaceful. He stepped a few steps inside and pulled the blanket over her, tucking in the edges slightly around her before making a quick silent exit.
It was the first time Kihyun had been alone since Kyungah arrived and he stood aimlessly in the middle of his apartment, he had no idea what to do next, all his thoughts were circling around in his head but then one thing crossed his mind, more than all the other things, Changkyun. His biological brother he never knew about.
Kihyun quickly scribbled

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Hi my lovelies!! So we finally reached the end of the story, thank you to everyone who subscribed, commented and upvoted! It’s the end of the journey for Kyungah and Changkyun, and boy was it a journey! Thank you for reading, I will be back soon with a new story! ♥


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 20: OMG! I can't believe we have already reached the end. Thus chapter was nice and although I'm yearning for more, the story in whole was a pleasant ride. And for some odd reason, I can totally imagine Hyunwoo with his son. LoL... Anyway, thanks for the nice story ^^

PS I'm curious who your next story is gonna be based on.
2026 streak #2
Chapter 19: Can't believe there's only one more chapter to go. Anyway, I was kinda starting to feel a little bad for Mrs Im when she yelled at her husband but then she had to go and do all emotional blackmail. Wonder how things would go for the final chapter. Will be eagerly waiting for it ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 18: Um, can't wait for them to fess up. And wonder how Kihyun would react to all these. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^

PS are the four pawed babies, cats, dogs or?
2026 streak #4
Chapter 17: Yay! Half of my theory was right. But the other half did come as a big surprise. Somehow wasn't expecting that. LoL XD anyway, now that the secret has been revealed, I wonder how things would develop herein. Poor Kyungah though! Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 16: Whoa a cliffhanger! And I'm not gonna guess whether the two are siblings or not :P anyway, give it to Hyunwoo to be the oblivious even in an extremely tense/awkward situation XD this chapter was nice and I can't believe this story is reaching its end soon. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 15: I'm getting yet another theory behind their past and parents. But it will have to wait until the story reveals itself. LoL... Nonetheless, this was a nice chapter. I enjoyed how Hoseok acted when Kihyun and Changkyun interacted. Although I do wonder why Mrs Im is keeping silence regarding these two dating. And glad that these two could talk things out. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 14: I'm surprised that Mr and Mrs Im only called her to talk about that. Does that mean Mrs Im hasn't told Mr Im about it yet? If so, wonder why. And I agree with Changkyun's take on the DNA results. They grew up as siblings for almost all their lives. So I'm sure that feelings wouldn't change that easily. Anyway, nice chapter. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 13: Oho! She saw it! Poor her! And poor Kihyun too. Like I said in the previous chapter, I hope they resolved things and it doesn't change anything between them. I mean even if they're unrelated, they both grew up to be brother and sister. Oh, speaking of unrelated, there was a small mistake in the chapter regarding the result. You said 'there's 0.0001% chance that they are unrelated' and doesn't that mean they are actually related? Lesser chance of something is equivalent to higher chance of being the opposite. Just thought would let you know *sweats* anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 12: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Now I have a possible theory on what's the secret behind the Yoo family. Anyway, hope this still doesn't change things between her and her brother. And also, hope the one who took his number from the doc doesn't end up getting a hold on him. Also, Mrs. Im hasn't reacted in anyway after finding out who her son is dating? I'm a bit curious of that. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 11: They finally expressed their feelings for each other! This chapter was nice. Chaehwa dating Hyunwoo did come as a surprise. Definitely wasn't expecting that but definitely not complaining either. Although I'm yet to figure out what's the mystery behind her parents disappearance. No clue either. LoL... Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^