
Concealed Truths
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[Kyungah's POV]
I sat down opposite Changkyun as he immediately knew what to order. He began preparing the table with chopsticks and poured both of us a cup of water as I held my head in my hands. "Feeling alright?" He asked me with a sigh as I rested on my elbows with my hands either side of face and looked up at him.
"I'm just tired" I sighed deeply as he sighed again and patted on top of my hands either side of my face gently. "Thank you for helping me yesterday, I didn't realise they called you." 
"They called me and told me you looked extremely upset and you just kept ordering drink after drink until they stopped you" Changkyun told me as I brought my hands in front of my face, completely embarrassed about what had happened.
Suddenly the smell of Haejangguk (hangover soup) wafted underneath my nose as I brought my hands away from my face and my eyes lit up at the sight of the soup in front of me. Changkyun chuckled as he passed me my chopsticks and a spoon.
"Eat up~" he told me with a slight chuckle as I grinned and nodded to him excitedly.
"So are you going to go and see your brother soon?" Changkyun asked me as we wandered down the street together after eating, back towards the house. 
We looked at each other and I sighed, I knew I needed to go to see Kihyun and tell him what I had seen, but a part of me also didn't want to because I knew it would be upsetting and painful for the both of us.
"Maybe the sooner you go to see him, the less time you have to think about it on your own?" Changkyun suggested as I nodded, I knew he was right, I knew I needed to go to see him sooner rather than later.
We soon both reached the house before we realised we couldn't go back inside at the same time. "I'll go in first and cover for you ok? I'll message you when the coast is clear" Changkyun told me as we smiled to each other before he walked away and we finally let go of each other's hands.



[Changkyun's POV]
"Oh no!" I heard Kyungah cry out as I stood in the kitchen pouring myself a glass of water. I put my glass down as I quickly made my way to the doorway of the back corridor where the maid's room was and listened for a couple of seconds. I heard Kyungah grumble loudly before she left the maid's room and appeared in the doorway.
"Oh!" She called out as she jumped and I smiled to her. "What's wrong?" 
"Me? What's wrong with you? I heard you say 'oh noooo!~'" I asked her with a mimic as I chuckled. She folded her arms and looked at me seriously.
"I didn't sound like a wailing cat!" She chuckled back to me as we smiled to each other. "I've left my purse at the taekwondo studio, I must have taken it out of my bag. I'll have to go back and get it..." She sighed as I showed her an awkward expression. How could she go back out the house when she got in trouble yesterday and we had stayed out all night... she only just got away with coming back this morning after I had managed to cover for her.
"I'll go and get it for you" I suggested as Kyungah's eyes lit up but then she sighed again. "Don't worry, it won't take me long" I reassured her with a smile as she nodded and I disappeared back through the kitchen. 


I approached the taekwondo studio as I glanced inside through the window to find Hoseok, Hyungwon's cousin, busy teaching a class. I thought for a few seconds as I glanced at my watch, maybe he'll finish the class at the hour and that was only in seventeen minutes. I decided to wait but find a convenience store to grab a drink nearby. I turned around and gasped loudly with my eyes widened.
"Kihyun?!" I cried out surprised as he looked up at me from underneath his hood and rolled his eyes with a grumble.
"What is it with you and Kyungah noticing me! I was trying to hide last time when she found me, and now you've found me. I don't think I'm great at hiding anymore..." He mumbled in an annoyed tone. 
"Found you..?" I stuttered with confusion. He was hiding again? But Kyungah didn't say anything? Did she know? 
"Wait. You're not looking for me?" He asked me as he pressed his hands against his face and grumbled loudly into them.
"Did something happen?" I asked him as he brought his hands away from his face and looked at me before rolling his eyes.


After talking with Kihyun and him explaining everything to me about why he was hiding, people began leaving the taekwondo studio and Kihyun put his head down underneath his hoodie. Hoseok appeared at the end and raised his eyebrows when he saw Kihyun and I. "Oh! You two know each other?" He asked us surprised as we both nodded.
"Ah. So Kihyun is Kyungah's brother and your Kyungah's friend... boyfriend...?" Hoseok stuttered as I nervously nodded and Kihyun looked at me from the side. "Oh! Is this Kyungah's then?" He then suddenly called out before disappearing inside and reappearing with Kyungah's purse in his hand. "I wondered who's it was. I thought it could have been Kyungahs if you stayed here again." Hoseok said with a smile as he passed Kyungah's purse to me and my eyes widened as I awkwardly turned my head to look at Kihyun and cringed silently. 
"Wait wait. You stayed here last night? Together?!" Kihyun called out after realising and glared at me.
"No no no. Kihyun it isn't like that!" I quickly panicked repeatedly as Hoseok chuckled quietly to himself. 
"They've done it before. He said nothing happened last time too." Hoseok mumbled, but we both clearly heard him, as we all looked at each other with wide eyes and tension filled the air. "Oops." Hoseok said as he smirked and quickly escaped by waving bye to us. 
I awkwardly looked across at Kihyun who was left and he sighed loudly as he stepped towards me, "You won't hurt my sister right?" He asked me with a serious expression as I stood confidently and looked straight at him with a nod. "Ok then. We're fine." He smiled as he patted the side of my arm as I gave him a slightly nervous smile. 
"And remember Changkyun, do not tell Kyungah you saw me here!" Kihyun called out as he waved and disappeared up the stairs at the side of the taekwondo studio. I let out a deep sigh o

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Hi my lovelies!! So we finally reached the end of the story, thank you to everyone who subscribed, commented and upvoted! It’s the end of the journey for Kyungah and Changkyun, and boy was it a journey! Thank you for reading, I will be back soon with a new story! ♥


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 20: OMG! I can't believe we have already reached the end. Thus chapter was nice and although I'm yearning for more, the story in whole was a pleasant ride. And for some odd reason, I can totally imagine Hyunwoo with his son. LoL... Anyway, thanks for the nice story ^^

PS I'm curious who your next story is gonna be based on.
2026 streak #2
Chapter 19: Can't believe there's only one more chapter to go. Anyway, I was kinda starting to feel a little bad for Mrs Im when she yelled at her husband but then she had to go and do all emotional blackmail. Wonder how things would go for the final chapter. Will be eagerly waiting for it ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 18: Um, can't wait for them to fess up. And wonder how Kihyun would react to all these. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^

PS are the four pawed babies, cats, dogs or?
2026 streak #4
Chapter 17: Yay! Half of my theory was right. But the other half did come as a big surprise. Somehow wasn't expecting that. LoL XD anyway, now that the secret has been revealed, I wonder how things would develop herein. Poor Kyungah though! Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 16: Whoa a cliffhanger! And I'm not gonna guess whether the two are siblings or not :P anyway, give it to Hyunwoo to be the oblivious even in an extremely tense/awkward situation XD this chapter was nice and I can't believe this story is reaching its end soon. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 15: I'm getting yet another theory behind their past and parents. But it will have to wait until the story reveals itself. LoL... Nonetheless, this was a nice chapter. I enjoyed how Hoseok acted when Kihyun and Changkyun interacted. Although I do wonder why Mrs Im is keeping silence regarding these two dating. And glad that these two could talk things out. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 14: I'm surprised that Mr and Mrs Im only called her to talk about that. Does that mean Mrs Im hasn't told Mr Im about it yet? If so, wonder why. And I agree with Changkyun's take on the DNA results. They grew up as siblings for almost all their lives. So I'm sure that feelings wouldn't change that easily. Anyway, nice chapter. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 13: Oho! She saw it! Poor her! And poor Kihyun too. Like I said in the previous chapter, I hope they resolved things and it doesn't change anything between them. I mean even if they're unrelated, they both grew up to be brother and sister. Oh, speaking of unrelated, there was a small mistake in the chapter regarding the result. You said 'there's 0.0001% chance that they are unrelated' and doesn't that mean they are actually related? Lesser chance of something is equivalent to higher chance of being the opposite. Just thought would let you know *sweats* anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 12: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Now I have a possible theory on what's the secret behind the Yoo family. Anyway, hope this still doesn't change things between her and her brother. And also, hope the one who took his number from the doc doesn't end up getting a hold on him. Also, Mrs. Im hasn't reacted in anyway after finding out who her son is dating? I'm a bit curious of that. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 11: They finally expressed their feelings for each other! This chapter was nice. Chaehwa dating Hyunwoo did come as a surprise. Definitely wasn't expecting that but definitely not complaining either. Although I'm yet to figure out what's the mystery behind her parents disappearance. No clue either. LoL... Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^