The first

The 'Sasaeng's' Rebellion

I rubbed my blazing hot temples as I groaned with this banging headache.

It's late. I'm tired... And annoyed.

It's been ages. This... Person won't even wake up!

What was his name? Minhyun? Pssh...

It's 3am and i can't even go to sleep without feeding him. 

I hate Mina. Why couldn't she look after him? She would of enjoyed it more :/

I've had enough, I thought as I got up and went closer to Minhyun who was laying on the cold ground.

I sneered a bit at him as I kicked his leg several times to waken him.

After the 7th kick he started to steer. His eyes widened a bit, looking up at me with a hint of fear.

His eyes immediately shut as if he was pretending to be asleep again.

''Seriously? You think you could fool me? Wake up you lazy git or else I'm going to beat the hell out of you!''  I'm not violent, neither do I like shouting. I'm just mad that I have to care for someone like him... And I'm tired and i don't feel like staying up because of him.

His eyes started to open gradually. I cocked my head to the side as he got off his back and changed into a sitting position.

''Who.. Are you?'' He whispered ''Where am I?'' He looked around with wide eyes, scratching the back of his neck.

I sighed as I reached my hands towards him.

''I'm tired... I don't want to answer questions from the likes of you'' I spoke sharply to him as I picked him up.

''.. Shouldn't I be saying that to you?''

'If you say that to me... I'll... Throw you in a pitfall of sasaengs'' I simply said as I pulled his shirt along with him to the kitchen.

I went to the stove to empty out the ramyun into a bowl, I rushed towards him as I pushed the ramyun to him.

''Eat it. And be quick''

''Why should I eat it? I don't even know who you are''

I gritted my teeth as I gape at him.

''I'm Youngsoon, 17 years old, attending New East High School. That is all you need to know. Now eat'' I commanded as I huffed

''New East?... It's like my band name Nu'est'' He said as he crooked his head.


He jumped and a bit of ramyun soup went on his clothes.

I stared at it intensively.

''Aish..'' I didn't want to apologize. I hate apologizing to annoying people.

''I... I'll get some spare clothes'' I said awkwardly as I walked off

''HEY!'' I heard him shout from the distance

I bit my lip as I ignored him.

I walked up to my parent's bedroom and opened my farther's closet as I picked up his old clothes that he never wears. Or, clothes that I said does not suit him and are too young looking for him.

I'm not going to let my dad you look like a mismatched douche.

I grabbed his old Pjs and walked downstairs and back to the kitchen.

Minhyun was half way eating the ramyun... How slow ¬.¬

''Here's some PJs... After you finish that just put it by the sink, I'm going to bed'' I was about to walk off until I heard Minhyun shout out 'wait'

''Where am I going to sleep? And how would I know you wouldn't touch me up in the night?''

''If I was going to do that, I would of done it already'' I said honestly.  ''You will be sleeping in the guest room upstairs, I'm pretty sure your a nosey bugger so you would look around, oh yeah. You can't escape.''

''Bwoh?! Why?'' He shrieked 

''It's a part of my job, to take care of you and not let you escape'' I was waiting for a response from him but he did not utter a word. I shrugged as i walked upstairs.

There was nothing for me to worry about, he can't escape, and neither can he harm me. Now wouldn't that be bad for his reputation?...''

Hi guys, it's AsianDrama here, known as Wing.

You guys may be wondering why he would be ok with her.

It's mainly because of some misunderstandings that you would find out about in the next chapter.

Anyways i hope you found the chapter ok.

(I do not own any gifs i post)

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YouDunnoMe #1
loveghost #2
That were some tense atmosphere, seems minhyun..i dont know i think he feel somewhat comfortable already with YS that he would talk and raised voice at YS and that 'grabbed wrist' things, and ofc the "I care about you" part x3 or is he start having feelings??~
and ooohh what's that about "noona"?when I read minhyun called her noona I was like "aww my noona feelsss" -ehem- so yeah hehe
well, its okay for me though,dont feel sorry=) I know writing isnt easy, so take ur time to update it=)
waa! i want to know more about her then..

~ update again! :)^^
loveghost #4
ohh Mina and YS were once bestfriend?YS sure does alot of drama going on her Im curious alot about her story,hehe x3
and Minhyuuun wae so cuteee?omg his questions/reactions are so cutee xD
update soon!^^
ewwww! that was just disgusting! hahaha!

~ update again!:)^^
Wow!!!!!!!!!!! And ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww ...... Wow for the story and ewwww for the part.
I love your story because its so unique.
Update soon.
loveghost #7
gaah that Mina girl is a freak ><
why did they have to go to Mina's house?will Minhyun not be with Youngsoon anymore?
lol Minhyun saw the whole thing, he'll be so freaked out even more to Youngsoon lol xD
cant wait for more^^update soon^^