Chapter 7

The 'Sasaeng's' Rebellion


I yawned, clasping my hand over my mouth while squinting.
Minhyun glance my way as he was in front of me, checking if I was still there maybe.
Or he's hoping that I would collapse on the floor in exhaustion so he can run for his life.
Even though he can't actually run...
We were just casually walking, well he was limping in a fast pace back to my place after the evening at Mina's.
After that sort of dinner party, I needed some fresh air from that stinken house. 
All I could feel there was tension, anger, stress and exhaustion. 
I was so tempted to grab the knife from the side of my plate and throw it at someone.
But I couldn't...
Violence don't solve anything.
No, never mind.
Minhyun glance at me again and I caught him red handed as I glared at him.
''Bwoh? If you have something to say say it''.
''... Why are we walking?'', all the things he could ask me, like 'can you help me'... And he asks me that?
''Why not?''
He stopped walking thinking we were going to have a discussion but me being me walked right pass him, seeing the 'what?' look in the corner of my eye that Minhyun was giving me as I walked past me.
I ignored it still and tried to walk on.
I heard Minhyun's quickened limp and suddenly felt a bony hand around my wrist, immediately stopping me from walking and turned me around to face him.
Unsure of what Minhyun was up to, I attempted to yank my wrist back, but instead Minhyun just came closer as he followed my wrist.
I gave him a stern look before questioning him, ''What are you doing?... Let go.'' I said coldly.
''No'' Was all that Minhyun said.
What was he up to?
I looked into his eyes to see determination mixed with confusion and stress.
''It's late. I don't have time for this''. I tried to yank my wrist back again but instead Minhyun tugged my wrist back making me stumble in the process.
''What is wrong with you!?'' I asked annoyed at his actions, I contained my self from shouting at him as I bit the inside of my mouth's walls.
''Me? What's wrong with me is me wanting to know what the heck is wrong with you!''
I looked at his eyes again and saw the same feelings that he was giving off.
I gave up yanking my wrist back and let my arm go limp in the process as I gave him a lazy look.
''You confuse me'', he whispered.
''Care to explain why? Also let go as you do''.
''No, if I was to let go you will continue to walk on'', he said while tightening his grip.
''Trust me, I won't. If you don't let go I will hit that thing'', I pointed with my free hand at his man hood.
He immediately let go using both of his hands to cover his bits.
''Thanks, now get to the point''.
Just let me get this over and done with.
''I'm confuse because we're walking... I mean aren't you worried about me running away?''.
''Well are you worried about me?'' I asked him catching him off guard
''--If you do then you wouldn't want to leave seeing as what Mina did to me when you hurt yourself. Didn't it come to you that if you were to run away that something worst would have happened to me?''
''No? Well now you do''.
There was an awkward silence as we both stood on the nearly deserted street.
I looked around half assed waiting for him to say something.
''Run away with me''
My head snapped at the babo in front of me.
''Run away? It wouldn't be running away because you would go back to your idol place and I would be hiding somewhere else. How is that running away with you? Besides I can't''.
''How come?'', his face showing a concerned expression.
''Wouldn't make a difference... They'll find me. And might as well kill me''.
''... Well you can't let them do this to you!''
My eyes widened as he raised his voice.
''You got to do something!''
''Like what?'' I raised my voice at him too.
''Rebel against them! Gather the people who hate being a sasaeng, get the police on your side, your family. Besides I can get my company on your side, you need to do something!''.
I thought for a while after his outbreak.
The same thoughts I had ages ago before I gave up.
But support from his company? Family? The police?
Is he crazy?
''You know... This is my second day with you... And your already commanding me to get rid of more then one million crazy fans. Is that really how much we bonded?''
I laughed an awkward laugh.
''It's because I care about you''.
I stopped laughing, and looked up at Minhyun's serious expression.
About me?
These past 5 years, no one has told me such a thing...
''Don't say that... It's wrong''.
After saying that I started walking again, feeling a huge amount of stress build up in my chest.
I ignored him and carried on.
I froze.
My eyes started prickling as I thought of that word 'noona'.
I trembled, reaching my hand to cover my eyes.
''Noona, are you-''
''Don't come next to me! Don't even look at me! Don't you ever call me that again!''.
Don't do this to me...
We eventually arrived back at my place.
No one spoke after my demand.
I closed the door after Minhyun came in and headed up stairs after I flicked my shoes off.
I could feel Minhyun's gaze follow me as I made my way up to my room.
Minhyun's POV
I didn't understand what happened.
I really didn't.
All I said was that I cared about her, I mean, wouldn't anyone be happy when they hear that?
And noona... What's wrong with calling her noona?
She is my noona so why can't I-?...
I just don't understand why she yelled at me.
I followed Youngsoon up stairs and found her washing her face in the bath room.
She seemed like she was angry.
But not at me, even if it seemed like it.
She was angry at herself.
But she was sad, hurt, and all those negative emotions that I can't be bothered to name.
I knocked on the bathroom door.
Startling Youngsoon.
She sighed, looking up at me,  yet continued to give me attitude as she did at the beginning.
''What now?''
''Care to explain what happened back there?''
She glared at me.
''It's none of your business''.
She tried to walk pass me, but I firmly grabbed onto her arm.
''Oh... For gosh sake! Let go! Stop touching me!''.
I ignored her.
''Tell me'', I kept on.
''No'', she firmly told me.
''Don't you understand 'no'?''.
''Don't you understand 'tell me'?''.
She sneered as she tried yanking her arm back.
''Minhyun! Just please let go'', her voice softened this time so I loosened my grip a bit.
''Look, we've only known each other for 2 days. It's not right to tell you about my business. It's not fair. Especially since I never asked anything about you. Just do me a favour and listen to me''.
''But you will tell me?'', I began again.
She heavily sighed before nodding, ''When I feel like it, so just-''
I let go off her arm.
''Well-'', I began until I was interupted.
''I think it's best to go to bed Minhyun... It's late''.

She walked past me and I swear I could even feel her sadness.


You have so many secrets...

I know it has been over a month since I last updated.

I would like to apologize that I  kept you guys waiting.

I had a writers block, and to add in I was not in the mood and was very busy.

My month has been filled with stress and depression.

Sorry if I make you guys roll your eyes and think 'excuses', but it's true.

Behind this story lies a author with a life.

You don't know what she's doing and how she feels unless you ask her.

So I apologize once again for dragging this story.

Since it is now the summer holidays and I have nothing to worry about.

I hope to update more.

But bare in mind, next week I will be on holiday and I'm not sure if I can update during the time I am on my holiday,  hopefully I can bring my laptop or my cousin can be very nice and let me borrow hers.

I highly doubt it.

When I last went there we had to take it in turns which lasted 1/2 hour each, and I take about 1-2 hours to write a chapter.

Well hwaiting to me...

Thank you for reading.



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YouDunnoMe #1
loveghost #2
That were some tense atmosphere, seems minhyun..i dont know i think he feel somewhat comfortable already with YS that he would talk and raised voice at YS and that 'grabbed wrist' things, and ofc the "I care about you" part x3 or is he start having feelings??~
and ooohh what's that about "noona"?when I read minhyun called her noona I was like "aww my noona feelsss" -ehem- so yeah hehe
well, its okay for me though,dont feel sorry=) I know writing isnt easy, so take ur time to update it=)
waa! i want to know more about her then..

~ update again! :)^^
loveghost #4
ohh Mina and YS were once bestfriend?YS sure does alot of drama going on her Im curious alot about her story,hehe x3
and Minhyuuun wae so cuteee?omg his questions/reactions are so cutee xD
update soon!^^
ewwww! that was just disgusting! hahaha!

~ update again!:)^^
Wow!!!!!!!!!!! And ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww ...... Wow for the story and ewwww for the part.
I love your story because its so unique.
Update soon.
loveghost #7
gaah that Mina girl is a freak ><
why did they have to go to Mina's house?will Minhyun not be with Youngsoon anymore?
lol Minhyun saw the whole thing, he'll be so freaked out even more to Youngsoon lol xD
cant wait for more^^update soon^^