Chapter 5

The 'Sasaeng's' Rebellion


I watched Minhyun sit uncomfortably for the past minute while watching the T.V. in a painful manner.
Knowing that he can not get up for too long must be bothersome.
After a few seconds he started talking. 
''Do you know when my feet will heal up?'' He asked impatiently.
I know I'm looking after him and everything. 
But he seems to think I'm some kind of doctor...
I gave him a look before sarcastically replying with a ''Yes, because I'm obviously an expert when it comes to the human tissue healing over time.'' 
''... Fine! I just asked!'' He snapped at me. I winced at his sudden power in his voice.
''And I just answered...'' I snapped back.
Minhyun huffed in annoyance. I started smirking as I watched him turn away from me.
This guy... Is so hard to describe in words!
He is just... Sigh...
I looked up the time on the guide.
''12am...'' I slowly said out loud
''The time'' I replied.
''You're really unsociable''.
Oh here he goes again with the insults...
I don't see how I relate to the time either...
He changes the subject way too quickly.
''Okay'' I replied, having enough with the comebacks.
''WHY ARE YOU SO BLUNT?!'' He shrieked as he came closer to my face.
I furrowed my eyes in confusion as I pushed his face away with my palm.
''You stink'' I said darkly
Minhyun's face started to redden.
Wait... Is he embarrass?
''It's not my fault I stink... I didn't have a shower yet'' He said with a frown.
What? I was only joking about the stinking thing. 
He actually smells nice.
But I'm not going to tell him that.
Since it is quite funny to .
''I think I'm going to puke...'' I said as I reached to cover my mouth, obviously trying to .
''Shut u--''
-- The phone started ringing, interrupting Minhyun.
I removed my phone from my top pocket before entering my code to answer it.
''Ne?'' I rudely answered.
''Youngsoon... How does it feel to stay in your house with the one and only Minhyun?''
''Mina, what do you want?'' Ignoring her as usual.
''I see your still a ... Anyways. The team wants you to bring Minhyun round my house in... 15 minutes''
''You live a mile away though'' I complained
''So? Is it that difficult to take a taxi?'' When it comes to her, I swear it's always about the taxi ¬.¬
I contained my annoyance as I harshly bit my down on my lips.
I hung up on her.
Freaking ...
I quickly dialed in the number for the taxi company, confirming my address and what time I needed them here.
I abruptly turned to look at Minhyun.
''What?'' He asked confusingly  
''We got to go''
''Huh where?'' His eyes gleamed as he found out he was going somewhere new.
''You will know when you get there, here'' I laid out my arm for him to grab.
He hastily grabbed on it as I lifted him up with my strength.
''Can you walk?'' I asked him.
He nodded uncertainly.
I shook my head realizing that he was lying.
I grabbed his arm, wrapping it around my shoulders.
''What are you doing?'' He frighteningly said
''Helping you'' As I tried to explain to him many times before. 
I helped him slowly hop outside to the pavement.
He looked around for escape.
''Are you seriously thinking about that?''
''Thinking about what?'' He asked, 'playing' dumb.
Once the taxi arrived I shoved him into the taxi.
He looked out the window examining the street.
''You know I could remember the streets here and report you'' He pointed out
''OK you do that'' I shrugged not caring about his threat.
''Why don't you care about what happens to you?''
''Why do you think I don't care?'' I questioned him.
He confusedly blinked as he replied ''Because you don't seem to mind what I could do to you''
He pouted angrily at my reply then turned to look out of the window avoiding me.
I sighed deeply at his childish behavior.
After a few minutes we finally arrived out side a huge house.
Also known as Mina's house.
I got Minhyun carefully out of the taxi.
I gave the driver his money and let him drive away.
We both walked to the front door that was taller then the both of us.
We didn't have to knock on it as it opened for us.
Mina's dazzling face appeared.
''We've been expecting you Minhyun... And Youngsoon'' She said my name while looking at me.
Mina's eyes roamed over Minhyun's arm around me.
''What are you doing?'' She asked quietly.
''He hurt his foot. I'm just helping him walk, why do you want to help him?'' Without hesitation I threw Minhyun's body at Mina.
She yelped as she fell to the ground.
Minhyun managed to balance on his leg so he didn't fall on top of Mina.
''Yah! I'm not a toy'' Minhyun hissed at me.
But I ignored him as I watched Mina's movements.
Mina got up wiping her clothes down while glaring at me.
She walked over to the door closing it.
''Youngsoon stay here. And Minhyun oppa~, follow me. Do you want some help as well?'' As she stared at his foot while smiling 'sweetly'.
Minhyun shook his head violently at her.
I smirked as I saw Mina's surprised look as he rejected her.
Lol... Not everyone likes you Mina.
''Never mind... Here'' Mina led Minhyun away leaving me to wander around the entrance of the house.
All of a sudden, Mina's soft figure appeared from my sight.
''Youngsoon...'' She whispered gently as she my hand.
''You do know by damaging Minhyun's foot you have to pay right?'' She said while tracing her finger over my neck.
I shivered at her touch as she got closer.
''Hana said I can choose what happens to you...''
Her arms slowly wrapped around my small waist as she laid her head on my shoulder, sniffing my neck.
''Why aren't you talking Youngsoon?'' She breathed, smirking on top of my skin.
I could even feel how it touched my neck.
I bit my lip not answering.
I already knew that this was my punishment from her.
''I wonder how you taste Youngsoon... I really do''
I froze as I felt a slimly, soft, wet tongue run around the side of my neck.
''Hmm, it's interesting''.
Mina suddenly let go of my behind and swished me around.
Her face came closer to mine.
I already know what she's going to do.
And I didn't want it to happen.
Mina stopped just inches away from my face.
I could see how her lips turn upwards.
''Minhyun's watching us... I guess this punishment has it's ending''
I turned to look at the frighten flower boy.
This is going to be a long day.

Hi people!
I was going to release this last week because I already write this chapter.
But I had to go away for the whole week end so I couldn't update it.
This was my twist :L
Didn't expect that did you? XD
He's so handsome...
Any questions, leave them below. And add me! ^^
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Thank you!
No seriously, your comments means a lot to me. I literally fan girl over them! XD Please comment more! It makes me happy ^^


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YouDunnoMe #1
loveghost #2
That were some tense atmosphere, seems minhyun..i dont know i think he feel somewhat comfortable already with YS that he would talk and raised voice at YS and that 'grabbed wrist' things, and ofc the "I care about you" part x3 or is he start having feelings??~
and ooohh what's that about "noona"?when I read minhyun called her noona I was like "aww my noona feelsss" -ehem- so yeah hehe
well, its okay for me though,dont feel sorry=) I know writing isnt easy, so take ur time to update it=)
waa! i want to know more about her then..

~ update again! :)^^
loveghost #4
ohh Mina and YS were once bestfriend?YS sure does alot of drama going on her Im curious alot about her story,hehe x3
and Minhyuuun wae so cuteee?omg his questions/reactions are so cutee xD
update soon!^^
ewwww! that was just disgusting! hahaha!

~ update again!:)^^
Wow!!!!!!!!!!! And ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww ...... Wow for the story and ewwww for the part.
I love your story because its so unique.
Update soon.
loveghost #7
gaah that Mina girl is a freak ><
why did they have to go to Mina's house?will Minhyun not be with Youngsoon anymore?
lol Minhyun saw the whole thing, he'll be so freaked out even more to Youngsoon lol xD
cant wait for more^^update soon^^