Chapter 3

The 'Sasaeng's' Rebellion

My eyes fluttered open as I felt the sunshine that went through the blind's gaps, hitting my face with warmth.

I scrunched up my nose as I opened my eyes widely, looking around my room.
I sighed as kicked the duvet away from me, adjusting myself to the edge of the bed.
I cocked my head to the side as I remembered something I needed to do. But... I couldn't remember it.
I frowned as it started to get to me. What was I thinking of before?
Without any hesitation, I gave up and decided to get ready to go shopping. There was no food in the fridge, my parents been away all week. Stuck in the office. Being busy.
As usual.
Leaving me with no food...
I, being tired and lazy, threw on a pair of grey joggers and a baggy long-sleeved top. 
I yawned widely as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I left jogging downstairs. Ignoring the kitchen as I went to the money jar, grabbing no more then 10,000 won. I shoved it into my joggers as I checked the time.
The nearby shop doesn't open until 8.30am on a sunday. 
I frowned at the thought of waiting for it to open, but I rather go out side then stay cooped up in this place.
I put on some black studded hightops, huffing at the effort to squeeze my whole feet in the already tied up shoe.
I walked to the door afterwards, placing my index finger on the fingertip door lock.
I opened the door as I walked through it and shut it gently behind me. No need to be forceful, it has a automatic system, like in the horror movies, except there isn't a ghost who is doing it here.
I decided to hang around the neighbourhood until the shop opened.
No-ones POV
Minhyun woke up from his nightmare. Shaking unsteadily as he sat up on the bed he was offered to sleep in.
Even though such a dream should of stayed in his mind. His mind was only thinking about the strange girl yesterday, or earlier in the morning, forgetting about the dreadful dream immediately.
That girl... She was quite mean, feisty and cold to him. ''Not my type'', Minhyun bluntly said to himself.
Youngsoon... Minhyun thought slowly. Her name doesn't suit her Minhyun scoffed as he got out of the bed.
He walked downstairs, listening to the sound of huffing.
Once he got downstairs he walk towards the door where he saw Youngsoon go through.
'I can't get out can I?' Minhyun challenged silently in his mischievous mind.
He waited for Youngsoon to leave and the door to shut.
He started to creep silently to the door. Being fully aware that anything could pop out. But yet... Nothing happened as he stopped right beside the door.
He examined it, 'I never seen a door like this...' he said to himself as he looked confusingly at it.
Either way Minhyun still wanted to get out.
He started messing with the handle. It didn't budge one bit.
''Damn door''.
Minhyun gave up and started walking around the house to find a different exit.
At this moment he had time to examined the house.
''Gee this house is huge'' Minhyun said out loud as he looked around.
How did he not even notice that it was this big?
Minhyun finally saw another door. He ran up to it to only realized this door too had a weird thing on it.
'It's just the freaking back garden... Why the hell does she have a lock thing here?'.
Minhyun was on the urge to bang his head with frustration.
He ran to any random window to see if he could open them and jump out of them. Still no luck for him as the windows needed a key.
After a while he gave up. Angry at the mysterious girl, he mumbled to himself, 'She was right about not escaping... Stupid bodyguard'.
That's right.
Minhyun thought she was his bodyguard.
Well, due to the incident of getting ran over by the stampede of girls, he thought Youngsoon was his bodyguard to protect him from his overly loveable fans.
Oh how he was wrong, yet he didn't even know it.
Youngsoon's POV
I got back home after shopping for a box of cornflakes and a packet of tomatoes. The house seems to be strangely different.
I placed my shopping bag down on the kitchen floor and started to walk around the house.
I heard noises coming from the living room.
The TV... I swear I didn't watch it this morning. Or last night.
I crouched slightly, creeping near the door, making sure to keep my head down low.
There sat a flower boy, biting his fingers as he sat watching the TV.
Memories flooded my brain as I remembered the guy.
''Minhyun...'' I whispered, knowing that I already liked that name, I grinned coldly. Shame it doesn't suit him.
I watched him for a couple of minutes as he watched 'The Rooftop Prince', pressing the remote control buttons to rise up the volume.
I'm impressed he knew how to work the TV, not even my own mother could work out what to do with the remote control.
I gave up on the whole crouching thing, and started to walk towards him.
I plumped my self next to him, then slowly looked over at him.
His facial expression was easy to read.
He was annoyed.
''Where did you go?'' He asked me blankly.
I ignored him as I turned back to the TV.
I could see him twitch his eyes from my own side view.
It amused me quite a bit.
''I was talking to you...'', his voice started to sound like he was getting ticked off.
Well... He was.
I wanted to smile there and then. But that's not me. Smiling inside makes it more amusing to see how he would react to me.
''Yah! Neo mich-''
''-Are you hungry?'' I asked him, cutting him off rudely.
I was too hungry myself, and I don't like the idea of him touching my food. So I would rather prepare it now then later.
Minhyun's expression appeared alarmed by my comment.
''Yeah... '' He unsurely said
''Good'' I got up from my seat and walked towards the kitchen.
I looked at the shopping bag, walking slowly to it. 
I picked it up, getting out the tomatoes and putting it in the fridge, then made my way to the counter to prepare the cornflakes.
''Are you making that for me?''
I perked my head to look at the flower boy who was standing by the door. With his slim arms crossing each other, he raised an eyebrow. Well. Tried to anyways.
''Yes'' I said bluntly, turning my back to him and continued to finish of making the cereal.
I grabbed my bowl and headed my way to the living room.
I walked pass Minhyun who looked at me like I was mental.
Pssh. He has hands, he can pick up his own bowl and eat it by himself.
I'm not his slave.
Minhyun later joined me on the sofa with his bowl.
''Is this... Healthy?'' He asked with wondering eyes
I gave him the 'what do you think?' look.
''It's cereal'' I simply said
There was that twitch in his eye again.
''Your diet doesn't matter right now. It's not like your going back to your company... Just yet'' I avoided eye contact with him as I ate silently while watching the TV. 
"W-What do you mean?''
"Did the company kick me out or something"
I closed my eyes, trying to calm my self as his annoying questions were... Obviously annoying me.
"Look, you haven't been kicked out, just you won't be there until 3 months have passed"
''Wae? Have they banned me? Is the thing about fan girls getting too serious that I need to be kept safely?''
I gave him a confused look.
''No they haven't banned you... And don't be so vain. Wow, your stressing me out! *huffs* Look here Minhyun, you've been kidnapped by Saesaengs. And I'm one of them'' I hate saying that I'm one of them. It disgusted me.
''You mean... Your not my bodyguard?'' His eyes widened.
He was getting scared. Good, that makes it more interesting.
''No where near. And hey! Guess what? I'm your 'saesang' that you have put up with for quite a while...''
''Get it?''
I know It has been a while since I last updated. Sorry. I was busy dealing with a part of my life (that I currently hate).
It also took me a while to update because this chapter  took me a while to write. Since it IS the most longest chapter I have ever written.
So uh... Yay me? 
I hoped you like this chapter...
(Sorry if I sound like a depressing bum bum, It's because I'm tired)
Adorable isn't he? Sigh... I'm going to end up marrying a lot of people. NOT that I'm complaining! I love it. *Smirks*
Credit to the person who made the Ren GIF, And his mother and farther for making him.
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No seriously, your comments means a lot to me. I literally fan girl over them! XD Please comment more! It makes me happy ^^


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YouDunnoMe #1
loveghost #2
That were some tense atmosphere, seems minhyun..i dont know i think he feel somewhat comfortable already with YS that he would talk and raised voice at YS and that 'grabbed wrist' things, and ofc the "I care about you" part x3 or is he start having feelings??~
and ooohh what's that about "noona"?when I read minhyun called her noona I was like "aww my noona feelsss" -ehem- so yeah hehe
well, its okay for me though,dont feel sorry=) I know writing isnt easy, so take ur time to update it=)
waa! i want to know more about her then..

~ update again! :)^^
loveghost #4
ohh Mina and YS were once bestfriend?YS sure does alot of drama going on her Im curious alot about her story,hehe x3
and Minhyuuun wae so cuteee?omg his questions/reactions are so cutee xD
update soon!^^
ewwww! that was just disgusting! hahaha!

~ update again!:)^^
Wow!!!!!!!!!!! And ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww ...... Wow for the story and ewwww for the part.
I love your story because its so unique.
Update soon.
loveghost #7
gaah that Mina girl is a freak ><
why did they have to go to Mina's house?will Minhyun not be with Youngsoon anymore?
lol Minhyun saw the whole thing, he'll be so freaked out even more to Youngsoon lol xD
cant wait for more^^update soon^^