
Light Up the Sky - Drabbles

Title: Coffee

Rating: G

Prompt: The pichar~ 

Note: Again, from Hunter~ 


The boy bounced quite happily on the seat, blonde curls bouncing against his forehead as his lips parted in a wide, bright smile. From the coffee stand, the elder watched with amused, affectionate eyes. His heart swelled and his entire body warmed just from gazing at the younger, and he almost missed his order as he floated off into thought.

Paying for the two coffees, Tae Jun smiled a little brighter and wandered back over to Zelo,lifting his own cup to his lips just as he held out the other, watching as Zelo's eyes lit up so beautifully before the boy took the cup.

"Komawo hyung..."

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Why does this seem so familiar? >> <3