Still Waiting for You

Light Up the Sky - Drabbles

Title: Still Waiting for You

Rating: G

Prompt: And yet another picture. 

Note: ..... is this even my story anymore? OTL 


A soft sigh left the elder male as he sat on the cool steps. The faint ticking from his wrist told him that it was late, an hour past the time he'd told Zelo to meet him. Where was his roommate? Surely he would've called if he wasn't going to meet him. Another few minutes passed and Tae Jun reached for his phone, pressing the number on speed dial before he lifted the phone to his ear. Just as he did so, he looked up, and hesitated, before a smile broke out on his lips. Zelo came running closer, out of breath and panting, his cheeks and nose red from the cold, his blonde locks tousled across his forehead.

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Why does this seem so familiar? >> <3