Can You Help Me?

Light Up the Sky - Drabbles

Title: Can You Help Me?

Rating: PG

Prompt: More pictures~ 

Note: You guys should thank Hunter for all these wonderful drabbles. 


Tae Jun dropped down, glancing around awkwardly before he eyed the Golden Retriever. "...Hey, have you seen a kid?" he asked, reaching out to rub the dog's head as it looked at him. "He's super the biggest, cutest smile...he's capable of infuriating you and making you love him all in one go...and...he's sorta got hair your color.." Of course, he wasn't expecting a response, but just by talking to the dog he felt a little better. Giving him one more pat, Tae Jun straightened and rubbed his hands down the back of his pants, before continuing on. 

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Why does this seem so familiar? >> <3