Until the End

Light Up the Sky - Drabbles


Title: Until the End
Rating: PG
Prompt: Write a scene in six sentences in which a character is searching for someone at the end of the world.
He was gone, lost; dead. I didn't want to believe it but it was the only explaination for why he wasn't here, why he hadn't found me, why we hadn't found each other. This was the end and I knew it, the end of the world had finally come and he wasn't here with me, so that we could die together.Finding him was my priority at the moment, dead or alive -- though, I'd like to see him alive one last time, to see the sparkle in his eyes that I knew would be there like it always was. But, I knew I wouldn't find him in time, and if I did, he would be dead or dying, and so would I. Until then, I wouldn't give up, holding onto my hope that I would get to see him one last time, to kiss him and tell him I loved him.
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Why does this seem so familiar? >> <3