Waiting for You

Light Up the Sky - Drabbles

Title: Waiting for You

Rating: G

Prompt: Pichar~

Note: More from Hunter~ <3


Zelo bounced along the path, humming quite happily to himself. He'd been called out early - perhaps a little too early - by an unknown text message telling him to come to the park on the edge of the school. Not that he minded being woken up early, but to wake up with no Tae Jun beside him - that had been a little distressing. The elder almost always told him when he was going out, and always left a note. "...Pabo hyung," he muttered to himself, making a face as he pulled out his phone to send a cute text to the elder. A slow, long yawn behind him made him stop. He recognized that yawn. Turning on his heel, his frown turned into a smile as he caught sight of the half asleep Tae Jun sitting on a rock, waiting for him.

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Why does this seem so familiar? >> <3