
Mirror Mirror (Altered Version)


Sungjong slurped up the remaining bits of his bubble tea and threw the cup away. I glanced at the clock. 25 minutes to go... You can do it _____ , hwaiting!  

'Hey ____... Can I have another bubble tea drink? But a different flavour?' Sungjong pleaded. I shook my head stubbornly.  

'No! You just finished your fifth one! No more, ok? People will start to think you're weird!' I poked the centre of his forehead. He pouted and stared me down while I continued to work. Eventually I couldn't stand his stare and I unwillingly handed him a lychee flavoured drink. Sungjong accepted it happily oblivious to the people who were wondering how he could drink so much.  

'That was your final one, ok?' I growled as I eyed him. Sungjong nodded gleefully, not really paying attention.  

'Can I please have two grape flavoured drinks? One regular and the other large please.' A voice said. I immediately shivered.  

Please let it not be... 

I looked up, only welcomed by the sight of Hyeri's face. She smirked.  

It is her... Crud. 

'Long time no see, sister.' She snarled out the word "sister", as if it was some disgusting word that she hated. Kai was behind her, mooching about, scanning for an empty table.  

I glared at Hyeri. 'I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong person.' I spun around on my heels and began to make her order, sensing her cold eyes boring a hole in my back. I was glad Sungjong was there and I knew he was watching every single move Hyeri was making. I sort of felt protected, by Sungjong and the fact that we were in a crowded place. I handed her the drinks. Hyeri took out her wallet and paid. 

'Don't worry, little sister. I already have the power... Soon I will have that necklace and be even stronger.' She sneered as I put away the money. I just ignored her, but my knees were weak and a huge wave of fear had just came over me as her words repeated in my head.  

I already have the power... 

My manager tapped me on the shoulder. '_____? You can leave now.' I nodded and mumbled my thanks and headed outside with my purse and Sungjong. I looked at the shop window. My eyes locked with Hyeri's through the window, and she grinned evily. I gulped. 

I hope thats the last time I see her... 

Sungjong cast me a worried look and cleared his throat uncomfortably. 

'Don't think about her ____.' He said, not really knowing how to comfort me. I chuckled and nodded, quickening my pace. I looked about. The street we were walking in looked strangely familiar. A thought appeared in my head. 

This street... It's the same one thats in my nightmare, I thought as the truth dawned on me. I gulped nervously and looked around again, trying to see if there was anyone around.  

Night was approaching fast and soon the moon had replaced the sun. Sungjong and I walked even faster. I panted when we arrived. I had practically ran here because it was growing dark and I could hardly see. Not that Sungjong also couldn't see; his werewolf night vision had kicked in. He arrived next to me, not breathing like crazy or even breaking a single droplet of sweat. I pouted in jealously. 

It must be nice to be a werewolf. 

*Later at night* 

'Where's Dongwoo?' Hoya asked unexpectedly while we were watching some random tv show. Everyone shrugged. I looked around trying to catch a glimpse of red hair.  

Hm... Where is he...? Strange... 

I got up and went upstairs to his bedroom with Hoya. I knocked on his door. No reply. 

'Dongwoo? Are you there?' Hoya shouted. No reply again. So Hoya tried to open the door and found that it was unlocked. We entered his room cautiously. No one was there. I grew confused.

He couldn’t have gone somewhere without the rest knowing… Could he?

‘Ah, never mind Hoya. He probably just went out for some air…’ I said, hoping the uncertain tone in my voice didn’t show. Hoya didn’t respond, so I left him there and returned downstairs.

Sunggyu greeted me at the bottom of the stair case. ‘Did you find him?’ I shook my head. ‘That kid…’ He mumbled.


A/N: Sorry I haven’t updated in a while~! To be truthful… I wasn’t exactly busy, but I started alota fanfics and… I sort of neglected this one… SORRY! Pls don’t kill me… +.+ But anyhow hope you enjoyed this chappie~ And thanks to Priscy123 for requesting for the background and awesome poster~! 


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Sorry I haven't been updating Nfld a while.... Lol, I'm not very good with lovey dovey stuff....


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jungkookmyluv #1
Chapter 16: Hello authornim! New comment of a new reader here in 2015! Authornim can you please update this year? Cause i saw all the comment of the other readers here are like 1 year ago or even 2 years i was wondering if you can update this year?'s okay if not , just take your time...but promise that you will update soon okay?...because you just made a such an amazing story here! And i want to read more and i know the other readers wants too...♥
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 16: omg you said the story might be coming to an end soon but u left it as a cliffhanger
please update I really want to know what is going to happen ^^
lucky9606 #3
Please update soon
the suspense is killing me
ahaha the suspense tht builds up... XDDD dude when do u write ur chappies? i like, never see u plan or anything.. oh wait.. sometimes.. anyway who is she gonna end up with?? and who will be the... cough b******* cough? u no wat i mean ;D
Chapter 15: uwahhh.. dun dun dun! *^*
marjv98 #6
New reader here! I really love this story! It's sooo interesting! Please update!!!
annabelleshlee #7
Hmmm... Are we allowed to advertise others' stories?
Chapter 10: Love this story, so witty & cute. Hwaiting ^^
silverhelle #9
Oooooo nice story! This deserves more subbies :(
dudukuma #10
wow!!update soon~~~