First day of school with Infinite

Mirror Mirror (Altered Version)


I pulled on my uniform, pulling my hair into a side-plait. The house was silent. I closed my bedroom door quietly and snuck downstairs. I searched around the pantry, hoping there were the right ingredients. Time for my breakfast special, I grinned.

I was in the middle of flipping some pancakes when I heard someone coming in from the front entrance. That’s funny; I don’t remember hearing anyone going out… I checked the clock; it read 6:30 am. With a plate of pancakes, I went to the kitchen island, where everyone ate breakfast. I looked up and saw a flash of red hair. ‘Dongwoo?’ He stopped in his tracks and gave me a nervous smile. ‘Oh, err, hi _____. I didn’t realize you were here.’ He manage to say. I just smiled at him. ‘I’m making breakfast. Can you wake the others up for me?’ I asked politely. Dongwoo nodded and disappeared up the stairs. I remembered last night. Could that have been him…? I kept on pondering on that question as I filled 7 plates with pancakes, sprinkling maple syrup and fresh berries on top. As I finished, 6 guys slumbered down the stairs, still half asleep. Dongwoo was the only one who wasn’t half asleep, yet he seemed tired. L let out a yawn. ‘What’s for breakfast?’ I scowled at him. ‘You would know if you opened your eyes.’ He frowned at me and glanced at the kitchen island. Everyone proceeded to do so as well. Sungjong squealed with delight. ‘Pancakes!!’ He yelped with joy and everyone immediately rushed to their stools. I laughed as they all tucked in happily.

‘So, which school do you attend?’ Sungyeol asked. ‘Uh, South Seoul High.’ I replied, mouth still full. Woohyun brightened up. ‘Really? Because we’re going to be transferred there today! It’s part of our school project thingy.’ He smiled cheerfully. I grinned from ear to ear. ‘That’s great!’ I then looked at all of them. ‘Have you guys got school uniform yet?’ Hoya shook his head. ‘We’re getting them today.’ ‘Ok then, hurry up or we’ll be late!’

I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door with everyone else. We arrived at the school gates and were immediately swarmed with people. Girls especially. I was getting squished between Woohyun and L, although Woohyun didn’t seem to mind at all. I felt my stomach start to tighten; did I mention I was claustrophobic? Hoya seemed to notice my discomfort and pulled me away from the crowd. ‘Are you alright?’ He cast me worried looks. I felt touched to the heart by his sincere feelings and nodded my head weakly. He smiled with relief. I heard the familiar sound of the bell ringing and motioned Hoya and all the rest to follow me to the office.

‘Yes, we are the temporary new students, here for experience.’ The secretary nodded as Sunggyu explained everything. ‘Here are your timetables. Miss ____, I trust that you will show them to their homerooms? And don’t worry about being late, I just sent a note to your teacher.’ I bowed and nodded my head. ‘Thank you ma’am.’ She gave me a smile and shooed us out. ‘Let me see your homerooms.’ They all handed them to me obediently. After a while of showing where their homerooms were, I returned to my own with L and Sungyeol. ‘Hello sir.’ I bowed politely. My teacher looked up and saw L and Sungyeol by my side. Hushed whispers filled the room, accompanied with a few giggles. ‘Mhm; please take seat ____. The 2 new students can come up and introduce yourselves. Please take note that they are only here temporarily and come from Woolim Academy.’ The teacher said. I plopped down a random seat nearby. Sungyeol introduced himself first. ‘Hello. I’m Sungyeol. Pleased to be here.’ Sungyeol flashed a grin at everyone, bowed and came to sit down next to me, despite all the girls in the class waving at him to sit with them. L was next. ‘Hey. I’m Myungsoo. But call me L.’ He said bluntly and went to the back of the room where there was an empty seat. A few girls squealed. I mentally face palmed. The bell rang. As I exited homeroom, Sungyeol immediately bombarded me with questions. I sighed as I saw the rest of the guys come up to me. This was going to be a very long day…

I sat down next to MinHee, underneath the great oak tree. MinHee shot me a curious look and grinned widely. ‘Infinite seems to be attached to you.’ I gave MinHee a puzzled look. ‘What? Who’s Infinite?’ MinHee burst out laughing. ‘Bwahahahahaha! The 7 new guys!! Hahahaha!’ Are you serious? Now they even have a group name! I just nodded and shoved rice and meat into my mouth. ‘Hey! _____! At last! We found you!’ Woohyun was yelling from a distance, followed by the rest of “Infinite”. I gave him a weak smile. He sat down beside me. MinHee’s jaw dropped. I face palmed. Dongwoo seemed exhausted. Sunggyu was nagging him about something. Sungyeol was laughing his head off at something. Sungjong and L were arguing. Hoya just leant against the tree. I sighed. Utter chaos… Woohyun was talking his head off, but I wasn’t really paying attention. MinHee was staring at everyone. I thought I saw drool come out from . She finally came out of her trance and whispered to me 3 words. ‘They.Are.Hot.’ I flicked her forehead and started edging away from Infinite. As soon as I was far enough, I broke into a run. MinHee struggled to keep up, although I think she was really reluctant to leave. I hid behind the Science block, praying that Infinite wouldn’t be able to find us. ‘Phew, that was close. I hope they don’t follow…’ I spoke too soon. Woohyun was right behind us, smiling and so was the rest of Infinite, except L, who was sort of glaring at me. ‘Uh… Hi?’ I smiled nervously. Woohyun pouted as he saw a group of fangirls approaching us. I sighed with relief. The girls were probably going to chase Infinite away. ‘Well, got to go and hide! See you ____! And her friend!’ Hoya exclaimed. MinHee frowned slightly. ‘My name’s MinHee, you know.’ Hoya didn’t hear. I chuckled as Infinite tore off.

‘So, how was your first day at South Seoul?’ I asked. We were walking down the trail to our house. It was early spring and everything in the forest seemed like a fairytale. The tree’s leaves were a tender pale green colour; the exact same colour as my bedroom walls, while golden sunlight poured through the gaps around the trees, lighting everything up. I loved spring. Sungyeol and Sungjong face palmed. ‘Besides being chased by giggling girls all around the school and getting nagged by Sunggyu hyung, it was alright.’ Sungjong said. I laughed my head off. So did Sungyeol. He seemed to laugh at anything. Sunggyu narrowed his eyes at Sungjong, who immediately hid behind Dongwoo and Hoya. We reached the front door. Sunggyu started to unlock the door. As I waited patiently behind the group, shadows swam behind the trees and past my eyes. I grew nervous and as soon as Sunggyu unlocked the door I ran forward, only resulting into bumping into L, who grabbed Dongwoo for support and dragged him down as L fell. I smiled nervously. ‘Umm, sorry?’ I offered to help them up. L ignored my offer and glared up at me from the floor. I shifted uncomfortably and helped Dongwoo up. L was still glaring at me, when Hoya came over and kicked L in the ribs gently. ‘Yah, what the hell are you doing on the floor?’ L picked himself up and just walked past Hoya. ‘Wow, that was a bit cold.’ I blurted, but luckily L was out of sight when I said it. Hoya shrugged ‘He is always like that. Just the same cold Myungsoo.’ Hoya then cast his eyes down. ‘But then again it could be because he’s a…’ ‘A what?’ Hoya shook his head. ‘Never mind.’ And he walked off. Woohyun appeared by my side and started to drag me to the living room. ‘I’m bored. Let’s play a board game!’

I sat on the bed staring out the window. I wasn’t really thinking of anything, just replaying today’s events in my head. ‘But then again it could be because he’s a…’ Those words kept on repeating in my mind, like a broken recorder. ‘Aish!’ I threw a pillow at my door, frustrated. Unfortunately, someone was coming in and got hit in the face. ‘Oh my god! I’m so sorry!’ I said, the words rushing out of my mouth. Sungjong threw back the pillow. ‘It’s alright, I guess.’ He rubbed his nose. ‘So, what do you want?’ Sungjong shrugged. ‘I’m hungry.’ I face palmed. That was about the tenth time he told me that. I sighed and went down to the kitchen, with Sungyeol trailing behind me happily.

I handed Sungjong a bowl of kimchi. Hey, maybe I could ask him about L… I sat down across from Sungjong. ‘Sungjong… what’s wrong with L?’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Well, Hoya said something about him today… About him being something.’ Sungjong stared at his bowl. I waited for and answer. As Sungjong opened his mouth to say something, Sungyeol came down. Sungjong looked too happy when Sungyeol came. I guessed that he didn’t really want to tell me, so I decided to leave it. Sungyeol started to crack up. I had grown used to him cracking up at random times. When he stopped he looked at me. ‘Hey ____, I’m hungry.’ I think they recognize me as their personal cook now…

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Sorry I haven't been updating Nfld a while.... Lol, I'm not very good with lovey dovey stuff....


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jungkookmyluv #1
Chapter 16: Hello authornim! New comment of a new reader here in 2015! Authornim can you please update this year? Cause i saw all the comment of the other readers here are like 1 year ago or even 2 years i was wondering if you can update this year?'s okay if not , just take your time...but promise that you will update soon okay?...because you just made a such an amazing story here! And i want to read more and i know the other readers wants too...♥
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 16: omg you said the story might be coming to an end soon but u left it as a cliffhanger
please update I really want to know what is going to happen ^^
lucky9606 #3
Please update soon
the suspense is killing me
ahaha the suspense tht builds up... XDDD dude when do u write ur chappies? i like, never see u plan or anything.. oh wait.. sometimes.. anyway who is she gonna end up with?? and who will be the... cough b******* cough? u no wat i mean ;D
Chapter 15: uwahhh.. dun dun dun! *^*
marjv98 #6
New reader here! I really love this story! It's sooo interesting! Please update!!!
annabelleshlee #7
Hmmm... Are we allowed to advertise others' stories?
Chapter 10: Love this story, so witty & cute. Hwaiting ^^
silverhelle #9
Oooooo nice story! This deserves more subbies :(
dudukuma #10
wow!!update soon~~~