Is there something I forgot...?

Mirror Mirror (Altered Version)


(1 week later…)

I lazily rolled onto my stomach, because I couldn’t be stuffed to get up. Eventually I got bored and decided to go up onto the roof top. I just threw on my cardigan and climbed up the stairs to the roof. The roof top was a place I had discovered a few days ago. When you went up there, all you could see were green nets of leaves around you, and patches of blue sky. It was a peaceful area; the boys didn’t come up here often. Although it was only a small flat place of the roof, it always felt magical to me. I sighed contently and sat down, my legs dangling over the side. ‘What are you doing up here? This is my special place.’ I cringed when I heard that voice. L. I frowned and turned around to see him. ‘Well, now it’s MY special place.’ I argued back. I turned back and tried to ignore him, but once again his eyes started to pierce through my back, practically killing my precious soul. He finally came and sat next to me. An awkward silence filled the air. ‘It’s nice up here…’ I said, trying to lighten up the mood. ‘Yeah.’ I frowned. I wonder whether everyone gets the same one or two worded treatment. ‘So…’ I drew random circles on the ground. ‘If you want to say something, just say it. I don’t have all day.’ He said sharply. Well, at least he said more than five words. ‘Fine then, I’ll go.’ I stood up and headed to the stairs. But before I went down, I made punching, kicking and stabbing motions at his back. ‘I can feel what you’re doing.’ I felt myself blush and hurried down the stairs. As I was about to go into the living room, Sungjong appeared. ‘____, I’m…’ I cut him off. ‘I made some pancakes last night. In the fridge.’ He pouted. ‘But I don’t want pancakes…’ I stood in front of him impatiently. ‘Well what do you want?’ Sungjong shrugged. ‘Something.’ I sighed and followed him into the kitchen.

‘Hyung! Nooo, not like that!’

‘That goes there! What? NO!’

*POP* ‘Why did you do that!’

‘But I wanted to do that! It’s not fair!’

‘Those go over there, you idiot!’

‘Shut up everyone! You’re too loud!’

I heard a lot of particular noises from outside and inside. ‘Umm, Sungjong? What are the others doing?’ Sungjong immediately replied. ‘Playing games.’ I looked at him. ‘Really?’ ‘Yup.’ He continued slurping up his noodles. ‘I’m just going…’ ‘____! Let’s play a game!’ Woohyun appeared out of nowhere and placed some board game on the table next to Sungjong. I put my hands on my hips. ‘But Woohyun, I want to go outside and get some fresh air!’ He looked panic. ‘But I wanna play!’ He pouted. ‘Fine.’ I gave in.

‘I’m going to the living room now, ok?’ I had just finished playing the game with Woohyun for the ten billionth time and I was really tired. Woohyun and Sungjong exchanged looks. ‘Let’s go to the rooftop!’ They both exclaimed. I started to protest, but they had already dragged me up. I sat on the ground, tired. L had disappeared. Sungjong and Woohyun laid beside me happily. ‘Hey guys, can I ask you something?’ They both nodded. ‘Is there something you guys are hiding from me? Cause I would like to know.’ I said. Sungjong shook his head. ‘Nup. Just enjoy the scene ____.’ I gave up and decided to just rest on the rooftop.

‘____? Wake up~ You need to get dressed!’ I yawned, forcing my eyes to open. I realized that it was already evening, the stars shining like diamonds above me. ‘Wwwhaat?’ I slurred my words, still half asleep. Woohyun pulled me into my room. Sungjong had disappeared. Everything was quiet. I looked around nervously. Did something happen while I was asleep? Woohyun seemed to notice my body tense up a bit and assured me that everything was alright. ‘Here, let’s find something nice…’ He started rummaging around in my closet, through shirts, pants and other stuff that I had bought earlier in the week with the help of Sunggyu, Dongwoo and Hoya. He was about to open a drawer full of underclothes when I stopped him. ‘Don’t open it!’ Woohyun blinked, not getting it. I blushed and just told him not to open it. He nodded and started to pick out an outfit. I sat on my bed as I watched him. ‘What’s this for anyways?’ I asked curiously. ‘Err, something.’ I immediately knew that it would go know where if I kept on asking him. I sat silently, waiting patiently. ‘Perfect!’ Woohyun exclaimed suddenly, making me jump slightly. He held up a short sleeved floral dress that came just above my knees. Hmm, when did I buy that?  But I took the dress and smiled. ‘Wear it.’ Woohyun demanded and pointed to the bathroom. I chuckled at his bossy-ness and went inside to changed.

Tie-Back Floral Dress A/N: It’s sooo pretty >< I want it~

I came out, feeling a bit shy. Woohyun clapped his hands in approval. He then took out a blind fold. I grew confused. ‘What’s that for?’ Woohyun motioned for me to turn around. ‘Nothing bad is going to happen, right?’ He chuckled and nodded. ‘Of course. You look beautiful, tonight.’ He whispered into my ear and started leading me somewhere. I trusted him. Soon, I heard voices. ‘Shut up hyung! She’s coming!’ I could hear my own footsteps crunch over the fallen leaves. Ok… So I’m in the forest… A soft, warm evening breeze blew about, my loose hair flying about gently. I smelt flowers in the air. What a perfect night… And I felt myself bump into a tree. ‘Omg! So sorry ____!’ Woohyun said. I lifted my hand to my face and rubbed my forehead gently. ‘Ouch…’ Woohyun apologized a billion times. I could only laugh. ‘We’re here!’ Woohyun said happily. He undid the knot of my blindfold and…

A/N: Cliffhanger! Sorry, I just had too ^^ Don’t hate me~ 

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Sorry I haven't been updating Nfld a while.... Lol, I'm not very good with lovey dovey stuff....


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jungkookmyluv #1
Chapter 16: Hello authornim! New comment of a new reader here in 2015! Authornim can you please update this year? Cause i saw all the comment of the other readers here are like 1 year ago or even 2 years i was wondering if you can update this year?'s okay if not , just take your time...but promise that you will update soon okay?...because you just made a such an amazing story here! And i want to read more and i know the other readers wants too...♥
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 16: omg you said the story might be coming to an end soon but u left it as a cliffhanger
please update I really want to know what is going to happen ^^
lucky9606 #3
Please update soon
the suspense is killing me
ahaha the suspense tht builds up... XDDD dude when do u write ur chappies? i like, never see u plan or anything.. oh wait.. sometimes.. anyway who is she gonna end up with?? and who will be the... cough b******* cough? u no wat i mean ;D
Chapter 15: uwahhh.. dun dun dun! *^*
marjv98 #6
New reader here! I really love this story! It's sooo interesting! Please update!!!
annabelleshlee #7
Hmmm... Are we allowed to advertise others' stories?
Chapter 10: Love this story, so witty & cute. Hwaiting ^^
silverhelle #9
Oooooo nice story! This deserves more subbies :(
dudukuma #10
wow!!update soon~~~