Exposed secrets

Mirror Mirror (Altered Version)

I stood at the front door and waved goodbye to my sister as she drove off to the cinema. I stood there for a while, half-expecting her to come back. When she didn’t, I locked the front door and raced up to my room to find a new paperclip as I had lost the other one. ‘Aha!’ I exclaimed when I managed to find one. I picked the lock, but it didn’t take much time as I had been practicing picking locks at school, picking my locker’s lock, and earning a few “what-the-hell-is-that-girl-trying-to-do” looks. I just gave them a “mind-your-own-business” look. I went in and flicked on the light. Once again, a dim glow filled the room. I immediately went to the diary, which was sitting beside a beaker that was filled with a strange orange-reddish liquid. I picked up the diary and flipped to the first page. I started reading.

23rd of August, 2006:

I still don’t get it…

Why her? I mean, she’s younger than me!

I’m NOT evil. I won’t believe Mum and Dad. I f I can even call them that. They’re losers.

It’s not fair! I need to get it… But I need to be careful… That necklace can potentially give me powers; GREAT powers. Yet Mum and Dad are in the way…

I gasped, but continued reading, latched onto every word. I skipped a few entries as they were about how her experiments were going. I stopped at a particular entry.

12th of April, 2007:


The solution this way NO-ONE can detect the poison… Just a droplet…

But I have to wait… It’s almost _____’s birthday…

18th of May, 2007:

Today’s _____’s birthday… Enjoy it while you can little sister~

2nd of June, 2007:

I have put the droplets in their food at dinner. They don’t even realize…

It’ll start working soon~ Watch out dearest Mum and Dad.

3rd of June, 2007:

Success! _____ found them dead this morning. Their funerals are next month…

Now they’re out of the way…

They’re cleverer than I imagined… That necklace is almost impossible to get off.

I tried last night while _____ was asleep.

I’ll have to wait until I get the solution to undo that necklace, but until then, let’s play “nice” older sister.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. My kind caring sister… is a FRAUD! I couldn’t believe it. She murdered my parents… And they’re gone because of her! I felt my anger boil up inside me, but it was quickly smothered down by fear as I realized that I might not have long to live; she was already trying to make a potion to get my necklace and then she’ll probably kill me. My mind started to scream. I quickly flipped to the latest entry.

4th of September, 2012:

So close! I almost have the solution… Yet it isn’t quite right yet…

Maybe another month and I’ll have the solution!

Finally after all these years… I can have the necklace for myself!

I almost dropped the diary in horror. I quickly replaced the diary to its original spot and locked the door as I went back to the hallway. I ran inside my room and looked at the clock. Only 9 pm. I needed to escape. Fast. But when? I didn't know. But at least something comforted me; I have at least a month to plan my escape. I hopped into bed, trying to forget my fears. There's still another month... I couldn't help but worry. A month wasn't long enough for me to find a place to stay at, and I don't want to burden my friends families. I sighed and buried my face in my hands. At least I have my own bank account... I had money in there, yet I didn't know whether it willbe enough for rent or something. I stared out the window and up at the stars. Sometimes I wish that I could just live a normal life, and forget all my worries. I already felt my world start to slowly crumble around me, as death came closer and closer by the second, soon greeting me with cold arms. I shivered at that thought. No, I won't let the happen! I stood up from my bed and pumped my fist in the air. 'I won't let this happen! I can survive!' I yelled out loud, but then quickly covering my mouth. Although I felt death creeping up on me (or it could just be the fact that I was imagining it since I was scared out of mind), I made it clear to myself that I would just have to get of my way and learn to survive. As sleepiness took over me, I smiled, despite everything. 


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Sorry I haven't been updating Nfld a while.... Lol, I'm not very good with lovey dovey stuff....


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jungkookmyluv #1
Chapter 16: Hello authornim! New comment of a new reader here in 2015! Authornim can you please update this year? Cause i saw all the comment of the other readers here are like 1 year ago or even 2 years i was wondering if you can update this year?'s okay if not , just take your time...but promise that you will update soon okay?...because you just made a such an amazing story here! And i want to read more and i know the other readers wants too...♥
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 16: omg you said the story might be coming to an end soon but u left it as a cliffhanger
please update I really want to know what is going to happen ^^
lucky9606 #3
Please update soon
the suspense is killing me
ahaha the suspense tht builds up... XDDD dude when do u write ur chappies? i like, never see u plan or anything.. oh wait.. sometimes.. anyway who is she gonna end up with?? and who will be the... cough b******* cough? u no wat i mean ;D
Chapter 15: uwahhh.. dun dun dun! *^*
marjv98 #6
New reader here! I really love this story! It's sooo interesting! Please update!!!
annabelleshlee #7
Hmmm... Are we allowed to advertise others' stories?
Chapter 10: Love this story, so witty & cute. Hwaiting ^^
silverhelle #9
Oooooo nice story! This deserves more subbies :(
dudukuma #10
wow!!update soon~~~