'' hard on the heels of hi's "


just like the other human being, i need to start my day. it was raining hard the wind is making the trees sway and the noise is making my day worst. the weather is not that great but as a student i must and i should start my day. even if all the barriers lies in front of me. i need to close my eyes and start to step away from my comfortable blankets and cotton candy pillow, it's hard but the story should start.

i went in front of the mirror to look at my cell phone and look at my self of course and beside those hateful weather I smile for my day so my feelings would get a little brighter even if the clouds are dark at least inside those four walls there would be a shinning star like me...

being a star is difficult... you need to live with a smile in your face even though you're really down, you need to shine so the world will shine with you, you need to pretend like you know everything even though you don't have a single idea about it. you need to be popular at the same time mysterious and the weirdest thing is you need to feel the romance even though you are still waiting for your prince charming to arrive and wake you up. Remind you that you are again in your creative vision.


"choi seung!! you came down now the food is getting cold"


can you hear that? Thats my fairy mother, sometimes my alarm clock and most of the time she is my savior... anyway i need to go down before my mom shout and wake every living creature in this planet...




"Seung its your first day right?'

"yes dad."

"..then why are you acting like a turtle again?...you need to move fast my dear, it will be difficult for you to start when you're late"

"you guys... finish your food, so you can go"

"I'm done, seung I'll wait for you in the car '

"yes dad..."

"Seung make it fats don't let your dad wait for so long"

"yes mom i'll be going"

"did you bring everything that you'll be needing?"

"yes mom i already have everything.... mom i need to go... goodbye"

"take care annyeong"


that's my family its weird right all i can answer is yes dad, okay mom...... My dad is the CEO of ELITE Company one of the finest richest company in the whole world, the number one company in Europe and in Asia my dad's company is really wide and famous but of course all the credit goes to my grandfather who did all the effort but he already pass away so my dad is the managing the company since his the only son. One the other hand is my mom my Mom's family is known for clothes line, they design for brand names all over Paris. They make up a very good demand in the industry of fashion. Yap my mom is a designer at her young age she was also known as the perfect road walker, she models almost everything except under garments. Her mom my grandmother owns the the FUSE Company, it is also famous, words can not explain it. They are also the producer of WEAR IT MAGAZINE and the ROMANTIC DAYS MAGAZINE and the UNIQUE COATING company actually they did not produce it they just save the company from being bankrupt so 3/4 of that company they own it, my mom have a brother but his brother is not into fashion thing his more on talents, popularity, skills and his really handsome... so with this clues you must know it... he is a pop star, he is already 28years old and he is still so hot. he is a hundred percent onto stage than into run way, but sometimes he still do some modeling since that will add to his image but he never model for my mom know why? that's our secret. My family is really famous since that its roots days, Right now I'm really pressure 'cos I still don't know who will i be... and what i want to be..... that will some how add fruit to my family tree....


"Seung !! are you still day dreaming?! "

"..oooops no dad... i'm sorry .. i just thought i forgot something.......but seems like i have everything...."

"So seung did you already apply in any university ? "

"Dad.. actually,... the thing is ..... i still don't know what course i want to get.....and in which university to apply to..."

"I'm telling you pass your application form to East high University, they have all the courses and all the people studying there have class "

"But Dad.... If I go there I will not have a quiet life, we all know that the student there are pop star...super models, and sons and daughters of the well known company..."

"So whats the problem with that!"

"It's just that... I don't want to live in that kind of nature, they only care about money...brand names...popularity...and worst they just want to be known as one of the hottest person... they compete for non sense things .."

"you should understand my child, that nature you've been criticizing.. is the industry I had grown in... so the things you just said ... is like you.. stepping on me.. stepping on the pride i'd made.... "

"I'm sorry dad... But that's not what i mean.... I mean emmm but... "

"Its okay...do not forget dear..... you must be careful on the words that is coming out from your mouth, We are not just a person .. we are human beings that had been that had and have been contributing to many faces of society... and life of others, we have NAMES.. so the eyes are really tight on us, one mistake and BOOM we are the talk of the town.."

"Yes dad i understand... i won't forget that.."

"what room are you in again?"

"journalism A dad"

"oH.. i just remember.. Adrian was also going in that school, he is the son of Mr. Tan"

"The owner of TANLICAN MALLS all over the world... and the number one investor..?? "

"Yes.. I'm glad you know him... make me proud my child.. we are already here....good luck...  "

" Yes dad... I'l keep that in mind..."

"annyeong.... "


next episode will be THE CYNIC...... please read it... gotta go for now... 'cos its getting dark.... goodbye... good night...... have a fantastic sleep everyone...... muwhhh 

much love.... __tabhii__

sorry for the late super late update.... i was so down that i hate to write.... but now... i guess i should try my best to write again.... tnx for those who viwes.... 

im not asking for any commnets..but i'll super  appreciate it...if you;ll help me improve.... //, i just want you guys to feel the romance and love while reading my fanfic... thank you so much.... i'll be updating soon.... promise ^^,



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-ximini #1
please update soon! </3
tomyidol #2
Tabi magupdate ka naman!.. <br />
haha! but don't rush it! :D<br />
Hwaiting chinguya! <3