


HYUNG JOONG “did I miss something??”

KATASHI “what are you doing here??”(With a tuneful voice)

HYUNG JOONG “I got bored staying with Yoochun…so I left and wondered around…then I heard loud noises coming from this room…..what the commotion about??”

SHINJU “You know Adrian right??”(Pointing at the guy who’s holding a guitar)

HYUNG JOONG “Yeah… I know him…how did he get here??”

HIKARI “Miss Snob here… brought him…” (With flirting eyes)

HYUNG JOONG “Really??... Why??”

YUZUKI “what why??Yah!!...don’t think the other way… something came up and I can’t let him go alone…because his N.E.W here remember”


Then again everyone laugh much harder this time


YUZUKI “Yah!!Everyone Stop laughing…it’s making me crazy…” *sigh*

KATASHI “How can we stop?? Ahhh my stomach hurts….hahaha…hahaha…you are explaining like you killed someone…and that’s what makes this whole thing funny”

HYUNG JOONG “Jeajoong right??

JEAJOONG “yes dude why?”

HYUNG JOONG “y…you play guitar??”

JAEJOONG “’s already part of me since I was six I guess…I already start playing. Is this yours?? “

HYUNG JOONG “Yap that’s mine… can you play something for us??”

JEAJOONG “Sure no big deal…”


The whole room was stock in silence, everyone was anticipating for the string to be strum…then the moment starts a melody was produce in different cords… the harmony was just perfect to bring out emotions…our ears can’t get over it, the music was such a peace that cannot be explain by words…the moment you hear it the feeling of being alone will reminisce your soul with satisfaction…but the perfect harmony ended soon as we heard the slammed of the door, Yoochun is here…a great timing!!Everyone paused for a while until we get out senses back


HYUNG JOONG “dude that was great… your hands are really magical”

HIKARI “that was amazing”

KATASHI “have you decided on what club to join…or have you already have one??”

JAEJOONG “this is my second entry…the first one was sports club, that club was quite interesting too but… I don’t think I can   fit in there, I guess I still need to roam around”

TAKISHI “if you don’t have any place… you can join here…”

YUZUKI “what?! Wait…that’s not right…why should we let him join here?? Remember we have qualification and one of this is…he should make his own music… that will be presented in whole campus right??Don’t get me wrong… guys… we should stick to that”

YOOCHUN “She’s right…we still need to here you play something you piece, before we can let you in… can you make one??”

JAEJOONG “And after I made one…HIKARI can you let me join??”


Everyone stare at Hikari as if her words are between life and death…their eyes are serious waiting for an answer…


YUZUKI “if everyone agree into it… then its okay with me too…” (Soft voice)


Everyone laughs making everything awkward…


HYUNG JOONG “dude we’re giving you two weeks and this day will be the start okay?”

JAEJOONG “sure…call!!” (Taking a hand shake with Hyung joong)


The place became quiet again…heartbeat and raindrops can be heard


YOOCHUN “Yuzuki…yuzukiii” (Calling with soft tone)

YUZUKI “wae??”

YOOCHUN “Can we have our lunch now? I’m hungry”

YUZUKI “me too… lets go… guys… we’re going out for lunch anyone who wants to come?”

HIKARI “we already had our lunch…you go ahead… jaejoong you should go with them I’m sure you didn’t have your lunch yet…’coz I can here you stomach hahaha”

YOOCHUN “Ooh… join us…”


They were walking into the cafeteria…no one dare to speak…the three of them was amazingly quite…as they head to their table…


JAEJOONG “yuzuki…what do you like?”

YUZUKI “fries and a red berry shake...”

JAEJOONG “how about you…yoochun-shi”

YOOCHUN “I will take it myself…”


The rain still continues to pour…why can’t I forget the music that was played by jaejoong a while ago? some point it feels like I already heard it I just can’t remember it well…or I’m just too touch by the melody that it keeps coming back…


JAEJOONG “HERE….freshen up…”

YUZUKI “thank you”


YOOCHUN “why did you transfer here? I heard that your previous school is also a well known school in Italy.”

JAEJOONG “well  my parents need to move away so…they didn’t allow me to stay there all by myself…they let me decide if I would stay in America or here in Korea… and I miss my home… so want to come back…”

YOOCHUN “have we met already??”

JAEJOONG “I also thought of that…you look familiar…yuzuki told me you‘re an idol so maybe we meet on one of your event”

YOOCHUN “NO…N…O…not in any of my event…ooh daebak!!! A wedding right…when you wear your jacket you look more formal…”

JAEJOONG “ooh yeah! You were the representative of Tanlican Corporation in my sister’s wedding…”

YOOCHUN “now I remember you… heheh”

YUZUKI “so you know each other…that’s nice…what time is it??”

YOOCHUN “wae?”

YUZUKI “I have to meet my dad…I won’t dare to be late…”

YOOCHUN “It’s almost 3:30, what time should you meet tito??”

YUZUKI “4:00…I’ll go first then…see you tomorrow”

YOOCHUN “I’ll give you a ride”

YUZUKI “no it’s okay… I want to go by myself…I still want to walk”

JAEJOONG “I’ll come with you… I also need to go…”

YUZUKI “yoochun-shi tell the others that we already left okay… goodbye...!”


That’s weird he didn’t answer at all…he just wave goodbye…and then left what’s wrong with him? This day is full of weirdness…everyone must be tired after the vacation…that’s our life…we travel around a lot…other people think it’s an easy life but if you take it seriously…it’s not really life that should be called but hell…


JAEJOONG “yuzuki…where are you going??”

YUZUKI “I’ll be passing by the sweet café…you?”

JAEJOONG “I have to go to a dinner… my parents arranged it…”

YUZUKI “ahh… I’ll go ahead then…I’ll see you tomorrow.”

JAEJOONG “yuzuki…! Can I have your number so we can keep in touch?”(Beautiful smile)

YUZUKI “we can keep in touch at school…see you then goodbye.”


For four years I’m still doing the same…walking on this bridge feeling the wind…and tears keep flowing. This bridge has always been part of my life…I can say that everything in life I felt it here…


Waiter “what do you want to have ma’am?”

YUZUKI “one stelvio please”

Waiter “one stelvio coming up…”


The view was perfect…the maple tree… that adds to the beauty of the scenery and whatever season comes it will never disappear…I hope everything stay as before, I don’t have to feel this down and waiting for hours to feel the presence of the one I’ve lost for so many years now…trying to see the hope that someday memories will be back with us again…

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-ximini #1
please update soon! </3
tomyidol #2
Tabi magupdate ka naman!.. <br />
haha! but don't rush it! :D<br />
Hwaiting chinguya! <3