
....this is where knowledge start and where knowledge ends, THE runway of every student.....THE LOBBY....

Auditoriumlobby2.jpgevery student must pass here..?! 


thier is no one exempted from the eyes of the CYNIC, this hall way you can see the diffrent kinds of students....childrens of diffrent companies and the idots of the industry....I'm part of the silly idots of the whole life will be stuck on it...

..that idots beleive that the world continues to go arround because they live...the reason..why flowers bloom are because of the very expensive scent that they are spreading...its like a virus...a very POWERFUL virus...that influnences the whole school body,..students think taht they are as hot as the sun.. as the nuclear..and as beautiful as venus....sometimes they act over hills....especially when they see Mr. PERFECT..!!!!

Mr.Perfect a.k.a (PARK YOOCHUN)..they say he really has that something..ALMOST all the girls and even the guys have a crush on telling you his character is just like the othert boys. His bossy and boastful his bold and so confident I really hate him..he is the gossip man of the campus...since his a popstar. every little things he does is always a big deal!!! even getting an F for a social science they say that the professor  has a favoritisim..its all the fault of that pityful teacher..while in fact he did not have a chance to study because he is too busy recording and shooting for his new music video.... his always on stage letting the world know he exist!!!.. although he's that bold and popular... i think... he never had a long lasting love relationship......THAT'S MR PERFECT

THE CYNIC - bigbang - chapter image..........And there he goes walking on the runway, when stear at him from a far you'll feel the spot light that is always attach with him...the red carpet taht he always walk in....WILL NEVER DISAPEAR!!..


HIKARI "hay Elit have you been...what are you looking at?? "> (smiling brightly)

YUZUKI "oooohhh...just looking at the silliness of people.." (still staring blankly at the crowd)

HIKARI "hahaha..nothing change you are still the same....."

YUZUKI "hahaa...ofcourse nothing will change... by the way did you see the other elit girls?"(with a silly smile)

HIKARI "emmm..I already pm them and they said that they'll met us in an hour us in an hour...come on..lets roam around..they said that are canteen and the place where we used to hang out had evolve(pulling HIKARI'S hand... to stand up)f_ffac_new_main.jpgHIKARI is my best friend actually we are like sisters..we are five in the the silent type and dont have any care for this stuborn world, HIKARI...the fashionista one..her father owns the HEO campany(the one who holds the greatest position in aerial industry),and her mom own the zephyr campany....KATASHI the secound youngest in the group she's into boys and bar hopping..she's also into modeling..her father is a well known song composer of all time but tine don't have a tune..(hehehe) they own the culture in arts lterary piece museum

porsche-museum-dma-pms-0001-a.jpgand her mom is a writer...SHINJU the innocent one she look like an innocent but she's not.. hehhe...she wants the thing called true love( ofcourse who woudn't want that!!?! right??) her father is the CEO of star zin(car racing thing) her mom pass away when pass away when she thirteen..after her mom's burial she became out of this world she starts to become a 4d person but those dark nights ended when they finnaly move in next to us..taht moment we started to hangout and became close friends and the lastly TAKISHI..all she want to do is sleep.. she can even sleep for 15 hours  a day..she is the top1 student in our school and her family is superior...<3 


.......The five of us lived in paradise village..we are really that close... and we arew the only person who knows the story beyond our lives..... the school call us mysterious but we call our self fabulous....


HYUN JOONG "yuzuki whats up??it's been awihile.... since i last saw you"

YUZUKI "ohh..nothing..i just went to argentina to vist my grandparents... " 

HIKARI " where is your mr perfect buddy...??(teasing smile)

HYUN JOONG " are still the perfect is into the crowd again fishing girls" (staring perfectly at the crowd)..."yuzuki..hikari....where are the other elite girls..??

YUZUKI "they must be here right now....but i cant see a sign of them..."


Mr. INNOCENT is one of our good buddy here in this school,..he is kind...handsome...he's a graet man..his family is also one of the richest clan here in this planet..they own the Audi and touch it live??emmm ohh well.. he got a girl friend once but the girl left him..and when we ask why no court anither girl... his always reply that the girl he love is not yet ready...who the girl is we still don't know...


Mr.Perfect and Mr. Innocent are best friend..they are known as the two perfect twinkling prince in this campus, they start being friends at the age of six. They both study in standford elementary school in california. hyun joong and yoochun  are like brothers..since they dream of being together in every place and in every accomplishment... that's why they were together when the enter in this school.... Everyone thought that they are really brothers as in by blood... but not twins since thire faces are unique and thier character is really far from each other...Mr.Park is so arogant while Mr. Kim is so damn kind...(you will feel his kindness if you are really close to him). they grow up together...and they don't get along with others pretty well, since they are norons, some idolize them...other critcize them for being perfect...that's cool right?!?

"ring....rrrrringgg..rrrrinnnggggg...... yah mr.park you will not take the call??

YOOCHUN "ooohh that is mine" (another 4D min. heheh)

then he leave and answer his call

HYUN JOONG "hey yuzuki..what happened to your suitor when you kick his " (with a teasing laugh)

YUZUKI "hahahha....ya!!! they might take it know how much i hate people who look up at their own self so much right?" (trying to point out the point)

HYUN JOONG "so how did you ditch him?"

YUZUKI "its a long story.... "

*a very long conversation...*

HYUN JOONG " Ayyyy...i think that's Shinju going straight here"

HIKARI "yeah that's she look diffrent a goood diffrent " (with an amaze voice)


HYUN JOONG " hay candy...why are you alone??where is ms. model" (candy :bcoz of her colorful outfit)

SHINJU "how would i know i just arrived" 

YUZUKI " yahhh... you're taesing each other again.... hahhaa"(referree.... heheh)

SHINJU "ahhh i miss you guys... i was in touch with everyone but not with you yuzuki..what happened... you didn't even update your site..... nor pm i can even count into my fingers how many times you answer my call"(looking staright at yuzuki)

df203f0d73781b254992f131ec4de28e12790545YUZUKI "sorry...yyy...... i was too busy roaming arround with  my are not with Katashi?? where is she?"


SHINJU " i talk to her last night and she told me that she will be heading here very early.. so i ask her to go ahead..."

HYUN JOONG "where is she???she never gets her self absent especally first days...""whats taking.. yoochun so long"

Yoochun...rushing toward them....with a red face

YOOCHUN "katashi is in the hospital"(taking a deep breath)

WHAT!!!WHAT HAPPENED ??!!?? everyone exclaimed 

YOOCHUN "she was rush into the hospital after being in a car accident ..they told me that.. ther is also a guy hurt but the situation is not clear" (he expalined)

HYUN JOONG "In this wide planet why did they inform you not her parents?" (asking with a high tone)

YOOCHUN 'because...she was rushed into our i guess the staff there know that she's my friend... why are you jealous???"(something fishy..)

HYUN JOONG "yahhh!! thats not a big deal any more i think we should run there right now!!!so we could find out if she's okay..." (with a rush voice)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i'll end here first okay... muwhhh... 


READ IT.... 


i hope you're getting my story.... there is still not much progress... but i assure you as we get to the midst of the will get a perfect view.. of whats the story about.... thank you :) 



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-ximini #1
please update soon! </3
tomyidol #2
Tabi magupdate ka naman!.. <br />
haha! but don't rush it! :D<br />
Hwaiting chinguya! <3