

the wind is blowing too hard..its not easy to go eyes are too tired to work.. i really have to take a nap..this morning was too tiring... as i am looking at the door where we would enter..and from a far i saw a lonely eyes really staring at us.. i can't saw it clearly because i have an eye sight jaejoong and me approuch the vision is getting more clear..but as we get closer he turn his back and we never saw him again.... who could he be?? (yuzuki playful mind)

JAEJOONG "mine whats your club by the way?"

YUZUKI "mine!!?? you crazy.."

JAEJOONG " i only call persons in thier name if i don't into them.."

YUZUKI "what ever!!my club is PALDA"

JAEJOONG "what the F?

YUZUKI " something you would never understand.. so just sign up there.. thats the perfect spot for you.."

JEAJOONG 'ahhh.. your evil side is coming out again... why don't up accompany me so you'll know me... "

YUZUKI "i just told you im BUSY!!! and one thing more thier are so many people out there who wants to be by your side...its not a bad thing to give them a chance..right??"

JAEJOONG "th...en just come with me just for 5 mins...? help me register"

the atmosphere became wierd..he didn't smile as we enter the club and he stop talking..... yuzuki's face turn into guilt


YUZUKI "yahh!!! jaejoong where are you going this is the line!!"

JAEJOONG ' i don't think i belong here.. and this club is boring "(a shouting voice)

YUZUKI "yah!don't play with me!!if you don't like it here..then go by your self"

JAEJOONG "okai"(softer voice)


YUZUKI "okei?!? what is that!!..not even looking at me!! and he did not even say thank you??!!"

KATASHI "yuzuki.. i think you cross the line... why don't you follow him and clear things up"

YUZUKI "what why shoul i!?! "

KATASHI "cut teh story short... you had never been nice to him since you went out of our class??right"

YUZUKI "yeahhh... ahh really it's making me crazy!!!!"(guilty feeling)


(YUZUKI MONOLOG) im walking trying to find the person i hate the most... this is raelly my day...but on the other hand,.. i feel guilty... katashi is right i crossed the line... mabe its me who has the problem....its not him... that's why i feel werid... the silence is killing me... eottokaji saying sorry is not my i find him whAT whould i say??!!this is making me crazy..."


YOOCHUN " yahhh!!!yuzuki... WHAT are you doing here... its kinda cold you know???"...."talking to your self again?? wahahhaha.. since this morning you're acting werid..whats wrong??"

YUZUKI "nothhhhing......... mind your own business will ya"

YOOCHUN "im bored whan something to eat??? "

YUZUKI " guess what.. im busy.. so please get other people's time... im not in the mood to play with you.... "

student admin "excuse me.. sorry for interupting but we really need mr. park"

YUZUKI "sure sure.. get all his time plz..."

YOOCHUN 'bye yuzuki... later i'll attend to you... and we can go eat... soory for now im busy.."(turning things oppositely)

YUZUKI "okai..whatever"(really confuse)

a voice come from no where suddenly been heard....

JAEJOONG "yuzuki where are you going?"

YUZUKI "yahh!! there you are... i've been looking for you..@!@"

JAEJOONG "are you really looking for me?? coz... i've been sitting here the whole time..."

YUZUKI "the whole time as in .....???"

JAEJOONG " since the moment you went out of the room... "

YUZUKI "and what are you doing there??"

JAEJOONG "emmm is this about me?? or the idea taht you're looking for me??"

YUZUKI "huh?? "

JAEJOONG "nothing.... im just wondering why are looking for me?? don't tell me you've fallen for me"

YUZUKI "yah... shut up.... its not like that.... i go insane and overbored somethimes... so i'll take this as my mistake... and.. to make it up... i'll go with you for this whole.. getting to know day...."

JAEJOONG 'no.. im not blaming you for any thing......actually the real thing is.. i thought you really are mad at me... so i decided to leave you alone..... but lookiing at you... takl to that guy like that... i realize that.. thats.. the real you... thats the way you talk not just to me but to everybody guy.. everybody.. by the way who is he?? you boyfried?? "

YUZUKI "you remind me of somebody... anyway... no his not my boyfriend... his my best friend... and the way we talk is normal.."

JAEJOONG 'so you don't have a boyfriend?"

YUZUKI "you know what we're not that close... okai... so i won't open anythings with you.... now would you like to go and find your spot?"

JAEJOONG "sorry.... i love talking and conversation.... if you'll alow me... i really want to go to your club.... please... my curiosity is killing me.."

YUZUKI "okai... no problem.... "

minute pass by... as they both of them walking.. to reach... the so called PALDA club... only heart beats could be headed no one is talking... no one is looking... only the sight of diffrences.. and the fear to open up.. was seen in mark of the line... finnaly the door where everyone wish to enter. where humor starts and flow...fines music and the most scariest people can be found.. the names was the reason for the walls to stand up....

JAEJOONG 'should we go now?"

YUZUKI "YEAHH.. YEAHH... we should.."( i feel weird at the same time nervous..for the secound time.. the feeling of not being able to hold on... is it wrong to go with this guy?? i felt this since i saw jaejoong.. another step and everything should start... 


HIKARI "yuzuki.. you're late again.."

YUZUKI "mianhae.. seang-saeng nim...gave me a task right... and i almost forget... this is.. yeahh dont look at him like that.... as if you all don't know him... '

SHINJU 'yeahh we all know him by name and by face... but not by character... so whats your role... mr kim??"

HIKARI "shin...ju.. (with a soft voice)"

SHINJU "what?? its the first time yuzuki brought someone here .. so its not a bad thing to him right?"

HIKARI " wahhh.. thats not a bad idea.. after all... there must be something about jaejoong that  cought yuzuki's attention.."

YUZUKI "guys... what are you takling about.. i just brought him here beacause he wants to...oakey... so its not what you is.. so stop that crazy thought...

everyone laugh with diffrent explanations in there eyes.. but the bright smile and the shimmering on each others eyes will always explain how beautiful friendship is..."

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-ximini #1
please update soon! </3
tomyidol #2
Tabi magupdate ka naman!.. <br />
haha! but don't rush it! :D<br />
Hwaiting chinguya! <3