
He's Back

”You’re kidding right?” I laughed amused, though he was still serious, he really meant it. That I could sleep over at their house. No I can’t. I have school tomorrow and besides, where would I sleep? In the kitchen?

“I can’t” I stated in a definite tone and waited for some sort of reaction from Sung Yeol, though it looked more like he was thinking. But after a while he just grabbed my hand and started to pull me along, yet again. Though this time I knew where we were going, to where he lived together with the other members.

“You can take the couch” was his reply to my question of what he was doing. I knew this was wrong, beyond wrong. But, somewhere deep down inside there was a little girl jumping around and screaming excited. On the other hand, I was still worried of what would happen when Howon saw me there. Would he be mad? Or more over, would he act like jackass had done the first time I took a step inside their house, would he want to throw me out.

I knew that even though I fought against Sung Yeol I would end up losing, he was a guy after all, and thus also a lot stronger than me. A few minutes later and we where standing on the doorstep to the Infinite house and I found myself breathing heavily. I was scared. And with that I mean really scared.

Without hesitating Kirin took the handle and opened the door before he stuffed me inside the house, the first thing that caught my attention was Howon’s wondering expression. It was something with him that made me all weak inside, not only because he was the one I loved, but it was something with his eyes that made me concerned.

“Noona” I shifted my gaze from Howon to maknae who’d suddenly stormed out from what I think is their bedroom, before he plunged forwards and wrapped his arms around my waist. The funny thing was he’s two years younger than me; still he’s fifteen centimeters taller than me. God, I really need to grow more.

Though in the corner of my eye I saw how Howon’s eyes had flashed, more like they where flaming, which could only mean one thing. He was mad. I guess that’s my advantage that I know him so well that I can notice what kind of mood he’s in.

And without me knowing, Sung Yeol had brought every member of Infinite into the living room, before he told them that he wanted to say something. Which maybe wasn’t the best way since I could hear Sung Jong whisper ‘they are going to announce it now, that they are officially dating’, I frowned to the maknae’s words, because that was definitely not what he was going to say, that was one thing for sure.

“Hyung, can Mi Yeon sleep here” the giraffe uttered, though it felt more as if it was a statement, rather than a question to which the leader could say no to. To me it sounded more like a demand that I’d had to sleep here.

I saw how oldie switched his gaze from Sung Yeol to me, before he nodded once and told me that I couldn’t say that I’d slept over there to anyone, since that could cause scandals.

“Of course” I smiled awkwardly, since I couldn’t in my wildest dreams believe that oldie would allow me to sleep over. But now he had, and I had no idea of what I was going to do, stay put and sleep over as it was said, or run.

In the midst of everything, I saw how Howon walked off with a somewhat disappointed look on his face which made me a bit sad. Why couldn’t he be happy that I was here? More over why couldn’t he notice the feelings I have for him.

“We should sleep” oldie stated and then asked me if it was okay that I slept on the couch, which I agreed to, that it was no problem. Well the only real problem was that I didn’t have anything to sleep in. It wasn’t like I where brining my pajama everywhere I go just in case I would sleep over at someone else’s house.

Hesitating a bit I slightly pulled on Sung Yeol’s shirt so that I could get his attention, which I also got as he asked what was wrong. “I don’t have anything to sleep in” I murmured a bit embarrassed that the other five members would hear.

“Ah right, wait here” I heard how he chuckled when he walked off and thus leaving me with the remaining members, excluded Howon. Jackass was eying me suspiciously and that ticked me off, I’d been around them for one month already and I’d never done anything to them, so I can’t understand why he’s still like that.

“No I’m not going to steal your underwear and sell them on eBay” I snarled, maybe it came out a bit too hard since he seemed surprised and taken back by my sudden outburst, well the other members did as well. Though the way he treated me wasn’t that nice, it was as if I where some thief, which I knew very well that I weren’t.

“Here you go” Kirin had made his way back, and he was now holding onto a t-shirt I believe. I slowly took it and unfolded it, I’d been right, it was a t-shirt. Then another question struck me, whose was it?

“Relax its washed” he laughed a bit and then pinched my nose, to which I blushed slightly. “Awh how cute” someone’s voice beamed behind, though it wasn’t that hard to figure out who it had been, because only a second or two later oldie had told maknae to not interfere and go to bed.

After that the boys had entered their own bedroom and closed the door behind I sat down on the couch and sighed. What was I doing, my heart is so confused that it doesn’t know what to feel when being around those two. It’s not that I don’t like Sung Yeol, is just that Howon. Howon is still number one in my heart. The problem is that will he always be? And trying to forget him felt almost impossible right now. I see him every day and he’s always around me in one way or another.

*If I’d only met Sung Yeol before* I thought as I made my way towards the bathroom so that I could change into the t-shirt I’d barrowed from Kirin. After locking the door I started to strip myself out from my clothes before I slid the t-shirt on and grabbed my other clothes and just as I had unlocked the door it flung open. Without a chance to even say or do something that person stormed inside and locked behind him. My breath was knocked out of me when I saw who it was; Howon.

Slowly he took a few steps closer towards me before he leaned in, his face was just centimeters from mine and I could feel his breath on my skin, which caused my heart to triple size its beats. If he only knew how much I wanted to kiss those lips.

“What are you doing?” he whispered into my ear and thus causing me to shiver, it was something with his voice. It was husky yet with some sort of underlying tone that made me a bit afraid of what he was going to do. “W-what do y-you mean?” I managed to stutter out, despite the fact that it felt as if my heart was going to burst.

“With Sung Yeol” I trembled at the harshness in his voice as he then pulled away and stalked out from the bathroom with heavy steps. My tears weren’t late to show up, and I let them flood. If he knew how much he was hurting me all the time.

Moreover, why couldn’t I just move on?

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Chapter 43: I have binged read this for the last couple of days and I found most of the chapters really cute and sweet. This was such a sweet story good job! ^^
izzahinfinite #2
Chapter 2: Oh my god i like this
Chapter 46: Finish this in an hour its great even she did not end up with hoya but i still love it. Goodjob
--oreos #4
great job!
i thought hoya and mi yeon would be back together but i guess not . /chuckles . but .... the ending was great !
this story was jjang , author-nim ! again , gamsa-habnida for another wonderful story !
just done with story! ^^
Ahhh!!! Such a great story!!!! Daebak~
Thxs for writing this so well!!!!
<3 <3
missfilipinoELF #8
missfilipinoELF #9
missfilipinoELF #10
Chapter 27: NOOO!! where is sungyeol TTUTT