
He's Back

I walked past and forward in front of the house where Howon and the other Infinite members were living.

“I can’t do this” I murmured under my breath as I stared up from the street and looked at the house before my eyes. What if he said that he didn’t know me, god what if they called the police and told them that a stalker fan was standing outside their house?

Suddenly my phone rang, after picking up it from my bag I glanced at the caller; ‘umma’. *Ugh what did she want now* I muttered as I flapped the phone open and thus starting the call as I pressed it towards my ear and heard how my mother’s voice appeared.

“Mi Yeon ah, have you met him yet”

Ugh, my mom had to be the most irritating person in the world, why couldn’t she just stay out of my business; she didn’t like him so why was she asking. Wait, I know. Because she wanted to hear if he’d said or done something stupid so that she could have something more to hate him for.

She hadn’t always hated him; in fact, she had treated him as her own son. But when he left for Seoul and thus also left me, she would say ‘I don’t like him’ whenever someone was talking about Howon.

Even when she was with Eun Seon she didn’t want them to talk about him, because she said that she felt deceived by him. It was like she thought that he’d never leave my side and that we would get married when we grew up. Yeah right. That was never going to happen.

“No” I bluntly said as I walked away a bit from the house, just in case I’d have to say his name out loud. It wasn’t like I wanted to attract attention from people around me. “Then why don’t you go there today” she said and I sighed a bit over my mother’s behavior, she hates him, yet she want to me meet him.

“I-I do…” my words where cut off by my mom telling me that she needed to go, apparently dad had called her. “I’ll call you later today sweetheart, then you can tell me all about him” my mother said in a rushed motion.
“Umma, umma, UMMA” I raised my voice every time I called her and thus also causing people to glare at me with weird faces. But there where no reply, she’d already pressed away the call.

*Great, now I have to see him or else she’ll never stop complaining about him* I angrily shut the phone close and let it slid down in the bag again as I returned to my previous place; outside the Infinite household.

The house itself was rather pretty, well the outside at least. I don’t know how pretty it is inside. Well knowing boys, it probably looks like a dump. I laughed a bit when remembering how Howon’s room always had toys and clothes spread all over, it was almost as if world war three had taken place. That if his mother hadn’t cleaned.
I breathed in a large amount of air through my nose before I let it escape through my mouth as I walked in on the driveway and proceeded up on the steps.

*Okay, first; don’t seem like a crazy fan girl because then they’ll freak out, second; don’t be too intimate towards Howon, or else he’ll freak out*

And with that in mind I knocked on the door, mixture feelings where lingering inside me as I wondered if they where home, they where idols and that probably meant tones of schedule. But I was wrong, someone was home. Because I could hear footsteps clanking on the floor closer and closer towards me, before the door actually flung open and revealing a handsome boy.

“Who are you?” he asked as he stared down on me, god he had to be at least 15 centimeters taller than me, if not even more. “A-annyeonghaseyo” I stuttered and then bowed 90° before I straightened my back and looked at him. His eyes where piercing into mine and it looked like he was curious over why I was there, standing on the doorstep to an idol group.

“I’m not a fan – I mean, I’m not a stalker” I cursed in my mind over how stupid I’ve sounded, but the boy in front of me laughed amused, which caused me to stare at him with a raised eyebrow. “Then why are you here?” he asked, his eyes not leaving mine.

“Howon” I replied and saw how he flickered his gaze to something behind me, but I didn’t dare to turn my head. I was afraid that he was coming home. And that meant, I had no escape route. “How do I know you’re not a fan girl?” he smirked, though I’ve already figured that out, since I knew that they probably wanted proof that I actually knew Howon and wasn’t lying. So I picked up the picture of Howon and me, which also was the last picture we took together before he left.

After doing so I showed the picture in front of the stranger’s face. I saw how he glanced between the picture and me, as if he was affirming that it was me on the picture, and not someone whom I’d stolen the picture from and claiming that I knew Howon.

I saw how he took a step to the side, though he didn’t let his eyes off of me. Did he really think I was some stalker fan? Either way he motioned with his hand for me to step inside, because it wouldn’t be good if a fan saw me here. The first thing I noticed when I entered was that I stepped right into the living room. Where three other boys where seated and watching TV. But I couldn’t see Howon anywhere. Was he not here? Suddenly one of the boys shifted his gaze from the TV and fixed his eyes on me.

“Yah, Sung Yeol, didn’t manager tell you. No girls” the boy spoke as he shot up to his feet’s and thus also causing the other two boys to stare at me with curious looks on their faces. That’s when another boy appeared in the living room, neither was he Howon.

“Hyung, she’s not my girlfriend” that boy who let me in cried as he stared at me with a stern look. As if it was my fault he was accused of something. Well, thinking about it. It was my fault. But hey, he let me in so he can suit himself. I then shifted my gaze between the five boys, four of them where handsome while the fifth was amazingly cute. With five members here, and with Infinite having seven members, it meant that two where missing. Howon and ?. I didn’t know the names of these boys, and even if I would, I probably wouldn’t be able to tell who was who.

“Excuse me”

I turned my head slightly so that I was looking straight at the person who spoke, and it wasn’t that Sung Yeol guy who let me in. It was someone else, someone who seemed a bit older, maybe the leader?

“Yeh” I replied while shifting my gaze around on the boys in front of me.

“Why are you here?” the question struck me and I felt myself becoming even more nervous, which also caused one of the guys to narrow his eyes at me, like he was inspecting me. I gulped down on my saliva by the stare of I-don’t-want-you-here guy who then opened his mouth.

“Hyung can’t you tell she’s just a stalker, throw her out” he muttered with an underlying I-don’t-like-you tone that made me a bit upset. Who could he judge me like that without even knowing me?

“Smart boy, you just got a place on my dislike list” I said irritated over how he treated me. Just because he was an idol, it didn’t mean you could treat other people like you wanted too. “Like I care” he snapped back as he then walked away and slammed the door opposite of me shut, before two different voices appeared. One of them caused me to stop breathing. Then, the door suddenly opened again.

“Howon” I whispered as I saw the boy who had left me five years ago standing in front of my eyes.

“Hyung, who’s she?” he asked and I could literally feel my heart break bit by bit, as my eyes widened and tears started to moisture my eyes. I snapped my head around; I couldn’t stand looking at him right now. He had forgotten me. I was a fool for believing that he’d still remember me. Five years was a long amount of time. A time where you started living and thus also started to forget people, even the ones closest to you.

“I’m going to go” I cried as tears was streaming down my cheeks, and thus also causing the boys, excluding Howon to look at me weirdly, before I pushed past the Sung Yeol guy and opened the door and ran out of there.

*I’m such an idiot*


So, your first encounter with Infinite ;P and I think everyone can guess who the person that wanted to throw her out was XD and thanks again for your comments happy.gif and to you who read this.

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Chapter 43: I have binged read this for the last couple of days and I found most of the chapters really cute and sweet. This was such a sweet story good job! ^^
izzahinfinite #2
Chapter 2: Oh my god i like this
Chapter 46: Finish this in an hour its great even she did not end up with hoya but i still love it. Goodjob
--oreos #4
great job!
i thought hoya and mi yeon would be back together but i guess not . /chuckles . but .... the ending was great !
this story was jjang , author-nim ! again , gamsa-habnida for another wonderful story !
just done with story! ^^
Ahhh!!! Such a great story!!!! Daebak~
Thxs for writing this so well!!!!
<3 <3
missfilipinoELF #8
missfilipinoELF #9
missfilipinoELF #10
Chapter 27: NOOO!! where is sungyeol TTUTT