
He's Back

One week had passed since the fan signing even, though I hadn’t called Eun Seon yet. Because I weren’t emotionally ready to see him just yet. Plus I’d gotten quite a lot of homework do to, first I had to compose a small piano piece and then I were suppose to write something in English for my English class. It could be whatever I wanted, as long as it was written in English.

And since I didn’t have a piano at home I’d have to stay after the school ended to practice and write my composition. But it wasn’t like I had anything else to do. Though I called my parents a few days ago, and asked them if they could send the keyboard I had. Because I couldn’t afford to buy a new one and my piano wouldn’t fit in the apartment.

Well it wasn’t like I didn’t have money, because I did. But that money I had to use carefully since I still needed to pay for the rent, food and other stuff that I’d might need during the three years here. But it didn’t mean I couldn’t buy some things that I wanted, such as the Infinite CD. But a whole new keyboard was too expensive and quite unnecessary since I already had one.

My piano composition was a dramatic melody with a bland of high and low notes; I’d wanted to express a hard separation between two persons, much like my separation with Howon.

Though I’d had to re-write the parts a lot of time after listening to it, some parts didn’t bland together while others where just weird. It would be a lie to say that I weren’t scared of what the others had composed. Well I where the only one in my class with piano as my instrument, but even though that. It still felt as a competition.


“Mi Yeon, how are you?” my mother asked through the phone, her voice was eager and she seemed to be a bit scared. Well I was an only child after all, who hadn’t been away from her parents in my whole life. And now I was suddenly living in one of the world’s largest cities.

“Mom, I’m fine” I sighed, my mom had always been an overprotective mother, which had lead till that I’ve never had the freedom to really do what I want. Always when I where over at my friends house she’d call me once ever hour just to see that I was okay, it didn’t matter that my friend lived next door.

“Have you eaten? You are eating well aren’t you? Do you miss us? You should know, mom misses you a lot” she spat out all kinds of questions, why couldn’t she relax. I could take care of myself very well.

“Mom, I’m fine you don’t need to worry” I cried half desperate, why couldn’t she be a little more like a normal mother. “I still can’t understand why you didn’t choose a University in Busan; they have really good Universities here as well. With great teachers and courses”.

And with that I’d have to listen to my mother’s ranting for the hundred tenth time this month. I where so used with this that I’ve stopped listening. To tell the truth, I haven’t told my mom or my dad why I wanted to go to Seoul. Because if they knew that it was because of Howon, they’d never let me go.

To be honest, after that he left, I started to pull away bit by bit from my friends and started to spend more time at home and at work. Because all that mattered was that I wanted to see him again.

But it wasn’t just because of Howon that I came here, it was because of my dream as well.

“Sweetie are you there?” my mother’s voice beamed in the other end. And I cursed in my mind for drifting away in my thoughts. Hopefully she wouldn’t notice that I hadn’t listened to her speech.

“Is Howon’s mother home?” I suddenly asked, I knew my mom wasn’t too fond of Howon after that he left. But it didn’t mean that she didn’t have contact with his mother, since they had been friends way too long to just cut it because of him leaving me.


I had to lie; I told her that I just wanted to ask her about a thing.

“Sweetie, I know when you are lying, it’s about Howon. Am I right?” she wasn’t upset that I’d been lying to her. Or maybe she was just disappointed but didn’t want to show it. Well, it was no point in denying it now, was it. So I explained that I wanted to know where he was living.

“So you are going to meet him” it hadn’t been a question because she knew me too well, she knew that I wanted to meet him. I hummed lightly as a response before I told her that I needed to end the call. It was late and I needed to sleep.

“Oh, okay. Take care of yourself and you can call me and your dad any time. Araso, bye”

I bid goodbye before I pressed the red phone button and flapped the phone close as I put it aside. I stared out through the glass-enclosed balcony as and thought about what I was going to say to him.

It had been five years since we saw each other after all. And I don’t think I can act and speak informal, even though I’ve known him practically my whole life. It would be the best to build up that ‘friendship’ again. Since that was probably what we had to do.

*Do or not?* I questioned myself and before I knew it, I had pressed the Eun Seon speed dial button and pressed the phone to my ear. I eagerly listened as the speakers would let out a weak ‘beep’ sound once every fifth second. Even though I wanted her to pick up, another part of me didn’t.


“Y-yoboseyo” I stuttered into the phone as I fidgeted with my pajama as I then said that it was Mi Yeon. “Mi Yeon ah, how are you?” Mrs. Lee asked in a happy sing-song tone as I chuckled in my mind.

This was the difference between my mom and Howon’s. Eun Seon was carefree, took the life as it came and where always so happy, while mine was strict, overprotective and always so serious. It made me sometimes wish that she was my mom too.

“I’m fine I guess” I muttered, I didn’t need to hide my true feelings for her because I knew that she would always try to help me out. Of course my mom would as well, if something was wrong. But I couldn’t talk to mom about this sort of things. It was just embarrassing and bothersome.

“You guess? You know what I think, I think you miss him”

She was right, I did miss him. But it wasn’t anything wrong with that, was it. He was my best friend.

“Mm, c-could I-I…” my words stuck in my throat and I stopped, “you want his address don’t you?” I could hear her amused laughter as she then told me that my mom had called her, saying that I wanted to meet Howon.
And she also knew that I didn’t have his address since he had moved a lot during his trainee years. And when he stopped replying to me, I stopped asking for his new address, because it was no need with an address if he still wouldn’t reply.

“It’s in Amsa”

*Amsa, that was about a fifteen minute subway ride from Yeoksam*

“Ah, Mi Yeon I need to hang up, take care of Howon for me” Eun Seon said in a rush and before I even got the chance to say goodbye the line was dead. Maybe I could go there tomorrow, it was Sunday after all, and that meant. No school.

And with that I went to brush my teeth’s before I lay down on my bed and drifted off. It was going to be a long day tomorrow. I just hope you haven’t forgotten me completely.


I know, it's boring. But I promise it will get better. Hopefully

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Chapter 43: I have binged read this for the last couple of days and I found most of the chapters really cute and sweet. This was such a sweet story good job! ^^
izzahinfinite #2
Chapter 2: Oh my god i like this
Chapter 46: Finish this in an hour its great even she did not end up with hoya but i still love it. Goodjob
--oreos #4
great job!
i thought hoya and mi yeon would be back together but i guess not . /chuckles . but .... the ending was great !
this story was jjang , author-nim ! again , gamsa-habnida for another wonderful story !
just done with story! ^^
Ahhh!!! Such a great story!!!! Daebak~
Thxs for writing this so well!!!!
<3 <3
missfilipinoELF #8
missfilipinoELF #9
missfilipinoELF #10
Chapter 27: NOOO!! where is sungyeol TTUTT