The Day I Met Him

Find the Real Me

Minah's POV
*Sigh. Just another day that I have get through. I got up at 6'o clock and the usually routine. Turn off my alarm, brush my teeth, and got dressed in my school uniform. I never bothered in doing my makeup or hair. Then I left to go wake up my sister. It only takes me around 10 to 15 minutes to do my morning routine, but my sister is a different story. She takes around 30 minutes for hair, makeup, and picking cute accessories. The queenka of the school lives up to her image (accept for the fact she wasn't one of the gossipy types).

Hyorin's POV
"Hyorin unnie WAKE UP!" I woke up to my sister shaking me awake as always. "Alright I'm up", I say to her. She's dressed as she always is, plain. After 30 minutes I'm finally done with my hair and makeup. "Come on Minah you should atleast make an effort to try and step out of your comfort zone!". I tell her this every morning , but the usual rresponse always comes out, "No thanks unnie I won't be as pretty as you even with all the makeup in the world."

Third Person's POV
The usual routine happens in the Choi house. The girls come down stairs and Minah starts to cook breakfast and pack lunch. Mr. and Mrs.Choi come out of their room to a nice breakfast. the girls' parents always woke up and came out around 7am. They both work overtime to try and keep food on the table so Minah tries and helps out as much as possible.

*Off to school
Seoul Performing Arts Academy, one of the most famous academies in South Korea.

Minah's POV
My sister and I got to school around 7:30, 30 minutes before classes started for the regular students. The advanced major students are usually here bright and early around 6am. I walk to my locker as usual wondering if today I was going to pranked on again. I opened me locker, nope nothing today. I grabbed my books and headed off to class. I placed my books on my desk as the teacher, Ms.Hwang, walked in. I could somewhat talk to her she is a nice person and very beautiful, but I didn't say much.

"Minah, we have a new transfer student today would you like to talk to him and show him around the school?".

I shook my head, she knew I was very share I could barely talk to girls none the less guys.

"Well you better say something to him he is going to be sitting next to you."My eyes widened. I just couldn't I wouldn't know what to say to him.

" You're in luck here he comes!" exclaimed Ms.Hwang. OH NO!!!! I thought to myself. I lowered my head and tried to exit the classroom, but no luck. On my way out I bumped into him! I instantly backed up. I looked up and saw his gorgeous face.

"Annyeonhaseyo!!!" I said to the girl who bumped into me. She looked her eyes looked so scared of me. Do I look scary? She waved her hand at me but she didn't speak. Strange girl. She hurried back to her seat and sat down.

"Annyeong! I'm Ms.Hwang your homeroom teacher." said the smilling teacher. She was very pretty for a teacher."What's your name young man?"

"My name is Kim Taehyung, but you can call me by my nickname,V." I replied.

"Did you hear his name Minah?". The girl at her desk nodded. " You'll be sitting next to her." said Ms.Hwang. 

I went up to her and asked for her surname. She didn't say anything.

"Her name is Choi Minah, she doesn't speak much I'm hoping you can teach her a few thing about talking to others." Ms.Hwang said.

Minah's POV
Like there's anyway that can happen. Even my sister couldn't help what can a complete stranger do. He'll probably end up laughing at me like everyone else does. I looked up at him and saw his perfect face, he isn't smiling but he still looked attractive. Thump thump There's no way he'll ever fall a nerd girl like me, put those feelings away Choi Minah.

She looked up at me and stared for for a second. Her face was small and cute even though she had no makeup on. Thump thump She quickly looked down at her dest and got a book out of her backpack. I'm kind of disapointed she didn't say anything to me. I sat down at the desk next to her and got my books out, and waited for class to start, for my new life to start.

*Quick note if you see Taeyeon then it means Hyorin I messed up the names haha I'm such a pabo


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vivianbui15 #1
Chapter 16: I read it please update
vivianbui15 #2
Chapter 15: Please update haha lol I know you're busy
vivianbui15 #3
sazuka #4
Chapter 15: Kyaaaaaaa kris!!!
kpop_luv #5
Chapter 10: Yay thank you for updating~ Fighting
Ninjachick #6
Chapter 9: Fighting Unnie!! Keep updating please
kpop_luv #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon I loves the story :)
Chapter 3: Please update soon (: