Defending Me Once Again

Find the Real Me

Minah's POV
A few weeks passed by ever since V came to our school. He joined the schools most popular group of boys, BTS, of course. Girls crowd the hallways just to get a glimpse of V. For some reason he stares at me during class, but when I turned to look at him he turns away. He's probably thinking about what a loser I am and that it having to sit next to the nobody girl. He says a few words to me every so often but of course I don't reply back. I don't sit with Hyorin unnie at lunch anymore because now I eat lunch with Hyomin. 

"Where are you going Minah? How come you don't sit with me at lunch anymore?" Hyoring unnie grabbed my wrist.

"I eat with a chingu of mine on the roof..."

"Oh! Is it a boy? My my my little Minah is growing up!!!" 

"Anneyo. Its a girl from another class."

"Awww. Make sure to introduce me to her later!"

"Will do unnie. Now excuse me I'm off to the roof." Just as left I could hear the screams of dozens of girls as BTS walked into the lunch room.

~~~~~~~At the roof~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Annyeong Hyomin-shi." I said to Hyomin

"Annyeong." She replied back. I sat down and took out my lunch. 

"Hyomin you have to stop eating bread for lunch you need something more nutritious."

"Well I don't have the time to make nice lunches like you. I spend my morning sleeping in." She said to me, I chuckled.

"Today I'll you have some of my lunch then." I took her bread and tossed it in a trash can.

"My bread!. T-T" She took my chopsticks and started to eat some of my lunch.


"Slow down you'll coke, and save some for me."

"No! It's mine!!!" She yelled. I laughed. In only a few weeks we became really good friends. She still is an ice queen most of the time, but she can also be super cute. ^^ 

Hyomin's POV
After I met Minah I feel like she has opened up my heart a little. Most of the time I'm cold, but when she's around I just feel happier. I don't think I can be "cute" around other people. Well accept maybe my boyfriend. PWAHAHA who am I kidding. No boy will ever fall in love with me. But that's ok I can just hang with Minah.

~~~~Meanwhile with BTS~~~~


"So have you decided to join advanced majors?" Suga asked.

"Well maybe, I still haven't decided." I replied

"Well decide soon. Advanced majors auditions are coming up, and they only come every other month!" Rap Mon said to me

"I don't know if I'm good enough.." I said to them

"You'll be fine! You have great dancing and vocal skills." Jin said to try and boost my confidence

"When you're accepted and you train really hard then they'll let you join BTS and then we can debut together!!!" Jimin said to me

"They'll definately accept you." Jungkook said to reassure me

"It'll be amzing to debut! That's one of our biggest goals." J-Hope said

"J-Hope only wants debut and meet pretty girls!" Suga yelled

"ANNEYO!!!" J-Hope yelled back at Suga

"Well I wouldn't know what song to use for my audition." 

"We'll help you chose, but you're already talented so I wouldn;t matter whcih song you used." Jungkook said to me

" Do you guys know who's judging?" I asked BTS

"The head principal, vice principal, advanced majors teachers, and the head principal's friend JYP." Jin replied


"Don't worry about it nothing to be nervous about." Jimin said trying to calm me down

"After school let's head to your place, and we'll help you practice."

~~~~Bell Rings~~~~Back to class~~~~

Minah's POV

*Walking back to the class room
I walk down and turn at the corner, and what do you know someone tripped me. The guy laughed and high-fived his friends. My glasses fell and I couldn't find them. I heard voices shooing away the boy who tripped me and his crew. One of the voices seemed familiar. Someone found my glasses and put them back on my head. When the blur started to clear up I managed to see 7 figures. I blinked. And then I see V's face close to mine. I looked around to see all of BTS looking at me with concern.

"Are you ok?" He asks

"........." I don't reply I give him a small nod. The other 6 boys helped gather my stuff. 

"Do you know her V?" Jungkook asked V

"Yeah she's in my homeroom." V replied

Jungkook crouched down and was about to hand me my books. 

"Yah get away from her!!!" It was Hyomin. She sprinted towards me and kicked Jungkook in the shoulder.

Hyomin's POV
OH NO SOMEONE"S BULLYING MINAH!!! AND ITS THAT POPULAR GROUP BTS!!! I sprinted towards her and kicked a guy in the shoulder. They backed up and a guy helped the guy I kicked up.

"Yah! What are you doing?!" one of them yelled I think Suga was his name.

"Defending Minah from you pathetic bullies!" I yelled.

"You got this all wrong." Pretty sure it was Jin who said that

"Do I?" Minah was tugging my blazer

"Hyomin stop... they were helping me when some guy tripped me. Jungkook was just handing me my books.

"Oh...." I was shocked and really embarressed of course I wasn't gonna show my weakness.


"It's ok. My shoulder doesn't hurt that bad guys. Your a pretty strong girl uhh... Park Hyomin-shi." Jungkook smiled at me. I think his smile just made my heart skip a beat. No probably just my imagination...

"Here's your books uhh.... Minah noona. I can call you that because your V's aqcuantince right?" Jungkook handed Minah her books, and then left with the rest of BTS. 

"Minah, I'll walk you back to class."

"I can do that. We're classmates." V said to me. I want to say no, but I feel like I can trust him with Minah. He did protect her didn't he. I nodded

After Minah's friend gave me the okay to walk Minah back to class we started walking. I felt as if everyone was staring at me and Minah. What's wrong with walking someone to class?

Minah's POV
When V walked me back to class people were staring at the nerd girl standing next to the handome V.

"Why are they walking together?"

"Did she blackmail him to walk with her?

"Its just a coincidence. They are in the same class."

"Your right! Now way would V would actually want to be next to that ugly pig!"

I just kept looking down, and hoping we reach the classroom soon.

~~~Later at the Choi residence~~~

I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. V why do you help a nerd girl like me? Defending me once again. Out of pity... probably. *Sigh   Come to the rescue next time too V, defend me next time too... With that thought I drifted off to sleep. 


Sorry for no update in like 5 BILLION YEARS :( Busy with school and life! Hope you like this kinda long chapter ^^ I will try to update more often, but saddly I just caught a COLD :(((( Ok done with my blabing! Enjoy the story!!! I wonder what I will put in the next chapter?

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vivianbui15 #1
Chapter 16: I read it please update
vivianbui15 #2
Chapter 15: Please update haha lol I know you're busy
vivianbui15 #3
sazuka #4
Chapter 15: Kyaaaaaaa kris!!!
kpop_luv #5
Chapter 10: Yay thank you for updating~ Fighting
Ninjachick #6
Chapter 9: Fighting Unnie!! Keep updating please
kpop_luv #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon I loves the story :)
Chapter 3: Please update soon (: