After School

Find the Real Me

Kekeke you guys like the title? ^^

After PE I noticed Minah didn't come back to class. I wonder where she was. 30 minutes later I got my answer. She came back into class with bandages and cuts on her face. What happened to her? Did someone beat her up? I bet it was those stupid queenkas. Wait why am I so worried about her? I barely know her, but something just makes me worry for her. I don't know what. 

RING RING and just like that school ended. I saw Minah leave the classroom, but I didn't go up to her. I hope she feels better.

Later after school

I'm off to hang out with BTS. I wonder what we're gonna do. 

"Hey, V what do you want to do?" Jungkook asked me. I shrugged.

"Oh I know lets go to the arcade!" Jimin screamed. 

"Alright that's fine with me." Everyone agreed and off we went.

"What school did you go to before you came to SPAA (Seoul Performing Arts Academy, I know lame :( )" Rap Mon asked.

"I went to Busan High." I replied

They all made O faces. 

"When did you move here?" J-Hope asked

"About 3 days ago."

"Could we visit your place after the arcade?" Suga asked

"Sure, but it isn't all that nice."

"It doesn't matter." Jin said to me and chuckled a little.

Once we came to the arcade we played lots of games and had a lot of fun.

"Hyung you CHEATED!!!" Jimin exclaimed to Jin

"Yah who said I cheated I just play better than you." Jin replied sticking out his tongue. Everyone laughed. I like these guys. They're way better than the guys at my old school.

"Hyung can we head to your place now?" Jungkook asked. Everone nodded in agreement

"Alright lets go!"

Later at V's house

They all stared at my house in awe.

"Hyung this is your house?" Jungkook asked still shocked.

"Yeah it's not much." 

"Not much?! You have a 2 story house that looks like a mansion!" J-Hope yelled.

"Let's go in guys. I think my dad's still at work." I said to the guys

"Annyeonghaseyo V's ohma." They all said in unison to my mom.

"Annyeonghaseyo. V you brought home so many friends on your first day of school!" She smiled

"I'll bring you guys some cookies and something to drink."

"Oh there's no need to." Rap Mon said to my mother

"Oh it's fine it's the least I can do."

"It's no use Rap Mon once my mom's in the mode she won't stop. Come on guys I'll show you my room." We went upstairs and flooded into my room. My room didn't have much just some posters of Big Bang, and some albums.

"Wah! You have a lot of posters of Big Bangs sunbaes." Jin said

"I just really like their music." I replied to them.

"Let's head back down stairs." They followed. My mom had already finished putting out cookies and drinks.

"KAMSAMEDA MRS.KIM!!!" Jungkook said before heading straight for the cookies. After they finished eating I brought them down to the basement.

"Wah!!!!" They all said in amazement.

"The person who used to live here was a music producer and dance instructer, and built a dance practice room along with a recording booth. When he sold the house to us he said we could keep the equipment."

"V do you dance?" Suga asked me. I shrugged

"Kinda I guess." Since they took dance in advanced majors they probably danced really well.

"Show us your moves!" Jimin suggested and the rest nodded in agreement with him.

"Well ok, but don't complain when you see how much I ." I went to my laptop I had left down here tirned it on and chose a song.

Nu'est's Face starts playing

I move my body with the flow of the music and before I realize it the song is over and BTS is clapping their hands.

"Woooo!!! GO V!!!" Jimin yelled. I chuckled.

"Was I good?"

"Good? You were AWESOME!!!" J-Hope yelled

"I bet you can sing well too!!!" Jin said to me

"YEAH! SING SOMETHING!!!" Jungkook yelled at me

I started to sing 2am's One Spring Day

Again, after I finished lots of applause.

"You know you should transfer to advanced majors. You could be a star with your skills." Rap Mon said to me. I laughed.

"Hmmm maybe I should. I'll consider it." I've actually wanted to join the music bussiness ever since I was young. Soon after our little chat it was already 7o'clock. Time passes quickly with these guys. I lead them to the door and they left.

"Hyung! Eat lunch with us again tomorrow!!!" I heard Jungkook yell. I smiled and gave them a thumbs up. Today was an exciting day. I met BTS, and that girl, Choi Minah. I wonder why I feel so protective over her. I'm considering the opportunity BTS gave me to join advanced majors. If I joined I could follow my dreams and join they're group, but I wouldn't get to be in the same class as Minah anymore. Wait why is she popping up in my head again? Nevermind I'll think about it tomorrow I guess.

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vivianbui15 #1
Chapter 16: I read it please update
vivianbui15 #2
Chapter 15: Please update haha lol I know you're busy
vivianbui15 #3
sazuka #4
Chapter 15: Kyaaaaaaa kris!!!
kpop_luv #5
Chapter 10: Yay thank you for updating~ Fighting
Ninjachick #6
Chapter 9: Fighting Unnie!! Keep updating please
kpop_luv #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon I loves the story :)
Chapter 3: Please update soon (: