Visiting V

Find the Real Me

Minah's POV

I woke up to do my normal routine.Woke up my sister, made breakfast and lunch, and said good-bye to my parents. But before leaving the house I grabbed V's jacket and placed it into a bag.I arrived at school, went to my locker, and then headed to the classroom. V was usually never here early in the morning so not seeing him didn't worry me.

"Morning Minah-sshi." Ms.Hwang said to me with a smile. I bowed and headed to my seat. 

"What's in the bag? A present for a chingu?" I was about to open my mouth. but she stopped me.

"It's ok you don't have to tell me." Phew. Soon the bell rang and the classroom was flooded with students. Everyone came in on time, except for one,V. Ms.Hwang was about to start class, but a girl in the back raised her hand to ask a question.

"Yes, Miss Kang?"

"Ms.Hwang where's V today?"

"He's fine. He just came down with a cold. He'll be back very soon. Now instead of worrying about Mr.Kim, you should be worried about your grade Ms.Kang because I'm passing out the test you took last week." Ms.Hwang promptly replied. The girl sat down with a frown on her face. V's sick... *sigh* it's my fault. He gave me his jacket, and all he underneath was a thin shirt. Should I visit him after school. I mean just to return the jacket. Then no fangirls would try to hurt me for giving him something.

"Now I will announce the people who got a 100% on the test. Bae Yura, Shin Hyunseung, and Choi Minah. Congratulations. Now let's get back into our lesson from last friday....." Class went by fast and soon it was lunch time. I went to my locker to grab my things and put V's jacket in the locker. Right when I opened it, 3 girls from class popped up out of no where.

"Yo, Choi Minah." She gave me a fake smile.

"Care to tell me your secet on how you score a 100 on every test? I mean I don't think it's possible to cheat that many times."

"Maybe she is smart, if you are so smart why don't you do all of our homework." 

"Oh what's in the bag?" Before I could do anything the bag was already in her hands.

"A man's jacket. Now what would you be doing with this?" I didn't answer. She poked my forehead.

"I asked you a question. Hmmm. Is it for your boyfriend?"

"Who are you kidding Sora. There's no way that thing has a boyfriend."

"You're right. Maybe I should take this and give it to my boyfriend. Nah it's cheap trash just like you, and you know where trash belongs ? In the garbage." She was about to drop it into a trash can. I quickly grabbed V's jacket,stuffed it into the bag, grabbed what I needed, and quickly ran off. I was faster than the girls so, I was soon at the roof where Hyomin was waiting.

Hyomin's POV

I was patiently waiting for Minah. When I saw her rush through the door. 

"Minah! Are you ok?! What happened?!!" I asked her with worry.

"I'm fine. Just the usual, without any physical touched though."

"Next time that happens just call me." She nodded.

"Now let's sit down and enjoy some nice lunch." I said to her.

"So, did you hear about the new rule?" Minah nodded. 

"How's your class training?"

"Partnering up. Our partners are supposed to help us improve our performance." She replied

"Who's your partner? They're not giving you a hard time right?"

"My partner is V, and he's not giving me a hard time, he's actually really nice." A smile slowly appeared on her face.

"He's sick today. Because of me. He gave me his jacket when it was raining."

"Are you sure pretty boy is sick or is he just slacking off?" 

"He wouldn't do that...Hey Hyomin should I visit him today?"

"Wae?Why would you need to see him?"

"To return his jacket that he kindly gave me."

"Do what you want, but just be careful not to get hurt."

Minah's POV

After lunch school quickly passed by in a flash. I grabbed V's jacket, and told Hyorin that I would be home late today. I headed off V's house. If I remembered correctly, his house in this neighborhood right? As I walked I wonder if he's eaten yet? He said his parents home all the time due to the business meetings. But his Oma's home a lot,but..*sigh* I don't know. I passed by a supermarket that was having a sale... I mean it is having a sale might as well. If V's mom already cooked for him I'll just bring the food home to cook tonight's dinner then. Yeah. 


I woke up this morning with a fever and a sore throat. *cough cough* I tried to get up and go to school, but my mom insisted that I stayed home. Ugghhh this . This is because I walked Minah home in the rain Yesterday. I blame the rain, not the Minah. I should give her back her umberella next time I see her. *cough cough* I need water. As I got up I heard the doorbell ring. How convenient for me since I'm already going downstairs. I wonder who it is? BTS? Nahh they're practicing, advanced majors stuff. I opened the door to see Minah. *cough cough* She looked to me with a worried face.

"What are you doing here?" She silently handed me a bag. When I looked inside it was my jacket.

"Komawo Minah-sshi." I gave her I smile, and looked down to see she had grocery bags behind her.

"V-sshi, did you eat yet?" She asked me quietly. I just shook my head.

"Are those groceries for me?" She gave me a small nod.

"Well come on inside." I led her to the kitchen.

"My oma won't be back to later tonight. Don't be afraid to messy." She put the groceries down and slowly walked towards me.

"You should go to your room and rest. I'll call you down when the food is done." She quietly said and then she slightly pushed me up towards the stairs. I turned around.

"Thank you for coming to take care of me." I flashed her a smile and ruffled her hair then went upstairs toward my room.

Minah's POV

My heart was going crazy after V said thank you to me. No one, but my family has ever said those 2 words to me. I smiled to myself. Now to make some veggie soup. I'll put in some chicken for some protien, add some carrots, and more veggies. It's a good thing that these were on sale. After finishing up the soup I cleaned up and started on my homework. Soon an hour passed and the soup was ready. When the soup was cooking I was able to finish all my homework. Oh after I give V some soup I should give him today's notes and homework. I poured some soup into a bowl and set it on the table. I guess I should call V down now. I headed upstairs to see 5 rooms. This house is really big. I wonder which room is V's. I looked on one door and it had a poster on Big Bang. V's room? I slowly opened the door to see a sleeping V. I looked around the room to see Big Bang posters, he must really admire them. I do too. I walked closer towards V. He looks so peaceful and cute in his sleep. How should I wake him up? I guess I'll just poke him. I poked his shoulder, but he didn't seem to be waking up. I poked him a litttle harder and his eyes started to open.

"The food is ready."

"Oh thanks for waking me up." We walked downstairs. He started eating and I patiently waited for his reaction. I hope it's not bad.

"Wah! This is good-no- DELICIOUS!!! What did you put in here? Magic?" He continued to eat like a happy 5 year old. The way he happily ate my food that I made for him brought a smile to my face. 

"Are you gonna eat?" I shook my head.

"I'm going to eat with my family later." I quietly said. Soon V finished.

"You should go upstairs take your medicine and then sleep some more. I'll put a copy of today's notes and homework in your room later, and I'll leave after that."

"Thank you Minah. Thank you for taking care of me today." He gave me a sincere smile and then ran upstairs. My heart started going crazy. I hit my head with a fist. No, it would never work out. Besides he's just being nice, he wouldn't date someone like me. I copied down the notes and the homework assignment. When I looked at the time. It was 5:30 I should get going soon.I put all my stuff into my backpack and then headed upstairs. I placed the papers on his night stand, and was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see his eyes were still sleeping. 

"This place is scary. They're gonna come back soon. Save me." He said in his sleep. He was panicking in his dream. I didn't know what to do . His grip on my hand was not loosening up. I guess I have to calm him down.

"Sshhhhh." I whispered. I patted his head. I sat on the edge of his bed and kept petting his head. I started to sing a lullaby my mom made up when I was little. I finished the song to find his hand had completely let go of my wrist.

"I wish you good dreams tonight." I whispered and smiled. I went downstairs grabbed my stuff locked and left. 


I had a horrible nightmare. I was back at the time when I was locked in a warehouse for hours and beat up while being tied to a chair. But then I heard an angels voice, then the nightmare turned into a beautiful dream. There was a pretty girl, but I couldn't see her face clearly. Birds humming happy songs, and flowers everywhere. When I woke up it was 6:30 I looked on my nightstand to see the notes that Minah carefully wrote for me and the homework. At the end of the notes there was a little message. 

Feel better soon V-sshi. I left the soup in the pot just pour it into a bowl and eat when you're hungry. Eat lots so you'll get better and have lots of energy for your audition. Today's homework is easy so you'll be fine. Again, get better soon. ^^ -Minah

I smiled. Thank you Minah, thank you very much. 

Hey guys!!! I actually updated and it hasn't been a month since my last update. :D I was actually going to update the day after the last chapter was put up, but saddly I clicked the back button and lost an hour of work ;-; It's fine now. Thanks to those of you who subscribed!!! I may not have 100+ subbies but 30+ still makes me happy :) Till next time guys! <3 ^^- Kpoper4Lyfe

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vivianbui15 #1
Chapter 16: I read it please update
vivianbui15 #2
Chapter 15: Please update haha lol I know you're busy
vivianbui15 #3
sazuka #4
Chapter 15: Kyaaaaaaa kris!!!
kpop_luv #5
Chapter 10: Yay thank you for updating~ Fighting
Ninjachick #6
Chapter 9: Fighting Unnie!! Keep updating please
kpop_luv #7
Chapter 7: Please update soon I loves the story :)
Chapter 3: Please update soon (: