In The Dark

Nana's P.O.V

I got dressed quickly and wrote a note for Lizzy. She went to the store to get some medicine, even though I had caught a cold she thought I was dying.

"I got called in to work. I'll be fine there. Please don't worry about me. I'll be back later."

I quickly got the bus into town and went into the club and sat in my usual spot to oversee things.


Lizzy's P.O.V

Whilst I was out I thought I saw Nana, I decided to follow the person for a while and my suspicions were confirmed. I didn't shout her because I wanted to see what she was doing. I followed her for quite a while, then she went into a building. I studied the building for a while, it looked a lot like a club. I opened the door and entered quietly. There was a strong scent of drugs, cigars and alcohol. I scanned the room to see where Nana was and I found her in a corner. I walked up behind her slowly then coughed loudly.

She turned around. "Lizzy, you shouldn't be here." She stood up quickly and started to push me towards the door.

"Why are you here then?" I asked, frowning.

"This is where I work. You must not tell anyone." She said, pushing me out of the door.

I pulled her outside with me. "Why do you work there? What do you do?"

"I have no choice. I just make sure no fights break out.." She said. "Please go home."

"You aren't safe here though." I said. "Let me stay with you."

"No.. You can't stay." She sighed.

"I won't give up until you let me stay." I said, frowning.

"...Fine.. But don't blame me if you don't like it. This was your choice." She said, and we went in.


Kahi's P.O.V

"We were supposed to learn about it this week, but I did extra research." Jung-Ah was saying as she was showing me her chemistry book.

"I don't see why you do the extra work. Don't you want to spend time doing something more interesting?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I don't have anything else to do apart from study and talk to you."

"You should join some kind of organisation then. I'm sure you have interests." I said.

Once again, she shook her head. "If I did that, I wouldn't be able to talk to you as much."

"You don't have to talk to me all the time you know. You'd have more friends if you got involved in other things." I said.

"No. I don't want anyone else. I want you." She said, then she threw her chemistry book to the side, pushed me down on the couch and kissed me.


Raina's P.O.V

"This here, is where you are not allowed to go." I said, pointing to a part of the map. I was showing the new years the map of the school and what places they could and couldn't go to. "Even if anyone tells you that it's okay, you must not go there. This is where.. Well.. I won't go into detail, but bad things have happened here. We prefer to keep everyone away from it."

The entire thing went on for about an hour then it ended. My friend, Minhyun, came in.

"Hey Raina. Would you mind helping me at the library? I can't find a certain book I need." He said.

"Sure. Let me just clear up here." I said.

After putting away the map and turning off the projector and computer, we walked to the library together. We started looking for the book when I felt his hands on my hips.

"..I lied. There is no book I want." He said.

"W-What do you w-want then?" I asked, trying not to blush.

"You." He said, then he pulled me down from the ladders and hugged me tightly.


Nana's P.O.V

"Nana. I hate it here." Lizzy groaned.

"You were the one who wanted to see what my work was like." I said.

"I don't want you to work here." She said.

"I have no choice. Please go home Lizzy." I said.

"No. You're in danger here." She said.

I sighed. "I'm fine here. Go home. I've worked here for years."

As soon as she heard that she got up and left. I just shrugged and kept looking around.

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lalalahai #1
Even tho you haven't updated this for a year... I still read it anyway~ OTL Was good while it lasted :P
Chapter 7: Stashy cash
Chapter 7: uee is rich as hell damn. she could be jooyeon's sugar mama. do they now cus i been waitin
Chapter 6: Where's da jooeee ?????? ;_;
Chapter 6: junghi yaaaaasss
Nachomisan #6
Chapter 6: Awesome update! ♡
Chapter 4: pfpfffffpfpfpfffffpfpthhhhhh everybody makin out